View Full Version : How Many of you all Wipe?

07-07-2002, 11:40 PM
Be honesty here Im pretty sure we have all done it, but do you do it everytime you play?

07-07-2002, 11:44 PM
RT_luver used to wipe mad..i finaly learned to shoot him so much that he couldnt wipe it all

07-07-2002, 11:44 PM
I can honestly say that i have never done it and will never do it

07-07-2002, 11:45 PM
never have i done it, i swear. i usually go on school trips with noobs when im not playing tourny, and i want to set a good example, so i dont ever wipe

07-07-2002, 11:48 PM
Thats cool all glad that we have nice honesty players, I have done it once and felt pretty cheap about it.

lol, paintbattler

07-07-2002, 11:53 PM
i think the only time ive EVER wiped was in my friends back yard and a n00b with a raptor, i took one off a bounce. I'll never do it anywhere where it counts (not even rec ball). just that one time for me

07-07-2002, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by PaintballSucka
lol, paintbattler
dude..we lifted his shirt up and there was tons of welts..

07-07-2002, 11:55 PM
ya lol, kinda makes it hard to wipe those welts off.

07-08-2002, 12:11 AM
I never have and never will :D

07-08-2002, 12:36 AM
I don't wipe.

For the guys who do wipe, this isn't a lecture.. but please do it out of sight. Especially when around younger or new players to the sport.

I remember being hit the other day, and it was over my shoulder, so I had difficulty seeing it. I asked a player next to me if I was hit, he told me with a glance it was just 'splatter' on my mask. I knew I was hit in the shoulder and didn't know if it was a bounce, so I asked him to take a closer look.. He pretty much said I could get away with it, so keep playing.

*when I checked, the paint was watered down by my sweat... so hard to see. Yeah, I sweat a ton. ; ) *

I told him I should play fair and called myself out. He said, "That's cool, I feel you man."

The point here has nothing to do with me, but rather it probably made the guy think twice. Even if it doesn't change his style of play, it's something he'll remember. Imagine first time players, especially younger ones who views an older more experienced player (typically with his own equipment, etc) wipe without a second thought.

Not good for the sport.

07-08-2002, 12:42 AM
I was playing an over-cocky newbie friend and he got a lucky hit on me (lucky at the time, now I'd consider it sloppy on my part) and I battled with my conscience and then when I was about to, the game ended. So technically I never have, move like attempted wipeing. But I haven't tried again, I figure I don't want people doing that when I shoot them, so I don't.

07-08-2002, 12:47 AM
I am not gonna play goodie too shoes here. I have played the gray area before. I won't say that I have wiped, but I have, and will continue to play untill the ref sees me and pulls me out of the game. This is tourney play, not rec ball btw. I am not going to be in the game, get hit on a spot like my shoulder and ask my teamate if I am hit or not, that is the refs job, not my teamates. Also if I am making a bunker move and I get shot mid run, there is no way that I am just going to stop, and get lit up some more, but I am going to finnish the job and bunker that guy. If the ref calls me out and not the other guy good, if not, all the better. I do not do this every game though just so you know. And I know that you guys think that it ruins the game and such, but most everyone does it, so why let it happen to you. I am probably going to get flamed for this but oh well.
note: Arturus I am not trying to insult you with my post but was only making an example of what bad people do in your situation. :)

07-08-2002, 12:54 AM
bunkerking - lol

"note: Arturus I am not trying to insult you with my post but was only making an example of what bad people do in your situation."

No offense taken, so don't worry. I know it happens and will continue to happen, no matter what I or anyone else says. Just wanted to say that if you do wipe, and in a rec game with younger/newer players around... Well, let it go for a game. If you have to wipe, at least make sure they aren't watching, so they don't get the impression it's simply "okay" to wipe.

07-08-2002, 01:03 AM
And just so that you all know, I do not condone wiping by anyone, but I do do it, which is contradictory. And for you kids wiping is not okay.

07-08-2002, 01:22 AM

07-08-2002, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
I never have and never will :D

You took the words out of my mouth. Cheaters and sore loosers are people that i have no regard for. If you need to go so low as to cheat to feel better about yourself then you need to take a look at your life and think about whether you are playing the right sport or not.

07-08-2002, 02:49 AM
Never have, never will.

Deplorable how some people feel the need to cheat (although I do quite often in computer games). Do you just feel that being taken out is unfair to begin with?

It doesn't matter if it's "tourney" play or "rec" play. In one, there is a lot of media coverage, and high visibility, and in the other, the people who don't need to see cheating shouldn't.

I will admit Bunkerking, that you are probably right, it should be the ref's responsibility to check people, but if it takes one second to look and see a paint mark, you should call yourself out.

07-08-2002, 04:14 AM
I was playing at Camp Pentleton in Socal, and they had about 11 feilds and they were all pretty huge, not woodsball but just rec ball like with boards and house things... in open areas, well anyways, there were only like 2 refs a game I popped up and shot a few shots where the enemies were, and then i get down again behind a bush and then i feel all these balls start flying throught the bush and a couple hit me and bounced off, then one hit my hopper and I was new to the feild so I asked, do gun/hopper hits count here? And the guy looked around and motioned to wipe my hopper off. I thought about it for a split second and said no thats ok(feeling disgusted that someone would say that) and got off the feild, and after the game he found me and said I should have just kept playing cause nobody would have known, then even my dad, who i told expecting to get a 'good job' from said I should have wiped it cause it came through the bush...

07-08-2002, 04:43 AM
I dunno about you, but when I see wiping... I get violent psychopathic thoughts... :)

If you're gonna cheat, don't play. I don't run 15+ miles/week to get to that first bunker faster so somebody can cheat me. I haven't invested thousands into my equipment so somebody can cheat me. I haven't practiced hard and invested hundreds of hours of my time so somebody can cheat me.

07-08-2002, 04:46 AM
The only time i wipe is when i get to the deadbox to nurse my wounds.
Or if i use the toilet at the field........

07-08-2002, 05:24 AM
Only been playing (rec) a couple of months, but I have never wiped. If I have any doubt I call for a paint check. Yesterday whilst playing I was tagged by a hopper shot but the place was that liverly I stayed put in the trench I was in, cleaned my hopper/marker, then once things had calmed down moved off into the safe zone. You somehow feel better about yourself playing fair.
We had a good way of dealing with two brothers who were wiping a few weeks back. We either ignored them and wouldn't shoot at them, or at the start of the game the whole team would pick them out and light 'em up. That way they could not get away with it.

