View Full Version : Compiling help for newbies

07-12-2002, 05:51 PM
Ok heres what im worried about. I am about to buy a mag and therefore have not yet looked in an instructions booklet but im worried about whats gunna happen when i take it apart. I here about "residual presure" and holding the trigger in at certain points and not in others so heres what im asking. For all us newbs out there what are the how tos and definatly donts of dissasembling a mag. i plan on ordering lvl ten at my next paycheck so im worried about the degassing issue as well I use a crossfire 68/3000 oh and one more thing its cocker contry round here so having a broken mag would make me look even stupider cause i always support em and i cant have a broken mag so yeah thanks for the help and puting all this info in one thread

P.S. anyother help for newbies would be good as well as long as its not like "dont shoot yourself " cause were not that bad :)

07-12-2002, 06:10 PM
You shouldn't have any problems with residual pressure with your screw in tank. The problems have been with non screw ins like the Apoc's and flatline tanks.

07-12-2002, 07:08 PM

couldn't pass it up.. had to..

Anyway...just make sure when you get your gun...you RTFM!! Read the manual to put it nicely. Also...watch the video tape you get with it..very educational. It will help you troubleshoot leaks and reasons why it may not fire. Lots of good stuff. Also..you can search the forum for just about anything related to the mag and it will return something. Please be sure to search prior to posting...just a forum courtesy thing..try keep forums clean. Anyway..welcome to AO.

Evil Emperor
07-12-2002, 10:46 PM
Like the guys said watch the vid and read the manual. Taking apart a mag is REALLY easy and the vid shows you how to do every thing you'll ever need to know. Ive encountered a little gas left in my system even after unscrewing the tank. what happens is when I take the valve out just as i start to to pull it back its like there is very small amounts of gas in the camber and when the spring pressur is released it pushes the bolt forward a little and escapes. Nothing to worry about and I have had the onoff pin pop out a foot or so in the air (reactor valve).

07-13-2002, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by Evil Emperor
Like the guys said watch the vid and read the manual. Taking apart a mag is REALLY easy and the vid shows you how to do every thing you'll ever need to know. Ive encountered a little gas left in my system even after unscrewing the tank. what happens is when I take the valve out just as i start to to pull it back its like there is very small amounts of gas in the camber and when the spring pressur is released it pushes the bolt forward a little and escapes. Nothing to worry about and I have had the onoff pin pop out a foot or so in the air (reactor valve).

My bolt shot across the table once and hit my mom :D

07-13-2002, 01:54 AM
Do yourself and everyone one else around you a favor.

Get a quick disconnect and put the male end on a 90 degree elbow out the side of your valve and the other end on your stainless hose.

If you do that you can disconnect the line and have a small burst of air (rember to take off your tank first though) as you degass the system instead of parts flying everywhere. ;)

Evil Emperor
07-13-2002, 09:31 AM
Potato I have a screw in tank! And a QD as it saves o-rings.