View Full Version : 68 Automag Valve Troubles

07-09-2002, 08:36 PM
I was hoping someone could help me out. I have searched and found much, but nothing that has helped.

I am trying to fix my friends 68 automag valve. Before I begin, I've already replaced everything in a parts kit and the whole on/off assembly. Often times when the trigger is pulled it will slowly start to leak (couple seconds) then just burst will full air, until the trigger is pulled down. Sometimes it will stutter or double or even tripple shoot. Whenever it does shoot, it has extremely low velocity (though the velocity may be set low, I'm not sure).

This is a bit of an older valve, I believe, simply because the on/off that was in it was the older version.

Please, any recommendations I will do.

I have tried power tube spacer kit. It gets better the lower I go. I have even grouned the lowest one lower and lower trying it every time and it still will not correct the error.

ANY suggestions welcomed, I'll try anything.

Questions? Let me know and I'll answer them. Thanks much for your help, guys.

07-09-2002, 09:20 PM
Have you tried replacing the regulator seat? Make sure that piston thing in the on/off moves freely, try replacing the powertube o-ring and make sure there is nothing stuck in the german hand grenade part of the gun.

07-09-2002, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Mag89
Have you tried replacing the regulator seat? Make sure that piston thing in the on/off moves freely, try replacing the powertube o-ring and make sure there is nothing stuck in the german hand grenade part of the gun.

Thanks for the input Mag, but it's been done. Very annoying indeed :(

07-10-2002, 04:26 AM
Take the body apart from the trigger frame, and have a look at the sear and bolt. They shouldn't be rounded in any way, your sear may not be catching the bolt properly causing the stuttering.

If either the bolt or the sear have been eroded or worn out, replace them. With AGD parts obviously :D

07-10-2002, 09:22 AM
I once had an air leak out the front that I couldn't cure with a spacer kit. I replaced the sear and everything worked fine. The sear didn't even look like it was badly worn, just smoothed by normal wear.

07-10-2002, 09:34 AM
Will try, thanks!