View Full Version : How many AO'ers have tattoos?

07-11-2002, 02:29 PM
For my generation (I'm 26), it's almost like if you don't have one you're in the minority! This is of course directed to those on AO old enough to have gotten some "ink". ;) If you don't have one, they are fun and somewhat addictive.

How many do you have? What is it of?

Me: 1, a red oriental dragon on the top of my right arm. It's got great detail and color, and is pretty decent size. I keep thinking up things to add to it.

07-11-2002, 02:35 PM
I'm still waiting till I find the perfect picture of what I want. Once I find it I'll know and then I'll get one.

07-11-2002, 02:44 PM
i have 5 tattoos - stylized religious symbol across the back of my left calve, one to remind me of my childhood, the mandarin symbols for spirt and knowledge across my shins and 'lenore' on my right calve. i also have a scarification piece on my back that took just shy of 6 hours.

the little lady has quite a few, mercury wings on her ankles, 2 connected pieces of egyption work (scarab, ankh, chen ring) on her neck, the tim burton character of mummy boy on her shoulder, a fairy/goblin on her shoulder, a squished fairy on her bum (looks like she sat on it ;) ) and a "sacred hot wheels" on her calve (think religious sacred heart chest piece, but with more dragflames, cams and checkered flags)

a group of friends and i go get work done every year on may 12th, which has been dubbed 'body mod day'

07-11-2002, 03:48 PM
I have just one. It's my fraternity letters on my right shoulder. Yeah I know it's cliche' but hey we all gotta have something.

Syn where do you get your ink work done at? I'm looking for a good artist. I've heard some not so good things about a few of the artists at the "chain parlors". What I want to have done is very detailed so I'm going to be very finiky about the work. Thanks for the info,


07-11-2002, 04:20 PM
I've considered it, after I am old enough ofcoarse. Mainly I just wanna get a simple Black cross on the inside of my upperarm to remind me not to do anything stupid

07-11-2002, 04:32 PM
I have a Celtic knotwork armband on my left arm, on my bicep (usual spot for one methinks)

I also have a barcode at the base of my neck. Just low enough to cover with a shirt. I wanted it right in the middle, but i figure if i was ever looking for a job or didn't like it anymore it'd be hard to hide.

I'm wanting another one, but my funds are tied up in other things (new car, paintball, new apt, etc) but i'm looking to get a backpiece, something from H.R. Giger. I love that guys art. I plan to cover my entire back (or most of it) so it's gonna cost a ton.

They are addictive. My old lady has 2 as well and we're both dying for more. I have other plans for ink but my back's coming first.

I also got my nips pierced, just thought that'd tie in with the body modding.

07-11-2002, 05:11 PM
I got a tattoo in Ft. Lauderdale on spring break this summer. I've been planning it for a while. Here's a pic for your enjoyment. :D

Its meaning? The symbol means triple protector, and it has my sister's initials in it.

07-11-2002, 05:12 PM
i don't have any but my twin brother does. first he got a celtic cross on his right upper arm, and then like a year later he got his friend to make that into a sleeve, with the devil ina suit of armor fighting against an angel with little demons running around and another cletic design on the bottom of his forearm. he would have more but his friend moved away to maine, not bad stuff though, fairly detailed and all it cost him was a bike he got for 150 bucks thats worth a 1000(cannondale R1000) that he got from the shop he used to work at before they closed.


07-11-2002, 05:40 PM
this one on my leg is a maltese cross with crossing pick axe's. Good luck symbol for being a firefighter. My other is on my shoulder. a great white holding a surfboard.

07-11-2002, 06:12 PM
I have 3,I'll look for pics.

07-11-2002, 06:23 PM
That photo of bsusigep18's tat was taken on my girlfriends birthday....

07-11-2002, 06:38 PM
the woman and i both get our work done at "electric superstition" and send everyone we know there. our artist, jeff, is phenomenal. they are located on woodward and 11 1/2 mile.

another great shop is "XS" (ask for matt) in rochester. email me at james@synreal.net if you want their phone numbers and such

07-11-2002, 07:04 PM
Mag- Just so happens your girlfriend is in good company. Myself and my best friend have the same birthday as well. Weird. :-D

07-11-2002, 08:12 PM
I have 5. Need money for more.

07-11-2002, 09:14 PM
I have 2..need money to finish the one on my back. It's too detailed to describe here. What can I say, I'm lazy.

07-11-2002, 09:30 PM
i've got one on my lower back

07-11-2002, 11:52 PM
(not) ME!!!!!!!

i want to get one on the inside on my forarm....i want it to say "por nada" is black print....and a barcode on the neck....i had that idea for awhile....the future.....

07-12-2002, 06:52 AM
I've got decent sized (non-color) Japanese dragon on my left arm. It's head starts just below my shoulder and the tail stops just above my elbow. I got it done at Old Town Tattoo in Pasadena, CA. Ask for Dave J. (if he's still there--this was six years ago.)

