View Full Version : Programable I-Frame?

07-09-2002, 01:40 AM
I don't know much about it at all, but this guy told me about one and said they were about 180 and that its programable or something.He said he was looking in to where to buy them. I was just kind of curious about these, so if anyone has any info on these it would help!

07-09-2002, 02:28 AM
i think that guy needs to set his crack pipe down and take a few steps back...

07-09-2002, 06:15 AM
No they are not programmable. They allow you to Intelli-Feed your Motorized Hopper or MH/Warp (which makes them spin/activate when your trigger is pulled).

Feel free to use the SEARCH feature and type in intelliframe. You will find all sorts of good reading about it, to include how it got its name (AO had a contest), and much more!

07-09-2002, 10:44 AM
how could it be programmable?!:rolleyes:

like i said before...

geeze there are alot of clueless people out there...

Patron God of Pirates
07-09-2002, 10:54 AM
What has not being said, is that the I-Frame is not an electro Frame, hence, cannot be programed

07-09-2002, 11:10 AM
first off, its not electro hence it not being programmable. And second, they dont cost $180, they range from $90-$120.

07-09-2002, 11:22 AM
he's talkin bout booh ya or hyperframe

07-09-2002, 12:34 PM
For one I am not stupid or crazy, I am not talking about a boo yah or hyperframe and I know that it is not electro, I know what the Intelliframe does I know how much they are. That is not what I am asking, maybe I didn't use the right word,programmable is not the best, but it does a lot more than the normal one. I don't think its the "crack" because I have heard a few people talking about it. Maybe it is just a rumor. But that is what im trying to figure out. Creek, a mod at pbreview was talking to me and metioned it to me, but he knew nothing about it. And no he not some kid that is making something up, neither am I, so can we please stop saying that stuff. I was just curious if anyone knew anything about it. Thank you anyway though.

07-09-2002, 12:41 PM
No one said u were stupid or a crackhead. They said the person telling u this didn't know wat they were saying. The only way to get a programable i-frame would be to have someone custom make it for thousands of dollars. Even if u could program it all u could do is make ur hopper spin 2wice or something.

07-09-2002, 12:45 PM
I think I got ya BAD007. YOu can mount a microswith inside the iFrame to make your hopper or warp spin with each trigger pull. AGD posted directions on their website. Check them out.


There are several instructions there, including:
- Hooking the iFrame to the Revolution Hopper
- Hooking the iFrame to the Warp Feed

Check those out. Hope this is what you were looking for.

Later ~ Dave

07-09-2002, 01:06 PM
I know about the whole thing of having it spin with every trigger pull.Well the guy that told me this is going to be a tech for Palmers, he can make an electro blazer, so i doubt hes a crackhead either, but anyway thanks, that is more along what i am looking for. But no thats not exactly what I was looking for, but Creek was saying that they sold for about 180 and he said he might be able to get hold of one, maybe someone is modding them, don't know. I am going to call him today and see.

07-09-2002, 01:13 PM
They didnt sell for 180...theres really nothing else it can do. After all, all the Iframe is is a nice frame, made to tight tolerances, with a milled out chunk for a switch. No computer, no other options, no nothing.

07-09-2002, 01:15 PM
what IS that guy smokin. tell him to hook me up with some

07-09-2002, 01:21 PM
What is it and all the smoking jokes?......

07-09-2002, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by BAD007
For one I am not stupid or crazy, I am not talking about a boo yah or hyperframe and I know that it is not electro, I know what the Intelliframe does I know how much they are. That is not what I am asking, maybe I didn't use the right word,programmable is not the best, but it does a lot more than the normal one. I don't think its the "crack" because I have heard a few people talking about it. Maybe it is just a rumor. But that is what im trying to figure out. Creek, a mod at pbreview was talking to me and metioned it to me, but he knew nothing about it. And no he not some kid that is making something up, neither am I, so can we please stop saying that stuff. I was just curious if anyone knew anything about it. Thank you anyway though.
u aint gotta get mad..we are just trying to help u..geez..i think he's thinkin of intellifeeding anyways

07-09-2002, 01:38 PM
Okay… if I may….

