View Full Version : Tom, Looking for more RT parts

07-13-2002, 01:24 AM
Hey Tom, Do you have any old school RT valve's and reg's laying around? I basically have all the parts I need to build an RT except the valve and reg. Do you have a valve and reg that you can sell me? It does not have to be new. Just has to work :)

07-14-2002, 09:47 AM
So that's what your going to do with your (extra) old body.

Did you ever had the probelem of it going full auto? That's the state mine is in until I figure out how to fix it.

07-14-2002, 10:32 AM
hey, turn the input pressure down

07-16-2002, 11:32 AM
UP :) Tom??

07-18-2002, 01:18 AM
UP :):)

07-18-2002, 10:13 AM
Just a suggestion, but isn't it possible to use a regular retro valve, if you cut the back? I'm not sure. Either way then it wouldn't be gas through... Hmm.

I'll sell you mine...

for $999.99

07-26-2002, 01:31 AM
Tom??? :confused:

07-26-2002, 06:11 AM
Originally posted by subbeh
Just a suggestion, but isn't it possible to use a regular retro valve, if you cut the back? I'm not sure. Either way then it wouldn't be gas through... Hmm.

I'll sell you mine...

for $999.99

No, not at all. The Origianl RT is has the air passage that goes through the rail and bajo bolt.

Damageinc: Did you ever think of emailing AGD and asking that way?

07-26-2002, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by Muzikman

No, not at all. The Origianl RT is has the air passage that goes through the rail and bajo bolt.

Damageinc: Did you ever think of emailing AGD and asking that way?

Yes but if you cut the back then made grooves for the valve to fit into I think it would work. Just wouldn't be gas-through.

07-26-2002, 12:56 PM
Im pretty sure it would work you just wouldnt be able to use the gas inlet things which is my favorite part of the old RTs.