View Full Version : RT ball breakage need help!

07-12-2002, 07:46 AM
My RT can shoot at unimaginable speeds but only if i use one type of paint. RPS Marb's. If i use anyother paint my rt bolt will chop paint like crazy. I have an XBoard Rev but this does not help any. Do i need to slow my bolt speed down? Unfortunatlly most fields have garbage paint for scenario games Like Zap ( i have actually gone over a whole case and never found a single round ball!!). I NEED HELP!!

Captain: Team Human Demolition, NY

07-12-2002, 11:28 AM
I had the same problem when I switched to an emag from my automag. You, my friend, are in need of the new level 10 bolt upgrade. It'll stop all those nasty chops.

Check for information on the level 10 under the painball talk forum here on AO.

07-12-2002, 03:39 PM
a guy on my team had the same problem and he talked with the AGD staff worked on got fustrated actually talked to tom kaye sent it in came back and didn't chop ??????

there somthing about some RTs i would check the nubbin make sure it's right not bent in or when you put in a ball in the chamber there is not alot of play in it, doesn't roll around alot.
if still having problems with it call AGD tell them you want the most moderatly priced level 10 its 65 they are all 65 unless you live in illinois damn sales tax.

G.Ryan is a pair of clown shoes

back to you it helps alot love mine.

07-19-2002, 12:07 PM
awesome thanx. I was just checking out the level 10 before i looked here and it simply AMAZING! IT IZ A MUST HAVE!!!

07-19-2002, 12:16 PM
Make sure you have a parabolic powerfeed plug also yes Lv10 is IMO the best thing to happen to paintball sense the Automag.