View Full Version : LVL10 Shims and Production Timetable

07-12-2002, 08:40 AM

The only problem to crop up during beta testing was reported as the bolt piston smashing the shims. Several people sugested we make the right size shims so this would not happen.

We have looked into the design and in fact the shims are the right size and can not get bent by the bolt piston. We think that people are not pushing their carriers in all the way before dropping in the shims and screwing down the tip. This causes the shims to get hung up on the threads and get bent when the tip fully seats the carrier.

On a side note, there has been some incorect information going around that the shims adjust the bolt impact. This is not the case. The shims only adjust where the bolt vents so that when a ball gets pinched the bolt doesn't just stop and stay there.

We are calling the LVL10 beta test a resounding success and are moving into full production in the next couple weeks. We expect to have a large inventory before Am Open. We are currently resolving a brazing issue and expect to fill all the old orders next week.

What AGD really needs AO to do now is go out and SPREAD THE WORD!!! There have been many people already on other forum and in stores showing off the product. We really need you guys to go to your local retailer and show the guy behind the counter what LVL10 does.

Once again I find myself indebted to my team here on AO. Thank you all for coming through and testing this out for us and leading us in the right direction. You all are the best customers a company could ever have!!

All of us at,


07-12-2002, 08:43 AM
The WORD is out in Toronto, Badlands is bugging me to show them when I get mine, Pete from Premium got his, and it stops on a cigarrette, so he's been showing the world.

07-12-2002, 08:44 AM
thanks tom, i will be definately showing level 10 off at my store because the owner wont stock mags because he says they chop and break a lot. so the other beta testers who have not gotten the kits yet there kits will be sent out next week? thanks again for all your hard work. also im assuming your back from the trip, how was it?

07-12-2002, 09:25 AM
I have to second your idea that people may not be pushing the carrier far enough down before screwing it together. I nearly did that before I realized that no - it HAS to go down farther. Less cautious people may just push down and screw it in - damaging the shims...

Patron God of Pirates
07-12-2002, 09:26 AM
I spent about an hour yesterday preaching the greatness of level ten at Paintball Wizard in Tewksbury. I had a full audience. From Angel Jocks all the way down to Rebel kids.

They all said they would check it out here. The head tech their seemed very exited and said I wasn't the first AO'er to have told him about it. He had already seen the dolor bill video here.

Go and tell it on the mountain!

Side Note: I was there to get small parts for my "Total Z-Mag". They all wanted to hold the Z-Grip and thought it was the best idea ever.

"That thing was way ahead of its time. If they sold them now everyone would be imitating them" -Paintball Wizard Tech.

07-12-2002, 11:41 AM
oi! i cannot spread for i dont have a mag yet and you have not sent my level 10 to my house yet!(i ordered it and im buying my friends mag either later today tomorrow or sunday

07-12-2002, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by AGD
What AGD really needs AO to do now is go out and SPREAD THE WORD!!!I will be the biggest proponent of Level 10 in D/FW, but I need the parts kit first. How many times have you heard about the next "great" thing at your field/store/website and your only response (rightly so) was "Show Me". This is the same thing with Level 10...can't begin my proselytizing until I have the goods.

07-12-2002, 12:28 PM
As I posted in my LX field report, by using the KC Trouble Free Oil bottle cap, you can push the carrier in perfectly.

Load SM5
07-12-2002, 12:33 PM
As soon as the SFL bolts are ready and I get my kit in I plan on showing it off. I've already talked it up and sent out links to the videos to all of my friends and my field owner. The owner plans on carrying and pushing more mags in his store and a buddy of mine sold his cocker and bought a mag based on what I told him about level 10. I also have a handful of mag owner's waiting to see how it works and saving up for them. Hopefully I'll have it by early August so I can use it in a 10 man I have coming up.

07-12-2002, 12:45 PM
WOOT! I'm going to a local tourney field tomorrow...I'll be preaching and showing off the GOODs to some cocker boneheads... lol we'll see what they have to say when I stick a paintballhalf in the chamber and squeeze the trigger repeatedly...not chopping.Its gonne be great...I may even have some pics of play up on my site by monday :)

07-12-2002, 12:46 PM
Rest assured once I get my C&C Extreme I'll be taking it up to planet to give them a full demo, Who know's Eclipse Extreme Emag??


07-12-2002, 12:49 PM
What AGD really needs AO to do now is go out and SPREAD THE WORD!!!

YES SIR!*runs off like a giddy school girl*


07-12-2002, 12:59 PM
I'd love to be a proponent, but i don't want to talk without having one in hand to show off. People want to see the real deal, not hear another guy blow hot air at them about how their marker is better... so when can I order one?

07-12-2002, 01:30 PM
Well, I went into Paintball-Online.com yesterday with LVL 10 and showed it off. After making the guys (and myself) giddy like little school girls, from sticking our finger in the PF tube and feeling the bolt stop on it, they told me if I could shoot their factory seconds bargain practice paint and at least get some of it out the end of the barrel, they'd be impressed. I shot a 500 round bag of it without a single break or chop. Then, I shot some more and had one ball hang up on the powerfeed, so I shoved it back in and then paint fragments came flying out the end of the barrel. I thought it had chopped, but in the barrel a ball was stuck half way down, so I think it double fed and one ball smacked the other and broke it. Either way, I shot another 300 rounds w/o a break or chop after that.

In the end, a guy who plays tournament ball, shoots a Cocker and doesn't care much for Mags was asking me how much it would cost to get the same setup and wanted to know if I'd setup an E-Mag for him just like mine. Also, there was a kid in the showroom that was just about to buy a Freak Factory Impulse when I got there with my E-Mag. He hadn't even considered the E-Mag and after seeing mine, he ended up buying one instead of the Impulse.

