View Full Version : The FUNNIEST bunker

E==Mag MAN
07-09-2002, 05:06 PM
Okay well i was playing backyard paintball on a small speedball made out of wooden pannels with supports. They were sturdy bunkers, accually very nice just needed few more bunkers. Well its me and my friend matt versus his 2 buddies 2 on 2. well i crawl up the field to the 50. They couldnt see me the whole time as long as i kept the bunker in the way. Well one guy was scared of paintballs but also had his spyder on 6 shot burst so i was somewhat hesitant to go bunker them cause it was a good 20 foot run and i didnt have my e-mag. hehe just my shutter. Well anyways both of them are this big bunker. 1 has no problem playing and wasnt that bad. I run around and the dude with the electronic spyder takes one look at me lol thsi is the funny part. He JOLTS FULL SPEED RIGHT INTO THE BUNKER LOL KNOCKING it off the supports wich were screwed on well and falling down on top of it. lol it was so funny to see him look up and then jolt. his teammate was like WTF the bunker is gone lol. It had to have hurt lol. it was quite funny.

07-09-2002, 08:21 PM
dude....thats good. I would have LOVED to have seen it.:D :p

07-09-2002, 09:07 PM
i would have loved to see that. the funnyest ive ever done was pulling a guys spyer out of his hands then bunkering him
he almost wet himself

E==Mag MAN
07-09-2002, 10:35 PM
lol grabbed his spyder lol

07-09-2002, 11:22 PM
I ran up 2 bunker someone, shot them and then they turn around and shoot me! I was mighty pissed lol

E==Mag MAN
07-09-2002, 11:35 PM
*EDIT* No cussing, ya big Dork. Army

07-10-2002, 12:21 AM
ya because its like someone slapped you on the back of the head!

07-10-2002, 12:26 AM
I see this like house bunker, so I run into, since I was taking fire while running to it, I quickly took aim once i got to the house bunker, and I hear a voice "man I don't think we're going to win this"

I'm like "It ain't lookin good but we got a chance"

I had taken quick glances at him, but I didn't really notice until a little while that, he had a red armband, and was part of the other team..

I said "Dude are you..."

And he looked at me, and we were just staring at eachother, then after a moment of silence, we just started unloading on eachother, i hit him in the chest like 3 times and suprisingly, I felt hits on my shoulder area, but they must of bounced. And I continued the game!

07-10-2002, 12:39 AM
LOL, something like that happened to me...I made it to the Tiger (our fields 50). Well I didnt know our hole left side got taken out, so 2 guys come from behind me. I didnt know they were they and they didnt know I was there...so I look up and I think about shooting the guy but I dont and so he jumps back behind a bunker. Lucky he didnt have paint, either did I and lucky that other guy went behind the other bunker. So I crouch and then go to the 1st guys bunker and bunker him, but the bad thing is that the other dude did have paint and then lite my mask and my gun up.

alf I bet u remeber this...?

E==Mag MAN
07-10-2002, 08:49 AM
HUh i dont remember what i said. Owell i remember lol your whole post gets edited now lol.