View Full Version : I need big Sponsor names!!!!!

07-12-2002, 06:51 PM
Hey guys, I have set up a Paintball Association, and I am looking for sponsors. So please post some big name companies here so I can contact hem about a sponsorship.
I already have:

Burger King
Sports Authority


Will Newnham
ALaska State Association of Paintball Players

07-12-2002, 07:01 PM
MCDONALDS- what you do is see if they will host a tournemnt and have all the procedes going to the Ronald McDonald house thing and mabey they will be come interested in sponsering tournys/teams:D

07-12-2002, 07:05 PM
excellent idea!!

keep them coming.

07-12-2002, 09:16 PM
chevy/ford, ect.
7 eleven

07-12-2002, 10:17 PM
K-MART They are going out of business

07-12-2002, 10:41 PM
)oca-cola , didnt think neone might say this one..

AOL/Time Warner
(other major hotel chains)
General Motors
Ford (please dont start talking about which is better i dont care, i drive a toyota :p )
USA Today
Comedy Central
Major record labels in the music industry
Sierra (video game company)
Gateway (hehe...the cows....)
Banana Boat ("even the pro's need protection from the sun"-Rocky in the future)
The History Channel
HBO (pay per view tournies?!?!?!??!)
i could go on and on but i'll stop here for now
:rolleyes: :D

07-14-2002, 06:21 AM
sweet keep them coming

I intend to submit to everyone of these companies!!

07-14-2002, 11:15 AM
If someone allready said these, I am sorry-
LL Bean
Dell (getting really big, could use public exposure)
Small town buisnesses, Mom and Pop Stores
The Home DePot
All I could think of. Hope this helps.

EDIT- Maybe a watch coumpany, like Seiko, or Casio, they could use that for a Game timer, like you see in the olympics. :)

07-14-2002, 01:03 PM
actually im watching tech tv as i write it, extended play's anime videogame special. Tech tv is so strapped for cash they would never sponser anyone. Sony, I do work with their marketing department, well the playstation marketing department, they are stingey,a nd know that sponsering doesnt have as high of a return as regular advertising.

07-14-2002, 01:06 PM
Chain Stores (Shoprite, Models, etc.)
you also have all those pball companies like NPS and BE.

07-14-2002, 03:31 PM
beer companies wouldnt bee too good i think..... reebok was already said, here's some more:

mci (not now..they're gettin ready to layoff a buncha folks)
Office Depot
Hewlett Packard (sp?)
champs sports
food lion
piggly wiggly
lowes foods
harris teeter
i wonder if the California state tourism committe might do some sponsorship of somekind......
well that's it for now.....

07-14-2002, 04:34 PM
lmao bengay

not sure if anyone mentioned this yet but how about going around town and ask for donations

07-14-2002, 06:04 PM
I am sorry for this post it is not ment as a flame but I have been thinking about this for quite some time, and am I the only person who doesn't want paintball to go corparate?
I mean think about it.

Right now we could (I am not saying we would do well... I am just saying we could) get our teams togther pay the entry fee and get on the field against the best players in the world..... are there any corparate sponsored sports that you could do this? try getting your friends togther and see if they will let you play in the world series.

or think about it in another light:
try going to a local punk show and getting up on stage and singing with the band.
now try the same thing at a large rock concert and see what happens

don't get me wrong I think that the money that a large company could give to the paintball would be great. but I think that it would bring alot of bad things such as greed
(not saying that we aren't in a small greedy community now)

I like the idea of paintball being an underground thing
it fits well into my life and I think that we are kind of wishing away the golden age of our sport

just a thought
gliney the mag monkey

07-16-2002, 05:35 PM
yea you have a good point, but...
as long as paintball is "underground" we won't have pro teams and players that get payed because they have a gift(not that important but still), and the price of paintball is still to damn high, yea it has come down but not enough.
whens the last time you spent sixty bucks going to play football or baseball, never unless your renting a stadium or buying new equipment.
and the biggest reason, if those business with money don't know about us, it will be marked on all paintball players when someone shoots a church, or a person on the street. we need to get away from that.

07-16-2002, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by magmonkey
I am sorry for this post it is not ment as a flame but I have been thinking about this for quite some time, and am I the only person who doesn't want paintball to go corparate?
I mean think about it.