07-08-2002, 05:48 AM
never have and never will
whats the point
your just going to have to go again later on j/k

07-08-2002, 06:02 AM
I voted NEVER. However, that meant during a GAME. Of course AFTER it is over is a good idea. ;)

land hurricane
07-08-2002, 07:11 AM
I'm pretty sure i've only done it once. I did vote never though, because once wasn't an option. The only time that was is when I was playing against some older kids who were whiping as well, I know that doesn't make it right but I still did it.

07-08-2002, 07:58 AM
It almost always depends on the situation. On normal circumstances I will NEVER wipe.

But there is one situation where I might. Say you get get far up the field on the break and get an angle on a player. You have an open shot at his side. You take a few shots at him and one breaks right on his arm. You can easily see it so you decide to not shoot him again and wait for him to leave the field since he knows he's hit. But then he quickly wipes it off and shoots you and a ball breaks right on your hopper, while your screaming bloody hell at him for cheating. No refs nor teamates saw it so what would you do? Is it fair to wipe then?

This has happened to me and I did. :mad:

07-08-2002, 08:03 AM
The only time I use a wiping motion is after my barrel plug is in, my hand is raised, and I'm in a dead zone. The only exception is a goggle shot, which I clear right before proceeding to the dead zone. If I'm not sure of a mark (if it's as big as a quarter), I ask. Luckily, all the people I've played with and against have the same philosophy. :)

07-08-2002, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by SSMercury
I will admit Bunkerking, that you are probably right, it should be the ref's responsibility to check people, but if it takes one second to look and see a paint mark, you should call yourself out.

Oh, but I do, in all of the cases that the hit is completely obvious call myself out. Like I said in my first post, I do not wipe, but play the gray area. When someone in a tourney feels that he hits something, they yell "check that guy ref!" "get him out of there!" or "on his hopper ref, on his hopper!" and the refs come over and check you.

07-08-2002, 09:10 AM
I have never WIPED, however I don't always play fairly. One time, I was playing on Nutz's and MagHappy's field, and one of the guys was nailing me left and right, NONE broke so I remained in. Most of gotten hit 10 times. If I am playing at a field, and I get hit anywhere that I can't see, I call for a paint check. And the refs will usually just glance over me and tell me to keep playing. Many-a times when I get off the field I infact find paint. I get so many bounces though because of the clothes I wear, 2-3 bounces for every break ATLEAST.

07-08-2002, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by paintbattler
RT_luver used to wipe mad..i finaly learned to shoot him so much that he couldnt wipe it all

ONLY cuz EVERYONE else did. come on....you have to admit, you did quite a bit to:p .

I wipe now too.......after the game is over

07-08-2002, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by paintbattler

dude..we lifted his shirt up and there was tons of welts..

hey....I didn't wipe ANY that time. those were from kevin adn the first game where I got lit up. He hit me like 9 times the first game and I had like 13 welts fromt he entire day. AND most the time ya'll did hit me, they bounced cuz my dad said he was watchin...so THERE

07-08-2002, 09:48 AM
Im ashamed...I do wipe after I use the can :( I know I shouldnt..but damn its just a habbit now, please stop me from cheating :(

I dont wipe though on the field, with back yard I do.

07-08-2002, 09:54 AM
i only wipe when i shouldnt have been hit... Ie. I nail some one, i saw it break,they know it broke, they shoot me and then call them selves out... and even then most of the time its approved by the ref

we had one kid we hit, he wiped, and we knew he did... he wiped several times... so me and 3 others bunkered em, hit him like 10 times each. he went complaining to the ref, and we pulled up his shirt showed the ref the welts and where the paint had seaped through his clothing... he tried to say it was from when we light him up, we proved we only shot him in the back. the ref believed me becuase i am a ref there too, and besides the fact we had enough evidence to prove he wiped. for the rest of the day he tried unseccesfully to get us back and was caught wipeing... it was a good day :D

07-08-2002, 10:11 AM
in 6 years of playing, i have wiped once, i felt bad enough about it afterwards to never do it again.

07-08-2002, 10:30 AM
i've never wiped, and i always call myself out when i see a break on me.

i've played with "friend" that wipe like mad, i mean after the game you would see pink and orange stains all over thier shirts. i mean these people would be like "hey you shot me 10 times from almost pointblank that last game" "so how come you didn't get out" "uhhhhhh they uhhh they all bounced"

and i hate people that play with an obvious hit until the ref pulls 'em

07-08-2002, 10:37 AM
I have done similar to Bunkerking. If I get hit in a place I cant physically see, I have the ref check while I continue play. I have walked off the field with hits I wasnt aware of...my pack, for example. Once on the frnt of my hopper as well. I did light one guy up, during a rec game, for wiping though. I clearly hit him twice, he ducked, wiped, and came back out and hit my hopper. Well, I unloaded a whole hopper on his bunker and him...he was upset. I told him next time, take the first hit and all will be fine. You wipe, I see it, I will light you up. He wasnt a n00b, so he knew better. It really burned me up to see it.

07-08-2002, 10:49 AM
I've never wiped a legit hit. I've wiped a couple of hits I got from already eliminated players (players walking off and shooting the other team). I have played through a couple of times, either after taking an unobvious (Pack, hopper top) hit or after bunkering a guy, taking him out and having him shoot back after I tag him (Reflex, this happens reasonably often, where you tag a guy in a bunker move and he spins around, still shooting)

07-08-2002, 10:51 AM
LoL, one time I saw a dude try to wipe paint off his mask, he got busted so easy

Micromag man!
07-08-2002, 02:13 PM
ive done it a few times playing backyard or rec ball, but never on airball or stuff like that

07-08-2002, 02:17 PM
i havent wiped, however i have played a few times with hits on my pack and such that i didnt realize i had, which would be cheating, but not on purpose:)

oh well
i think that people do tend to wipe if they are kinda new, ive seen it happen, BUT ive been accused of wiping and THAT pisses me off, my barrel was comming unscrewed during a game and the guy misstaked it for wiping and he made sure EVERYONE knew about it the WHOLE day, i was pissed to say the least


07-08-2002, 02:30 PM
Only when I go to the bathroom. And I wash my hands too. You no wipe guys are disgusting. Chicks don't dig that! :D

07-08-2002, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by paintbattler
RT_luver used to wipe mad..i finaly learned to shoot him so much that he couldnt wipe it all

well if he posts as much as he wipes
he must never spend any time in the dead box

hey RT_Luver

USE THE EDIT BUTTON.....u made 2 posts in a row

07-08-2002, 02:55 PM
I don't wipe paint unless it's a shot from an obviously eliminated player who took a late shot. Even then, I'll call a ref over and explain. If I nail someone and I see em wipe I start calling a paintcheck on him and proceed to light him up (unless it's a noob).

