View Full Version : I made a silencer that works a little too well.

07-12-2002, 09:08 PM
me and my best friend were playing sniperball (be as silent as possible for as long as possible until you have a perfect shot) well i made this silencer about 3 months ago but it never fit the barrel so i never used it. Matt saw it and put it on his barrel and to my suprise it fit. so i gave it to him... BIG MISTAKE! the first game we paly i hit him 4 times before he gets a shot off and the game was over quickly. second game the same thing happened. well the third game... about 15 min into the game crawling through the thickest brush as quietly as possible carrying the beast is not easy but possible. i make it to a point where its semi easy to see around you. and this is what i hear. WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH... then silence. i didnt hear no bolt click.. i didnt hear no boom from the barrel. i just heard 3 paintballs fly by my head. i this point im flat on my stomach trying to figure out what ive created.i slowly get up and look around... WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH THWACK a ball hits the tree by me. i take note of the side the paints on and fire in the general direction. i hear something running though the trees then silence. well now i know about where he is so i advance. WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH. im scared now. i look around and see a big round thing in the trees... i look lower and see see the steel hose on his gun shining in the light. then i see a ball gatting bigger and then i see yellow paint on my goggles...

i was amazed at how well the silencer worked and today i made another one. i put it to my mouth and yelled through it and my mom couldnt hear me from 15 feet away. when i shoot though it i can hear the bolt click and a little boom but over 15 feet you cant hear anything. so now ill be using my black dragon with gulie rag and a silencer next time we play and we'll see who wins.

07-12-2002, 09:24 PM
make me one!

07-12-2002, 09:27 PM
Don't let the cops find it.

07-12-2002, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by subbeh
Don't let the cops find it.

lol the cops in my town dont care... in fact officer neimi was very impressed:D

as for making you one... i wont because getting it to fit the barrel it hard as hell unless you happen to have a barrel that fits the pvc PERFECTLY. and then i have to drill 500 holes in it. frankly hand was sore after mine and i dont wanna do it again. and the cops in my town are understanding... yours on the other hand would probable do any thing from breaking the door down to shooting you.

07-12-2002, 10:22 PM
um what woulfd the cops do.. its a piece of PVC pipe? im sure its not illegal :rolleyes:

07-12-2002, 11:18 PM
Get us a pic of it:D

07-12-2002, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by -Jôker-
um what woulfd the cops do.. its a piece of PVC pipe? im sure its not illegal :rolleyes:

Silencers violate firearms laws. They are illegal.

07-12-2002, 11:44 PM
last i checked paitnball guns werent firearms

07-12-2002, 11:50 PM
accually it is illegal because it would be able to silence a realy gun. the local cop doesnt care because we have no crime around here. seriously. and its not like the average cop where they are paranoid about paintball because ive accualy shot him during a game.

07-13-2002, 12:06 AM
ok if it could silence a real gun i see how that is but i around here i dont really have to worry about the cops around here

07-13-2002, 06:24 AM
Dansim and I tried to make a silencer a while ago, turned into a loudener:D man it sounded just like my 9mm

07-13-2002, 07:51 AM
I'd love a loudener. It reminds me of a 1/2 hr comedy that showed around here calles "Sledgehammer". The guy was a gun FREAK! who just happend to be a cop. He had a loudener that he used with his .44 Magnum once (it was on a police shooting course). It was hilarious.

07-13-2002, 09:19 AM
manufacturing a silencing device that could be modified to function on a real weapon is regulated by the Feds.

They are illegal to make, not illegal to own.

And yes, making one even though it's going on a paintball gun is illegal.

Do the research there is a ton of info on this.

07-13-2002, 11:42 AM
he didnt make it...he found it on the ground.....;)

or say ur friend made it:)

07-13-2002, 01:20 PM
how did you make it?

07-13-2002, 09:01 PM
well if i disclose the info on how i made it i dont think its illegal. i mean you can find this info anywhere.

