View Full Version : warrenty info on a used mag, not on the site

mike e
07-13-2002, 01:02 PM
i just recently did a deal so that i will be getting a mag. unfortunalty i think the thing is so old it was before the star program. so does this mean i am subject to the 45 dollar charge if i need a send-in? thats the only thing i wasnt clear on. also what is this valve/bolt exchange program i read about? was there a recall or something? this mag has seen better days and im expecting to need to service it im just wondering about how much i should putting aside for the cause. thanks for the time

mike e

07-13-2002, 04:28 PM
Yes, no valve rebuild freebies for us older mag users.

Why pay money for a warrantee upgrade, just to have the ability to send it in for free. Save your money and send it in only when it needs it, which is never.

If you have an older valve like I do, check the alignment of the hole from back half to front half. If the hole doesn't line up, and it probably won't, you should drill the back so that it lines up with the front. it'll help your recharge rate. Next, check your on/off top. If its the older top with the X cut on the bottom, then order a new style on/off top. This'll help your recharge rate the most.

The main thing you should do, right off the bat, is change all the O-rings and seals. At least you'll know your starting fresh.

I have an original level 7 mag from 1993 ser#CF8098. It works great and can really chuck out the paint. I have done the mods that I suggested and they do improve the performance of the older mags. Newer mags have this already done.