View Full Version : 45/45 tanks??

07-13-2002, 12:33 AM
ok im searching around for a new tank and i just found out my field is going to get a 4500psi compressor. so how big are 45/45 tanks? im a front player and size really matters...also, what are some good brands? im looking at crossfire/pmi/aci. are these any good? ive found the aci for the cheapest then the crossfire then the pmi. im really wanting to know which one is the smallest and lightest. thanks guys....:)

07-13-2002, 07:51 AM

07-13-2002, 09:38 AM
45 ci tankes are sometimes called snapple bottles (because the size is very close). the new crossfire regs have a nice recharge rate, better than the pmi pure energy. i havent seen an aci tank tested. i would say weight between these tanks are comparable.

07-13-2002, 03:56 PM
i have a raptor 68/45 and then ive got my 68/4500 and a 88/3000.. the raptor isnt that great i just like it with my dz2 (puts it foward 6inches).. but the crossfire is deff alot better with the recharge.. it keeps up with the rt with ease.. and with my raptor u could hear the flow was alot slower.. (after a long string) but the only down i had about it is that the new crossfire reg is make of i think 4130, and it eats any non-steal cradles.. i had a benchmark and then i were to screw the tank in, the air would let out really fast, but the tank valve was open all the way so the recharge wasnt there at all (after i shot my gun about 8times ide have 2 take the tank off and put it back on.. and i would have screwed the tank in more but the threds of the crale would have been gone.. so i got the dz2 tank adapter with on-off and i love it (pmi in my mind stink.. well the regs do but the tank has a 5year hydro..) aci ive never even seen one lol

07-13-2002, 04:16 PM
45/45 tanks are nice, small. They only get like 800 shots or so though. I would consider getting a system x 45/45.

07-13-2002, 04:35 PM
if i were you, i would get a PMI..they are nice..i had a 68/45 tank from PE and it worked perfect..

07-13-2002, 05:30 PM
well im a front player, there is no way i will shoot more than 800 a game. so i think the amt. of shots it gives will be ok. and where can i look at system x tanks? im leaning towards the crossfire, because ive heard great things about them, i have a crossfire tank right now, and theyre cheaper....;)

07-13-2002, 07:11 PM
here ya go, i have had no experience with them but i heard they are good

here (http://9375.adahost.com/prod_det.asp?id=1746)

07-13-2002, 07:40 PM
I just got a CenterFlag 45 4500 and it is really sweet. A good bit smaller than my 68 4500 CenterFlag. I would say if you could afford it you ought to go for the CenterFlag or Max Flow.

07-13-2002, 07:58 PM
well price is definetly a factor for me. i found the crossfire 45/45 for 170. not too bad. i would like to get the more expensive tanks, but i cant....:(

07-13-2002, 08:11 PM
With the correct bore match I get max 775-800 shots(crossfire 47ci/3k). No kidding. My setup is perfect and the crossfire works amazingly keeping the consistent rate I wanted. Heck I only paid 70 and compared to other tanks, its just as good. I also believe people are a little persuaded by price of the $400 tanks, and you all should look at reviews found here, www.pbreview.com, on all tanks, accesories, etc. It has worked very well for me and is true to the value of the product.

BTW: look for a review on the brass eagle delux mask. Read those reviews because I think you will get a kick out of what people say.


07-13-2002, 09:22 PM
well i used to have a pmi 48/3k, basically the same as yours. and i liked it but i sold it to get a smaller 51ci tank. but right now, im just getting into tournies and my gun is already heavy enough(emag) and i want a fiber tank. so i will probably get either a 68/3k or a 45/45. which one would you pick out of ACI, PMI, or Crossfire 45/45's?

07-13-2002, 09:37 PM
look at ANY of the BE stuff and look at the reviews they get. jeez! nobody respects the BE any more....sad to see considering they have such a huge market share...too bad the good players wont touch BE with a ten foot pole

07-13-2002, 09:39 PM
hey!!! i wear a BE jersey.....

but only because it was $9 and has a "cool" bird on the front...:D

07-13-2002, 10:25 PM
Wel, I have a BE gun case. It's actually (insert four letter adjective here) nice, although it's a kind of soft plastic. Plenty hard for it's job, but, well, when I think of a gun case I'd like something it'd take a power tool to crack through.

07-15-2002, 12:51 PM
I have a Nitro Duck 45/45 and it runs great on my emag... and whats more, with the screw in tank, you don't have to worry about Lvl10 degassing woes :)

I've also never had a problem with airflow on it.

07-22-2002, 06:44 PM
blah, I am a good player and I use BE :)

07-22-2002, 06:49 PM
:rolleyes: RIGHT...

back to the subject i suggest a Nitro Duct or System X:D

07-22-2002, 06:53 PM
spyder, if you might run over that ~800 shot capacity with a 45/45 try getting a more efficient barrel. I see dre's post and was wondering why he was able to get such high numbers on a 3k.. well look at that picture in his sig. That's one of the most efficient, accurate barrels out there.

07-22-2002, 08:24 PM
thanks, how efficent are these barrel kits? im looking at a CP or JJ. im not too worried about having 800 shots, 600 or so is plenty. thanks:)

07-22-2002, 09:04 PM
i was looking into getting a 45/45 tank and was wondering about how many shots per fill you are getting with level 10 instaled? and looks like crossfire is the tank to get as far as 200-250 dollar screw in's go right?

07-22-2002, 09:20 PM
well i like crossfires, i have one now. you can get ACI, PMI, and System X 45/45 tanks for cheaper, more in the 170-200 range;)

07-22-2002, 09:24 PM
well i don't mind shelling out a little bit more for a tank if i'm paying for better quality :) just can't afford a max-flow or flatline yet :(

07-22-2002, 09:34 PM

that is a crossfire 45/45. I think it is 180

07-22-2002, 09:34 PM
air america 45/45 here :)

07-22-2002, 10:10 PM
What the h*ll is wrong with you people, you have mags...go with the flatline! I've seen the 68 3k for under $200 and still good for 2-3 yrs. I've been runnin the 45/45 and gettin about 900 shots (output at 700-800) and it's so smooth! The best part about it is I did the 24 hr d-day and between that and my warp feed, I did not break one ball the whole time.

07-22-2002, 10:25 PM
Those barrels you listed are pretty rotten as far as efficiency goes. Lots of porting and non-matching bore (as in the 2nd half of the CP) consumes gas and takes more pressure to get the job done. A barrel such as a Lapco has very little porting, just enough to release pressure before the ball leaves the barrel. Stock E-Mag/RT barrels are really efficient too, I'm keeping the stock barrel on my RTP for some time I think. Looks cool, efficient, accurate.

07-22-2002, 10:41 PM
theclapp, the reason we havn't posted flatline4.5k's is because of his pricerange. ~180 for a 4.5k flatline, get real!

07-22-2002, 11:17 PM
Um yes... I also mentioned the 68 3k, I saw for under $200.
Where you ask I forgot...try paintballgear.com
If your looking for cheap try a nitro duck 68 3k. $180 at paintball wizard. It treated me good for two years.