View Full Version : Some advice...?

07-08-2002, 04:34 PM
Hey guys, If anyone has noticed I have been asking a lot of questions lately about E-Mags and Extremes. I am selling my Mag I have now because I want to get a electropneumatic marker. The only question is which one? I have been looking at Intimidators (GZ and Dragons), EMags, EMag Extremes, and Angels. I have narrowed it down to either an Angel or a E-Mag (C+C Extreme if they come out soon). Those of you guys/gals who own both or either one could you give me some pro's and con's for both markers. Why is the E-Mag better and why is the Angel better. I am leaning more towards the E-Mag because it is cheaper and it is not totaly battery dependent. Also if I do end up getting a E-Mag how good are Warp feeds, I have heard mixed stories about them. I have heard that they stick out to far on the side and people still end up getting hit in the hopper, I have heard that some people get constant breaks in the Warp (which is a pain to clean in the middle of a tournament). Could I use a P/F body and a warp with out to much problem? If anyone can think of anything else that I should know please tell me. Thanks.

07-08-2002, 04:42 PM
Well i dont think Emags are electro pneumatic but the warps are great in my opinion if u are using your gun correctly and get hit in the hopper then the ball was going to hit you anyway. Yes you can use a warp with a powerfeed body.

07-08-2002, 04:52 PM
Well, I wouldn't go too much on the whole "not battery dependant" field - I mean, don't get me wrong, it's nifty to go from electro to manual with the flick of a switch, but most Angel batteries are good for 40,000 shots, and I doubt many people can do that to a point where they have no time to charge their batteries. It is a nice feature though.

Angels - More accepted, so you can expect more parts for them, more techs, more everything. They work very nicely, just don't mess with it if you have no idea what you're doing. Expensive ($800-$1800 depending on milling and style) trigger works on springs, so they can become dull and less responsive with use, so the springs need to be replaced. Nice 'guns all in all, dependable, and use metric allens, so you'll need to pick a set of those up.

Emags - Not as accepted, but hey, there's not a lot you need done to these 'guns, or that can be done, so there aren't as many parts or techs, but they still exist. Stock, this is probably the best electro out there - trigger works with magnets, arguably the best trigger system out there. Not as expensive as their Angel counterparts (comparing C&C to C&C or Dark) but still up there. Electric or manual, consistant as heck (look at the videos), with a Emagnum board (which voids the warranty) you get up to 20bps, with no shootdown. I'd get a HALO B to keep up with the ROF. Very nice 'guns, and I've seen several times people with Emags and Angels trade guns, and the Angel guys DON'T want to trade back:)

Both 'guns are nice, (here it comes - the catch phrase) it's really just preference. Good luck!


07-08-2002, 07:21 PM
I'll only comment on the warp feed... I have pictures of my setup on my webpage if you wanna check it out...I have since changed the setup and am awaiting the digi cam I ordered to post new pics. On to my reply:

Dollar for dollar, pound for pound best upgrade I've ever bought. The people who go hopper hits were either enroute to a bunker and go snagged which as Transman stated it was gonna hit you anyway. Also... it allows for you to easily switch side of a bunker by just rotating gun 90*. This works great for snap shotting as you don't have to switch hands..and you don't have to worry about "the blimp" (hopper) hanging out. Lowers your profile... feeds at upto 20 bps.. I mean..how could this not be good?

Opinions of people who've shot my warped mag..
"whoa...its kinda heavy don't you think?" (Tips scale at 6 Lbs 7oz full of paint. Heavier than most guns I'll say.. but the added weight does allow for greater stability and it balances weight evenly left to right. Less fatigue on forearms...)
"Wow... I like that....man..I really like that...can I use it?" (I let him... he had an rt pro and said he was then going to make a warp his next upgrade.)
"I never really cared for warps, I shot one and it was too much, having a hopper in my face all the time." (Yes the tighter setup compromizes room as the loader is now directly in front of your face... solution.. lean back and hold the marker more to the middle of your body so just the gun is to the right or left, look around it on the outside with your outside eye.)
Anyway all I can say is try it... maybe find someone with a warped gun and ask if you can use your paint in it hell pay for their next fill... (i'd let ya use it for free :))Some people just don't like them..thats their deal..I personally love it :D

07-08-2002, 07:21 PM
lets put it this way:
-both are extremely fast(emag is faster though, lol)
-both look REALLY sweet(C+C xtreme emag and C+C angel)
-both have fully adjustable triggers(i just prefer magnets)
-now heres where the emag has the edge over the angel:
-it can switch to manual mode by the flick of a switch
-its MUCH easier on paint with the level 10 mod and if u get an xtreme or the xtreme body kit with anti chop eye.so u basically have a mechanical anti chop system as well as an electronic one
- can an angel do that? no, all they do is shoot fast and look nice, theres no anti chop system at all except on ir3s(COPS) but face it they are VERY overpriced with all the nonsense features.
-do the smart thing and get the emag, then u can upgrade to the xtreme with ACE!!!
(didnt mean to bash angels, they are still the second best guns next to emags. remember this is MY OPINION!!!)

07-08-2002, 07:42 PM
they are going to preform the same, when you get right down to it. i honestly feel the choice should be based on which one you like better. shoot them, test them. see how they are and how the feel to you. dont buy it if you dont like how it feels.

oh, and this should convince you on the Emag(even tho thats not my goal, i do this all the time to piss off angel owners): its just an electro spyder, nothing more

07-08-2002, 08:22 PM
everyone is going to tell you to get an emag since this is mainly an automag website, but i would think wisely about both, i prefer angels, but i will try and be non-bias

angel vs. emag

-angel triggers are light as well as very tuneable
-emag trigger has some sort of magnets that in my exp. were ALOT different to shoot, its two totally different feels

--so the weight difference will be noticable
-even the "sfl" emag was compareable to the stock black angel lcd, which has no milling
it will be interesting to see on the extreme, but most of the weight in the emag is the bolt,valve,battery

-angel mini regs, very nice and compact, they work well with angels and cockers
-Emags have the reg in the whole valve thingy:) so it adds weight to the back of the gun but its hella fast
while in on the regs, since the angels reg is in front ill talk about the battery, imo its rather big, and heavy, but its not really needed

-Angel 2001 batteries are the stuff!! they last, or should last a hella long time, and if your any kind of paintball player youll be charging it the night before:)
-emag battery is heavy and bulky like i said before, its not round so its a different feel than other guns, its not needed as well, but going from a fully electronic trigger to a totally manuel is prolly gonna kill you with shortstroking

these are the things that i think, once again, im not choosing one over the other, ive tried both and now im back to an angel, just because i love them to death, i get a feeling with my angel that i havent gotten with any other gun!

but anyways, i HIGHLY suggest you try both before buying one


07-09-2002, 05:13 AM
I have gotten the chance to shoot a ton of Angels but I have never had the chance to shot and E-Mag because no one around owns one (not many people know about them actualy). What I do not like about the Angel is the trigger actualy. Everytime I pick one up I always shoot at least one ball without meaning to because the trigger is so much like a mouse click. I am not worried about getting a million balls out in one second. I think I might end up with an E-Mag and if I really want to I am sure I can trade it for an Angel. Thanks for the info guys.