View Full Version : PMI tank problem, 48ci/3k aluminum - help needed for friend

07-12-2002, 06:19 PM
OK well my friend has a problem with his tank (no, im not the "friend" lol). Anyway, he hasnt tried the tank yet and im not sure if its a good idea to try it because there is a piece of metal rolling around, similar to a paintcan. So, we have 2 questions: 1) what the heck is this metal piece because I doubt its from the tank, and 2) would this be a bad tank to use, should we send it back and get it fixed or can he still use it (I still think its not safe for gun).

The tank is very very new although it was bought used on ebay i think, and there are practically no scratches, he cannot seem to find ONE scratch. I think that the tank was won by some dude in a tourney. He also said the tank was in original packaging.

any help is greatly appreciated thanx

07-13-2002, 02:36 AM
probably why it was on ebay. lol. call the company up and ask them about it. or, wait til someone here helps you. but personally, i'd feel more comfortable hearing it from the company itself.

07-14-2002, 10:12 PM
most likely it has been disassembled and reassembled, and somebody lost a peice in it. Take it to your shop, and have them pull the reg off and check.