View Full Version : What do mag owners think of cockers? just curious..

07-12-2002, 09:48 PM
I myself think they are mechanical wonders, all those parts move perfectly together(when they work) to provide for the smoothest shot in any gun(opinion). Some people think its just rediculous, ie why do you need 300 parts to fling paint. I can fully understand that side of the arguement too.

Actually im buying a used(barely) cocker(my friends old gun) from a cool dealer downtown as a backup/ fun gun too. Iv'e always wanted to own a cocker and learn how they work in full and learn them inside out so i can time and fix them as easy as a mag.
Its a WGP 2001 standered body, ans genx front block/jackhammer, rat valve, shocktech supafly bolt, ans genx reg, planet eclipse blade trigger with dye stickies, shocktech drop and a bunch of other neat things and perfectly timed for about 600.

So what do you think about the mags main rival, the cocker?

07-12-2002, 09:59 PM
Friend of mine has an Autococker, and I've shot it a few times. Even used it. But I really like the Automag better.

I suppose my current policy on Autocockers is - I'll use the Autococker, but I'll be thinking of my Mag.

07-12-2002, 09:59 PM
I My self have a mag and love it to wonders and my friend has a Cocker and everytime we play ther e is something wrong with it like its over pressureized or some stuff like that

07-12-2002, 09:59 PM
The cocker is a high quality piece of paint slinging machinery! Heh, it's built on a pump design and it has it's limits. I like how EVERYONE (well, almost) is trying to make it better and make it their own. It gives people so many damn options and combonations of cockers to build/buy. The only thing I don't like about cockers are those cocker jocks who diss on mags and swear by their religion(mag dissing) that mags suck.

Load SM5
07-12-2002, 10:01 PM
I just bought one, too. It's a lot of fun to shoot. With a swing trigger I can fling paint faster than I could with my old mags. But it will always be a project gun and a back-up for my SFL E-mag. I love my E-mag, too much. Sounds like you have a sweet gun, have fun with it.

07-12-2002, 10:06 PM
well its a hard question to answer, i hate them but love them at the same time. ok heres the hate: they sell on hype alone, like u said they are way too complex to sling paint, everyone has them and they say cockers rule cuz they shoot further, when really they are slow guns(unless u get an eframe or sandridge cocker) but yet everyone wants them. last but not least is the fact that they cost SO much money and most of the "high performance" cockers shoot worse than the stock ones, given the fact that they are probably untimed and out of tune. but why deal with the crap when u can have a 250 dollar classic mag that shoots better(imo) than the most pimped out cocker.
on to the part where i say what i like about cockers... ummm nothing, lol jj, but honestly the only thing i can think of is the fact that they look/feel soo cool, they are the most customizable gun in the world, and oh yea the cool moving backblock and the sound it makes. so to sum it up i like everything about them except the way they shoot.

07-12-2002, 10:10 PM
i think they are good guns... i just dont like the looks

07-12-2002, 10:18 PM
Muhahaha, COCKERS SUXOR!!!! Actualy I have a cocker(look at sig) and it is nice... breaks alot because I always do something stupid to it, but when it works its nice... What you have now is a good setup, and a good thing is that that ANS Reg has interchangeable parts with a mag reg...

07-12-2002, 10:21 PM
I like them. What I dont like are the few owners who will turn their nose up at the sight of a mag, and then sit out the next 3 games trying to get their gun to even shoot.

I fully understand that when a cocker goes down it is 99.9% of the time the owner's fault for opening it up and trying to "tweak" it (even I was once a cocker owner). I just cant stand the "mags suck, but my gun rocks when it works" mentality.

So cockers = good. some of their owners = not so good.

07-12-2002, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by CpSuPeRkId
last but not least is the fact that they cost SO much money and most of the "high performance" cockers shoot worse than the stock ones, given the fact that they are probably untimed and out of tune. but why deal with the crap when u can have a 250 dollar classic mag that shoots better(imo) than the most pimped out cocker.
I couldn't disagree more. High-end Cockers shoot worse then stock ones? Most good high-end Autocockers such as Free Flows, Works and Sonic; are $500 more for a reason. They have higher flowing valves and bolts, lighter moving parts, lighter trigger pulls, and super low bolt psi (can not chop). For the obvious differences, they have less kick, are able to sustain higher ROF, and shoot better. Stock autocockers shoot pritty much same as classic Mags. I am not saying the Mag nor the stock Cocker shoots bad, but i'm just saying theres a huge gap between the two.

07-12-2002, 10:34 PM
Psh if u were gunna get a cocker u could of at least got the vert feed....*shakes head in dissapointment*

07-12-2002, 10:38 PM
yes vert feed is a MUST. I sold my right feed Cocker for only $450 with no barrels a few months back and people that have seen my Cocker know that its worth a HECK lot more than that.

07-12-2002, 10:53 PM
I own a 98 minicocker and a automag. The cocker is totally tricked with new body, barrel, etc...it shoots really great...don't know why people hate on cockers. its all preference.

