View Full Version : What if We Call it a MACE??????

07-14-2002, 12:22 AM

Since people are calling the LVL10 mod a "mechanical ACE" I thought we might coin the work "MACE" to refer to mechanical systems that don't chop. We would still call it LVL10 for the product name.

What do you think? I am worried that MACE sounds like somthing you smash stuff with.


07-14-2002, 12:25 AM
When I read that...I thought AGD made another thing for the cops....hehe

I actually think its pretty good of a nick name

07-14-2002, 12:40 AM
personnally, when i read that, the first thing i thought of was of something causing bodily harm .. the last thing paintball needs right now!

one humble vote for a bad idea (sorry Tom!)

07-14-2002, 12:58 AM
slushee, Im sorry ahead of time if this is offensive towards you, it shouldn't be taken that way.

If sick and tired of people who are always concerned about Jack the newbee. Or a picture of a guy holding a gun with out a barrel plug or mask. Im sorry if you feel that when you recieve an award you should gear up to go get a pic. When you are in your back yard shooting do you wear a mask? When you are working on your gun do you wear a mask? I don't and i am not ashamed of it.

When dye came out with a mask called the "badass" it wasn't the end of the world. Do you know why? When Mom sue, and Little Joey are waltzing through K-mart to get into the sport, they don't see bad-***, they see JT and raptors.

Though walmart and Kmart to a great deal to market new players, the plsyers that we once were...Now I don't go to walmart for paint. We are into the sport enough where a badass here, and a Hell fire there don't offend us.

If you are already shooting a mag the name MACE won't make you run for the hills and sell the mag screaming "What animals must run the company!"

People are always sreaming about bad publicity towards paintball. I don't even realize where any of this publicity comes from. You don't open the New York times and read "Team XXX didn't have their barrel plugs in at awards Ceremony" "President Bush calls for immediate banning of paintball!"

Given paintball has had some bad reputations now and then, i don't believe they were from the Marketing of Products, but the irresponsibility of few.
A kid who searches the net to find out aboutpaintball, and reads MACE, won't be like " I don't know it seems scary"

To make a long story longer....Tom go with it! I wont run and hide. This is not a flame but a opinion.

07-14-2002, 01:04 AM
you bring up some good points .. i'm still not a fan of the name, but that's why Tom asks us :)

07-14-2002, 01:08 AM
I dont think "Mace" is a good name for it. How about "The Feather"

07-14-2002, 01:09 AM
I think its groovey!


07-14-2002, 01:10 AM
i totally agree. i say its a keeper tom

07-14-2002, 01:11 AM
Don't like the name MACE.

Need something else

07-14-2002, 01:31 AM
just call it Mechanical ACE and then you avoid all problems. If people want to call it mace for simplicity or a shortened form then great. I think you should keep standard so everyones know what they are talking about. The company shouldnt start the slang, leave it to the people.

07-14-2002, 01:56 AM
Like I said before. It should be called "The Feather" :D

07-14-2002, 02:04 AM
For those worried about the definition of 'Mace' why not use 'M.A.C.E.' showing it as an acronym, and removing what confusion there may, or may not be?

Just my two cents :)

07-14-2002, 02:08 AM
I can go with M.A.C.E. (see..even i like it...so there..)* Thinks to himself...hhhmmm...Blue/Black Fade eMag Extreme with M.A.C.E. and a side of pie...oooohhhh....PPPPIIIIEEEEE!!!!!!*

07-14-2002, 02:13 AM
I thought the E in ACE stood for Eye. Since level 10 doesn't use an eye, why not just MAC?

If the E doesn't stand for eye, disregard this...

07-14-2002, 02:14 AM
I like it just so long as you let everyone know what it stands for maybe on the packages you could put Mechanical ACE in small letters under MACE.