Bunkering is entirely different. If I'm in the middle of a bunker move or just in an alley run, ain't no freakin way I'm stopping unless I KNOW I've gotten legitimatly tagged. I've gotten screwed over on bad calls so many times I don't stop. Now if I see one break on me or I get gogged I'll immediatly stop shooting and go off, but if I don't see paint or I'm already bunkering the guy, I'm not stopping.

I've gotten called out on more horrible "dead shot" calls after a bunker then I care to recall.


Was doing an alley run a month or so ago. Hey diddle dape went straight up the tape, shot out three players clean. :D 3-4 breaks on each, ref was running right behind me because I told him I what I was gonna do and I wanted him to call me out as soon as it happened. Got to the fourth guy, last guy on his team in the game, gogged him twice before he even shot. The dude took 2 blind shots, hit me once and hit the ref once. Ref still called me out. :mad: sucked.

07-08-2002, 02:56 PM
Honor above all else. No wiping on the field. (Judges have done it b/c of a questionable hit)

07-08-2002, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Honor above all else. No wiping on the field. (Judges have done it b/c of a questionable hit)

Agreed, I'd rather people think I suck then wipe and have people think I'm good.

07-08-2002, 04:02 PM
Well personally I make sure to wipe good after each and every game... Otherwise I mostly play with my friends and we just call ourselves out whenever we want to go out, no wiping involved, (no chronoing either come to think of it...) Ah good ol backyard ball.

07-08-2002, 08:39 PM
the only time i have ever wiped was in a woodsball game. i was standing back where all the paint from the longballers was falling on the ground one came a little further than the rest and broke on my shoe. I wiped it, while it may be wrong, had it hit me anywhere else higher up i would have called myself out.

is it wrong or should i have called myself out on a no skill lucky shot that barely hit me?

07-08-2002, 09:04 PM
ive never technicly wiped but once it was the end of the day and my first time at a real feild and i had paint all over me and i got shot on the break and kept playing.

07-08-2002, 09:17 PM
ya BlueMagRT reminded me of sumthing... i once wiped one off my shoe... i decided it broke on the ground and sprayed on my shoe...

07-08-2002, 09:17 PM
I still feel bad about wiping the splatter from where I snap-shot my own bunker.

That's mostly because of the volume of the splatter, I shot my bunker lots.


07-08-2002, 09:21 PM
anytime i get big splatters i always have a ref check it cause you just never know what might happen, if its big enough people will think that you are wiping a hit and not splatter, its always best if the refs check you before you wipe anything


07-08-2002, 09:35 PM
I wipe after a game and that's all.

07-08-2002, 10:17 PM
Oh yeah, I wipe all the time. I hate getting out, so I wipe whenever I get hit. All the little kids think I'm good and the field owner doesn't say anything cuz I spend so much money at his store.

NOT!!!(in my best Wayne's World impression)

I think I wiped once the very first time I played, but I felt really bad about it. That was liek 7 years ago, though. If I'm out, I'm out. As soon as I get out, I'll put down my RT, grab a ref shield and ref the rest of the game. Even when someone hits me after they know they have been hit, I'll still go out.(tourney's are different, though) That doesn't mean I let it slide though. Revenge is a dish best served cold, 280 fps and 5 feet from them, if ya get my drift!

07-08-2002, 10:27 PM
I've never wiped unless it was after the game and I was cleaning up

07-08-2002, 11:45 PM
One time I wiped a shot off my pinky-knuckle. Technically though, its NOT a hit because it isnt the size of a quarter (it was like smaller than a penny) so I didnt count that. It barely hit me. But I still feel as if I should have called myself because it just makes me feel like a sorry loser and any1 who wipes should too. It happened to me once, once when I shot a kid in the last 30 secs and it was clearly a hit, and also an obvious as hell wipe. It wouldnt have made any difference in the game because if that kid was out, it would be one on my team (me) and 2 of them. I choose not to say anything because the kid was a newb and if he needed to cheat he probably sucks and need extra practice. But I was pissed on the inside.

Also if you guys who are wiping continue to wipe, it will definetly make you worse. Think about it. You get hit, wipe it and continue to play. Yet you made a mistake, and your going to make the same mistake if you dont pay the consequences of the hit. Learn from your mistakes, dont hide from them.

07-13-2002, 09:04 AM
well one time i whiped on accident(seriously) i was prone and was on a hill and kept sliding down so everytime i got a chance to see who i was shooting i shot and ended sliding down again and ended up technically blindfiring(also not a good thing but i knew where i was shooting)

when i saw the guy start to walk off the field i began to get up(because there was only one guy left and noone knew where the flag was because i shot it by accidentwhoops ) any way it turned out my hopper got shot and when getting up where it was hit got rubbed in the dirt and i only noticed it after when i was cleaning up after the game when there was a kinda paint drag mark and realized what happened, i asked the guy if he noticed if i got shot earlier(this guy is real good so he would know).

the only other time i whiped was getting little splatter(wasnt big enough to count) off my gun because i didnt have a detent on(it was broke) and didnt wanna get paint build up in my gun(i suppose i had enough to begin with since i was chopping about one outta every 20 balls)

i voted never because i never intentionally whiped anything that could be counted as a hit

