View Full Version : Am I the only one above 15 in this forum or any forum?

07-10-2002, 03:30 PM
I swear, every post out there (not necessarily here) is some kid asking how many lawns to mow before he can buy a 12 volt revy or something. That or "My mommy hates me and wont let me buy a Talon". Sheesh, I suggest these kids either move out or give up paintball until they can get a job. You want to know how people afford this sport? They earn money. It's that simple. Sorry, just in a ranting mood today. :D

07-10-2002, 03:48 PM
There's a few older folks here.

Myself, Kevdupuis, cphilip, shartley & khartley, army.

There are a few folks who are over 15 and don't act it.

07-10-2002, 03:48 PM
Well, I'm 17.... I have a job to pay for my stuff, but the problem is car insurance. I have to pay a grand a year just so I can legally drive my car.... what a rip. Not only that, but I got into an accident last week when my moronic friend with his big '89 chevy decided to park directly behind me when I started to back up, and now I owe him $150..... I'm working a 28-35 hour week, at $8 an hour.... and I've been working at this job for 2 weeks now, and I figured that with both car insurance, my debt to my friend, etc., I won't be able to actually have my own pocket money until August 12th. And I have to start school before labor day weekend, too, which leaves me only a week or so to get some cash... I doubt I'll even make $400, because of taxes. If I didn't need my car I'd definitely sell that thing in a heartbeat.... I'd easily have enough for a $1000+ marker, but of course not, Uncle Sam/"the man" has to take a huge portion of my earnings away from me.... and on top of that, I have only 2-3 hundred dollars left in my bank account....
Well that's my fair share of ranting for the day... So let me just say this: young ones, get a job, and work hard for a long, long time, so you can save your money. By the time your 16th birthday rolls around, you'll want to start looking at cars... and insurance is NOT cheap.

07-10-2002, 03:49 PM
i just turned 17 yesterday and i don't act anything like a child.

07-10-2002, 03:50 PM
I'm 17, but I'm having the hardest time finding a job... :rolleyes:

Evil Bob
07-10-2002, 03:53 PM
I'm starting to feel old considering I've been playing paintball longer then most of the youngsters here have been alive :(

-Evil Bob

07-10-2002, 03:56 PM
hey im 16, i work hard for my stuff, and just because you read a few posts about whining kids and money, dosnt mean were all thike that. and your telling us to work hard rnt you? well what about the kids mowing loawns to buy 12 volt revvys, yea you kno the ones you used as exampples. they are working hard arent they?

07-10-2002, 04:05 PM
I am 15 and work fulltime, that gets me more than enough paintball junk ($1300+ gun and whatnot).

07-10-2002, 04:06 PM
I'm 40, but I act like I'm 15!

Watch this:

Life sux because my mom won't drive me to play paintball and buy me an Angel! She says I have to work for what I want!

Of course, the fact that my mom lives 600 miles away and I can drive and HAVE a job doesn't enter into it!

Have fun!


07-10-2002, 04:16 PM
I'm 17, I have a 30 hour a week job, and pay the lease on my new car as well. I do know what you mean though.

07-10-2002, 04:30 PM
i'm 30 years old and i have a few friends that have paintball shops in the dallas area ,,out of the sell they have around 15 percent that are over 18 ,,guess what the rest are under 18 ,,they are the ones that play ,,yes there is alot of older people play but they dont have the money the younger kids have or can't get it unless your 30-40 and still live with mother,,so if it takes mowing yards picking up cans or ect,,,,, just do what it takes and see all of you,, out on the fields

07-10-2002, 04:36 PM
i'll be 21 in a week.


07-10-2002, 04:42 PM
17 seems to be the magic age here. Guess what I am.

07-10-2002, 04:42 PM
Well, I'm 15 and I don't have a job because I legaly can't and I would much rather not have to explain on here why... With my allowance I'm lucky if I can play once a month... all my feilds around here charge around $45 for admission and air, so that leaves very little money for paint, that gives me $35 to find a case of paint:( I would get a job if I could but I can't so ya, it sucks...

