View Full Version : My bolt gets stuck

07-12-2002, 04:32 PM
I gas my mag up , and shoot , and it dont re cock , the bolt gets stuck like its something in the way on the way back. i must use a pen to push it back like 5mm then it spring takes over and pushes it back. its greased and everything and the bolt isent damegd either. the sear is smooth adn no problem in that either. when i push the bolt back by my self whith just the body , spring and bolt it goes smooth to , its just when i gas it up.

07-12-2002, 07:31 PM
Get a spacer kit for 15$ and install the next longer spacer. You're bolt it sticking out and not re-seating. The next longer PT spacer will allow the bolt to slide back a little further and get locked in by sear.

07-12-2002, 10:25 PM
Yeah, you need a spacer kit. That will solve your problems.

BTW, its not neccesary to put any type of oil on the bolt itself.