View Full Version : Compressing Pictures

07-07-2002, 11:21 PM
Simple question, what is the best and quickest way to compress pictures? I don't have photoshop so i can't use that. All i have is what comes with XP. Thanks for the help.

07-08-2002, 12:31 AM
Well, are you tryint to resize or make the file smaller?

*.bmp files are humongous. All you have to do is open the file with MSPaint and then save it using 'Save As' but change the file type to *.jpg

To make a picture smaller in size, you can use MSPaint again and use a function in Image called 'Stretch/Skew' and change the horizontal and vertical to something like 50%

Hope this helps! :)

07-08-2002, 12:33 AM

You're in Deerfield!!!

I used to live in North Barrington! My parents have moved, but I am still here in Minnesota taking classes.

I have buddies all over the place in the area. From the Barringtons to Palatine, Schamburg, and Hoffman Estates.

I play at Operation Paintball. Good field. Good refs.

07-08-2002, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by nippinout
WTo make a picture smaller in size, you can use MSPaint again and use a function in Image called 'Stretch/Skew' and change the horizontal and vertical to something like 50%
yea exactly that..i would suggest not doing it 50% though..i say like 70%..also keep both horizontal and vertical the same percent

07-10-2002, 01:11 AM
see, i've got a digital camera that takes shots as jpg, and they end up being anywhere from 800k to 1.5mb a piece. I've tried converting them into everything and anything (jpegs, jiffs, gifs, and pngs) nothing seems to do the trick. anyways, i'll try to figure something out. thanks for the help.