07-13-2002, 10:50 AM
For those that said "I wipe only when I see someone wiping that I hit," I would like to ask how you feel about things like people using performance enhancing drugs in other sports, corked bats, etc. Any of these are cheating. Just because you saw someone else cheating and felt slighted by that action it actually makes you (well in my opinion) the lesser person. The reason I say this is because you personally feel (or at least say you feel) that wiping is cheating and you would not do it. Now you have compromised your personal beliefs because of them.
I have personally never wiped, and it is the biggest rule on my local tourny and scenario team. (South Carolina Roadkill) The first thing that you are told, and more than that it is upheld always, is to never cheat, and if there is any doubt, call yourself out, or ask for a ref's decision. I know what some tourny players are going to say. (That isn't how you win.) The way I look at it, the most important thing in life is to be able to look yourself in the mirror and have respect for yourself.
I have actually apologized to another player when after getting a paintcheck from a ref and being called clean, I later realized the player eliminated me. Maybe that is one of the reasons I love stock class play. The name says it all...."Class." You won't find too many stock class players trying to cheat. If someone put's one out of their available 10-20 shots on you then you tip your hat to them and have a good chat about it later.....preferably over a cold beverage.....;-)

07-13-2002, 12:56 PM
Usually i don't wipe i only wipe if im playing on of the fewe people that i hate with a passion so i can light the **** out of em

07-13-2002, 02:30 PM
well i have had three occasions when i have asked the person next to me if it broke (visor,pack, back of shoulder) and they all said no, later in the game, right when i would have a perfect shot a bunch, i would be pulled. IF SOMEONE IS HIT, TELL THEM!

07-13-2002, 03:02 PM
I dont wipe. I never will wipe. If i wipe and some little newb by me see's me, hes going to think its ok.

If somebody gets a lucky shot on me off break, good for them. I should have moved faster. It bugs me when people wipe, and if i see them wipe i will continue to shoot until they stop. If i feel a hit on my back I'll call for a ref, even in a tournament. I wont stop playing, and if the ref misses it its his fault, but i'm not going to cheat. If the other team hit me, Good shot.

I still dont see why people wipe, its not like its a big deal, I'll just wait until the next game, or the next tournament. Wiping wont make me a better player, there is no point.

If I wipe I might get a few more minutes out of the game. Allright! 5 more minutes!:rolleyes: But its not worth it.

Paintball has a bad enough name already. People cheating will only make it worse. People that cheat, ignore hits, conviently "forget" they were hit shouldn't be playing paintball. I pay money and work hard to have fun, and it isn't fun when people cheat.

07-13-2002, 03:35 PM
but the thing is if i hit him, hes dead and dead men cant kill anyone... so i hit him and then he shot me, how can that be... ( im not talking my ball going at him wile his is at me.. i mean i shot, he got hit, he kept playing for a a few seconds knowing he was hit and then he shot me and walked off)... i aint going down becuase some one wants to cheat...

07-13-2002, 03:47 PM
one time i was playing in our woodsy speedball field and we were playing these guys from the cheyanne hockey team and i shot this guy in the hopper, it was a clear pink break and i was yelling, your hopper, your gone, your gone and had the ref check him, he says clean and pops up with a clean hopper. I was pissed as hell because because i had shot him through a hole in the pallet several times already. So i ran up to his bunker, getting hit like 20 times and just shot down on him until i felt it was enough and then walked off the field.

Overeacting? yes,but im sure it was a deturrent from him doing that again.

And when i was a newbie i wiped a hit on my gun, it was dumb and i felt bad afterwords.

07-13-2002, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Brian68mag
one time i was playing in our woodsy speedball field and we were playing these guys from the cheyanne hockey team and i shot this guy in the hopper, it was a clear pink break and i was yelling, your hopper, your gone, your gone and had the ref check him, he says clean and pops up with a clean hopper. I was pissed as hell because because i had shot him through a hole in the pallet several times already. So i ran up to his bunker, getting hit like 20 times and just shot down on him until i felt it was enough and then walked off the field.

Overeacting? yes,but im sure it was a deturrent from him doing that again.

And when i was a newbie i wiped a hit on my gun, it was dumb and i felt bad afterwords.

One of the fields I go to doesn't count gun hits.

07-14-2002, 10:43 AM
You guys that wipe are the reason for bonus balling!!

07-14-2002, 02:45 PM
Never. It's the only thing I'll never do in my life. It just sucks.
I can play in the grey zone, but this is just too much.


07-14-2002, 03:46 PM
At our local rec ball field, a days paintball consists of 8 games, with our designated teams, then a big game at the end where they put everyone on that day (usually around 200 people) on 1 tiny field. This big game means nothing and is usually totally hectic, raising your head for longer than 2 seconds will usually result in a goggle hit, theres just so much paint in the air.

Being a pussy, i decided that i'd wait out in a trench until the more flamboyant players got themselves taken out and i could longball the stragglers out. I poked my head up for a quick look, only to receive a hail of paint in my direction, so i quickly bobbed down again, only to see the last round in the string land on the top of the trench i was hiding behind, roll forward and fall about 3 inches onto my co2 tank and leaked out its contents, i felt cheated , so I wiped that, am I a cheater? probably, I finished the game after that with at least 10 eliminations

07-14-2002, 07:04 PM
You guys lie! Any tourney player either wipes or does something to that. Like say he get hit in the chest/stomach running to ur bunker you go head first that way the sand will take it off. Say you get hit in the tank you rub it against your arm. Neck ? you scracth your neck so the ref doesnt know. I have seen everything... I honestly have wiped but i don't make it a habbit

07-14-2002, 09:52 PM
A field I used to go to, was nothing but wipers, and all of them were newbs too, I was also at the time, it really ticked me off so I actually did then just so I could shoot the wipers until they finally called themselves out. Ever a few times I thought I was dreaming, a guy was standing in the open and I shot him probably about 10 times.. AND he still stood there. So I went around to go around him, thinking maybe he was cleaning up equip. and he shot me. Oh Well. As of now, I never wipe or play on, all of the people I play with are cool and I never need to anyway, I never get shot :rolleyes: . Unless I'm reffing, lol.

07-14-2002, 10:14 PM
I wiped... PnL indoor in Mass. back when I was still playing for Alliance... I felt pretty guilty.

07-15-2002, 01:13 AM
Being honest here- 99 percent of my wiping is done during recball on a private field. I usually won't do it until I know I've hit a guy on the other team and he hasn't gone out. I get so mad at the wipers I play with that I lower myself to their level. I don't really feel guilty wiping knowing that the other guy is doing it, but the one time I did do it not in retaliation, yes I felt bad. Although once or twice a ref has checked me when I knew I had paint on me and somehow missed it, I keep playing then and think how dumb that ref was.
But hey, when I'm playing at the real fields, I call everything. When playing with my schmuck friends who wipe 3 times a game, all bets are off.

