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07-12-2002, 12:37 AM
I official have the worst GFX card in the world


guess what my FPS(in computer games) is...




around 17

07-12-2002, 12:38 AM
Umm, your FPS on WHAT??? Fps in a game? What? Do you even know what FPS stands for?

07-12-2002, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
Umm, your FPS on WHAT??? Fps in a game? What? Do you even know what FPS stands for?


Ya, thats pretty bad man, I get 60-70 with my old TNT.

And patriot, just so you don't make me laugh anymore, FPS stands for Frames Per Second... so I think you are the one that dosen't know what FPS stands for :)

07-12-2002, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
I official have the worst GFX card in the world


guess what my FPS(in computer games) is...




around 17 What the freak you talking about!!

07-12-2002, 02:38 AM
lol, mine might at the lowest, on full out gfx overload on battlezone II with about 20 units on teh screen... i might get 170 fps.... GOD DDR RAM and geforce 3s are awesome.

07-12-2002, 05:27 AM
Dude, the worst 3d accelorator ever was the 3D Blaster from Creative labs (VERITE TECHNOLOGY BABY!), it made quake and tomb raider look real purdy, but unfortunatly anything that didn't use OpenGL looked like ***.


07-12-2002, 07:25 AM
lol i only get 60 on half life but thats because it is capped off at that(dont know how to cahnge that o well)

07-12-2002, 09:27 AM
I have a worse card than the original 3D Blaster. I have an S3 ViRge, the one and only 3D Decellerator. Can you say 6fps in Jedi Knight (original) at 640x480. Oh, and horrible visual quality, flaky drivers, and the 2D sucks too.

Of course, it's in a Unix Box, that doesn't run X, so it don't matter. My main card is a Radeon 7000 DDE DDR, no I'm not a huge gamer, it's passable at Dungeon Siege and Neverwinter Nights.

07-12-2002, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by mykroft
I have a worse card than the original 3D Blaster. I have an S3 ViRge, the one and only 3D Decellerator. Can you say 6fps in Jedi Knight (original) at 640x480. Oh, and horrible visual quality, flaky drivers, and the 2D sucks too.

Of course, it's in a Unix Box, that doesn't run X, so it don't matter. My main card is a Radeon 7000 DDE DDR, no I'm not a huge gamer, it's passable at Dungeon Siege and Neverwinter Nights.
Dude! I was thinking of that one as well, but i couldn't remember the name Virge, I tip my hat to you

07-12-2002, 11:31 AM
Umm...hey there, of course i knew what FPS stands for.... I have a Geforce 4 ti4400 o/c'ed to 4600, but when he said he has 17 fps, 17 fps on his windows desktop?? Cuz thats pretty bad, or does he mean 17 fps in a graphics intensive game? Oh and by the way i get 100 fps in CS, oh and for those who needed to know how to uncap the fps its fps_max 100, thats the command, amazing what a kid that supposedly doesnt know what fps stands for can do. Also, i get 350-450 FPS in Quake 3.

07-12-2002, 12:29 PM
yeah i tried that.. many a time doesnt work

i also lag outside in americas army badly and lag in balmora in morrowind and my comps only a year old and costed about a 3000 at the time

07-12-2002, 12:29 PM
All you people that say you are getting 170 fps, and 350-400 fps, thats impossible, your monitors refresh rate is nowhere near that amount, Im guessing itll get about 120 or so...

Besides, your measuring Attempted FPS(AFPS), not True FPS(TFPS), I get about 70 in cs due to my gfx card(*VooDoo 3 3000*).

Either way...

07-12-2002, 12:58 PM
I had a voodoo 3 in my comp but took it out and put my dad's old TNT card in and now im getting like 20-40 fps more...

07-12-2002, 02:19 PM
dude, wrong on that moniter thing. YES you cannot see over 30 frames persecond, moniters have different refresh rates, mine i high since i use it so much i dont want to get a headache, but the truth is, yes i am getting 170 fps. Thats how manny frames persecond my computer is rendering. Displaying? No... no one could seee the difference between 30 and 300, yet the reason i go for that 170, is when you are using demanding games and looking at a wall... sure anyone can get high frame rates. Throw a smoke grenade, get 1000's more polygons on the screen, and it WILL slow down. Go play unreal tournament on the ps2, it looks great till you get 5 models in the room all fireing at once. Try to play perfect dark on the n64, lol its unplayable with high gfx settings. Those coments about open GL, yes 3d accelerators really dont help much with software rendering. You need to use a 3d language like direct 3d, or open gl, or Glide. Open gl happens to be my favoite.