*1 1/16" inner bore PVC (could be different, try and match it to your barrel)
*2 pepsi bottles (some people use 2 inch diameter pvc but i find this a tad lighter.)
*drill with 1/8" bit
*toilet paper
*hot glue
*a barrel that will fit snugly inside of pvc (if its bigger thats fine but youll have to sand down the inside of the pvc)

fit the pvc over the barrel and see where it will hold snug. mark off where the end of the barrel is. draw lines down the pvc for refference (end to end, about 1/4" apart)
drill as many holes down the lines as possible (i got around 500 total) after thats done cut the bottom of the pepsi bottles of and then cut the tips off so you can put the large parts together and fit it over the pvc. then (while on the pvc) fill the bottles with the toilet paper. fit the two bottles together. and hot glue in place.

NOTICE: if you get in trouble for making one of these it is in no way my fault... remember, you constructed it

07-14-2002, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
fill the bottles with the toilet paper

foam or steel wool will work too(steel wool is the best)

07-14-2002, 10:44 AM
Fill it with toilet paper? Thats actually a good idea. All you have to do to make a silencer is to get a big PVC pipe and a smaller PVC pipe that is slightly bigger than the barrel and fill the gap with paper. I think that would work. I have seen one but i heard it takes your velocity down terribly.

Top Secret
07-14-2002, 12:24 PM
Just thinking since the internals are toliet paper, the ATF would have a hard time proving it was for a firearms since using it with a real gun would set the whole thing on fire. :D

07-14-2002, 05:29 PM
I don't know about that toilet paper thing, you're talking somantics- they don't care what you use (tp, scotch brite, steel wool) - they care that it silences the weapon. You can also call it whatever you want, if it silences a firearm and the ATF deems it so, then your in trouble. (I doubt that they would actually bothered to come after you.)
I've heard you can never get a straight answer from the ATF. (They keep the law vague to adapt to situations) I also agree with Facts of Life, in many areas paintball guns are considered firearms! Check your local ordinances to be safe. In some places you can't discharge a firearm within the city limits- including paintball guns!

07-14-2002, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Rocp15126
Check your local ordinances to be safe.

read my second post...

07-15-2002, 09:35 AM
read my second post ...

actually that was directed at everyone else. I think you're in a good position since the cops know about and don't care, but not everyone is going to check with the cops and pleading ignorance might not help you if you get in trouble.

07-15-2002, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Timmee
I'd love a loudener.

I have one :) Spelled: The handgun loudener...

Read: Magnum Ported 454 Casull Hand Cannon :)

I HIGHLY recommend ear protection with those.
I tried it without once.... once.

07-15-2002, 10:19 PM
In some places you can't discharge a firearm within the city limits- including paintball guns!

Oops! A little late for that.

07-15-2002, 11:00 PM
well there are cobvents against them and airguns in my neighborhood but i shoot them all the time (not real guns)

anbd i carry my pb gun around and pellet gun around all the time no one cares iys louisiana ppl have guns...

07-16-2002, 11:31 AM
i made a silencer for my mag once, okay about five or six times, but the last time it was made out of aluminum tubing, with about 100 holes in it(made to fit a teardrop barrel) housed in another larger tube housed in a larger tube, with o-rings sealing each end of each tube, even the barrel. The theory was to make a paintgun muffler, to make the gass travel farther to make the sound, well it didnt work extremely well, although i got the sound of the air coming out of the barrel almost gone.

oh i forgot, each piece of tube had holes in it, even the shroud over all of the tubing.

If you guys really want to make an effective suppressor or muffler, take a pop bottle or a peice 2" pvc or any tube like structure, and get a ported barrel. then make some styrofoam beads by scraping a wire brush across the polystyrene, sift until you get the smallest particles possible, and fill the tube with this stuff. the reason this cant be used in firearms is that it instantly melt when hit with flame. so basically it cant be used as a firearm. One more thing, you need some kind of filter for your ported barrel or peice of pvc with 500 holes in it, so that when you shoot, the only thing to come out of your barrel is a puff of smoke and a paintball, not about 1000 peices of styrofoam. good luck and happy sniping.

if this doesnt make sense disregaurd.


07-16-2002, 02:55 PM
this reminds me of that thread on how to make an air cannon...

" no i wont tell you how to make it but heres a completely unrelated home depot recite.... tommoro il tell you how you can make a valve open really quickly, for all you people who want quick water..."