07-10-2002, 04:57 PM
dropkick,your 20?!...wow...

I am 16..w00t...

i have a car,even though i cant drive yet...

07-10-2002, 04:59 PM
21 in a week, and this septemeber i'll be a junior at college but i'm old.( i know army or cphilip will say something about being old, but i am)


07-10-2002, 05:08 PM
i am 16 and work hard for all my stuff. ive worked just about everyday this summer for my dad. granted, i do get paid 10/hour under the table. so no taxes, that helps, but i still gotta work hard to play. and to the guy that was talking about car insurance. i feel ya man. i gotta pay for gas, insurance, etc. etc.

to everyone that isnt 16 yet, save money for either a car or insurance unless your really rich and your parents buy you everything;)

Load SM5
07-10-2002, 05:13 PM
Well, I'm 30 but I mat start mowing lawns to support my paint buying needs. Stupid house payment sucks up a lot.

07-10-2002, 05:35 PM
HA HA im a moterist!! IM 16 and have my permit! ( and a 1985 BMW 535I )
i must admit my first gun was bought by my parrents, but i bought the mask, tank hopper ,parts and so forth but that was like 5 or 6 years ago... i bought my mag, nitro, 2 revvys, drop forward, barrel,and soon warp. ya car insurance is a female dog....

07-10-2002, 05:42 PM
LOL, i'm not against mowing lawns at all. You can make a killing doing that kind of work, i'm all for it! I'm just annoyed at reading letters in the magazines where kids ask how to make money to buy an angel because they're only 13 or something. And some of the forum topics are just odd with young kids whining about how they can't afford a timmy because they don't get enough allowance.

I'm 25, went to college, pay rent, have a wife and a truck payment and it's tough out there. My advice to the young kids is buy what you can afford. There's no sense in spending all your money on one gun and then not having any for all the complimentary parts like air tanks and other shiny gew gaws.

07-10-2002, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06

I am 16..
i have a car,even though i cant drive yet... He he... :D Same here :D

07-10-2002, 06:17 PM
I CANT STAND U OLD WHINERS!!!!! seriously now, im 15 and have a job to support paintball so theres no dirt on me and i usually dont ask annoying questions. but still all u people WHINE about how newbies come in here asking questions then flaming them for not using the search feature. GIVE THEM A BREAK!!! u all had a starting point at once, but there was no AO for older people to yell at u. i cant beleive how many times a day i see this. all u are doing is scaring them off from the AO community and paintball all together. i remember how intimidating paintball was when i started a few years back. the closing statement is, YOU GUYS WHINE AND MAKE MORE ANNOYING COMMENTS FLAMING NEWBIES THAN THE NEWBIES MAKE THEMSELVES. nuff said

07-10-2002, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Cow
I swear, every post out there (not necessarily here) is some kid asking how many lawns to mow before he can buy a 12 volt revy or something. That or "My mommy hates me and wont let me buy a Talon". Sheesh, I suggest these kids either move out or give up paintball until they can get a job. You want to know how people afford this sport? They earn money. It's that simple. Sorry, just in a ranting mood today. :D

07-10-2002, 06:47 PM
22 going on 12 (or so im told some time.) lol. Like Load SM5, i think ill have to start mowing lawns to support my paint habit.

07-10-2002, 06:54 PM
I'm 21, and have a full-time job. I must say, I often feel too old when I see the field (although I have been on the other end having started paintballing at 12).
As a recent college graduate from a private university, I will have plenty of bills to pay. So, mom, if you are reading this, GIMME GIMME GIMME!
Time to go cut some grass...

07-10-2002, 07:06 PM
22 here. Dont sweat it bud.

