View Full Version : AGD or anyone that works at Airgun.....READ!!!

07-08-2002, 06:38 PM
On june 18th i ordered a on/off bottom and on/off pin. This weighing so little i dont even want to guess i figured it would show up in at most 5 days. I cant believe i let this get this far. It is now july 8th and no part...nothing. I am so pissed right now. This isnt even for my gun, it's for a friends and i thought i would be nice and order the cheaper stock peices for him thinking you guys are cool and will get it here. Not only cant he play rec-ball and stuff with all his little neighbor's and stuff but he is pissed at me b/c i promised the parts. This is so ubsurd it's stupid. I cant believe something like this would come from you people. Everybody rants ooh AGD is the best customer service and all that, I have yet to have a suprising or even par service as some other companies. I would kinda like to know where my parts are and if there on the way or like i think, they still havent been shipped. I have a new motto....

"Quality always takes over 3 weeks to get to you"
It's got a nice ring to it:rolleyes:

07-08-2002, 06:42 PM
EASY THERE SLUGGER!!!!! lol jk. just chill out im sure there is something that went wrong, AGD has SOO much pressure on them right now with everything going on. Especially since their online store computers are gettin things mixed up. u should have given them a call when u noticed it was taking too long instead of waiting forever then blowing up in their faces. AGD does have great customer service by the way, what are u smokin pal??

07-08-2002, 06:44 PM
I can see why youre mad, lvl 10 is slowing them down. Call them up and I'm sure they will send it out right away.

07-08-2002, 06:53 PM
That thing with the keypad on it, and with the long string plugged into the wall, is called a telephone.

Don't wait 3 weeks or however long to use it to check on an order.

brian terry
07-08-2002, 07:02 PM
email me your address and ill get the parts out to you as soon as i get your address.

07-08-2002, 07:24 PM
They sent me confirmation email saying that they got the order. Why should i have to call them to place such a simple order. Yea the LVL10 is coming out, ooo man lets stop the company's service and everything just to release a product. Thats the stupidist thing i've ever heard.

07-08-2002, 07:32 PM
If you don't receive something by a reasonable time, you generally should call to see whether there was a problem or oversight in processing the order. I personally would have called about 10 days later instead of getting progressively more upset.

Mistakes happen at every company. Give them a chance by contacting them with your specific information, and I'm sure that they will fix the order.

07-08-2002, 07:33 PM
dude...thats CRAP. i say you have all the right in the world to be pissed. takin 3 frigin weeks to get a TINY piece? thats bull crap. even if Lvl 10 is bein released, that shouldn't effect other orders. If lvl 10 is doing ANYTHING, it shouldn't be holding up other orders. If a Lvl 10 can't ship, put it aside so not to effect what other ppl need

07-08-2002, 07:33 PM
they did not send you an email conformation, the online ordering system did so automatically. I have always recieved my items on time from AGD. but there is always the possibility of a mixup or bug in the computer system that would cause your order not to get processed. They are going to be busy right now. so its a good idea to call if your order is not recieved in a timely manner.

07-08-2002, 07:36 PM
has it ever occured to you that they shipped it and UPS FUBARed it? either way, you shouldnt wait 20 days, and then all of a sudden be pissed off. after 5-6 business days, in the future, just give them a call and see whats going on, and talk to a person.

i have to say that AGD has great service. $350+ worth of stuff was put into my gun($50 of which i didnt ask for), by them, for free...and the big thing, they dont even make the gun!

07-08-2002, 07:43 PM
also in life things go wrong. superbolt 1 did not work out. computers crash have bugs. and things fall through. It just happens. thats where customer service comes in. when things go wrong you make them right. they said give them your info and they will get it right out. thats customer service right there.

07-08-2002, 07:46 PM
I had a post like this 10 days ago asking, I thought maybe that would have brought some concern to them but i guess not. Anyways...

The cool guy Brian Terry is he put in my order and it will be shipped tomorow. I cant thank him for being so cool about this. Thanks again Brian!!!

07-08-2002, 07:47 PM
On a side note.

I have the first ever made superbolt in my Emag so the superbolt was a sucuss for me.:D

07-08-2002, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by i-luv-my-rt
I had a post like this 10 days ago asking, I thought maybe that would have brought some concern to them but i guess not.
the offical ladys dont come on AO and look for situations like this, you should have called them.

07-08-2002, 10:15 PM
Before I say this, I want to say I love AGD and have the utmost respect for them.

But I wanted to add that in ANY companies case that has products out that they support... it is important to always keep that the highest priority... IE I don't think any regular orders should be backed up because of level 10. If the company doesn't have the capacity to do both at once, they either need to close the store for awhile, hire more people, or stop the production of level 10 (GOD NO!). I'm sure you all understand what I'm saying.

07-08-2002, 10:22 PM
I didnt mean for this to like get all out of hand but it is kinda wrong.

Either way problem is solved let's settle down!!!:D

07-09-2002, 09:27 AM
Please email me at [email protected] with your name and the details of your order - especially the 4-digit order number assigned by the store (not the confirmation number).

Everybody - posting here if you have a problem with an order is not the best way to get service. I just don't have the time to read every post - if I did, nobody would EVER get their orders! Please email me (unless it's about Level 10 - then just wait!) or call if your order seems to be taking too long to arrive.

I'd also like to let you know that we did not hold up any regular orders for the Level 10 orders. Other store orders were given priority.


07-09-2002, 11:29 AM
Just wanted to finish this off for everybody.

There WAS a glitch. The store should automatically send me an email notice of each order, and I use that to enter the orders into our system. In this case, that didn't happen - there was no email notice. This happens rarely, and while I do doublecheck the store against my records from time to time, I hadn't had time to do it recently - in fact, I have that on my To Do list for today.

So once again, if you haven't seen your order (except Level 10) in ten days, you need to call or email me.

I do all the handling of Internet Store orders so it's best if you talk to me rather than JoAnn. Email is BEST though, once again, it's [email protected].


07-09-2002, 12:11 PM

i dont really know what to say so...

good luck in egtting the part ur friend needs

brian terry
07-09-2002, 01:21 PM
its over now people i sent him out the parts today.if you order something from the online store and dont get what you order in a week or so you need to call agd.

07-09-2002, 02:11 PM
i-luv-my-rt went way off the handle over a technical slipup that he took personally...IMO he owes the people at AGD at least an "I'm sorry" for assuming that they were ignoring or intentionally screwing him. :mad: You notice how as soon as it was brought to OfficeGal's attention, she found out exactly what the problem was and what needed to be done to fix it? Maybe i-luv-my-rt should have tried that in the first place. Mistakes happen, but going on a ranting fit in a public forum about something that you don't even know the details of is in bad taste, in my opinion.

07-09-2002, 02:20 PM
If you rant and rave on a forum instead of calling the place up, you deserve to wait another three weeks. edit out curse filter avoidance stuff happens, deal with it the mature way.

07-09-2002, 02:24 PM
Ok hissy fits over.

Sorry I didn't notice this one Marcia or I would have alerted you to it.

Thank you Marcia and Brian Terry for helping out this AGD customer.