07-14-2002, 03:10 AM
I dont like the idea of MACE or M.A.C.E i agree with the person who said theres no eye so E shouldnt be there but then again Mac sounds lame too in my opinion so i cannot give mace or mac a thumbs up. i like lvl 10 its sounds cool and maglike. i mean its not supper snappy or anything but ya know like lvl 7 lvl 8 lvl 10 why not plus how long does lvl 10 take to say level 10 3 sylables. i also dont see why things need to be shortened i mean paintballers like to list off all this and that on their markers so if its like i got an intelli z (sorry to bug ya tom) level ten, ace ect ect it fits right in. anyway whatever its called its awsome its great its here and thanks tom and everyone at AGD for making a great product. i dunno thats my $0.02 and im from canada so thats like $0.001 american.:)

07-14-2002, 04:14 AM
Not a fan of MACE or M.A.C.E. either, I could live with
for Mechanical Anti-Chop Equipment

just my 2 cents

07-14-2002, 05:16 AM
here's one to run up the flagpole...

Mechanical Anti Chop System.

I'd be calling mine Mag MACS...

07-14-2002, 06:13 AM
MACE is a good name BUT...
ACE originally stood for the Anti Chop Eye, not Anti CHop Equipment. It confused me there for a sec, and I have a felling other players might get a little confused too.

its 3 am so bare with me
how about A.C.R.E Anti-Chop Regulation Equipment

or ACER Anti Chop Enhanced Regulation

or the M.A.C.I (mackee) Mechanical Anti-Chop Inteligence

or MACS Mechanical Anti-Chop System

or IMACS (eemacks or I macks) Inteligent M.A.C.S

or MASS Mechanical Anti Squegee System

or MNSS (minus) Mechanical No Squegee System

take your pick!!

07-14-2002, 06:18 AM
Or here is a good one,

I used to call Final Fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X ( as in the letter)

why not just call it the X system (as in the letter)?

thats what I will call mine
Automage with the X-System

07-14-2002, 08:19 AM
MACS (Mechanical Anti Chop System) isn't bad...
You could even use a slogan like "Take your mag to the MACS!"

07-14-2002, 08:39 AM
i dont like it just call it level 10

07-14-2002, 09:20 AM

When I first read topic, I said MACE sounded good. However, I immeditately thought "E"e as in an electronic light driven sensor. So I thought MAC would sound better since there is no electronic aspect. There were a few others who said the "E" should be Equipment. But that doesn't work either since it is not equipment. It's a modification to equipment.

So I seconded the fellow (Blennidae) who said it would it should be MAC. It could be considered as a MAC mod to your Retro Valve.


07-14-2002, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
When I read that...I thought AGD made another thing for the cops
haha yea..its actually a pretty cool name

07-14-2002, 09:38 AM
Hmm, it's okay.. why not something like Mech. Ace? Or Mechanized Ace :)

*Edit* Looks like lilmag beat me to it. Mech.ACE sounds sweet..

07-14-2002, 09:55 AM
every time i hear the word mace, i think of Mel Gibson riding in on his hourse in "Brave Heart" and smashing that guys head in (i know that is not a mace, but similar purpous).

I like the LX better than MACE.

However doesn't E-ACE stand for electronic-anti-chop-eye? So that means that MACE would stand for Mechanical-anti-chop-eye. But where is the eye in the LX?

Just call it the MACS. Mechanical-anti-chop-system. So in other words you are taking your automag to the MACS!

07-14-2002, 09:59 AM
MAC or MACS are keepers. X-System is too confusing as there is already a System X in paintball. MACE is something you smash someone with (not something soft on paint).

07-14-2002, 10:25 AM
M.A.C.E. = Mag Anti Chop Engineering (or Equipment)

07-14-2002, 10:30 AM
I think MACS is better.

07-14-2002, 10:38 AM
Tom. That is the bomb, pick it up and run baby.

and dammit dirty bunny, quit being so good with names :)

DiRTyBuNNy M.A.C.E. = Mag Anti Chop Engineering (or Equipment)

MY ONLY ONLY CONCERN IS, AGD is the company that ends myths, dispells rumors, etc. Naming a problem mechanical ace when there is no anti chop eye involved is kind of going down the hype root.

However, Dirty bunny's Mag (or Mechanical) anti chop Engineering, thats sweet.

