View Full Version : How was the big game at Adventure Games Paintball?

07-08-2002, 09:43 AM
I wouldnt know. My friends and I managed the two hour trip up to bum#### New Hampshire but once we got there they said they were full and refused to let us in. Probrably for the best though, their prices for paint suck.

07-08-2002, 10:02 AM
From what I hear it went FANTASTIC!

On another note…. It was clearly posted that they get in A LOT (understatement) of people for the Big Game, I am sorry you were not allowed in though. Did you ask them for the location of any other fields in the area? I think if you had, they would have gladly pointed you in the direction of at least 2 other fields so that your trip was not a total waste.

About the paint prices comment… actually for a QUALITY field, they are as cheap or CHEAPER than other fields. I get more than a bit aggravated when people think paint should be GIVEN away. You picked a sport that IS expensive to play if you want to play on quality fields, with good staff, etc. Does anyone actually think a $10-$15 field fee will cover this? sheesh

Your paint comment also seemed more like a “glad I did not play because they suck anyway” comment made by a 16 year old who was just pissed that he could not play because the event was SO popular that they simply had no more room and wanted to make himself feel better for NOT being able to join the fun. Adventure Games runs a top notch park, has great staff, and is NOT overpriced for what you get.. period.

I also get a kick out of players that spend ungodly amounts of money on their equipment and then want to cry about paint prices at QUALITY establishments…. That is like buying a nice SUV/Sports car and then complaining that you have to put GAS in it.

And I will warn you about your language (as the filter clearly caught it), this is not PBN.

07-08-2002, 10:08 AM
Actualy Sam... he deliberatly avoided the filter! And thats a no no too! Warning on that!

Most fields make their living on paint mark up. They do not exist just for you...surprise! Its a business!

Sounds like Fun. Did you go Sam?

07-08-2002, 10:19 AM
No Phil, I did not go. :( I was too busy, and had other plans. But like I said, from what I hear, it was a blast!

I WILL be going on the 28th though! Bringing Kim, Jay and one of his friends up!

07-08-2002, 10:30 AM
Quoting JonAGD "Cool Beans Bro!"


07-08-2002, 12:32 PM
The Big Game was pretty darn good. The weather was perfect, cool and cloudy but not cold or wet, and the teams were perfectly matched. I think there was only one game all day that actually got won outright (most timed out)but in that game both teams lost their bases and it was the team that got the flag home first that won. Still plenty of action, just the teams are so big it's quite difficult to eliminate them all in half an hour. I think your registration difficulties might have been due to time, because they said before the first game that they had been hoping for more people (still had 300+) but later in the day they gave a 'last call for registration' kind of thing. Cynthia gave away $10K in prizes, though a lot of it was in memberships which didn't cost her anything, but seriously, 75% of the people there got something, even if it was only a $5 gift certificate. There were people there who picked up more than one membership and hundreds in gift certificates. I got an Tippmann A5 early on, so I didn't try for anything else; I'd have felt guilty with anything more. Last year I got a Pirhana Pro at the big game. One lucky sod got an Emag, and three lucky sods got AIR's. Prices on Big Game Day are the best they are all year. $85 for a case of Premiums with no field fee? Cynthia had in excess of 20 refs working that day! And thousands of dollars in prizes! Prices weren't bad at all on BGD, though they usually require a membership to stay tolerable. Very few mags though, and even fewer AOers. Only found one other, don't know his handle but he's a Ghost Rider, if anybody knows. Freaked some people out with the Z grip, again. BGD was good stuff.

07-08-2002, 12:45 PM
I went for half the day. If I may comment honestly.
I had a great time. Cynthia gave away a ton of stuff.
The gentleman that won the Emag, priorly only had a Spyder. He was able to hand down the Spyder to his daughter who was there playing also.
I got to speak to Cynthia a couple of times and she seemed genuinely interested in everyone having a great time. Her staff was very professional. I would recommend to anyone that gets a chance to make it next year that they do so.
The price of the paint should not be complained about if you consider that the field fee was free. I will admit that it was a little high, but not outrageous. (maybe it could be the fulltime price?) Also, the BBQ (which was great) was included. Please note that they have plenty special days where fees are reduced. We all forget that some people are actually running a business and they need to turn a profit.
Now for my other comments. Please note this is based on having played for only a half-day and under a big game situation. I have played at the field before, but that was a few years ago. It has definitely improved. I will be going back soon though.

Blowdown - More effort could be made to clean fields from limbs and whatnot. It's hard to make that fantastic move you wanted to.

bunkers/barriers - lots needed to be rebuilt. I saw someone easily pull a slat to poke their barrel through. Lots of them were falling apart.

