View Full Version : Paintball....will it change in the future?

07-11-2002, 09:25 PM
Just think about it, paintball has changed alot. It was first played with little pump guns and the games were everyman for them self. Than the games change. Than in the 90's or mayb in the late 80's, camy the semi-auto guns, nitrogen, electro guns, the fiels are different than just woods. So it changed alot, so what does the futrure hold for us? What and how do you think paintball will change in some years from now (10+ years) I have no idea how it will change, cause theres nothinh I can think of to make it better.

07-11-2002, 09:51 PM
I'm guessing that in the following years, paintball will grow even more. It will become recognized as a legitamte sport by most at some point or another too. On the other hand, I also think there will be some restrictions put on it by the government. With all the misconceptions and vandalism going on, we are going to have a few laws slapped on us. I'm guessing we will start seeing paintball tournaments on TV in the future (I'm not talking about that Splatter Factor crap, I mean real coverage). Of course, guns will become even more advanced, and virtually all of them will become electronic. Cockers may still stick around for a while though, as they are still insanely popular mechanical tournament guns. However, I will predict that their numbers will dwindle in the future (I really hate to think about that. Same goes for mechanical Mags). I think we will also see some advancements on how paintballs are loaded into markers (like the Warp Feed), and nitrogen will also become more affordable (I'm thinking we'll se $40 and below tanks). There will also be tanks with higher pressure ratings in the future (5000psi tanks are already out). Pump play and woodsball will also dwindle a little bit too, but I think woodsball will never go away entirely (there will always be people who will like to try and simulate war).

Anyway, just my 0.02.

07-11-2002, 10:14 PM
i believe WDP is working on it right now to rival the Lvl 10. little space ships that fly around at really fast speeds and they'll call them the Angel XL(oppisite of LX, get it?)

nah, i'm just playin. i believe that soon we will defeat the nasty problem of short strokes and ball chops. maybe we'll find a better way to power our guns. Co2 freezes and nitrogen last so short. maybe we'll figure out a way to use just plain air or somethiung. i dont know.

07-11-2002, 10:19 PM
Right now....Theres not really a problem with Nitro getting a low ammount of shots....More in the in-efficency of guns...Which is something I'd like to see companies actually tackle. Very few companies made it a priority and went for low pressure..

We could either see companies produce more efficent guns, or higher capacity nitrogen tanks....I like the fact I can get 3000 shots out of a 88/5k

07-11-2002, 10:24 PM
I agree with overmind, pb will be so popular, **** it might be a reg sport like football.

Mav D MagMan
07-11-2002, 10:37 PM
I disagree with one point stated above:

Paintball in the recreational form (woodsball) is only growing larger and will always continue to do so. It is the lifeblood of this sport, (not tournaments they are the glitz and glamour) and it will be the driving force that pushes this once unknown game into stardome. People getting into this game always start there, where it is a game, and not in the sport.

Ok, maybe one more thing: All guns probably won't be going electro totally, mechanical operating systems are still preferred in many cars (which have been around 100+ years now) and look at how many people we see driving around with manual transmissions even though automatics have been out for decades (this means: pump players there is still a chance the tradition will continue). ;)

My .02 Free once again