ALRIGHT, ALL you NAYSAYERS, think about this. You stroll onto your field with your sweet mag. You've got 12 pods and not a squeegie in sight :). Some guy you kinda know is like....that mags OK man, whats it got. You're like...same old, same old, Retro, intelliframe, Freak kit, and MACE

There like, oh snap, MACE, WTH is that?

Oh....you'll find out soon enough...oh yes, oh yes.


07-14-2002, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Blennidae
I thought the E in ACE stood for Eye. Since level 10 doesn't use an eye, why not just MAC?

If the E doesn't stand for eye, disregard this...

Yeah, that's what I thought... But dont call it MAC, becuse that would prolly be some kind of legal thing w/ Macintosh computers.

Plus, MAC's Suck. :D

07-14-2002, 11:00 AM
Since, with the lvl 10, automags really don't need the ACE, why don't we use that name for the lvl 10. AGD could call lvl 10 the Automag Chop Eliminator Bolt, or A.C.E. Bolt. That way we have the A.I.R. valve and A.C.E. bolt. Of course, this all rides on whether or not the Anti-Chop Eye is going to be made and I don't know the answer to that question. Just my 2 cents.

One last thing, Automag could be replaced with Airgun if people thought it sounded better.

07-14-2002, 11:02 AM
M.A.CX? Mechanical Anti Chop 10? Nah, too weird...

07-14-2002, 11:09 AM
I don't like MACE for reasons previously stated... specifically the fact that the 'E' is completely unwarranted.

I don't have any ideas for acronyms, but here are some phrases/words that might be incorporated into acronyms: low impact, variable speed, pressure sensitive, featherweight, uhh that's all I can come up with at the moment. :o

I think it's a bad idea to advertise the mag as having an ACE/MACE when there are plenty of other guns with an ACE. Note how the IR3 got attention for the COPS simply because it was a different way of preventing chops, and WDP drew attention to that. So I think the acronym shouldn't have ACE or even AC in it.

07-14-2002, 11:22 AM
as said before there is no eye. I dont care about it possibly being politically incorect but I and the 5 people here to vote say the best was just simply calling it level 10. Its unique to AGD and sounds great. PLust thats what every one already knows it as. If the population comes up with other slang let them but leave it up to them.

So 5 votes for level 10

07-14-2002, 11:57 AM
Call it the ACME Package :D

-- Anti-Chop 'Mag Equipment Package --

07-14-2002, 12:13 PM
Instead of "MACE" which is for "Mechanical Anti-Chop <b>Eye</b>", what if it was the "<b><u>MACH-10</u></b>" System, or "Mechanical Anti-Chop <b>breacH</b>", because the bolt vents the air to prevent chopping, and the "10" can denote Level 10. And it doesent sound like you are going to impale anyone;)

07-14-2002, 12:41 PM
Im sorry but MACE and MAC sound...wrong. MACE you think that you have a freaking ball with spikes in your gun. MAC you think you have a computer in the gun. LX hits the mark.

LX is a good name for it, but some more should be made to have more options for a official name for it. Something different from all the rest, but not too farfetched to have people scratching their heads. And one that appeals to the public in general and not just to Automag users and AO. If you find a name that fits all that, well then you got a name. I like LX, its a keeper.


07-14-2002, 01:07 PM
MACE makes me think of something smashing something.. the opposite of what the LVL 10 does.

THere are hundreds of acronym-inmal possibilities here :)

07-14-2002, 01:29 PM
Um, I think it should be noted that Tom stated that
We would still call it LVL10 for the product name

So it's not that he's replacing the LVL 10 name with this anacronym. Instead I think he's looking at naming a specific type of part. This would imply that you could use something similar on other guns. Therefore you don't really want to put anything specifically related to automags or airgun in it.

I think that if you can get away with it M.A.C. may not be too bad.

eh, just my words.

07-14-2002, 01:49 PM

Can't Hurt Our Paint!

'Mags finally chop:D

ok, so I was out in the sun too long yesterday...

07-14-2002, 02:09 PM
I think mechACE is cool, posted by LittMag...