07-12-2002, 02:35 PM
Im running a Monster 3d. (voodoo 1)

With 64mb of RAM.

and a 4gb harddrive with 100mb left.

I can't even play games anymore.

07-12-2002, 03:44 PM
If i could remember the command to change your max fps in Quake 3 i would show u my 350-450 FPS.

07-12-2002, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by liigod
Throw a smoke grenade, get 1000's more polygons on the screen, and it WILL slow down.
Actually, there are NO more polygons on screen (I assume you're talking about CS), The smoke in CS are all sprites, which are all rendered by the CPU, hence the slowdown.

07-12-2002, 06:02 PM
the smoke in americas army and such are polygon generated i believe

07-12-2002, 06:07 PM
i have THE computer with the worst 3d accelerator in the world.
an integrated mpact2 with 5 megs of ram(yes 5), no open gl or glide support. i beefed up with a voodoo2 12 meg.
new box has a radeon with 64 megs ddr, very respectable frame rates in anything current.
3> you can have the vid card refresh faster than the monitor
you just get some visual anomalies like tearing but the headroom is nice if you are running full goodies like fsaa and full t&l and so on.
4>microsoft combat flight sim and flight sim 2 will humble any video card.

07-12-2002, 06:50 PM
Trident ISA! I still have one that works... :)

i740 anyone?

07-12-2002, 08:05 PM
wasnt that the 3DLabs starfighter? that used that chip.
didnt live up to expectations if i remember right.

07-12-2002, 09:11 PM
6 here, beat that :)

07-18-2002, 01:11 PM
Back when Duke3d came out, I was still running a Cirrus Logic 256k VLB card on my 486 dx2.

I also had to learn to play with a shrunken window as I could not play full screen. It was about 5"x4". You can all imagine what stepping up to a 2 meg card was like at the time.

I also had the i740... which was a cool chip... if you like ones that can burn your hand. Like any 3d accelerator, the games that are written FOR them, look really good. Remember descent 2 on the S3 3D chipset?

I've had them all back when 3d was becoming mainstream, s3, the original rage, voodoo1 & 2's, verite, i740, riva. Obviously new things blow them all out of the water, but it was fun adjusting and using game enhancements like vquake for the verite :) And dont forget other stuff like AWE32 :)

I am now still running a voodoo5 since I am still in denial that 3dfx is gone forever. *sniff*

07-18-2002, 02:28 PM
I had an i740, it was a definite upgrade from the Virge.

Even the Mpact was faster tha a first gen Virge.

The Virge is the only 3d card slower in 3d accel mode than in software 3d at the same resolution. It still holds the record for slowest 3d card ever.

07-19-2002, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by Jonneh

Actually, there are NO more polygons on screen (I assume you're talking about CS), The smoke in CS are all sprites, which are all rendered by the CPU, hence the slowdown.

BZZZT wrong again, my young apprentice.

You're correct that smoke is done as sprites. But you cannot just 'Mix' the cpu and gfx card rendering... It's either all done by the GPU (Hardware rendering) or all by the CPU (Software rendering).

Therefore, if you're drawing smoke sprites, you need to create some polygons to put them on. 1 Square usually = 2 polys. Therefore you might easily add 20 polys per smoke grenade.

It gets complicated when you remember that the puffs are see-thru. See-thruness=Alpha Blending. Also, remember that sometimes you have lots of puffs on top of each other = lots of alpha blending = more time to draw scene. (Note: Depends on hardware. Most good HW will do it in 1 pass.)

So, yes, lots of grenades CAN slow down CS.


07-19-2002, 04:44 PM
I KNOW that smoke nades can slow down cs. From experience. But I think that I am in the running for low fps.
Running 500 MHZ 192M Ram with software rendering since my laptop ati card sucks.
I get around 17 fps stationary, but if I have any motion or shooting at all it goes to around 12. If I get in a heavy firefight or nades start flaring, it goes less than 4 sometimes.
Don't play cs that much though.

07-19-2002, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
lol i only get 60 on half life but thats because it is capped off at that(dont know how to cahnge that o well)

in consol "Fps_max 100"

100 fps is the maximum framerate for Half-Life. Not that it really matters. You'd need a monitor that's refreshrate that's equivelant for it to make a differance, and I doubt that many people could tell.