07-10-2002, 07:16 PM
the government once again screws me(dont wanna know about that) saying 15 year olds cant get real jobs because its child labor. then they complain because kids today are reckless and thats because their parents have to buy everything for them instead of earning it!

anyway i work every afternoon at my aunts resturant for about 2 hours and if i wanted too i could play paintball every other week but i dont(too hot out i practically died last time and it was only 87!)

07-10-2002, 07:31 PM
28 here, and just about to bite the bullet on a new house. Its amazing that I can just ask a lender to loan me $200,000 for a new house, and they say OK.

07-10-2002, 07:31 PM
im 20. have a job making 10$ under the table and i spend almost all the money i earn on paintball.

07-10-2002, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by FatMan
I'm 40, but I act like I'm 15!

Watch this:

Life sux because my mom won't drive me to play paintball and buy me an Angel! She says I have to work for what I want!

Of course, the fact that my mom lives 600 miles away and I can drive and HAVE a job doesn't enter into it!

Have fun!


LOL, im 13 but i can act 40

[old grumpy man voice]Man, im lazy, ill watch the game and drink beer and then ill take a bath. Life sux, i have to go to work and support a wife and 5 kids. Man, i wish i never got married! Blah blah blah blah blah, clean your room, take out the trash... blah blah blah[/old grumpy man voice]

and of course my mommy donst pay for my stuff, we she does, but i have to work and then i get money from her...

;) just kidin you guys...

07-10-2002, 08:04 PM
u old fahhts better not gimme any more of ur ****. (yeah im from boston). i work 35 hrs a week to pay for my pb gear and paint. sometimes i can get my dad to play with me and then he buys paint cuz he just wants to be "one of the guys". poor misguided tool.

Circumventing the curse filter or triggering it is a rules violation. You are warned. Do it again and you will be banned for a few days - cphilip

07-10-2002, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by wes

LOL, im 13 but i can act 40

[old grumpy man voice]Man, im lazy, ill watch the game and drink beer and then ill take a bath. Life sux, i have to go to work and support a wife and 5 kids. Man, i wish i never got married! Blah blah blah blah blah, clean your room, take out the trash... blah blah blah[/old grumpy man voice]

bahaha good call!!!

anyways, im 20

and i work 40 hours a week and go to school 13 hours this summer and 17 next semester


07-10-2002, 08:15 PM
lol wes.....

i would get a job but i want fulltime job...

stupid government,,if i wanna work,let me work...

07-10-2002, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06

I am 16..
i have a car,even though i cant drive yet...

He he... Same here


07-10-2002, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
the government once again screws me(dont wanna know about that) saying 15 year olds cant get real jobs because its child labor. then they complain because kids today are reckless and thats because their parents have to buy everything for them instead of earning it!

anyway i work every afternoon at my aunts resturant for about 2 hours and if i wanted too i could play paintball every other week but i dont(too hot out i practically died last time and it was only 87!)

U can get a job at 14.

Also, u have a job.

its funny that you are whining in the same way that the original poster was putting down. funny funny

07-10-2002, 08:40 PM
I'm 15 and have no job, my mom and dad pay ZERO dollars towards my paint habbit, the only time i can remember is when they bought me a case a paint because i won a bet with them.... the only reason i can afford to play paintball is that i do yard work and lots of it, i make a good 100 bucks a week wich does an ok job buying paint and stuff, but i'll have to get a car soon....

07-10-2002, 09:03 PM
Word up, I have the same feeling at times, I'm 22, going on 40, and makin the Phatty Cizash working a networking job ;-)


07-10-2002, 09:05 PM
I swear, every post out there (not necessarily here) is some kid asking how many lawns to mow before he can buy a 12 volt revy or something. That or "My mommy hates me and wont let me buy a Talon". Sheesh, I suggest these kids either move out or give up paintball until they can get a job. You want to know how people afford this sport? They earn money. It's that simple. Sorry, just in a ranting mood today.

