View Full Version : Nasty velocity fluctuations.

07-11-2002, 09:26 PM
I was just thinking of the last time I played. Over the chrono it was like +/- 20 FPS, that's crazy. All the Spyders there were only on average 3. I put in a new reg seat, and all the orings were replaced. No difference. Spring pack ungreased/worn? I am confused.

07-12-2002, 11:19 AM
Check for a piece of dirt or sand in the velocity adjuster. That will cause all sorts of weird velocity fluctuations.

07-12-2002, 11:46 AM
That and also check the reg valve pin.. (german handgrenade looking thing) Sometimes you'll get a dirty fill and the dirt will stick to the spring. This keeps the reg from recharging correctly. Clean that, the reg seat and the reg "perch" (where the seat sits) make sure theres no dirt. It may even be a reg piston o-ring could be dirty, or not oiled. Good luck.