View Full Version : Does LVL 10 need a higher input pressure for retro valve?

07-08-2002, 09:43 PM
I have a retro valve and was wondering if It would be better to run it with a higher input with a LVL 10? I have a hyperframe and have been running my LVL 7 bolt at about 450-500psi with no problems. I'm going to test my LVL 10 this weekend and I will play with the input myself to see what gives a better performance. I'm just wondering if anyone else has played with this variable yet to give me a starting point.

07-08-2002, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Doobie
I have a retro valve and was wondering if It would be better to run it with a higher input with a LVL 10? I have a hyperframe and have been running my LVL 7 bolt at about 450-500psi with no problems. I'm going to test my LVL 10 this weekend and I will play with the input myself to see what gives a better performance. I'm just wondering if anyone else has played with this variable yet to give me a starting point.

Why are you running your input so low?

Your input pressure should be higer than that to prevent shootdown for any valve. The input pressure to an automag does not effect bolt pressure since it is internally regulated.

No matter what pressure you input to the valve between 400-3000 psi the internal regulator will knock the input pressure down to around 350psi irregardless.

For better performance and no shootdown the input to all automag valves should be around 800 psi so that your air supply can sufficently feed the internal regulator.

07-08-2002, 10:02 PM
I have had it set that low for over a year and had no problems with shootdown at all. I guess that speaks well for the Retrovalve. I can shoot long strings over a chrono and the last shot will have the same (+/- 5fps) velocity as when I shoot single, slow shots. I did the low input thing to squeak more miles from my tank. I guess it also speaks well for my Nitroduck mini regIII. I also know higher input on an RT valve will make the trigger bounce more but I don't need that with a Hyperframe. I got the RT valve for the recharge rate. I know it sounds like it shouldn't work, but it does!:)

BTW, this is why I love AO. The quick response of other members...thanks butter!

07-08-2002, 10:05 PM
Ummm i dont think it gives you more shots because a mag shoots a controled amount of air input has nothing to do with it

07-08-2002, 10:33 PM
*smacks head and shakes it* I never really thought about that. :rolleyes: I'll be over here in the corner taping my head against the wall if anyone needs me.:o

have you ever posted something and then suddenly wish you hadn't?

07-08-2002, 10:36 PM
lol yup my head has knots all over it ;)

07-09-2002, 12:03 AM
Well, it actually would squeeze a few more shots. If you're setup to shoot 285 FPS @ 450 PSI, and the same setup shooting 285 FPS at 900 PSI, When your tank is running low it will probably shoot better on the lower presusure system. Dont mind me....kinda tired

07-09-2002, 12:09 AM
Mossman a mag is going to shoot at the same operating preasure not matter what the input is because it has an internal regulator

07-09-2002, 12:28 AM
Ya, I know. I think i heard somewhere that it depends on the reg, but Regs are more consistant when they drop the pressure over a certain amount. Like if you have to get 300psi, and you have a gladiator to do it, it would be more consistent if the gladiator was regulating a 400psi crossfire LP tank than a 850 PSI regular pressure tank.

Sorta makes sense, I dont know what I'm talking about though :)

07-09-2002, 12:34 AM
lol well if hes getting +/- 5 fps when hes running 450 psi to his gun the the regulator cant be workin to much better cause the worst i get at 800psi is +/- 3 or maybe hes not chronoing it the correct way which is quite possible

07-09-2002, 09:07 AM
about posting things you regret...... two word: EDIT and DENY :D

07-09-2002, 09:50 AM
just a general observation
the reason a retro valve has no shootdown is because it recharges the regulator at the pressure coming into the air source. This is why a 600 psi or higher input pressure is recommended. By running your retro valve at 500 psi it is operating exactly the same as a stock air valve. BTW the stock air valve has been operated at 16 bps with little if any drop off, check out the odysessy website.