07-15-2002, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by Jonneh
only to see the last round in the string land on the top of the trench i was hiding behind, roll forward and fall about 3 inches onto my co2 tank and leaked out its contents, i felt cheated , so I wiped that, am I a cheater? probably

it wasn't a direct hit so it doesn't count for an elimination.

Obviously shouldn't have wiped it without asking a ref ;) but it shouldn't have counted for an elimination either.

Playing on and taking an opposing player with you is worse than wiping in many tourny game situations. I shot two guys that tried it on Sunday lots of times. :D If they keep running I keep shooting ;)


BTW level 10 rocked on Sunday!

07-15-2002, 06:03 PM
manike, once again that would depend on the field/tournament rules. I have eliminated many players in tournaments or recball games with a deflection. It is very usefull on a supair field.
As far as people justifying their wiping by saying the other person was out, so they couldn't be eliminated....Well, I still believe it is up to the ref. If they don't do their job properly, or show bias, then take your game down the road. I have asked my share of people to leave for an extra game, or even the day when they were caught wiping. If someone accuses someone of wiping and I don't see it as a ref, then I warn both players and keep an eye out for it.
Concerning wiping in back yard games, well if you want to learn how to play and wipe, then more power to you. I don't really see the joy in winning a game by wiping and continuing to play. Even if the other person was wiping. That is just as bad as someone with an adjustable tank cranking up their pressure when on the field to help them reach those long shots. It is cheating, and both can become safety issues. If you see people wiping and then see someone else "wiping" perhaps to clear their lens so they can see and you light them up, then we have a definate safety issue.

Lone Brain Cell
07-15-2002, 08:02 PM
Wipers should be forced to watch Steve Irwin for ten straight days, then Banned from the sport.

If you guys feel guilty....You should!

Lone Brain Cell
07-15-2002, 08:08 PM
I will even shoot one of my own teamates if I see them wipe! And I will not hesitate in doing so.
For all those people that are new to this game reading this. All we have is our reputation. How would you like ppl to look at you? you would hate it if someone said "Oh that guy, He's a wiper!"

07-15-2002, 11:18 PM
i will admit it- i did it once. i was ashamed off myself because i wasnt sure if the paint on my leg was a hit, or if it was a paintball i was laying on. plus i really didnt like the people on the other team.

07-16-2002, 02:50 AM
I've never wiped..but i did play on after getting hit...the ball broke in between the loops of my pack..didn't see it till i took the pack off...oh well..

Lone Brain Cell
07-16-2002, 04:05 AM
There is a big difference between getting hit and not knowing about it and gettig hit seeing it , then wipeing it off and keeping on playing!
I don't know how anyone could do it.

A Teammate of mine (We have it on vidio) got shot smack bang on the top of his head I saw it coz I was 1st in the deadbin.....AGAIN:( anyway this shot sat him on his arse, the ref saw it too, he came running over to eleminate him, looked for the splatter, saw none and called him back into the game, I couldn't believe that there was no mark.

At the end of the game Errol took off his mask & we were talking about it then he took off his baseball cap that he had on backwards under his mask & there was this big pink blotch.
The ball had hit him above his visor and gone under his hat (U know the arch part that clips or velcro's the hat to the size of ya head) not a mark on the outside but all under the hat.

We won the game, Errol was no use to the team as he was still seeing 10 of everything.:D :p

07-16-2002, 04:12 AM
Originally posted by DeepFrz97
manike, once again that would depend on the field/tournament rules. I have eliminated many players in tournaments or recball games with a deflection. It is very usefull on a supair field.

In what tournament series is that? Millennium and NPPL require direct hits. I've never seen a set of tournament rules which allowed marks other than direct hits. If you start allowing deflections and balls bouncing along the ground, where do you draw a line? surely then if a player kneels on a ball it would count... :rolleyes:

Deflections on Supair are not allowed here but it's hard to judge wether it was direct or not. Here it is a myth that it is allowed just like the myth that you can get someone out by throwing paintballs at them. Here you can't as for it to be a hit it must have been fired from a marker.

All fields in the UK that I have ever played, and where Jonneh plays, require direct hits and hits bouncing off the ground or bunkers do not count, it's the same as with spray.

Obviously if a judge didn't see it bounce etc. then he will eliminate you anyway but over here (and in the NPPL) if he knows the rules he won't count it.

Fields where you play may have different rules, but point being where Jonneh plays it wouldn't have counted and so he doesn't need to feel so bad :)


11-28-2002, 11:18 PM
I've never wiped, and never will, and I play tournaments. Anyone that says you have to wipe to compete just plain sucks. If you get beaten by wipers - oh well. They'll get whats coming to them one day. No matter what is on the line, I'm not going to lose my honor, reputation or whatever because I was that lame that I needed to wipe to win.

11-29-2002, 01:32 AM
i have wiped in the past, not proud of it though..........................there was this one time with a guy wiping that drove me nuts:

so going down the right tape, and this guy pops out so i duck behind a bunker. i keep snap shotting, and it appears as though EVERY shot is hitting his hopper, and i assume he gonna call out. next thing i know, he is shooting at me again. it happened over and over. i think i shot him about 20 times total, 10 of em he wiped, and the other 10 were for wiping. i wasted a lot of paint on him

11-29-2002, 01:44 AM
I wiped once or twice in my first game ever, but not once since then. I, like everyone else, has played on with a hit in a non-visible area, such as a pack, etc, albeit, unknowingly. Hah, do I have enough commas (6) in the previous sentence? Oh well, it's late (1:47 am), and I don't even know why I'm still up? :confused: :confused:

11-29-2002, 02:06 AM
Bringing back the oldies eh guys?

11-29-2002, 04:00 AM
right before I flush.

oh sorry paintball, well I usually wipe only after the games over... or if I get gogged then then all the wiping is done at the car.

11-29-2002, 09:15 AM
never wiped and never will

11-29-2002, 10:33 AM
Ah, i can't say i've enver wiped b/c there was this one time...

My first day on a speedball feild, i was running the snake all game, havening a grand old time. it was getting dark. REALLy dark. so i decied to try the back stand up. now i couldn't c my own fifty, so i aws jsut shooting at the back stand ups and listengin to my front plateyer. when SPALT, right on my upper theigh. no one had gotten out yet, and it was a pride thing =\. so i wiped... than the game ended. so i wiped, got away with it, felt realy bad, and have yet to wipe again.

