View Full Version : guys im new to the e-mag so if you could help me out

07-08-2002, 08:42 PM
im gonna be getting an extreme e-mag and i currently run a high pressure preset,do i need an adjustible tank?or is there a reg on it that i need to adjust?if there is an inline reg where is it?but i was also told that it wouldnt matter because to run a mag you want 700 psi going in it is this true?

sorry to sound so ignorant but im use to cockers and angels.

thanks sprayer

07-08-2002, 08:50 PM
You don't need an adjustable tank, a preset one is fine. There is no other reg on the emag to adjust the presure, as long as your tank has a high output pressure you will be fine. 700 is recomended but most presets are 850, so thats what people with presets use and it works great.

07-08-2002, 11:24 PM
thanks i appreciate the reply,im looking so forward to this new e-mag,im using a 68/4500 preset crossfire do you know if they put out enough?wow i should be careful how i word that someone might have a talk with me with this being a rated g forum.LOL


07-09-2002, 12:06 AM
Any of the preset tanks that put out 800-850psi input are fine. The pressure regulator on the E-Mag is in the valve. This controls the operating pressure in the valve and the velocity. It brings the pressure down to about 400psi inside the valve and this is what fires the ball. It's the large silver screw on the back of the valve. Running a second regulator on any Mag triple regulates the system and usually causes shootdown.