View Full Version : Parents and Paintball 4?(I lost track)

07-09-2002, 05:01 PM

GUESS WHAT!?!? Another one of these threads! Ok, now it's time for tips on how to get upgrades for your gun, like level 10 beta mods, and not get your parents mad. Any suggestions?

lol, I want to get lvl 10 mods. I hope there are still beta packages still for sale. I asked my parents if I could buy one, since my parents get mad if they just find a package for me on the doorstep and find out it's paintball gear. I already asked my mom and I offered to not paintball for a month if I was allowed to buy the lvl 10. No go, my mom says that the lvl 10 beta(if there are any left) is still too expensive. I am using my own money but I'll get in hella trouble with my parents if I buy it behind their backs and they find out. My parents are still anti-paintball... Just please don't give me bad ideas.

07-09-2002, 05:06 PM
i know..when u put a sending address down..make it one of your friends..they will never know u have it until u tell them..good idea eh?

07-09-2002, 05:08 PM
im with him ^ and when they see the spare parts in ur room and ask what they are just say someone gave them to u cause they didn't need them. And I don't think ur parents will notice if ur mag dosen't chop as much :)

07-09-2002, 05:25 PM
We could hollow out a book, put it inside it and send it to you. LOL

07-09-2002, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by paintbattler
i know..when u put a sending address down..make it one of your friends..they will never know u have it until u tell them..good idea eh?

I have done this before, with the purchase of my first 12v revvy. I sent it to my friends house. My mother never noticed, and to this day has yet to realize i have two hoppers.;)

Its a good Idea, and as long as the parents of the friend dont get any ideas about why this package has suddenly arrived then your set!

Kaiser Bob
07-09-2002, 05:43 PM
as much as losing your parents trust is bad, to be honest how are they going to know that you have a different bolt and orings if you have it sent to a friends?

07-09-2002, 06:04 PM
Yea, I agree with everyone else. It's not like they'll see it. And luckily, almost all mods going for the automag are fairly unnoticable to the untrained eye.

07-09-2002, 06:09 PM
Your parents are just trying to do what's best for you. How old are you? Maybe they would rather you save for college or something. Just something to ponder...

07-09-2002, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by subbeh
Your parents are just trying to do what's best for you. How old are you? Maybe they would rather you save for college or something. Just something to ponder...

Yeah, I know what you're saying. I'm 15. There's no problem with me getting into college since there's enough money saved for that cause. My parents just want me to spend money on something "useful".

I'm not a dishonest person and I'd feel guilty buying it behind their backs so I'm not going to do that.

07-09-2002, 06:41 PM
how do you guys pay for this stuff. I'm in the same parents-hate-paintball situation as you guys (even though they just let me get a MAG, WOOHOO!). I don't have a credit card or anything, so how do you make the payments?

07-09-2002, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Sinnet
how do you guys pay for this stuff. I'm in the same parents-hate-paintball situation as you guys (even though they just let me get a MAG, WOOHOO!). I don't have a credit card or anything, so how do you make the payments?

Well, I can either call AGD and do an MO or I can ask my parents to use their card # and I can pay them back after I buy the parts.

07-09-2002, 07:16 PM
Definatly don't order it behind their backs. You don't want to loose their trust. Luckily my parents really like that I play paintball because they look at it as any other sport. Okay your 15, you're old enough to get a job. Try that, tell you parents you want to work so you can earn your own money to pay for it. If you have to, explain to them what it does so they will understand it. Explain how this is "useful" because you really enjoy paintball. Try to work a deal with them. I would never be able to go behind my parent's backs either so I understand how you feel. I'm only 14 and I got a job as a parking lot attendant at a local restaurant so see if you could do something like that. It's the easiest job in the world.

07-09-2002, 07:31 PM
yes, order it and get it sent to a friend YOU TRUST and know that if they betrayed you you would beat um up.