The End

11-29-2002, 10:37 AM
Like bunkerking said earlier, if I'm going up to bunker somebody and get hit when I'm five feet away from completing my move I'll keep going and let the ref decide if we're both out.

11-29-2002, 02:03 PM
I Have never Wiped but at my field there are a lot of walk on players and use rentals and i see them wipe all the time. When I this happen i dont over shoot them i Just send the reff over there.


11-29-2002, 06:28 PM
...I can't play perfectly...but I think that if you wipe then you are just a loser because you were hit and can't except that you did something wrong enough to get hit!

I DON'T WIPE!!! and you can't make me!!

(my first time playing I felt like an idiot b/c I got hit on the hopper and I thought the only hits that counted were on the body...and I was all like...whew...that was lucky...then one guy was like...why is she playing on?? She's shot...I was like...no, I didn't get shot...it just hit my hopper...after they explained it to me I felt like a complete idiot!)

11-30-2002, 12:25 AM
i wipe until my as....uh, backside until it starts to go numb-

anyways, i wiped once, only once, i got hit in the sole of my shoe from friendly fire and i was on a frigin adrenaline rush so i didnt care, and i dont regret it. i have called myself out many a times after i got beaned like 40 times from kids with stingrays longballin me, all bouncing... i wont argue with younger kids. its just not my place to upset people. i mostly play rec/woods

11-30-2002, 02:39 AM
i wipe....kinda disgusting that alost of people say they havent and never will:D :D :D :p :p

11-30-2002, 03:42 PM
I can't say that I've actually wiped a hit myself. Refs have wiped questionable hits off of me but that was there call. I mean I get a lot of bounces but if I feel a hit but can't see it I call for a paintcheck. I can admit playing on with unobvious hits like on my pack or front of hopper but not totally intentionally. In some cases if I'm running to a bunker and feel a hit on the way in I will still continue to the bunker and then check myself for hits cause you just can't stop in the middle of a run to check for a hit cause then if it didn't break you're definately gonna get a few then.

I think the incident that made the most mad was when I was playing at this one field and a guy called a paintcheck on me cause he thought he hit me. The ref calls me neutral and oddly had me get out from my bunker to check me and didn't find any hits but then I get lit up by the guy who called the check and the ref just says "Oh now you got some breaks on you get out." The guy who called the check ended up being a guy that worked there and a good friend of the ref. That was the last day that played at that field cause i don't think I've seen a worse call.

11-30-2002, 04:01 PM
I wiped once but it was from someone who got shot before i was hit.. what are the rules on that? I felt bad for the entire day! I've also stayed in the game after some questionable shots... but i always try and get someone to paintcheck me in those situations. Overall I respect all the rules of paintball, much more then all of the newbs that I play with. (you shoot them you see it splatter, they don't know where it came from so they continue playing, SO! i nail them 10 more times! :D )

11-30-2002, 07:52 PM
well i offically purposly wiped last time i played. basically either someone from the other team left the hill(they were restricted to it since it was attack and defend) and shot me or my own team did and the ref saw me get hit and knew it was one or the other and told me to wipe it i still kinda felt it was cheap despite whoever did it was either a moron or a cheater plus my neck was sore from the hit :(

Temo Vryce
11-30-2002, 08:21 PM
I have never intentionally wiped a hit. Now I say intentionally because in the heat of a game I may have slid into a bunker or rubbed up against a bunker and removed a hit I was unaware of. I am really surprised at the number of people who have said "yes I wipe". I thank these people for that honesty, but I would like to know, why you do it? If you are honest enough to admit that you do do it, then why not play the game fair.

12-01-2002, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Temo Vryce
I have never intentionally wiped a hit. Now I say intentionally because in the heat of a game I may have slid into a bunker or rubbed up against a bunker and removed a hit I was unaware of. I am really surprised at the number of people who have said "yes I wipe". I thank these people for that honesty, but I would like to know, why you do it? If you are honest enough to admit that you do do it, then why not play the game fair.
I agree.

I am sure I have slid on a hit in the middle of a game and not noticed it, but that is not “wiping” in my book. “Wiping” would be an intentional act.

I know I have also played on after being hit as well, only to find out later that the ball DID break. I also don’t think this is cheating either…. Again, as long as it is not an intentional act. If you get hit in the back or someplace you can not see well, and LOOK but see nothing (and there is no Ref around to give you a paint check), and you keep playing…. It’s fine in my book. Heck, I have even called myself OUT for the same reason, but later found out that the paint did NOT break. So, I guess it all evens out.. and as long as you are trying to be as honest as you can, it is all good.

But sorry, cheating and then being “honest” about cheating, is not being honest when it matters.

Creative Mayhem
12-01-2002, 11:10 AM
Wipers suck!!!

I have never wiped, will never wipe.

C Mayhem

12-01-2002, 11:18 AM
ya yesterday i played a 3 on 3 with my phantom, i got 2 of thiers out and we lost 1. so the other team is out cause my team mates got the 1 other guy. so its me and my team amte and because i was behind the 2 guys when i got them out he thought i was on the other team then he saw my gun, but everyone else wanted use to duke it out anyway, so we did. i ran from the corner to the center and dove in, i felt something skim my mas so i put my hand there, no wet, no paint, it just skimed. as i finish checking i see him running to bunker me, i shoot him in the shin through the barrels, and once again as he comes around the corner. so anyway i get into the shower last night and i noticed my hair had like a streak of oil in it, about where it skimmed my mask, and i felt wicked guilty, but thought about it and it could have been from anygame,splatter and such.

12-01-2002, 01:59 PM
never wiped in a game at all, although 1 rec game i was running up hill dove behind somewhat of a tree stump high enough to use as a bunker as my body is laying downhill with 2 guys bout 15 and 20 feet ahead of me are spraying paint. I took the one the furthest away from me out first then the other but was wearing my cammie shirt and didnt realize that one of my pockets was litteraly full of paint and so was the little orange pinetree behind me. although there was no paint on me as a direct hit i had about 15 shots land in that pocket of my shirt. didnt realize they were there...

after the game i showed the guy "Dave" my pocket all we could do was laugh..

