View Full Version : Big Thanks To AGD and Everyone from AO

07-12-2002, 03:42 PM
I just really want to thank everyone here. I haven't really taken the time to think about everything everyone has done for me until now. I just think that all of you guys and gals have helped me a lot. I bet a lot of you have seen me change from an immature postwhore who fought against his parents all the time to play into an actual paintballer. Heh, I'm probably still pretty immature but at least I'm not a postwhore anymore.

I want to give a special thanks to MajorDamage and Tunaman for GIVING me my first two paintball guns. I also want to give thanks to everyone who gave me advice and/or criticism. I also want to thank Tom and AGD for just being AGD.

Also: I FRICKEN LOVE MY MAG! It's awesome! Well, it's awesome in my eyes.

07-12-2002, 07:24 PM
You atualy have a mag now foo?? lets see some pics and stuff...

PS your welcome ( even thought i probibly didnt do anything):D

07-12-2002, 08:21 PM
i think you are one of the members here that EVERYONE knows. there are only a few... AGD, the mods to list a few but youre part of AO and i cant think of what it would be like around here with out you... ill clse with a song

scooby scooby FOO where are you? we got some work to do now. i dont wanna be around to see, the way you shake and shiver. you know we got a mystery to solve so scooby FOO we got your back, so dont hold back. and da da da da da da youll earn your self a scooby snack. scooby scooby FOO where are you. we got some work to do now...

07-12-2002, 09:51 PM
lol, here's a pic of the mag tunaman gave me

07-12-2002, 09:52 PM
here's a pic of the pg1 pro that major damage gave me.

Note: I traded the pg1 pro to tuna for the mag because I'm allowed to only have one gun at a time

07-12-2002, 09:59 PM
lol my dealer has one of those. they are awsome. he ran it over with his car to show how durable it is:D

BTW doesnt you valve freeze running your co2 like that?

07-12-2002, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
lol my dealer has one of those. they are awsome. he ran it over with his car to show how durable it is:D

BTW doesnt you valve freeze running your co2 like that?

I don't run it on the co2 tank that tuna gave me. I run it off a nitro tank.

07-12-2002, 10:15 PM
i see i see (said the blind man)

07-12-2002, 10:15 PM
uh..is that ur furby?....:rolleyes: well my friends and i shot up and torched furbies....... i hope that's what u did with that one....... nice mag, congradjulations, i just got a mag too, black pf body (powdercoated), black dye aluminum barrel, black kapp foregrip, 1x intelli trigger made by cha0tic, who sold me the mag

07-12-2002, 10:38 PM
that is one of those mcdonalds furbies i think

07-12-2002, 11:00 PM
I was just telling Foo, that I admire his attitude. He had a long range plan of convincing his "Old World" parents that paintball will not lead him to ruin, or violence, or bring shame upon his family.

He planned from the beginning to own a 'Mag, and did some fine horse trading for one.

Then he had to convince his parents to take him to the field to play....which he did!

FooTemps has been at this for a long time, and succeeded. Should he carry this work attitude into adulthood, he will be a fine friend to have. I'm glad to call him a friend now! Army:cool:

BTW: Huge props to Tunaman and MajorDamage for coming through for a fellow AO member. HOOAH dudes! You two are aces in my book.


07-12-2002, 11:28 PM
Also, To all the people who were jerks to me:

Thanks, you helped me grow up a lot. I learned how to deal with a lot of different types of people. I especially thank the person who flamed my sig (the part with the "what paintball is" and "what paintball isn't"). You really frustrated me but I learned how to deal with that kind of stuff.

Hehehehehe... that was fun calling out the jerks like that but it's true. The more we deal with crap the more we grow up. The world isn't always nice.

07-12-2002, 11:34 PM
that kinda reminds me of my situation. FooTemps, i feel ya

07-13-2002, 12:37 AM
hehe i rember one of my first posts was a joke about getting his parents divorced and then one of his parents would let him have a paintball gun to piss the other one off. He got really pissed off about it and i don't rember quite what said but he was pissed. anyway heres what was listed in the thread:

Snooky post 1:
Ok i solved how u will be able to play.

step one get parents divorced and to fight over u.
step two live with mom
step three tell ur dad u wont love him unless he takes u paintballing.
this will make mom unhappy and dad will be happy to piss her off
step four go out and play
step five get them to marry other rich people so u can own ur own field.

worked for me accept them remarrying rich people and i didnt brake um up but it did piss my mom off
foo response:
Look, this is one thing I don't take lightly. My parents really are at each other's throat but being the tradtional chinese people they are, they won't divorce no matter what...

That isn't funny! wahhhhh!!!!

and then the next post was an appology by me. anyway foo i still think this plan could work lol.

I give u props for making it this far and us being able to be buddies after a rough start.

07-13-2002, 01:57 AM
...the above post made no sense to me.

Foo, We 'still gotta meet up at Splat-Attack sometime. I'm goin' next saturday (the 20th of July) so maybe we can meet up.

I'd be more than glad to show off my Lvl 10, Warp-Fed Mini :)

07-13-2002, 02:03 AM
NO! NOT SPLAT ATTACK! I perfer STP up in snohomish if you're willing to make the drive. I'm probably gonna go next week, I don't have nitro or any paint and last time I went to Splat attack the paint was damn expensive. Also, STP rents out nitro for cheap and a lot of my buddies are regulars there. My friends are going to STP next week too... I know you're hella far away from STP but if you're willing to make the trip please do.

07-13-2002, 02:07 AM
Sorry dude, I'm goin' with a pretty big group (maybe 10 of us) and it'd be hard to change plans...

you could pick up a case of paint at the splat-attack store before you go over to the field (fairly nearby). the weather is going to be pretty warm, so you could probably even use that co2 tank you have, or I could lend you one.

I really need to go by STP sometime, but next weekend just isn't going to work for me.

07-13-2002, 05:53 PM
Ok, I guess our group of 5 can join your group of 10.