07-09-2002, 07:37 PM

tell them that buying the level10 will actually save you money.....

less balls chopped,less balls shot,less balls baught...vualla

07-09-2002, 07:39 PM
wow people

you have crazy parents

you really do

as long as it's my money my parents could care less if I ordered belly dancers every day to entertain me...

07-09-2002, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06

tell them that buying the level10 will actually save you money.....

less balls chopped,less balls shot,less balls baught...vualla

Pssst... I NEVER CHOP! lol I just want it to show off

07-09-2002, 08:03 PM
well unless you can convince them to let you get it then ou will have to go behind there backs sorry but i think thats the only way

07-09-2002, 08:11 PM
be REALLY REALLY REALLY nice too ur parents for a week, i mean be an little angel to the best of ur ability. Do everything they say and volunter to take out the trash, do yard work and stuff.

Take your dad to go pb and get him hooked:D . Then when it's time to ask it'll be a 2v1:cool: .

Will Wood
07-09-2002, 08:38 PM
Yes, but a womens vote counts 10-fold

07-09-2002, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by MagmanLee
be REALLY REALLY REALLY nice too ur parents for a week, i mean be an little angel to the best of ur ability. Do everything they say and volunter to take out the trash, do yard work and stuff.

Take your dad to go pb and get him hooked:D . Then when it's time to ask it'll be a 2v1:cool: .

lol, my dad's almost a senior citizen and has heart problems... I don't think he enjoys intense physical activities. Not to mention, he hates paintball too.

07-09-2002, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps

lol, my dad's almost a senior citizen and has heart problems... I don't think he enjoys intense physical activities. Not to mention, he hates paintball too.

FooTemps GIVE IT UP! Stop trying to go behind your parents back. Every time you post one of these things, it's how can I get past my parents somehow to get something to play paintball etc. Paintball is a hobby, your parents are your FAMILY, your Family is way more important than your hobby. Don't lose your parents trust over a friggin hobby.

07-09-2002, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by LittMag

FooTemps GIVE IT UP! Stop trying to go behind your parents back. Every time you post one of these things, it's how can I get past my parents somehow to get something to play paintball etc. Paintball is a hobby, your parents are your FAMILY, your Family is way more important than your hobby. Don't lose your parents trust over a friggin hobby.

Hmmmmm... Did you even read my posts? As you can see, I'm looking for ADVICE ON HOW TO CONVINCE THEM THAT PAINTBALL ISNT A VIOLENT WAR INDUCING BARBARIAN GAME.

07-09-2002, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps

Hmmmmm... Did you even read my posts? As you can see, I'm looking for ADVICE ON HOW TO CONVINCE THEM THAT PAINTBALL ISNT A VIOLENT WAR INDUCING BARBARIAN GAME.

LOL. I gotta convince myself of that before I try to convince anyone else.

07-09-2002, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps

Hmmmmm... Did you even read my posts? As you can see, I'm looking for ADVICE ON HOW TO CONVINCE THEM THAT PAINTBALL ISNT A VIOLENT WAR INDUCING BARBARIAN GAME.

Your previous first posts RE: parents and paintball...
I understand it's your life, I'm just tired of the 6 different posts of the same topic I've seen over the past year or so. You're brother played paintball in college, you're 15. I say again, just give it up, play your 4 times a year and quit battling your parents

Guess what!?!?
I'm trying for it again! Now that I have my paintball gun I want to buy a good one! I'm trying to get my parents to let me buy a paintball gun.... any more tips?

I lose... My parents win... I can't play paintball more than 4 times a year...

Hm... I'm just wonderin about who actually sent their letters. I've only gotten one so far...

I'm sorta disappointed in the fact that I still can't get my parents to change their minds... Any more suggestions? I try to lay off paintball as much as I can and I work on my grades but it's not enough for them... I just got a 102% test grade and I asked about letting me play paintball more as a chirstmas present and they told me to shut up...
Hm... I'm looking for more help... You know the drill...

Lemme start over...