And his post count is 19!!!!!!!!! What the %&@#. Dude have you been around here for like a month. COME ON!!!! Show some links to some of these 'posts'. Otherwise this needs thread is pretty un-credible.

Technically (not trying to be too hard here but...) that is also circumventing the curse filter and it is a rules violation. But its the better option of all of them if you must. But you realy do not need to - cphilip

07-10-2002, 10:27 PM
The thing that confuses me is why these kids even have 1300 dollar guns. Go buy some bubble gum or something. And to all those laboring in their grueling 35 hour work week, thats still five hours below full time. How many other teenages here have worked multiple jobs and a 70 hour work week? Raise your hands, come on prove me wrong. I've never spent more than 400 bucks on a gun either, and that's still a ghastly amount. Oh and that 70 hours wasn't working at a fast food place or behind a desk, it was apprenticing in construction. Try carrying massive spools of wire weighing 50 pounds through rafters in the future attic of a house balancing on rafters 40 feet above the concrete floor in the basement when its 120 degrees inside the house.

Ok done ranting. Anyway, heres some advice to the 15 year olds. Do good in school so you don't get some grunt job working outside rain or shine while the illegal Mexican immigrants are roofing the house and throwing down 2 by 4s that have nails stuck through them without caring where they land or who they land on. It is not fun.

07-10-2002, 10:28 PM
Oh yeah and if that isn't enough for you, get Doobie in here and he can tell you what REAL work is.

07-10-2002, 10:50 PM
I worked my *** for my autococker, and its only a stock 2k2 vert feed. The reason I am not getting a mag is cuz I'm gonna wait till I can get the cash for an e-mag.

I also work hard to play.

I don't have a car... My parents offered me their 96 accord, but I refused, I will however drive it around :D

Circumventing the curse filter or triggering it is a rules violation. You are warned. Be carefull. Even though that one is not too bad nor used in a bad way...a light warning- cphilip

07-10-2002, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Puddleglum

And his post count is 19!!!!!!!!! What the %&@#. Dude have you been around here for like a month. COME ON!!!! Show some links to some of these 'posts'. Otherwise this needs thread is pretty un-credible.

I just joined AO recently but i've been in the sport for a good 5 years now. I was just commenting on what I think is very odd as far as the paintball magazines and forums are showing. Actually, AO is a great forum and everyone is very friendly and non-judgemental.

I'm not saying young people are bad or anything like that, i'm just kinda tired of reading a magazine or weeding through threads asking advice on how to get money for some 2000 dollar gun when the kid can still get grounded by his mom. Maybe that's just the sign of the times.

07-10-2002, 11:48 PM
"Don't Have A :Cow" Man!"

Its not that kids that are bad is the old ones like you that cause the problems!

07-11-2002, 01:01 AM
I'll be 18 next month, but I just don't post much here.

I played paintball since I was 14, and I've payed for every cent. No, I do not have an allowance. I did odd jobs for parents/relatives when I did not have a "real" job, and since I was 15, I carried a part-time job.

I don't think that I could ever do without a job for more than a month or so. Having $$ is always nice. Even though you don't have as much free time, your free time is more worthwhile since you can use that time to do more fun things, like paintball :)

...most of my free-time was spent goofing-off anyway.

I think Jobs are good for teenagers. It helps keep us out of trouble :)

07-11-2002, 02:25 AM
I am 29. I have a wife and 5 kids. I am a Journeyman Machinist. I have more paintball guns than I can possibly use and I make over 100,000.00 a year :p Don't worry kids, just enjoy your youth, your payday will come if you work for it. Mine did :)

07-11-2002, 02:56 AM
there are lots of people older than 15. Skreemer, 314159, AGD, palladin, webmaster, muzikman, and I could keep going.

Sad thing is, there's a lot of people here, especially in the 17-22 year old range who behave like 10 and 12 year olds.