I need money for more--anyone care to donate to my
"Ink Fund"? ;)

P.S.--I know my dragon is Japanese because it only has 3 claws on each paw; in case you were wondering.

07-12-2002, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by bsusigep18
I got a tattoo in Ft. Lauderdale on spring break this summer. I've been planning it for a while. Here's a pic for your enjoyment. :D

Its meaning? The symbol means triple protector, and it has my sister's initials in it.

That's pretty cool actually. I have that same three bladed design as the centerpiece to mine, except it's turned around the opposite direction. My red dragon wraps around it. I got mine becuase it's the symbol for the martial art, Ken-Shu-Kan Kempo, that I took for five years.

07-12-2002, 10:37 AM
Since we're talking ink...I have a Chinese Dragon covering my right shoulder, Angel Spawn on the right side of my chest, and hot rod flames up my left calf. The flames are part of a suit, the other calf is getting clouds and an angel...the flames are soon to be joined by a demon.

The Angel is a symbol of those who are no longer here but still lookin out for me.

The Dragon was for strength, wisdom, and honor.

The flames & demon/clouds & angel are indicative of the struggle we all go through as to whether or we're going to heaven or hell... plus chicks dig the ink.

The left arm will eventually get sleeved.

07-13-2002, 12:34 AM
i want lots and lots of tatoos :D but im only 16 and momma wont let me

07-13-2002, 06:34 AM
I've got a spider just above my ankle (got it done in highschool, kinda jailhouse) Was gonna get spiderman done on my shoulder till the movie came out, so I put it on hold (didn't wanna look like a nut)

07-14-2002, 04:57 AM
i've got 8. 9 if you count my back piece im currently workin on. i got 6 hours worth ot needles today in my upper back. Tomarrow i start the lowerhalf them let it heal for a couple weeks and do it again. tomarrow should take about 10 hours. fun fun fun

07-14-2002, 07:11 AM

07-14-2002, 10:40 AM
I don't really like tattoos. No offense. I just don't like the idea of it not being able to come off without having some surgery. Thats just my idea of it.

07-14-2002, 11:15 AM
I don't have any tattoos, and don't really have anything against them, IF you get something original and that really means something special.

I see the tattoo thing is todays version of guys getting their ear pierced back in the 80's. It has become the "in" thing to do. Like the original poster pointed out, you are in the minority if you don't have one.

I think the concept behind getting a tattoo, so you can stand out from the crowd has now become a sign that you are just part of the crowd.

This doesn't go for everyone, but I think its safe to say it goes for a lot of the recently tattooed. I had a co-worker a couple years back decide to get one, and picked an "Anhk". She asked what I thought about it, and when I asked her if she knew what it stood for, she said, "I don't know, it just looks cool". It is that kind of sheep mentality that takes away from the concept, at least in my mind.

This is just my opinion, and its probably not the popular one. Just something to think about.

07-14-2002, 05:49 PM
I've got a temporary tattoo on right now...does that count?:)

07-15-2002, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by Blennidae
I don't have any tattoos, and don't really have anything against them, IF you get something original and that really means something special.

I see the tattoo thing is todays version of guys getting their ear pierced back in the 80's. It has become the "in" thing to do. Like the original poster pointed out, you are in the minority if you don't have one.

I think the concept behind getting a tattoo, so you can stand out from the crowd has now become a sign that you are just part of the crowd.

This doesn't go for everyone, but I think its safe to say it goes for a lot of the recently tattooed. I had a co-worker a couple years back decide to get one, and picked an "Anhk". She asked what I thought about it, and when I asked her if she knew what it stood for, she said, "I don't know, it just looks cool". It is that kind of sheep mentality that takes away from the concept, at least in my mind.

This is just my opinion, and its probably not the popular one. Just something to think about.

Yeah, i totally agree with that. I think that when tattooing is done for you and you alone, not to try and look cool, it's done right. The first part of my tattoo I got to commemorate the martial art I took for five years and to serve as a constant reminder of the lessons I learned there. Then later, I did much soul searching and spent about five years working on getting just what I wanted for the rest of the tattoo. (That was equal parts indecision and lack of money, lol) Now, I am extremely happy with it, and may add more to it. But, I agree, I think it's foolish and somewhat sheep minded when you go get something that "just looks cool" for no good reason. Unless, of course, that's just your thing and then I would say "more power to you" closely followed by "whatever."

07-25-2002, 03:56 AM
pics of some of my ink

07-25-2002, 03:57 AM
mine and my cuz's crosses............im the one on the right

07-25-2002, 03:57 AM
my messed up dragon

07-25-2002, 03:58 AM
my hand................it means strength

07-25-2002, 03:59 AM
this is why you should never try to tatoo your self. I have many more but this is the last one im gonna post cause im sure your all sick of seeing my ink

07-27-2002, 12:07 AM
a heart with my loves name in it.