View Full Version : I am such a show off

07-12-2002, 08:37 PM
I finally got my Lvl 10 mod. I was so extremely happy I almost cried. (Well I did cry actually because things were great that day, another story entirely.) I set up mu Retro valve and Std. vavle with the kits I go and tested them will really good paint, 3-4 bounce average. I even held a ball half way in the breech and fired away. Nothing happened. No breaks no pinching nothing. Lvl 10 Rules the world. So today I had some time on my hands and I went to my local PB store with my Minimag. The store is Fireball Mountain in Jersey. I walked in and chatted with the guys until one noticed my full black Mini. He said that it was a nice 'Mag, that is when I gassed it up and asked him what he thought of the whole 'Mag blender thing. He said he heard that they do but doesn't know for sure. I proceeded to stick my pinky throught the powerfeed window and rip on the trigger. He was amazed and called his friend out to see. I showed him and he was also astounded. By this time thier boss came out to see what the shooting was about. He has been in PB for many years and remembers when 'Mags first came out. I explained the lvl 10 mod. to him and did my finger trick. He told one of the guys to get some paint and a hopper to test it out. I told him I only needed a std. hopper to test the mod. I put about 40 balls in and proceeded to fire away. The Retro 10 was flawless, as fast as any other gun and not a single break or chop. I even held the guy on it's side and held a ball in the breach and fired away with no mishaps. The ball was unaffected. It was an amazing demonstration. I think that they all have a renewed respect of AGD and the power of the 'Mag.

07-12-2002, 08:44 PM
yes level ten has definatly made mags MUCH MUCH better.

07-12-2002, 08:45 PM

i cant wait to get lvl10 and go show it off:D

land hurricane
07-12-2002, 08:50 PM
Dang, im not even getting it but i am really really anxious about my friend getting it so i can go play with it....

07-12-2002, 10:19 PM
LOL hurricane...you level 10 scrub.