07-12-2002, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by AGD
What AGD really needs AO to do now is go out and SPREAD THE WORD!!! There have been many people already on other forum and in stores showing off the product. We really need you guys to go to your local retailer and show the guy behind the counter what LVL10 does.

Tom, I will use it next week on the german amateur league day and on the german finals in october!
I´m really looking forward, how the german guys look, when I´m showing them my level10 Mini ;) and how it operates!

btw: lvl10 works great!

07-12-2002, 02:25 PM
I showed my local store owner the night I got my lvl 10. He thought it was really cool and was going to call his Airgun tech buddy to find out more. BTW, I love my lvl 10 it rocks I shot up 1200 rounds with only one break down the barrel. Nuf said!


07-12-2002, 02:30 PM
but i'm still waiting for my lvl 10 to show up.
i want to take it to tourney tommorrow and show everyone just what an emag with lvl X can really do.... but i can't.
hopefully i'll have one by the next tourney.

Top Secret
07-12-2002, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
As soon as the SFL bolts are ready

I thought the kit was universal. :confused:

07-12-2002, 03:04 PM
The Kit is universal, but there are larger diameter bolts for the Extreme bodies, for a better seal, these will be available soon.

07-12-2002, 08:28 PM
hey AGD or TK, I could be your westcoast customer that could represent LX at several paintball stores like adrenaline sports and such. Ive noticed that there have been many many automag toting players at tournaments that i have been in and there have also been ball breaks ( i want LX).

the reason i am offering my services is not only because i am a devoted mag player, but i also have a serious problem with my mag.

my mags bolt piston is bent, i dont know how but its just a little tiny bend, but its enough to make my power tube look like a cratching post. If you could help me out by selling me a LX for full production price i would be very happy, and i would go to several tournys and stores to show your upgrade off, im sure alot of people havent even heard of this yet, so your sales will increase I think.

if you do thank you very much if you dont thanks for reading.


07-12-2002, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by AGD
We are calling the LVL10 beta test a resounding success

WHAT! i still havent gotten my beta test yet. how can it be a success when all of us havent tested it yet?

07-13-2002, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by AGD
What AGD really needs AO to do now is go out and SPREAD THE WORD!!! There have been many people already on other forum and in stores showing off the product. We really need you guys to go to your local retailer and show the guy behind the counter what LVL10 does.

I will be happy to spread the word. There is just one problem. I HAVE NOT RECEIVED MINE YET!!!! I sent my old superbolt in a day after the LVL 10 went on sale. Still no level 10, and I live in the same state!!!

07-13-2002, 02:51 AM
yeah i'll try tom to show it off in sf and probably the rest of the bay area. I kinda don't wanna talk to the owners of paintball paradise in sf cuz they got a pretty bad bias. I walked in one day and asked if they got mag stuff and one of the owner starts betting me that his lp spyder can shoot farther than my mag. I just smiled and nodded my head then ignored his babbling. i also asked why they dont' sell mags and the same old reply was you can't make money of mags. I guess i can drop by one day and bring my mag. . . Just for you tom.

Jay Dever
07-13-2002, 09:14 AM
you guys put one in my old mag that i play with at the chicago open i have been testing it (springs, spacer barrels,paint)i have been blow away bye it. I had some old hellfire from LA i took the level 10 out Put my old bolt back in the gun broke the 5th ball out. I put the level 10 back in and then i put the gun on hyper mode (old centerflag player)ran threw the hole hopper not one broke these is the way to go for anyone who has a mag

07-13-2002, 11:56 AM
Tom, iv'e made cd's with the video's and gave them out to field owners and store owners.
I didnt want to tell them what it did, there gonna see it first hand...

Load SM5
07-13-2002, 01:22 PM
I just got back from the field a few mintues ago. I found out that based on the level 10 video's that I sent to the owner he just bought a shiny new mag. He says the first thing he's going to do is buy a level 10.

07-14-2002, 08:30 PM
Come on boys...spread the word...the cocker jocks won't know what hit them..(between the eyes i hope)...go go go go go...(remind's me a bit of the old cartoon Battle of the Planets...guess i'm dating myself..oh well)

07-14-2002, 11:54 PM
I've visited a field and two stores now. The refs at the field and the stores have heard just enough about the lvl 10 to say, "Maybe Mags will finally make a come back."


I've explained the basics, just enough for them to ask me to make sure I bring it over when I get my lvl 10 kit in.

Today I visited one of the stores again and noticed that they have a computer set up, for customers. They had a cable connection, so I decided to log on to AO and show them just how the lvl 10 works.

I told one of the guys a week before that a correctly set up lvl 10 will make it so that it's almost impossible to chop a ball. His reaction was that mags were okay and that he can easily chop with any marker if he tried.

He saw the vids, and the reaction on his face was priceless. He basically said he needs to see it for himself and if it works the way it does on the vids, 'Mags are definately making a come back.'

For me they never went away, but hey... if this is what it'll take for people to notice Mags again. :)

As soon as I get my kit and set it up correctly, I'll be letting them try for themselves.

EDIT: I'll post a follow-up story on the official thread for this, once I show them my Mag with a lvl 10.

07-15-2002, 01:26 AM
I wonder if I'm still getting a beta version. Prolly the regular ones will be released by the time I get mine. I ordered it 4 days short of a month ago... I am trying to brag on it locally, but without the product it's a little difficult.

07-15-2002, 10:54 PM
I am going to close this thread so we can get the stories in the official thread in classics.