View Full Version : First day out with my RT Pro

07-08-2002, 12:42 AM
I finally got to use my RT Pro today at SC Village in SoCal. I put about 1,100rds through it and not one break, chop, or miss fire. I put 1,000rds of Marbs and 100rds of some paint I got for my friends to use in my old tippmanns. I chrono'ed in at 265 and decieded to leave it and when I was still shooting 265 at the end of the day. This marker is awesome and so is the 10" boomy I got with it.

Heh funny thing happened to me when I was going in for my last game. A ref looked at the guy in front of me funny then looked at his marker asked him what it was, said it was an automag (RT Pro older version). He told him, he wasn't allowed on the field with a fully automatic gun. He said it wasn't an automatic, I was behind him with my RT and he said what is that I was like it's the same thing you just saw (probaly his BE goggles couldnt see!). He said he would watch us to make sure... =)

A lot of people were impressed with it from what I saw and I got a lot of looks like what the hell is that. Everyone there either had a cocker, Pro-lite, Spyder, Imp, or Timmy.

Pretty good story some guy with a nice cocker and I were helping some of the newbies with rentals. Some guy tried to bunker two new guys. We yell in front of you they go down and one new guy runs scared gets lit up. We lit up the guy shooting him when I came out my friends said it sounded crazy both our guns going as fast as we could shoot him. =) Serves him right for plugging a newbie 8x in the back. Same *** shot my sis as she was dead...

What do people here think of SC Village?


07-08-2002, 02:14 AM
it's pretty cool, the fields are really nice, but it's sooo far away.

07-08-2002, 02:27 AM
Sounds like a good day. SC sounds fun but i live in norcal so it is a little far. We might make a roadtrip down sometime though.

07-08-2002, 06:17 AM
I see you got one of those “defective” Mags as well… mine does not chop either! ;)

I love my RT Pro as well and would recommend it to ANYONE… and DO. :D

07-08-2002, 09:13 AM
kewl.....hope you have ALOTTA fun wit it. my dad has one and I used it the other day and I was shooting a mix between 5 month old ZAP and brand new Diablo midnight and couldn't tell a difference when te old paint would fall in the breach. I only chopped ONE ball and that was cause a was seein how fast I could shoot on a single trigger and short stroked it:D . an RT PRO with single trigger rocks from what I have come to find

07-08-2002, 03:14 PM
Yea, rt pros are really nice, i miss my intelliframed rt pro, even tho i have an e-mag, i wouldnt mind an intelliframed rt pro as another marker to use, it was reallyu nice, and with my intelli it was like ammouse click. i loved it