To me MACE sounds a little off, if you know what Im saying. I mean MACE makes me think of pepper spray and honestly it just doesnt fit.

It is a mechanical ACE so it could be mACE or m-ACE to avoid the confusion with MACE, and the fact that it reminds me off actual mace. :( It could even be LeveL-X or LeveL-X or LX but mechACE sounds cool

07-14-2002, 02:11 PM
I think the name is great!
What would be better is a picture by picture breakdown of the installation like you have for the Intellifeed hook up at the on line store. I almost bought a Level 10 yesterday, but wasn't sure if I c6ould install it myself.

07-14-2002, 02:20 PM
Wrong idea.

ACE stands for Anti Chop Eye. There's an eye because there's a sensor which detects the ball in the breech.

So there's no sense to give the name MACE to the lvl10 :).

Call it LX, it sounds a lot beter in my opinion.


07-14-2002, 02:36 PM
LX has a certain ambiguity about it which makes it MYSTICAL AND MYSTERIOUS!!!!#111

MACE always makes me think of either dungeon master geeks, (you could always call it Level 10 MACE, for the full geek effect) or cavemen.

07-14-2002, 02:43 PM
I like the name MACE. Sounds good and catchy.

Call it the "God Mod"


MACS- Mechanical Anti-Chop System

07-14-2002, 02:49 PM
:D According to the field test reports that I have read so far, I would call it NCB for No Chop Bolt.

07-14-2002, 02:49 PM
I also agree that it just doesn't make sense. No eye involved, why call it a mechanical anti chop eye? "Feather" was more appropriate.

07-14-2002, 03:01 PM
If you make the E in "ACE" stand for equipment it works good. Someone already said it could mean equipment, I like that idea.

07-14-2002, 04:41 PM
Since this is practically a 'Name the Product' thread, here's mine: MAC10

I don't think MACE is very good, but who knows, it might catch on.

07-14-2002, 05:32 PM
i have to agree with some... mace is out....

i myself like the MAC/MACS and C.H.O.P (i had to wait after that one due to laughter) =) also liked the X idea... though i still have to say my fav is just plain ole LX

07-14-2002, 06:03 PM
Since this is practically a 'Name the Product' thread, here's mine: MAC10

Well cool idea and it has a "bonus" - mac10 is a real life gun. I know, i know, it has nothing to do with paintball but its just kinda cool if you know what a mac10 is. My .0002 ruples(sp?).

07-14-2002, 06:58 PM
i think it should be called the M.A.C. W/E for Magical Anti-Chop with Elves. no seriously why not just stick with the original LX? its cool. (and everyone knows what a mac10 is man...)

07-14-2002, 08:19 PM
I just wanted to say thank you for all the props i've been getting..it's been a hard time for me emotionally lately...and it's nice seeing the "LX" gettin some love...

07-14-2002, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by drx975

Well cool idea and it has a "bonus" - mac10 is a real life gun. I know, i know, it has nothing to do with paintball but its just kinda cool if you know what a mac10 is.

Hey like the "Automag" was named after a different firearm. er... Called the Automag. :)

But isn't Tom asking what to call this type of modifcation? I mean he's going to call it Level 10, but he's looking for what to call the type of modifcation.

Aren't the other marker's no chop bolt called Low pressure or something.. Aren't these "low pressure" bolts, since the exert a "low pressure" on the paintball? :)

Evil Emperor
07-14-2002, 09:05 PM
Here what I came up with. Anti-hopChop Bolt. I really dont like the mace thing, the first thing that comes to mind is that spray stuff (oh and by the way I hunt wood chucks with a mace). LX isnt bad ether, prolly something more original though.

07-14-2002, 09:50 PM
My input. Lets not forget that we have to make this work with extremes, which have an ace.
So, we can have, as evil emperor said, Extreme with ACB & ACE.
Or perhaps a MACS ACE.
I still favor a LX Extreme with ACE though.
Considering the fact that you are going to have both, I would steer clear of ACE references. Just my opinion, though.

07-14-2002, 10:59 PM

good enough name already, i just decided to throw in my $0.02.


