View Full Version : Here's an Idea for Tom

07-13-2002, 09:08 PM
Hey man first off I would like to congradulate you on the success of lvl10 beta, awesome job. I know lately that things have been crazy with lvl10 and the new xtremes but if u could find time plz update the site, it still has an ad for the "new delrin super-bolt" which we here at AO have already decided is completely inadequate, also there is nothing in the proto-type lab about lvl10 or the xtremes, other than the picture with the ace but no one knows thats an xtreme. Why are we burying all of these incredible advancements in our forums. It seems like our site is still 3 months behind and you have to go to the forums to find out anything new. It would also be nice if you could include a few special read-only forums linked to the main page that would address shipping of lvl10s, performance stats/general info, and new updates. I know of quite a few people who have been intrigued by what i told them in regards to lvl10 but then couldn't go into the site and find it themselves because it takes a maze of searching to find it, which people new to the site cant do. Maybe also a new forum section dedicated to lvl10 info so we dont have to search the tech and normal forums to find the threads, possibly the same for xtremes and ace. Well this is getting to be long so I will sum it up by saying that if we could update the site I believe that would help spread the AGD "Infection"(good word choice). Anyway just my 2 cents.

07-13-2002, 09:53 PM
Would you rather Tom spend 5 hours fixing the site or 5 hours working on getting Level 10 Gold for release, so the whole world can enjoy its goodness?

People dont shop on manufacturers websites, and afterall, Level 10 isnt even a real product yet. Everyone is so busy at AGD (which is great, get that work done!), the site is secondary, and I like it that way :)

07-13-2002, 09:57 PM
I didnt know tom spent any time updating the site. I thought that was what webby was for :)

07-13-2002, 09:57 PM
I don't believe Tom himself updates the site. And an non-updated site does give a bad vibe to the surfer.

07-13-2002, 10:32 PM
Pro-Team Products at proteamdirect.com count as a manufacturer's website? You can shop there.

07-14-2002, 12:00 AM
I'm saying, a knowledgable shopper doesnt learn about new products, get opinions, or decide what to buy purely from man. websites :) Of course a cool and updated site is a plus, but I'd rather get my level 10 a day sooner :)

07-14-2002, 12:54 AM
well, as an advid paintball shopper (and player) i will hear about things/read about things and go directly to the internet site (easy, quick, the info is usually right there) .. and having a website not quite up to date w/o the product information is alway's disconcerning!

.. i believe myths are created this way :D and we all know there are waaaay too many myths in paintball already!!

.. anyhow, just my two cents ..

07-14-2002, 01:54 AM
Webmaster is responsible for updating the site, he's working on it.

07-14-2002, 01:52 PM
Yeah, Webby's married now, so he has LOTS more time for the website. LOL:D