View Full Version : Santa Rosa

07-10-2002, 09:16 PM
Anyone out there fromm Santa Rosa CA? I will be attending the JC this fall and was wondering where i could shoot some paint at.

07-10-2002, 09:55 PM
Benji, there are quite a few bay area fields, and a lot of AO members up there. Do a search on WARPIG for any close to SR.

07-10-2002, 10:08 PM
cool beans, thanks i'll try that. I know of and have aready played at pb Sams. I was just wondering of any others people whould know off the top of their head.

07-10-2002, 11:03 PM
Yes there are many fields in the bay area. There are two fields in Vallejo, one in woodland and one in sacremento. There are also people looking to open up even more fields. We also have a monthly AO meet at sherwood forest in vallejo. Two of my team mates live in Santa Rosa so i know its a managable drive. If you have any questions hit me up on aim: Jermaster or pm me.

07-11-2002, 02:17 AM
Well, I'm not too close to you, but some good feilds around Norther Calie are:

Extreme Paintball(Modesto)
Paintball Sams(Sacremento)
Tag(Santa Cruiz)
Sunol Paintball(Sunol, 20 mins from San Jose)
Bear Creak(good feild for woodsball, Los Gatos)

There are probably a couple more, but can't think of them right now... There will be a new feild opening up in Milpetis...

07-11-2002, 12:10 PM
Yeah you forgot WAP which has good hyperball and airball.