Right now we could (I am not saying we would do well... I am just saying we could) get our teams togther pay the entry fee and get on the field against the best players in the world..... are there any corparate sponsored sports that you could do this? try getting your friends togther and see if they will let you play in the world series.

or think about it in another light:
try going to a local punk show and getting up on stage and singing with the band.
now try the same thing at a large rock concert and see what happens

don't get me wrong I think that the money that a large company could give to the paintball would be great. but I think that it would bring alot of bad things such as greed
(not saying that we aren't in a small greedy community now)

I like the idea of paintball being an underground thing
it fits well into my life and I think that we are kind of wishing away the golden age of our sport

just a thought
gliney the mag monkey

God forbid we see the day when Corporate America takes an interest in Paintball. Its like selling your soul to the devil for a few bucks.


07-16-2002, 09:12 PM
was that sarcasm?

sorry, but please enlighten the dimwitted :)

07-16-2002, 09:46 PM
I like paintball events the way they are now. When corporate starts getting involved it will turn into MLB with corrupt business practices, overexposed stars and overpriced events.


07-16-2002, 10:22 PM
as long as paintball is "underground" we won't have pro teams and players that get payed because they have a gift

here in lies the problem

in the early days of baseball the "pro players" played the game for the same reason the kids in the park played the game for the love of it.... fast forward to today

we are staring down the barrell of another baseball strike
a baseball strike???? A bunch of guys who get paid more money in one year playing a game than you and I will probably ever see in our 40,50,60,70 hr week lifetimes.

I am a tournament player and don't get me wrong I would love to be paid to play paintball but it is a greedy world
and I would hate to see this fun thing we are involved in get corrupted to make the upper 1% obscenely rich

just a thought
gliney the mag monkey

07-16-2002, 11:24 PM
Corporate participation in paintball, directly, only helps the few elite players at the top.

Indirectly, however, it opens up the door to things like inexpensive, city-run, city-subsidized paintball fields in locations that arn't in BFE based in a muddy dirt parking lot with a couple sheds and a stinky port-o-let.

Baseball, football, tennis, soccer - those sports are played on fields that arn't exactly cheap that are often built and maintained by cities and school districts. Even hockey, while still relatively expensive, is still only available to most people who play in rinks due to corporate support. No corporate support, no hockey rinks. These things exist because there's enough traffic to merit them, and enough positive public opinion backing them that no one objects to the city spending a few G's a year keeping the town softball field maintained.

That's the benefit to the common player.

I'd kill for a few grand from some corporate sponsors, because it would let me push for the creation of more college teams which would allow me to put more paintball fields on campuses which would allow me to expose more students to paintball - meaning more people in the real world have a positive image of the sport.

Acceptance means an end to irrational opposition to the opening of new fields, silly ignorance based legislation, and an opening of public resources to supporting the sport. Corporate dollars can and will accelerate that process, and tehre's nothing wrong with that. No one is going to make any paintball player pay big bucks to go see a pro game or force them to earn big bucks playing in one. And there will be plenty of non-pro games to watch, and the quality of play in those games will be just as good as in the pro games now.

If pro paintball were REALLY a pro sport, ollie lang wouldn't be playing for dynasty. How many 18 year olds are playing pro athletics now? Maybe one or two a sport? How many play pro NPPL/PSP? In a healthy sport with lots of participants, it's nearly impossible to be good enough to play pro out of high school. We're not to that point yet. We're not big enough to really be manufacturing enough truly spectacular players to really even have a pro league made up of truly spectacular players. (Not to knock Ollie, but were we the NBA, he'd most likely have to do his time in college.)

- Chris

07-17-2002, 12:41 AM
here is my thinking on all of this corporate sponshership business. YES there should be sponsors, but they should do nothing but sponsor. just like in car racing, the sponsors names are present, but they have nothing to do with the sport. now i dont want team tampax or anything, or people to be plastered with viagra labels. all i want is for paintball to be seen by more people, and for espn to put it back on the air. i do like how paintball is being incorporated now into extreme sports, and i wouldnt doubt it if paintball were to be on the X GAMES in a year or two. BUT IN NO WAY DO I WANT NIKE MAKING MY PAINTBALL PRODUCTS. if we let nike into paintball, they will make clothes with their 5 year-old slaves, and make some expensive paintball gun which sucks. also, i think nike may give paintball a bad name if they start to make crapy products. it will actualy turn people away. for now, the companies can have their names in sight, pay the players, and make paintball bigger, but for now they should stay out of the actual sport part of it

07-19-2002, 11:25 PM
lewt me put it this way. YOU HAVE N CHOICE!! NIKE and all the other sport companies will come into paintball wether you want them to or not, what we need to do is show them how to come in before they observe the sport and think they know everything about it. We need to dictate how they come in, and we can only do that by getting them in *** soon as possible. If not they will come in them selves and all players will be sorry. so stop griping and figure out how to get them in without screwing everything up!