View Full Version : RT VALVE performance

07-09-2002, 09:35 PM
Ok i have a classic automag with z-grip and an RT valve. I use hp and i am having problems with the valve. Even with the hp air, i'm getting the effect that you would get if you were using co2 and the valve was freezing. Off and on the valve will stick and 'fart' (i guess i can call it that). When this happens sometimes the trigger doesn't kick back and then balls don't feed right and always end up breaking. Can anyone help??? Can i send this in and get it fixed? Is it worth doing if i have to?:confused:

07-09-2002, 09:47 PM
PM'ed you.

07-10-2002, 03:27 PM
Come on guys, i need to fix this. Someone must know what's up with it.

07-10-2002, 03:55 PM
Is your input pressure over 600psi?

07-10-2002, 04:06 PM
oh oh oh, maybe that is it. I don't really know what it is at. The guage reads like 800 but i figured the valve regulated itself. Does the rt valve have it's on regulater?
Or do i have to put my own on when i upgrade valves like i did?

07-10-2002, 04:15 PM
you need at least 700 psi going to the valve.

07-11-2002, 06:02 AM
It does regulate its self but it ony regulates it self down its im possible to regulate up. Make sure your imput pressure is above 700psi you might need to clean your reg or replace some oring.

07-11-2002, 07:24 AM
We need details. What kind of tank you are using? Did you buy the RT valve used? Etc...

07-11-2002, 02:57 PM
Yes, i bought it used off a guy. He said it just got looked over by agd and it was fine. It works great yes, but sometimes it does stick and then i get some balls that drop off like crazy when this happens. You can here the hp air when the valve sticks. The funny thing is that if i change my sear assembly to one that was with my gun originally (a parts kit for the rt valve was included when i bought it, and it had a sear assembly set up for the rt) the rt doesn't bounce and it shoots fine. There is no stick nothing. I can shoot as fast as i can pull the trigger. But as soon as i put the other sear assembly in, and use the rt, the valve sticks and it is really bugging me.

Can i send my whole gun somewhere and get it fixed? Will agd work on it if i send the whole thing?

my AIM- TOOGOOD122882
MSN- [email protected]

07-11-2002, 04:19 PM
Your problem lies in the powertube spacer. Too short a powertube spacer in refrence to the engagement point of the bolt to the sear and the bolt will start sticking. Too long a powertube spacer and the gun will start leaking.

The trick is to find the largest powertube spacer in which the gun will fire without any leakage.

Originally posted by spy
Yes, i bought it used off a guy. He said it just got looked over by agd and it was fine. It works great yes, but sometimes it does stick and then i get some balls that drop off like crazy when this happens. You can here the hp air when the valve sticks. The funny thing is that if i change my sear assembly to one that was with my gun originally (a parts kit for the rt valve was included when i bought it, and it had a sear assembly set up for the rt) the rt doesn't bounce and it shoots fine. There is no stick nothing. I can shoot as fast as i can pull the trigger. But as soon as i put the other sear assembly in, and use the rt, the valve sticks and it is really bugging me.

Can i send my whole gun somewhere and get it fixed? Will agd work on it if i send the whole thing?

my AIM- TOOGOOD122882
MSN- [email protected]