View Full Version : Air leaking out around bolt!!!

07-08-2002, 08:30 AM
i have an rt automag and when i screw on my nitro tank the bolt just goes all the way forward and air leaks out. the bolt just stays foward until i unscrew the tank, then it just slides back. some tims before i screw on the tank i push the bolt back and then i screw the tank on and the gone goes click click and it doesnt leak but then i fire the gun and it just leaks again. does anyone know what the problem is i need to know now.

07-08-2002, 11:50 AM
.......HOLD THE TRIGGER when gassing up the gun. The rt charges so quickly that when you slowly bring it up to pressure it leaks. If you hold the trigger down..it closes the on/off until it's fully pressurized. Then when you release the trigger the bolt will lock onto the sear as it should. Also..please before posting... use the search feture... you can type in RT leaks when gassing up and it will bring back what you wanted to know. Please don't use this as an "I need" forum. Search first and if you don't find what yer looking for..then post a thread. Thank you :D

Originally posted by Nitr0
does anyone know what the problem is i need to know now.
Welcome to AO.

07-09-2002, 09:28 AM
thanks any way but i tried that. yesterday i sent my gun into agd to get them to check it out. but thanks anyway.