My mag is still pretty much stock with a new armson and a kapp cradle. Don't get me wrong I love my mag, but the cocker is really good. I have no maintenence problems. The only people who get cocker problems are the sill guys that think they can take apart the pneumatics.

well either gun can be a great tournament marker if u do the right things.

I'm gonna get a palmer side reg, new grip frame, and a retro valve for my mag.

07-12-2002, 11:04 PM
They are fine guns. Oddly complicated method of operation and shooting though, but considering the paintball technology then ('80's), it is a well thought out piece of engineering. I believe their method of operation is obsolete though. However, it works, and works good.

07-13-2002, 12:47 AM
Cockers are great guns when properly timed and maintained. That is why I have one :)

07-13-2002, 01:04 AM
Hmmm, contrary to what you say think from my various quotes and sigs, I think cockers are not bad guns when they are well taken care of. They are, however, outdated and obsolete when compared to something like an XMAG or an IR3. Or my RT, for that matter. All I know is that I am fairly sure my RT can outperform any mechanical cocker out there. The electros, I have no idea, but putting electropnumatics on a cocker seems like throwing gas on the fire that is complexity. I wouldn't mind having one to tinker with, providing I didn't have to pay for it!

07-13-2002, 01:10 AM
well i personall just recieved mine, i had it custon built, milled, and annoed. o couldnt be happier. to be honest with you i do in fact feel it shoots farther straighter then my masg. i will neer get ride of my mag, won mayny a gsmrs with it. but my cocker is under my pillow now. my 3 cents peace

07-13-2002, 02:15 AM
cockers are good in the right hands. they are realy comfy feeling imo as well. customizable and can be vary unique, which is why like them and i am trying to get one. i dont understand why cockers are rivals with mags, i guess its kinda like, kids who like death metal, and kids who like black metal, i love both, but so many ppl hate deathmetal for the singers voice being deep and growly while others hate bmetal for being high pitched screams, but when you realy listen to them both, you realize there isn't much differance other than black metal is alot more complex in musical structure, kinda like a cocker. if you think about it, it makes seince.

07-13-2002, 02:21 AM
I think they're fine markers. I've personally never looked 'down' on cockers and have shot a few.

If I had the extra money lying around, I'd buy one too - just to tinker with it. After an E-Mag Extreme and a Timmy that is.

Other than that I'm perfectly happy with my Rt-Pro and have no plans on buying any other markers soon.

Sounds like you have a marker there that fits your preference. Enjoy it.


07-13-2002, 06:37 AM
If WGP made drink mixers:

<IMG SRC="http://www.chindogu.com/chindogu/sambuca.jpg">

07-13-2002, 08:04 AM
i thaught i hated cockers for a long time. Friends called me 'the mag bigot'. Every time i picked one up i shortstroked, and never gave myself a chance. One day a friend gave me his to see " HOw many damn times i would shortstroke in a row" ( the record is 4 for me -- a QUADRUPLE FEED!)
anyway, I quickly got the hang of the trigger and to the amazment of my friends was shooting insanly fast. I amazed myself. I was shooting twice as fast as w/ my mag, and i already outshot everyone w/ my mag. Wow i thaught, and this was an ALL stock 2002.

And the DArk side overwhelmed me...i got a cocker

Still love mags, but cockers are work great for me.

07-13-2002, 03:24 PM
I dont see the argument between mags and cockers either. Its strange how they are about the last 2 high performance mechanical markers out there now that the electros have taken the stage and they are still not thought to be in the same category as eachother because of the differences in design, even though their performance is very close.

For me the only thing that sets the two apart is the trigger. Most of the people who I know that have gotten used to their autocockers just CANT shoot a mag without shortstroking (or very fast either). Its just the other way around with the mag owners and shooting cockers.

Top Secret
07-13-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
If WGP made drink mixers:

<IMG SRC="http://www.chindogu.com/chindogu/sambuca.jpg">


07-13-2002, 04:42 PM
i think there really easy/col 2 shoot maybe i would buy one someday maybe not.. but i play on a sup-air with a stock one and did quite good (ruled with my mag tho)

07-13-2002, 04:53 PM
rofl miscue :)

I think I'd like to own one, eventually. I just got Lvl 10 for my warp+mini, and I'm really lovin' it.

I'd like to own an RTP and/or an e-mag (extreem, or otherwise) before I'd pick up a 'cocker..

...unless the price is REALLY outstanding or something :)

07-13-2002, 05:41 PM
I'm on my second. Just love the trigger, it rips, even stock.

Get a stock 2k2 VF, throw a STO front-block and Supa-Fly bolt on it, and get ready to astonish people with a gun that will shoot just as fast as the much overhyped Orracle and many others in that price range.

Of course, mine's a project gun. When I'm done, the onlything stock on it will be the body, and that will be heavily milled (Can you say Angel feed, & Angel Sight rail)