The smoking jokes are because YOU are talking about some guy from some other forum who is GOING to be a tech someplace other than AGD, he never worked for AGD, has never been on THIS forum, etc. Get the picture?

No matter how many times AGD customers and techs tell you there is NO SUCH THING as a PROGRAMABLE INTELLIFRAME, you keep coming back with “some other guy” who you trust told you so, and list a price that the IntelliFrame has NEVER sold at.

Like I tell clients who want to listen to everyone else but me (their nephew, some “friend”, some tech not associated with myself or any of the process, etc.), go ahead and trust them. Think what you want, NO PROBLEM, but don’t ask me again.

Others have told you the REAL DEAL, and I even pointed you in the right direction so that YOU can read all the information available on the IntelliFrame.

You sound insulted in some way.... but WE should be insulted. A lot of us were here WAY before the IntelliFrame even came out, were involved with its development, and I personally RAN the contest Tom had to design its packaging. You are a new member, and VERY young, and for that I will cut you some slack….. but this post is all the slack I will cut you. Take your time and read this thread again, and read THIS post VERY closely.

ANY news about AGD products will be found HERE first. And any conformation about any AGD products can be found HERE first. And simply put, your “friend” may not be smoking anything, but it sounds like he is blowing a lot of it. Either that, or you don’t have a clue what the heck you are talking about and are confusing things that he said to you.

You have been given your answer.

Patron God of Pirates
07-09-2002, 02:45 PM
Shartley is correct. If you ever have a question about Mags, or other AGD products, come here first. The only way to get more accurate information, more quickly, is to work for AGD.

There remains the possibility, like you said, that some other company is making the mod you are talking about. The odds on that are extremely slim though. Chances are, if anyone is doing anything special with AGD products, someone here would know.

The fact that no one has heard whisper of it makes your friends testimony suspect. Perhaps if you had some details we could better debunk his claims.

Oh well.... I just didn't want Shartly having the last post again. ;)

07-09-2002, 03:18 PM
okay, some people aren't very knowledgable outside of AGD stuff... if the guy actually said "I-Frame" and not "Intelliframe" then he might be talking about the I-Frame (it's a totally different product) made for Smart Parts' Impulse, yes I do believe it is programable. As for the intelliframe, no.

07-09-2002, 07:48 PM
OK, THAT is why I came here to see if any of this was true. So I don't understand why I am being shutdown because I had a question. Why I put about where he works is because to show you that he IS NOT SOME 13 YEAR OLD KID. And thanks for being so "friendly", when someone has a question. I feel sorry for the next fool to ask a question. And why should you be insulted, I am because I was made fun of. And JUST BECAUSE I CAME HERE a little ago doesn't mean I am young or a "newbie" so don't assume that. And I do not "trust" him, and if I did I wouldn't be here trying to figure out the truth, so don't get why your saying that. And yes the guy is a memeber here. The guy is 53, hes not a kid.

Recommendation for anyone that has a question, don't ask, you get made fun of then get hated. AND YES I DO GET THAT from " Take your time and read this thread again, and read THIS post VERY closely." Cool down. Sorry for asking.

07-09-2002, 08:09 PM
Man chill you take things WAY to seriously most of the replies that you get to questions around here will have a smart *** remark with your answer hidden deep inside you just have to search for it ;) thats what makes it fun its like a treasure hunt :D

07-09-2002, 09:27 PM
good luck on your quest BAD007.
dont you just love the lengthy responses some people make. pretty funny reading.

07-09-2002, 09:36 PM
Hah. Every post becomes a soap opera when Shartley joins in!

Everyone calm down. He obviously isn't TRYING to annoy anyone, he's seeking an answer. The reason he reposted was because he either had more questions or didn't understand the reply. Just calm down. Every single thread that was started by a person with less than 100 posts and contains a question turns into this crap! Just let it go.