07-14-2002, 11:34 PM
My vote goes to the term "LX" as a catch phrase for a level-10 Equipped mag.

Say it out loud to yourself,
"Yeah, I shoot an LX E-mag."

07-14-2002, 11:37 PM
Ok I don't see over whelming support for the name so we will just let it develop on its own.



07-15-2002, 12:41 AM
Thats definitely a good nick name. I cant wait till production!!!

07-15-2002, 01:04 AM
MACS is the name you want, Tom! It sounds kinda like COPS, which people recognize, plus it just kinda buzzes around in your head, MACS RT. MACS EMAG! Sounds better than MACE, and it doesn't even have an eye anyways, and LX, while cool, still makes it sound like a model of Hyundai. Just say it with me now, MACS... MACS... MACS...

07-15-2002, 01:58 AM
its not an eye, it doesnt even function similarly. It actually sounds like the worst name you could come up with. Just call it an anti chop device

07-15-2002, 02:04 AM
yeah..that LX thing..the guy that came up with that must be really smart...like Tom....hehehehehhehehe...

07-15-2002, 02:57 AM
X(level X)

AGD presents, the M.A.X. Ultimate upgrade for your mag. Helping you achieve the M.A.X. potential.


07-15-2002, 11:05 AM
Personally - I thought MACE was a good name. Had an edge to it - and isnt accurate acronym.

I honestly dont see why there would be any offence to this name. I think people are being a bit to reactionary - or overy cautious that people will find a negagive connotation...

I mean there is the WGP Sledgehammer reg

WDP has several products that are basically soft porn (there was an out cry from some -but they still sell them)

Diablo is named after the Dark Lord, himself...

I dunno - i guess we all have opinions...

07-15-2002, 11:07 AM
MACE sounds fine to me. Whatever you call it, I can't wait to buy it. About the fact that there is no Eye so it should be something else, It is just a nickname, nobody is going to over analyze it like this. If you tell them it is a mechanicale ACE system, someone will just say "oh cool", not "well it doesn't have an eye so why is it called that?" In conclusion, I think that mace is a fine nickname.

07-15-2002, 12:25 PM
Well, see the offence is, the name MACE isn't cool enough:D


07-15-2002, 01:34 PM
I like macX (mac 10)

07-15-2002, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by CenterFire
MACS (Mechanical Anti Chop System) isn't bad...
You could even use a slogan like "Take your mag to the MACS!"

I agree with Centerfire... thought about it before going to page 2.. :) M.A.C.S. is a much better acronym for what we'd be using it. Afterall A.C.E. stands for Anti-chop-eye and with the LVL10 there is no "eye". It would be more suitable making an acronym for what it actually is. Mechanical Anti-chop system M.A.C.S. for short. Imagine... you could have a sticker.. M.A.C.S equipped. People would be like WTF is MACS? You could return with what CF said.. its the macs baby... macs protection from breakage and chops. Nuff said. I'm gonna have my bro make me a small text only sticker reading :

07-15-2002, 02:41 PM
how about we call it the Blendless mag

07-15-2002, 03:25 PM
I like LX
"Yes i own a E-mag LX with warpfeed"
sounds cool imo
Good idea DB

07-15-2002, 03:38 PM
How about:


Will Wood
07-15-2002, 03:54 PM
Miscue--Yea...that one lower case makes a HUGE difference, lol. MACE sounds cool. (Erm.. mACE...but you can't really tell when you say it outload)

07-15-2002, 07:00 PM
Just a Thought....
since it doesn't really stop chops as an A.C.E does I think the whole anti chop thing in innaccurate anyway.It still chops paint just not hard enough to break it.I was thinking along the lines of...

B.P.S. - Ball protection system (My mags got massive BPS)
Ball pinching system
Brittle Paint shoots?

F.B.I. - Featherlite Bolt Installed (I'm down with the FBI)

I.B.S. - Intelligent Bolt System
Intuitive Bolt System

M.A.X. - Mag and 10(Level 10)

A.S.A.P. - Always Shoots Any Paint? Cough....Cough.....