07-11-2002, 04:49 AM
I'm 22 years old and i have a full time job to support my many expensive habits. I act like i'm about 16, guess i just don't wanna grow up :rolleyes:

When i was 16 i tried to get a job but noone would hire me. I finally got a job when my dad pulled some strings at work. They were hiring workers kids for the summer. They liked me so much, when i couldn't get into college (sleeping and skipping class too much) they let me stay. Woohoo!

I feel for these kids who are trying to find jobs, or have nasty part time jobs, but what can yah do?

07-11-2002, 08:51 AM
I'm 26, and make a decent? living off graphic design and art. Of course, this is all while I'm waiting for my dream job as a photographer for Playboy to take off! (kidding) lol ;)

07-11-2002, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by nerobro
Sad thing is, there's a lot of people here, especially in the 17-22 year old range who behave like 10 and 12 year olds.

Amen Brother!

I am 45...

07-11-2002, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by wes

LOL, im 13 but i can act 40

[old grumpy man voice]Man, im lazy, ill watch the game and drink beer and then ill take a bath. Life sux, i have to go to work and support a wife and 5 kids. Man, i wish i never got married! Blah blah blah blah blah, clean your room, take out the trash... blah blah blah[/old grumpy man voice]

and of course my mommy donst pay for my stuff, we she does, but i have to work and then i get money from her...

;) just kidin you guys...

LMBOROTF!!! :D :o :p :D

You kids are great! And you are the future of our sport! Just remember you'll be old one day too (hopefully) so you better be nice to us!


07-11-2002, 10:06 AM
Shoot, I'm 19, right in the middle... I have often wondered how kids under 15 on PBN get ahold of $2000 setups. I mean, sure my dad bought me a puma when I was that age, but that's $300 back then versus $2000 now.

07-11-2002, 10:16 AM
I'm 31 going on 29.

I'll be 29 for a few years, I think....


Patron God of Pirates
07-11-2002, 10:16 AM
Threads like this make me wonder how old people think I am based on my behavior alone. Of course, my age is in my profile. Just curious, IRL people tend to think I'm younger than I am. It has something to do with my inexhaustible energy supply.

07-11-2002, 10:53 AM
My brother makes $12 an hour working (hes 18) and i make about $7 bucks an hour at 13 for my dad at UPS.

07-11-2002, 11:24 AM
I'm 22 and have bought everyone one of my guns with MY OWN MONEY! I worked 40 hours a week pay for my truck, insurance two credit cards, cell phone, 50$ adsl bill, paintball and lots of other things. I agree that most younger people >16 don't appreciate the amount of money they spend in paintball. I mean if mommy and daddy pay for everything..of course you'll go out and buy a 1400$ setup burn through 2 cases of paint per outing.. and not care. I've seen this before. It aggravates me more than anything.

07-11-2002, 11:25 AM
there are a lot of older ppl here..more than u think

07-11-2002, 11:42 AM
What do you consider old??

I'm 31, just the right age to have some money, and reasonably date either your big sister, or your mom.

So, if any of you have a hot mom......:eek:

07-11-2002, 11:56 AM
Im 15, i work for the university of wyoming catering and food service. I make around 1000 dollers a month in the summer and 200-500 during the school year(depending if its a sport season or not). I always have enough money to play once a week or so. I also had to pay for my computer, my internet service, my bike, my goalie gloves(100 bucks a pop adds up lol). They gave me a car though so im still pretty spoiled, but i get irritated when some peoples parents buy them everything and they never have to work for anything.
Luckely Tom was nice enough to give me a E-Mag :cool:

07-11-2002, 12:02 PM
Speaking of mowing lawns... I never have liked the idea of paying someone else to mow my yard but when a couple kids from the neiborhood knocked on the the door saying they were raising money for paintball, how could I refuse. They did a great job for much less than others try to charge and I made a couple of friends. If I ever see them out at the field I'll pick them for my team for sure.
All I can say to the young guys is respect the old dudes. They're the ones you can learn the most from. Old guys, just try and point the youngs ones in the right direction. It's all about having fun.