07-09-2002, 09:46 PM
Transman, that is funny as poo and SOOOO true!

07-09-2002, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by einhander619
Transman, that is funny as poo and SOOOO true!
Thx yeah its pretty true im just glad someone read my post seems like when peeps see my name they just skip over it :D

07-09-2002, 11:42 PM
Well one thing that you like all do is assume things WAY too much. Yeah, these things do seriously turn into dramas. Over like half the posts in this thread have nothing to do with the topic,lol. Personally I hate the darn post count on forums. Just because people don't post a lot does not mean they are "newbies", took me forever to get that through the head over there at pbfreak. Sorry if I vented a little,lol. Stuff like that bugs me. Thanks for all of the people that helped.

07-09-2002, 11:48 PM
seeing as this is a mag forum, people assumed you were talking about the intelliframe, also called the i-frame. i think you should have been more specific about your question.

07-10-2002, 02:19 AM
Potti he was talking about the I-frame and the assuming he was talking about was everyone talking about crack heads and such.

07-10-2002, 05:09 AM
I agree… he needs to chill. He took comments that were not even aimed at him and took them personally. I went back and read what was written AGAIN, to make sure…. Yup, he was the one who got “pissy” first.

Thank you for your comment. If you look at what was written, I HELPED him (or attempted to) and was nice. How many times does someone need to be told something before you just tell them to take a hike? I can see from your vast time and experience here on AO that you know SO much about me and what happens here.

Also NOT every Thread started by a person with under 100 posts turns into crap. If you look, quite a few are ANSWERED or they are pointed to where they can get the answer. The Threads that turn to crap are the blatant lazy questions, or the ones where the one asking becomes silly for some reason.

I just LOVE looking at who is making posts, profiles are so revealing at times and puts things in their proper perspective. I sometimes wish a requirement for AO would be that the person’s picture was posted with their comments.. now THAT would stop a lot of useless arguments and bickering. (Some may call this statement arrogant, so be it.. but it is TRUE.)

I am sorry you feel slighted. Please go back and read how it all went down again. Post for post. You will see that the person who overreacted was you. You will see that comments made were not directed at you, but you took them that way. You will also see that your question was answered many times.

And if you look at MY first post in particular, you will see that I WAS friendly. However, only after you started getting pissy, did I NOT remain friendly, but I was a lot nicer than you would have found on ANY other forum. Grow some thicker skin, it will help you in life.

And JUST BECAUSE I CAME HERE a little ago doesn't mean I am young or a "newbie" so don't assume that.
No, your question and how you asked it would point to a newer person, and your PROFILE that states that you were born in 86 states that you are young. What is your point? There is NOTHING wrong with either being young OR a newbie. It was your insistence that noone understood your question, or that they were not giving you the answer you wanted that got old… and fast, it had nothign to do with your age or experience level. Heck, I seldom even look at post counts or ages.. I look at what was written.

So please people, READ what was actually written and by whom. Read the order in which they were posted. And stop playing the victim, or wanting it to LOOK like the “old guys” were beating up on the “new guys”…. That was simply NOT the case. He would have gotten the SAME response from us if he had been a member for YEARS and posted the exact same things.

Patron God of Pirates
07-10-2002, 09:09 AM
This thread just inspired my to modify my sig.

I still don't think the question has been answered. He is clearly not talking about the SP I-Frame:

BAD007: "I am not talking about a boo yah or hyperframe and I know that it is not electro, I know what the Intelliframe does I know how much they are"

I'd say that states pretty clearly what Frame he was asking about.. So adding the SP I-Frame to the conversation only increases the already abundant confusion.

So your answer is this: If such a thing exists, we don't know about it. That puts the odds of its existence at about 5000-1.

There are a number of other things he could have been talking about, I-Z-Frames for instance (also not programmable). I recommend you go back to the source and get a clear explanation of what he is talking about, then copy and paste it here.

Hearsay is next to useless.