View Full Version : anyone know where to find a bko?

07-13-2002, 10:59 PM
i have finally seen the bkos, and i want one extreamly badly, but the only place i can find one at is out of stock on all of them. if anyone can help me get one i would be extreamly thankful.

07-13-2002, 11:02 PM
u mena tko? or is bko sometype of bushy?

07-13-2002, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by AssassN
sometype of bushy

07-13-2002, 11:17 PM
so is it a bushy or tko?

07-13-2002, 11:20 PM
the bko is a new type of bushy, it retails for CHEAP

i dont remember the price or where to get them

but its a bushy


07-13-2002, 11:23 PM
279.99 @ action village

altho i would NEVER buy anything from them after all the horror stories ive heard, so its up to you


07-14-2002, 12:20 AM
www.vaporworks.net is all I have to say. All the Bushy people praise them. Contact them and see if they have any BKO's. Their prices are good.


07-14-2002, 12:30 AM
the site is down alot, but be pacient, they also have a better selection of colors...

07-14-2002, 01:49 AM
is action village and paintball gear the same ppl?

and i am looking for the bko bushy to anyone still wondering. thanx for the help so far.

07-14-2002, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by FeuerFri
is action village and paintball gear the same ppl


07-14-2002, 12:59 PM
i've ordered from paintballgear.com over 20 times now and have never had a single problem with them. not sure what you heard but they seem very professional to me and always get me my stuff within 3 days.

07-14-2002, 02:51 PM
ya im with blackmag3. ive ordered from them TONS of times. that includes my mag(just sold it going EMAG!!!!!). they always get it to me in less than 3 days and have never screwed anything up.

07-14-2002, 02:55 PM
I have never had any problems with pbgear. i am thinking about getting a BKO but i would have to giveup my mag, and i dont see that coming anytime soon :) try checking with Goldie at Vapor Works, he might have a few for sale. also, check with Don at MPP, he might be able to get one for you. or you could prolly order direct from ICD but thier prices might be higher.

07-14-2002, 03:07 PM
the only problem i had with action village was that they sent me a standard feed instead of a powerfeed mag

07-14-2002, 03:22 PM
Do bko's have a nice trigger and are they a good gun overall cuz i was thinking of buying one myself.

07-14-2002, 06:21 PM
BKOs are not bushmasters, they are blowback guns that use some of the same parts. They have the same valve, frame and trigger, regulator, and bolt as the bushmaster. They are very nice guns overall, and while ICD did not intend them to compete performancewise with the bushmaster, a new board would put them on practically equal levels so yes they are very nice guns, especially for the money.

07-14-2002, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by blackmag3
i've ordered from paintballgear.com over 20 times now and have never had a single problem with them. not sure what you heard but they seem very professional to me and always get me my stuff within 3 days.

Originally posted by CpSuPeRkId
ya im with blackmag3. ive ordered from them TONS of times. that includes my mag(just sold it going EMAG!!!!!). they always get it to me in less than 3 days and have never screwed anything up.

thats not the issue here, altho action village in the past has had nothing but horrible customer service as well as a crappy non-updated website, now as far as service goes maybe they have improved some, but i will never ever buy ANYTHING from them, somehow they always either charge me twice for something, send me the wrong parts, send me stuff i didnt order

im just gonna leave it at that


07-14-2002, 09:37 PM
kosmo, the bushmaster & BKO operate identically. THEY ARE NOT BLOWBACKS.

The BKO has a new ram, shorter body & relocated LPR, and use pneumatics hose to connect the LPR to the solenoid(Internally). That's the major differences between a Bushy & a BKO. The board is in the tray, & the battery in the grip, the chip is 10bps max, semi only. This makes them cheaper than a Bushy, and they don't have the option of getting a PDS or fast semi chip from the factory, and the body is significantly cheaper to produce( no internal air routing from LPR to solenoid), hence teh lower price.

The Bushmaster is still the higher end gun, due to teh option of adding a PDS from the factory, LCD, milling & ano options, faster chip, and upgradeable LPR design (You can rock mod a bushy but not a BKO)

07-14-2002, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by kosmo
BKOs are not bushmasters, they are blowback guns that use some of the same parts. They have the same valve, frame and trigger, regulator, and bolt as the bushmaster. They are very nice guns overall, and while ICD did not intend them to compete performancewise with the bushmaster, a new board would put them on practically equal levels so yes they are very nice guns, especially for the money.

No they are not Blowbacks they use a ram to opperate the bolt/hammer, and actualy the regulator is different than Bushmasters and can now handle Preset tanks... Add a Chaos board and you have it pretty much performing the same as a bushy. The reason is costs so much is because it is easier to manufacture it. NOT because it is a low quality marker... I plan on getting one in a little bit, so I have done my homework:D