07-11-2002, 12:04 PM
when i was under 16... ( that would be anytime before june 2nd) i had only a 300$ mag ( that i bought) a nitro duck n2 tank ( that i bought) a revy 9 that i bought, my mask i ot for xmass, my tubes and harness ( i bought) my paint ( i bought) by barrel ( i bought) and lots more ( almost all except my first gun ( which my dad got me when i was 10 or 11 and even then it was like 60$) but in all iv got round 1500 worth of pball stuff ( excluding expendables Field fee, paint , co2, nitro , small parts, orings ect.) and i bought around 1300 worth of it ...

age doesnt have anything to do with who buys what. ( excpt for like your parents techinicly buying ur gun cause you gotta be 18 to by pball guns or order over the internet... but you gave them the money to buy it)

i kinda take offense to what you said... and there was a kid at my field one day with a cocker and his mother said to him " i hope you like your new gun, i spent enought money on it" and he was like 18 so age has nothing to do with the matter....i will admit alot of kids dont give thier parents thanx for what they do but the age has nothing to do with it

07-11-2002, 12:05 PM
mowing lawns can turn much more money then most full time jobs that dont require any schooling. If you ask me most of the people I see working a job should quit and mow lawns

07-11-2002, 12:10 PM
age has nothing to do with the matter....

Wrong, you're just too young to see it. Wait till you're older.

07-11-2002, 12:21 PM
what does it have to do with?? as i said some people are spoiled and thats a fact. but just becuase your under 16 doesnt mean you spoiled?

Wrong, you're just too young to see it. Wait till you're older.

your only 2 years older then i am!

07-11-2002, 12:27 PM
I am 17 and I work either full or part time on weekdays and on some weekeneds. On Tue, Wed, Thur and Fri; i work full time as an assistant electrican for United Services. On weekends I usually work at the field on either Sat or Sun and play on the other day, but I make sure i try to play atleast once a week. Sometimes, i go with my uncle to work as a web researcher. Don't get a whole lot for that but its good expirience i guess.

07-11-2002, 12:30 PM
I'm 16, and I shoot an LX e-mag that I paid for after many painful weekends working at a local skating rink barely above minimum wage.

are YOU over 15 with a gun mommy didn't buy you?

07-11-2002, 12:36 PM
My parents never bought me one thing that had to do with paintball except they got me a 12vlt Revy for Christmas. Why? Cuz they don't have any money that can be wasted on me.

All 6 kids in this family have worked their asses off to get what they wanted.

07-11-2002, 01:40 PM
When I was in High school I went to a private school ($4800 a year) and worked. All my money went to assist my parents pay for the school, not for a $1500 paintball gun.

07-11-2002, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by KamikazePenguin
I'm 16, and I shoot an LX e-mag that I paid for after many painful weekends working at a local skating rink barely above minimum wage.

are YOU over 15 with a gun mommy didn't buy you?

Yah i'm 10 years older than you and no i work for my money like every other slob. I wish my mom would buy me something. I'm not saying anything negative about young people, i was just commenting on something I've observed in magazines and forums.

I think action pursuit games is notorious for being a n00bie mag, it's insane the ammount of drivel they publish with some kid telling you to save your allowance or something similar. WTF?

07-11-2002, 03:15 PM
well it did seem like you where whinning about whinney little kids...:D

07-11-2002, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag
well it did seem like you where whinning about whinney little kids...:D

Yah maybe I was. I can't stand kids. I couldn't stand myself when I was a kid. :D

07-11-2002, 03:20 PM
ok as long as you hate everyone equaly:D .. i do agree APG is a newb magazine... but id rather read about the new spyder than how tourney players are acting like 10 year olds... so ya in all magazines you have people under 15... lol:D

07-11-2002, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by darklord
Well, I'm 17.... I have a job to pay for my stuff, but the problem is car insurance. I have to pay a grand a year just so I can legally drive my car....

