View Full Version : Has any one heard of this?

07-10-2002, 05:24 PM
I was looking for upgrades for my mag and i came across this,-----> www.xpaintball.com/hurtit8holch.html.
Its called the Hurricane 8-hole Charger, its supposed to make your mag recharge faster after each shot. I was wondering if anyone has ever used it and if so, should i get it?
thanks for any input.:)

07-10-2002, 08:53 PM
are you having shoot-down problems?are you shootin co2 or n2.if your having shoot-down problems and your shootin n2 you could give it a try or you could spend 100$ on the valve exchange program for the rt valve.

07-10-2002, 09:00 PM
Uh......the valve exchange program is called "Go Retro", and it is 200...not 100. And the Hurricane or any charger for that matter is a waste of money and will do NOTHING for your gun. Its like throwing money out the window.

07-10-2002, 09:14 PM

07-10-2002, 09:43 PM
the above has to be the worst most worthless answer to a thread i've ever seen...
be a little more serious

about the 'charger'
such things only help if the holes in your valve don't line up, and this can happen in old valves. New valves for a couple years now no longer have these problems. I doubt u need that.

07-11-2002, 08:35 AM
the above has to be the worst most worthless answer to a thread i've ever seen... come on now, thats why i asked if he was even having shoot-down problems in the first place.the other info requested was to get a gauge on what uprades he had already done.as for misquoting the price for the 'valve exchange program',i highly doubt that once he got to the online store and saw the correct price the world would end!and as for 'giving it a try',this isnt definative advice by any means thats why i asked about any problems he was having and for more info about his gun!the reason these threads allow more than one answer per question is so the person asking the question can get input from multiple sources.
the Hurricane or any charger for that matter is a waste of money and will do NOTHING for your gun. have you tried them all,i havent, never said i did and i probably should have been more clear about that.
such things only help if the holes in your valve don't line up, and this can happen in old valves we could find out how old his valve in this way
get a gauge on what uprades he had already done. i promise that next time i'll try to be a little more CLEAR in a post if you promise to consider ALL of the aspects of the post before you dismiss as
the worst most worthless answer to a thread i've ever seen...

07-11-2002, 01:03 PM
ok i shoot n2 and i just got a hyper frame, and i was noticing that some times the valve would chough and i was recommend this product (the 8-hole charger) to recharge faster and with that i would get a faster rate of fire. because to me it seems that the frame goes to fast and the valve has a hard time keeping up with the trigger.

07-11-2002, 01:07 PM
It won't do anything, as the hole from the reg to the on/off is still the same size, so it doesn't matter how much possible flow there is through the reg, the stock reg flows as fast as the valve can handle.

07-11-2002, 09:34 PM
You should not get any shootdown with your stock valve, the real old valves may have little problems but I am not sure about that. Your stock valve should work, don't waste your money.

07-12-2002, 11:16 AM
Check to see if the holes line up between your back and front valve sections. If the hole don't line up, you have two options. first, you can buy a new back, such as a hurricane. Second, if you are mechanically inclined, you can drill a hole in the back at the correct location so it lines up with the front. I did this at home on an older valve and it worked great.

Also check to see if you have an older style on/off top or a new style on/off top. If you have the older style on/off, you should upgrade to the newer style. It will help your recharge rate, even more so than getting a new back.

07-12-2002, 01:39 PM
simple. its only 30 dollars if you want to try it, try it, not like your spending 300 on something to t urn out its junk.
they're right though, it won't charge up any faster if none than the stock valve does because the hole on the on off is the same and still only ONE hole. if it had more then one, then yes it would be faster. but don't blame me if you drill another hole into your on off cuz that'd just be stupid.

also. why get it when you most likely (just as all of us) can't shoot 16bps? personally. thats like 2 dollars ina sec you just shot at grass, a bunker. trees. basically nothing most of the time. (not directed to you or anyone else)
but if you need 16bps to hit your target, i'd suggest you play a little more.

07-12-2002, 01:58 PM
i say get a lvl 10 kit..its the way to go these days

07-12-2002, 04:04 PM
i say get a lvl 10 kit..its the way to go these days if your not having chopping problems then i dont really see the need for this upgrade.i have a hyperframe and i love it! however, the frame will not outshoot the valve.the frame maxs out at 13bps and even if you can get close to that its very hard to maintain, so im kinda thinkin that your problem isnt recharge time. how old is your mag? why dont you try an o-ring replacement. you may have n2 getting past the on/off assy in mid-fire or purhaps the powertube o-rings are having problems. get the first-aid kit for 20$or so(you should have one anyway),replace your o-rings.save the old ones,keep them in the little box.this kit is something your local store should have instock so you dont have to wait for shipping:D then let us know how things are going.good luck

07-12-2002, 05:06 PM
this man above me knows his shiatte i was going to say the same thing, except my hf is still in the mail.