View Full Version : cocker input pressure

07-11-2002, 07:25 AM
What is the working pressure of the gun, that is what the vertical reg outputs?
And does adjuting this output make any difference?
and does the output of the tank make any difference?
i was thinking w/ my flatline being adjustable I could get rid of the vertical reg

07-11-2002, 09:59 AM
Stock, around 400psi.

The input can make a difference, depending on your setup. You can use the input to chrony, or the velocity adjuster. Most folks add an adjustable reg and set the adjuster to the middle of it's travel, then chrony via the reg, as it's much easier than using the adjuster (Unless you have a Rex Hammer kit).

The output of the tank makes no difference if you use an inline reg, apart from it needing to be at least 200psi higher than the output of the reg (Leave tank at 600psi for most applications).

I'd go with a good inline rather than running direct off the flatline, cockers are very sensitive to input fluctuations, but not that sensitive to actual input.

07-12-2002, 11:45 AM
is it true that putting on another reg would throw off my timing?

07-12-2002, 12:36 PM
Coming out of the tank, you need the vert reg to be at least 200 less then the out-put going into the gun. Putting a second reg on your gun is always a great idea, but anymore then that is un-needed and a waste of air and your gun may not work properly. On a cocker, you already have essentually two regs on it, but thats fine since only one of them regulates the pressure into the gun and the other on the front block regulates the pressure to the back block and so forth. So if I were you, if I had a tank that was 600 or so preset, then that would be fine to use as long as you keep the vert reg on the gun. But it's always a plus to have two in case of those freak accidents which everyone has had here and there. Hope that helps.

07-12-2002, 12:44 PM
There is no way a second reg can affect timing, timing is totally mechanical.

07-12-2002, 01:05 PM
Yeah, what he said.