12-02-2002, 01:31 PM
I have never intentionally wiped a hit. But I think we have all had hits that we were either unaware of, pack hits mostly, or thought they were bounces.

As for questionable hits or breaks, I will usually call a paintcheck on myself or ask a teammate if no ref is avaiable.

My favorite moment though was a few months ago at a stock game where two guys were duking it out and one guy wasn't sure if he was hit. So the OPPOSING player came over checked him, told him he was clean, and they played on.

And before anyone starts, this was in a woodsball game on a field that could be measured in acres.


12-02-2002, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by bunkerking
I am not gonna play goodie too shoes here. I have played the gray area before. I won't say that I have wiped, but I have, and will continue to play untill the ref sees me and pulls me out of the game. This is tourney play, not rec ball btw. I am not going to be in the game, get hit on a spot like my shoulder and ask my teamate if I am hit or not, that is the refs job, not my teamates. Also if I am making a bunker move and I get shot mid run, there is no way that I am just going to stop, and get lit up some more, but I am going to finnish the job and bunker that guy. If the ref calls me out and not the other guy good, if not, all the better. I do not do this every game though just so you know. And I know that you guys think that it ruins the game and such, but most everyone does it, so why let it happen to you. I am probably going to get flamed for this but oh well...

When it gets down to the line, and the points are gettin close I'll do the same thing. I call myself out if I'm positive that I'm hit, and it broke. Otherwise, it's up to the ref. If something hit me and bounced, or I got some spray, I'm not gonna get myself shot while checking myself. I will holler for a ref to check me, but i'll only holler once.

Oh, and if I'm playin around with my friends, and I get shot by my own team or something, then i'll wipe.

12-02-2002, 04:39 PM
never whiped, i did kind of think about it once, but even that kinda made me feel bad, it was a bounce off my tank, and it caught my hand, i only saw a little bit of it on my glove, but when i went back into shooting postion, i saw it all, and hesitated to call myself out and pretend i never saw it, but i called myself out, another time, i heard my bells fly(on my jester hat that i wear :D ) and i thought i got hit in the side of hte mask, but i checked and checked all over the side of my mask and neck, turns out i was hit in the pocket of the shoulder, and i didn't know it till i got off the feild and they asked who shot me, and i replied w/ no 1, i ran out of air, then i took my mask off and saw

pimped mag 01
12-03-2002, 03:43 PM
i never wiped b/c i don't wnt to cheat my fellow players also im very honest b/c i have a little "baby fat" and it stings like hell so one or two shots (depending if the first one missed or not:)) baby fat sucks!!!:p

12-04-2002, 04:39 PM
I wipe after every visit, it's only sanitary!

pimped mag 01
12-04-2002, 08:30 PM
heh it sucks having baby fat its like having little "weiners" all over your body cause any time that spot is hit it really hurts heh sucks to be me:p

12-04-2002, 08:40 PM
I like nothing better than to 1-for-1 people who have obvious hits who don't call themselves out.

If you get nailed in the shoulder, and you keep shooting while I ahve to run over and physically remove you from the game, your teammate is going with you.

I expect that when you think you might be hit, you're going to stop shooting, call a paint check, and tell me exactly where you think you're hit if you can't check it yourself.

Don't want to do that? Then don't get shot in the first place.

When you are out, you are OUT. Period. If you're not sure, the guy who SHOT YOU gets the benefit of the doubt, because it's much easier for you to check yourself than it is for him to. Unless you want people on the other team being able to call you out.

Oh, yeah, and despite them rarely being enforced that way, that's in the rules.

Oh, and don't do any of that "Oh, I got shot in the chest, I'm going to dive into my bunker" **** either. Then THREE of your teammates are going with you.

- Chris

03-02-2003, 03:14 AM
Never...wiping is the devil.

I play with kids who wipe...I don't really mind cuz i look at it like...Hey you wiped, I bunker you, you get hurt, I laugh

03-02-2003, 03:35 AM
I never whipe, but as many I have thought it was a bounce but it was a break. It's very hard to tell when moving up. Then you become occupied and completely forget to check it... I have gotten hit on the PF and not noticed it numerous times. I have Never conciously whiped.

03-02-2003, 11:08 AM
I never,ever wipe paint.
If there is a quarter or larger bit of paint on me and its not sure whether its splatter or not , I will call out.
Its not fair to your own teammates,nor the other players on the field when you wipe.Not only are you taking away the challenge for your own team , but you are negating the accomplishments of the the other team.Top that off by the fact that one cheater on a team will make the word spread around on you like wildfire that your entire team are cheaters.
We had this problem with the scenario team I play with and considered joining.There is a core of realy good players on the team,but one of the founding members reinserts himself after being eliminated.Because of this , the word travels around about his cheating, instead of how good the team really is in spite of him.It is ending up costing that team a number of its better players(myself included) who would rather not be associated with that type of behavior.
I mean lets be real.This is a sport.If you have to cheat to be good , then whats the point? Most folks that would cheat in a game are often the ones who would cheat in life too.

03-02-2003, 12:56 PM
This thread is 3 months old.

03-02-2003, 04:25 PM
its been a while since my last post, and I can still say that since then I havent wiped

03-02-2003, 06:32 PM
ive wiped once or more, I think...I dont know if its standard but my jersey litterally absorbs paint, and between that and my gloves I cant tell if I got hit or not, ill run my hands over and im sure it popped or i feel it slide...but no paint comes off...i play rec-ball with avid refs and they will do paint checks but its a pain to give away your position and crap, one time im fairly sure I wiped, i was like last one on the team flanking and the ref couldnt hear me yell paint check but honestly I dont know if I was shot or not =D

KenNy G
03-02-2003, 09:13 PM
the ref wiped for me one time, does that count?

03-03-2003, 12:13 AM
I never really wiped the paint off but there was one time when i had just gotten my mag and me and my friend went to play some rec ball but there was a bunch of noobs there. On the first game off the break i ran really far which was stupid of me cause im slow and not very small. But anyway i got shot on the inside of my knee and no one really noticed. I felt kinda emmbaressed because the kid who shot me was using a raptor or somethin like that and i had just gotten my hyperframe minimag so i kept playin. When i got off the field somebody noticed the splat and asked if i knew i had gotten hit. Thats when i made the second mistake of sayin that there was some paint on the ground right where i slid and it popped all over my leg. For some reason everybody believed me and acted like nothin happened. Thats the closest ive ever come to wiping and i told myself after that i would never do it again.