Well, my parents dont make much, my dad gets hardly any income from his POC job. I have 4 brothers. 2 have their own cars and one just turn 16 and one is 10

then there is me. I'm 14 going on 15 this August

My parents already pay about 8,000 on insurance. Theres still 3 more to come :(

07-11-2002, 03:45 PM
16, and i work in the telecom department at the University of MD. If APG is supposively not that great of a magazine what other would you reccomend?(i am mearly looking for a new magazine... nothing else meant by that)

07-11-2002, 05:35 PM
I'm 22... can look 17 -> my age, depending... get hit on by women 16-40+... and wonder where they were at when I was single and lonely. :) Just kidding... sorta. :)

I still get carded for curfew, let alone alcohol... :)

<IMG SRC="http://www.automags.org/~Miscue/b5.jpg">

07-11-2002, 05:45 PM
I'm 40 and act it (sometimes). After reading some of the forums I have to question whether the writer is acting mature, not his age. I meet people of all ages and sometimes it's the 15 year old that acts more mature than the 40 year old. Everyone should have fun in everything they do (even if it's a dirty job). You should be civil to those you meet (in person and on line). And always eat your vegtables.

07-11-2002, 08:09 PM
your only 2 years older then i am!

That two years between 16 and 18 is a big difference. Especially for me. When I was 16 I had never lived out on my own, held a full time job, done CPR on my little brothers dead body, etc. Those things tend to mature you a lot.

07-11-2002, 08:40 PM
I'm 15, have a part time job, and pay for all my stuff. Why do you older people really care how kids get money to play paintball? They love the sport and need to buy their stuff somehow.

07-12-2002, 12:24 PM
uh this is kinda off topic but was your brother ok...

07-12-2002, 02:57 PM
No he died. Was the only one of my brothers that I actually tolerated too. Oh well no biggie everyone dies.

07-12-2002, 03:02 PM
Magazine's better than APG?

Facefull (If you can find it, and your parents don't *****)
Paintball Games International (Robbo is the Bomb)

07-12-2002, 06:55 PM
hey man sorry to hear that... now im gunna lay off cause i guesse that could make you grow up quick...

07-12-2002, 07:47 PM
I am 15 and I need money too, it sux, I can't get a job(as I said in the last page, because of legal reasons I would rather not explain... pm me if u wonna know.)
Well I am buying a bushy because my cocker likes to break down and ruin my days of pb. And I almost got the bushy in the bag, I'll have it next month after a few months of saving... But when I get it im getting a drop and grips... But The problem is, is that this is gonna take like 2-3 more months to buy, and I still need a jersey so there is another month to not play , and then another month to save for admission and paint... looks like I will be out for about 4 months. It realy sux. I am only living off my allowance. I would mow lawns but I live in a condo and have a gardner... You say not to complain well, I have that to complain about because my situation sux!!!:(

07-12-2002, 08:21 PM
you need a jeresy... what does you field have a dress code??:D skip the stuff you can get later and go out and play.

07-12-2002, 10:21 PM
Actualy its for my team :) Everyone got a jersey except me...

07-13-2002, 12:50 AM
can someone please direct me to the purpose of this thread? I'm really eager for a reason behind these last 3 pages of divine moments in our personal histories. But seriously, honestly, all i see is an entire FORUM trying to one-up eachother as to who has the harder life when it comes to paying for the things that they want/need. It's enough already. Do you honestly care how old each of you are? Or how you go about supporting your daily lives? You need money? GET A JOB! The law states that you need a permit if you're under 16. Then, if you are 16 then the only law is that your cannot close one night and open the next morning. The unemployment rating is so low everyone is hireing, all you have to do is ask. Either I'm missing the point or you guys need to find something else to complain about...but reading all these posts just kind of fueled a little pain...my apologies if i went completely overboard...