Gun hits don't count? - I'm old, but this is "Old" school. Guns hits should count for a variety of reasons.
1. Blindfiring
2. Shielding
3. The only shot I got besides bunkering the newbie.

Parking - Obviously. They were very accommodating to me. I told them I had to leave early and they made certain that I could get out. If they just took down a few trees there could be so much more. Maybe, they rarely fill it to that capacity. Again, I'll find out when I go back.

No Speedball - (yet?) A modern comprehensive field needs at least one form of speedball. A hyperball field is the easiest field to set up and maintain. I would think that they should be able find decent sized area to set-up one.
My thought would be just inside the "mask on" area.

Still, my experience was great! And my new RTP shoots waaay to fast.

Rynoboy - Did you have the RTP with the Z? I was the one who said "nice Z". I looked for you later, but couldn't find you.

07-08-2002, 03:00 PM
Ahh, yes. I saw you. The problem was, you were on the other team, which would explain why we didn't see much of each other.

07-08-2002, 06:51 PM
I want to thank all the Players who attended the Big Game on Sunday. Im glad you had a great time.

For those of you who arrived late (after 10:00)sorry you missed a good time however most players arrived at 6:30/7:00 in order to register and make the first game at 9:00. Maybe next year you could start out a little earlier in order to get in.

While Im here posting .... I would like to make a comment about a statement made by .... Rynoboy06.

I don't mind if any player who attended my Big Game wants to share my prices I charged for the day or the amount of prizes I gave away. However, if your going to do that ... please don't insult me by " making things up " and guessing at a number.

My Staff and I work really hard to put this Big Game together. The prizes we give a way are for the customers (as a thank you) because they are the ones who made us strong for 16 years.

So ... To correct Rynoboy06 .....

1. The Field Fee/Entrance Fee was FREE
2. The BBQ was Free from 11:00 to 1:00
3. The Case of paint RP Premium Field Paint was 80.00
4. The Bags of 500 was 20.00
5. Product Raffel which included an E-Mag, A-5's, Spyders, Angel Air's 4500's,Armageddon's, Piranhas,and many more items ... was worth ....5,751.00
6. Gift Certificates in 10.00/20.00/30.00/50.00 etc., for any product of choice was worth ... 6760.00
7. 22 Cases of Paint was given away with raffels and treasure hunts. worth 1760.00
8. Last was the memberships. We gave away 24 Bronze, 24 Silver, and 24 Gold. worth 10,800.00

Im not trying to be picky .... but when someone states I gave away about 10,000.00 in product and most was memberships that did not cost me anything ... Its like a slap in the face.

Lets try the number 25,071.00. Sorry Rynoboy, you must have been taking a nap most of the day.

Thank's again to everyone who attended the event. We all had a great time.


07-08-2002, 09:01 PM
The number $10,000 was taken, through one cutout, from your site.

To quote Shartley's post.

"This is taken directly from their site:

The Big Game will be held on Sunday, July 7th, 2002.

This is Adventure Games' 16th year in the Paintball Industry.
Come celebrate with us at our annual customer appreciation Party!
The Doors Open for this event at 7:00 am.

The First Game starts at 9:00 am

There is a FREE BBQ for Lunch between 11:00 and 1:00.
There will be $10,000.00 worth of product and prizes given away during the day!!!!! This includes many guns, memberships, cases of paint, gift certificates, and much much more.

The Big Game will include treasure hunt games for prizes, castle vs castle games, village vs castle games, roaming flag games, and all fields will be opened and not separated for this Big Game.

- Gun Rental Package if you need to rent is $15.00 -

- Cases of Paintballs (2000) Rounds are $80.00 -

- Bags of Paintballs ( 500 ) Rounds are $20.00 -

Field Paint only."

I admit that I was in error to quote the price for a case at $85, but then, I am a member at your field and payed $65 and not much attention to what other people were paying for paint. Indeed, when I said $85 I was defending that price. I stated that there was no field fee, so I was not in need of correction there. The $10,000 number seemed especially reasonable because I remember that last year you told the crowd beneath the deck that the prizes were worth $7,500. Your data shows that about 40% of the prizes were memberships, which do not cost anything to create. They will give significant discounts to significant numbers of people, but they may well pay off in large part as people who ordinarily only make the trip on Goober days and the like come more often to AG. This is in keeping with my statement that "a lot" of the prizes were memberships. I made very positive statments all the way through, speaking on the number of refs working, the fact that there was "plenty of action" and that "75% of the people there got prizes". My estimate on the dollar value of the prizes given away was strait from the website! Finally: there was definitely no napping going on over here. Too busy trying to get myself stuck in swamp mud while flanking or swarming into the fortification of the other team! Maybe just pointing out the actual cash value to flabbergast AO instead of taking insult from a customer who is giving a favorable report on your establishment and event would have been OK?