03-03-2003, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by PaintballSucka
Thats cool all glad that we have nice honesty players, I have done it once and felt pretty cheap about it.

lol, paintbattler

I admit, once a long time ago I did wipe, and I still feel pretty much the same way:(.

:mad:NEVER AGAIN!!!:mad:


03-03-2003, 05:29 PM
you people are all full of it, i know more people than this wipe. granted, i only read half way through page 2, i saw enough. i know i wipe sometimes, im not saying i always do it, but sometimes when you know you can get away with it, you do. its getting an edge on the game, all sports have this. all you football players know when your on the bottom of a pileup, there is alot of pinching, kicking, and punching that goes on, or you might throw an elbow in basketball trying to get away with it, its the same thing, its strategy, if you get caught, you pay the consenquences (sp?). people have some integrity and tell the truth.

03-03-2003, 06:00 PM

03-04-2003, 09:13 AM
yea, I do. but that is a personal question. I use charman, but sometimes we get generic brand in bulk to save a couple bucks and it is okay, but not as soft as some of the other name-brands.

[okay, so I tried to be humorous - nobody said I was a comedian - besides, I still have my day-job!]

03-04-2003, 10:30 AM
I will be celebrating a 17th year as a palyer in April and have never wiped. Why should i start now? I have played on ocasionally beware yellow lenses they can make yellow hits invisible.

Seeker of Truth
03-07-2003, 08:04 PM
:confused: There was this one time we were playing when the opposing team had captured our flag and maybe 6 or 7 of them wer making their way back to their base with it.Anyways i was in the bushes and they were coming along the narrow path with a ref. So i lay off the path to the side and ambushed them. They didnt see me and i must have got 2 or three befroe the rest (the ones behind) ran off. They never saw me till i opened up on them but some ome shot me in the hand after i had hit them...what should i have done if they were out already then shot me after?
(i admit i hid my hand because they were already out but i felt bad about it. I hate cheating and cheaters...)

03-07-2003, 08:31 PM
if i wipe, ill never improve

Sir Chopsalot
03-08-2003, 02:03 PM
this one time i was at my field and i got hit and i slid into a bunker and i asked the kid next to me if it broke(it was kinda behind my arm so i couldnt see it)this kid could have only been like 12 or so and he said "oh its ok" wiped the hit off by back and told me to keep playing. i went out though. it makes me wonder where paintball is going if kids can cheat that freely without caring about it.

03-08-2003, 02:45 PM
i like pie.

04-04-2003, 01:39 AM
I never wipe hits while in a game if the other team is wiping i bunker them with excess shots at a safe 10ft distance and take my hits than walk off the field knowing that i eliminated him he stayed so i lit him up... no remorse for cheaters

i always feel bad if i played on but was hit i dont feel most shots anymore and our field paint is too thin to tell sometimes but i guess thats no wipeing thats not being able to tell

04-04-2003, 08:08 AM
on the poll i took the pie option, but i never wipe.

04-04-2003, 12:53 PM
I have never wiped and I don't plan on starting now.

04-04-2003, 12:56 PM
I wipe...after I walk off the field ;o

04-04-2003, 04:09 PM
i can say that have before, usually when i just mess around with my friend kind of as a joke but they do too, i have before also at a local field a few times because of cheap shots but i have wiped like 5 out of 5000 cheap shots so its not that bad :)

04-04-2003, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Yamz
I never wipe hits while in a game if the other team is wiping i bunker them with excess shots at a safe 10ft distance

safe 10 feet distance?!?! how come people never do that to me. theres no such thing as a safe distance...

04-04-2003, 06:02 PM
Wiping is for pu**sys.

04-04-2003, 06:22 PM
10ft is a safe distance with my current crap marker i need to be shooting at around 230 not to break our crappy field paint in my barrel (good paint is hard to get in japan) once i get a better marker like the X-mag i am on the preorder list for i will have to move my safe distance back a few feet like around 20 all the same like i said i give cheaters no remorse and i warn all the players befor hand

Multi-Colored J
04-04-2003, 06:30 PM
I have wiped, but it was under protest. The ref wouldn't come over to do a paintcheck, and I didn't know if it was a legitimate hit or not. I wiped it and said, "If the refs aren't going to do their job, i'm not going to do mine."

04-05-2003, 09:30 PM
Its been even longer now: still havent

04-05-2003, 09:33 PM
Yea, I still haven't either. But one game I got shot off the break on the hand and i was like darn showed the kid sharing bunker w/ me and he grabbed my hand and wiped it off...I still got off the field though...and then shot him

04-05-2003, 09:42 PM
I never wiped and my friends won't either...I will bring up a particular story which took place on my first day of paintball a couple years ago. It was perhaps my 3rd game of the day when i went to take a shot behind my friend. The ball curved and hit him in his hindquaters. He looked down shook his head and walked off the field. Musta been the most embarrassing moment of my life :(. Anyways the fields rule was that friendly fire counted, but he coulda wiped and gotten away with it but chose not to. :):D

04-06-2003, 01:21 AM
when i played back in 6th grade i didnt wipe and i still dont and never have

04-06-2003, 01:23 AM
never have never will, it makes the game more enjoyable for everyone:)

04-06-2003, 03:18 AM
i wiped once... then got shot again in pretty much the same place next time i popped out... so i gave up on cheating

04-06-2003, 05:48 PM
I wiped once, and it was sort of accidental. I was sprinting to a bunker and went to slide in and got shot in the leg. The dirt as I slid in wiped it off. I didn't take myself out, I don't really know if it broke, I'm pretty sure it did though. I felt bad about it. Something I'll never do again.

04-11-2003, 03:29 PM
NEVER WIPED NEVER WILL.... i hit a kid's hopper once and (rec game) and i asked him if he was hit.. cuz i thought i saw it hit the hopper... next thing i know he wipes it off and yells "NO" back to me.... i flipped out... i lit him up w/ a full hopper until he started to cry and then i got up in his face...... well it does seem a lil extreme but the kid has never cheated again (or at least while he plays w/ me).. he knows im keepin an eye on him

04-11-2003, 03:52 PM
I used to do it out of frusteration occassionally last year. But this year has been a much different winter and I'd say that I have smartened up a bit and become a better sport. I can confidently say I won't do it this season.