View Full Version : mag and a timmy?

07-11-2002, 10:44 AM
Ok i been hearing now that timmys can get like 35 bps. Everyone i seem to ask now say they get more bps without shotdown then a emag. with the new board for timmys. Someone give me info on whats right?

07-11-2002, 10:52 AM
hit the timmy board at pbnation.com
they've got the best timmy info around

07-11-2002, 12:39 PM
I love the overall feel of Timmy's. It's the only electro I would even think about purchasing other than an E-Mag Extreme.

However, I'd love to see it shooting faster than an E-Mag with less shootdown.

Hoping someone who's more of an expert on the capabilities of a Timmy will respond to this.

Edit - Can any of us pull the trigger fast enough to achieve these high rate of fires? Nope. It's purely to satisfy the curiosity and see how far a marker can be pushed.


07-11-2002, 01:12 PM
Since the Timmy is a Bushmaster Internally, it'll top out where the bushy does, right below 20bps. That's not to say the board isn't caapable of much more, which it likely is.

07-11-2002, 01:50 PM
I'm guessing you heard alot of this on PBN. Just remember, when ever you talk to someone there, you're probably talking to a 13 year old who did not buy his own gear. Nuff said.

07-11-2002, 01:54 PM
actually the timmy boards of pbnation are filled with the best certified intimidator techs to be found on the net. Not to mention some of the more mature pbnation patrons.

07-11-2002, 02:25 PM
Hello AO, first poster

This is what Ive read. The Timmy board is capable around 60bps, yet the internals, like someone said, are only capable of shooting 16-20bps. Why do you want a board that over shoots the capabilities? The board is waiting for a less time for a input then say a board that shoots 20bps. Even though its only a few milliseconds, there is a difference, but it is small. The board is capable of 35, but not the internals itself. Good gun, good feel, IMO the looks could be worked on a bit more.

I'm guessing you heard alot of this on PBN. Just remember, when ever you talk to someone there, you're probably talking to a 13 year old who did not buy his own gear. Nuff said.

And AO doesn't have 13 year old kids who dont buy their own gear? What does this have to do with anything? I know 13 year old kids that have parents purchase their equipment because of the lack of a job and age, but act more responsible then some people with a job and purchase their own equipment. This doesn't apply to every kid, but not all. AO has more mature posters, mostly because of great people with great attitudes. People correct each other and don't be childish. Its based on the person, not how people come by their equipment.

Also, PBN has a lot more people posting compared to AO. With more people, you also get more immature people sadly enough. Plus, AO mods are the best, pay great detail to their boards. If PBN had a Army, cphilip:), BlackVCG, or Miscue on every board, PBN would be like a bigger AO.

edit:I stand corrected, it can do 35bps.


07-11-2002, 03:32 PM
the timmy can cycle at 35.7bps

if u can feed that, then thats how fast it will fire.

i love timmys

07-11-2002, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by DaFlip
Also, PBN has a lot more people posting compared to AO. With more people, you also get more immature people sadly enough. Plus, AO mods are the best, pay great detail to their boards. If PBN had a Army, BlackVCG, or Miscue on every board, PBN would be like a bigger AO.

you forgot about uncle phil (cphilip)
We do have our immature people here. But luckily they are somewhat reigned in by the mods and the more responsible people. Kids here are almost forced to behave themselves or look like fools and be shunned by the AO regulars.

Back on subject. Once the new wicked air board gets the kinks worked out, there should be some interesting footage to come.