My parents don't like talking about paintball and will try to avoid it at all costs. They will eventually get to the point of threatening me to get away from paintball. I've asked for a logical reason they dont like it and I come up with a half baked reason that came from what my parents think paintball is than what they actually learned.
My dad thinks that it's just a reason for people to shoot at each other. My dad doesn't know the people who play paintball like it because of the game aspect, not the shooting aspect.
My mom says it's too much of a hassle for her. My mom doesn't drive more than 1.5 miles from my home and she wouldn't take care of a paintgun for me either.
I told them paintball is safer than being at home but they don't care. They say paintball is bad because it's paintball.
I tried to let them know paintball builds character but they think that I'm bs'ing and that those are just excuses to go buy a paintball gun and paintball.

07-09-2002, 09:56 PM
The thing is... I battled and lost but then Tunaman helped me out and my parents changed their minds. I play twice a month and my parents don't care. Yes, they're worried about how I spend my money but I want to let them know that paintball isn't a terrible waste like cigarrettes, beer, drugs, and all that bad crap.

07-09-2002, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps
The thing is... I battled and lost but then Tunaman helped me out and my parents changed their minds. I play twice a month and my parents don't care. Yes, they're worried about how I spend my money but I want to let them know that paintball isn't a terrible waste like cigarrettes, beer, drugs, and all that bad crap.

Ok, well if that is the case, then I apologise. From the inital post of yours I assumed you were trying to twist your parents arms to let you play again or go behind their backs.
One option could be, for every dollar you spend on paintball equiptment give your parents a dollar to put into a savings account of yours. Or something like that. It would show your parents that you are responsible. I understand that it makes things twice as hard. But I think it beats sending the stuff to a friends house

07-09-2002, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by LittMag

Ok, well if that is the case, then I apologise. From the inital post of yours I assumed you were trying to twist your parents arms to let you play again or go behind their backs.
One option could be, for every dollar you spend on paintball equiptment give your parents a dollar to put into a savings account of yours. Or something like that. It would show your parents that you are responsible. I understand that it makes things twice as hard. But I think it beats sending the stuff to a friends house

Thanks for understanding. That's actually a good idea... I can afford that a lot of the time too.

07-09-2002, 10:58 PM
Paintball helps develop teamwork, strategy, gives exercise, releives stress, and other skills that would be useful in the real world. I've heard of some companies taking their employees out to play paintball for these very reasons. My advice is to do research on this (maybe talk to some industry leaders through email and chats), and write a report on it. Not only would you be able to pass it off as a research project at school (for an assignment or extra credit), but you could get your parents to read it as well. Just my 0.04

07-10-2002, 12:03 AM
I'm sorry foo, I've never said anything bad about all your "my family oppresses me", but I gotta chime in.

Seriously, a lot of people gave you useful ideas, funny ideas, etc. We all know u bow down to your parents or whatever. If your not gonna do it then please spare us the whining. I have little respect for your parents, whether they are old school/old country or whatever. Obviously you spend a hells of a lot more time whoring on AO then you do playing paintball, which is definately a more enriching activity.

I think that AO has been great to you, and you are a great person around, getting the first word in every anti-mag thread theres ever been :). However, if you want to reform your parents you need to be active in it. It seems over the past 6 months you've gone from not being allowed to play, to owning a pg1, to a mag because Tuna is such a nice guy. At least your getting somewhere. Your parents didnt help you with any of this, so adding an upgrade isnt exactly the end of the world. This isnt a 6000 dollar solid gold body, this is a invisible 65 dollar investment. If its your money, and you earned it, just get the damned thing. If your parents find out tell them tuning it was 2 hours u coulda spent eating chips and getting fat on the computer.

I say get it, enjoy it, and stop telling us about it!

07-10-2002, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by FooTemps
My parents just want me to spend money on something "useful".

Uhhh, I'm heartbroken... paintball seems to be "not useful."

I guess I'll just have to stop playing now! ;)

07-10-2002, 10:10 AM
lol...paintball isnt a hobby....

its a sport...


pfft...ide rather play paintball:rolleyes: