View Full Version : Input Pressure Question

slightly off center
07-12-2002, 05:51 PM
I realize that the recommended input pressure for a regular mag is 800psi. However, I'm wondering what effect, if any, an input pressure above 800psi (around say 1000psi) would have. With respect to a normal (i.e. non-retro, non-RT, etc. . .) are there any possible advantages to setting input pressure above 800psi? Is 800psi recommended for safety reasons? Will an input pressure setting significantly above 800psi be detrimental to internal components? I appreciate any information.

07-13-2002, 12:31 AM
By upping the output pressure 200 psi from the recommended psi by the manufacturer, you would not gain any number of shots, nor would your performance be enhanced, but the automag can handle slightly higher pressures than 800 psi because it is designed to operate on co2 as well. If you are using nitrogen (which you most certainly should be), leave the pressure at 400-800 psi, and your gun will wear slower.

slightly off center
07-13-2002, 12:37 AM
Thanks for taking the time to answer. I will keep in mind when looking for high pressure system.

07-13-2002, 12:56 AM
at http://www.actionvillage.com/ there is a crossfire tank that is 68 ci 4500 psi and has a 450 psi output pressure. At $180, it is a steal. This is a picture perfect tank for any mag or impulse. I'd cosider it.

Mav D MagMan
07-13-2002, 01:06 AM
Wait I thought mags were high input only! The reg drops the internal pressure down into the 400s and you need at least 1-200 psi difference between regs. Therefore a 450 psi tank can starve the gun...

Lemme know if I'm wrong

07-13-2002, 02:21 AM
Yes mags need an input preasure of atleast 600psi to recharge fast enough the gun would work at 450psi but you would have horrible shoot down.

07-13-2002, 03:02 AM
More than likely the difference between that and a High Output crossfire tank is just a spring. I'm not 100% sure, but I remember that being the case. You can order the High spring from crossfire and change it out.

Mav D MagMan
07-13-2002, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
Yes mags need an input preasure of atleast 600psi to recharge fast enough the gun would work at 450psi but you would have horrible shoot down.

So I was correct, ok good cause that one kept me up last night ;)

That's one of the reasons tripple regging is such a hassle right? You can do it, but only if you have an 850 tank, the reg at 650, and then into the gun right? That would be the best way to regulate it down with minimal shootodown, correct?


07-13-2002, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Mav D MagMan

That's one of the reasons tripple regging is such a hassle right? You can do it, but only if you have an 850 tank, the reg at 650, and then into the gun right? That would be the best way to regulate it down with minimal shootodown, correct?


If you have to triple reg, using a 200psi pressure separation would be the correct way. It would be best to just remove the 650psi middle reg, and just run the 850psi tank output directly into the mag valve which has the AIR reg built in.

07-14-2002, 03:57 AM
With the 650 reg on it it would work but i dont think the air would flow as fast to the gun so you would still have more of a chance of shoot down then you would if u just left the 650 reg out.

Mav D MagMan
07-14-2002, 02:08 PM
I for one don't plan on tripple regging, but for future reference, especially for those who would want to that really helps a lot, thanks guys.


07-14-2002, 05:41 PM
Remember that Regs restrict airflow, so the more regs, the less airflow you get. This is a big problem when people add more than one reg to a high-volume gun like an Excalibur, Matrix, Mag or Shocker, they see massive shootdown, and blame the gun, instead of the reg setup. Personally, for a Mag, with Nitro, you only need the system's reg, with CO2 you might want to use an inline stabilizer or Max-Flo inline, ONLY if you have liquid or velocity stability problems. Input to the marker's internal reg should be around 650psi, any higher will only reduce shot count out of a fill slightly (Except with an RT, where input pressure determines reactivity).