I apologise for some of those,


07-15-2002, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Xzion
For those worried about the definition of 'Mace' why not use 'M.A.C.E.' showing it as an acronym, and removing what confusion there may, or may not be?

Just my two cents :)

I'm game for that Xzion, do that Tom!

07-15-2002, 08:14 PM
The thing about calling it a MACE, or MechACE, or anything else ACE related, is that there is not exactly a shortage of guns out there that are ACE-equipped. It's still a nice feature, but it's just not the eye-catching thing that it used to be. Anti-chop devices are nothing new. Neither is pinching paint. A variable-speed bolt, on the other hand...

I think that AGD should really play the "gear-shift" concept for all its worth. A two-page magazine ad touting the slogan "Shift Into Level 10", with cool lettering and people using every manner of Automag in the background on one page to get people's attention and curiosity, and on the next page (a nice vanilla coke :D) have an explanation of what it is and what it does, referring to the change in bolt speed as a "gear shift". Show pictures of balls being pinched, have quotes from famous players, just generally wow them. Have the caption "Heard about those guns that you can stick your finger in? Well check this out!" next to the picture/pictures of people with their tongues in the gun. Have a frame-by-frame deal from a high-speed camera showing, first, the Level 10 pinching some RPS Evil or Diablo Hellfire (being sure to point that out), and then showing a completed shot where the reader could see visual evidence of the change in bolt speed. And be SURE to point out that this won't cut your rate of fire. And maybe throw in a crack about AGD, as usual, cutting down on the BS (meaning: Bolt Speed, what else?)

On the Acronym thing, trying to stay clear of ACE-related names, how about:
L.I.T. - Low Impact Technology
B.I.G.S. - Bolt Impact Gear Shift
LImBO- Low Impact Bolt Operation
M.A.G.S.- Mechanically Automated Gear Shift
Or... In your face COPS - SWAT!- Shim/Washer Automatic Transmission! :D:D:D

Truth is not a whole lot of thought went into those, because I think that giving Level 10 a more general name like Mechanical Anti-Chop gives sort of an impression of "this is a new thing for paintball and here is our version of it, called the Level 10". Whereas if there is no more general, non-specifically-AGD name for it, it gives the impression of "this is AGD's baby and it is unique". Tom I'm sure you're used to having your ideas copied by now, and there is little chance that this one will be different. Others will almost certainly try. How people accept those attempts could depend on which of the above impressions they got with the release of Level 10. Given the first impression, they will be thinking "Hey, now the insert-name-of-gun-here has a MechACE!". Given the second, they will probably be thinking "Name-of-company-here tried to copy the Level 10".

If Level 10 is something that is viewed as being not only an incredible concept and upgrade, but unique to Mags, AGD is going to be winning converts left and right.

Toward the same purpose, even though I don't pay attention to them myself, I would suggest that when the Extremes debut you get one or more (one is fine) of the top pro teams Sponsored and shooting them.

With the combination of all this stuff (Extremes, Level 10, ads, AGD sponsored pro team tearin' up the place...) all at once, there would be no room for anyone to doubt that AGD is still top dog in this industry.

Sorry I realize how long that was. :D

07-15-2002, 08:20 PM
yes, its a lame idea, rather than discuss it, lets come up with a thread for better ones.

07-15-2002, 08:23 PM
I like that sticker idea Frausty, I think I might just make one myself, although the name level 10 has been buzzing around crazily at my local field for a couple weeks... so it won't catch on with the regulars. It could still make an impression on the walk-ons who ask what it means ;)

07-15-2002, 09:17 PM
Hey, I think I have one noone's said yet:

Intellibolt! Thoughts?

07-16-2002, 05:25 PM
intellibolt actually sounds good too either that or just call it level 10

07-16-2002, 09:56 PM
I like intellibolt.

BTW, david, you are right this idea will be copied, probably by some company like Kingman, and man that would piss me off royaly. But dont we have patents for these kind of things? What do patents cover - looks? performance? structure? name? all?

If we call it an intellibolt I think that would be unique to AGD.

07-28-2002, 11:51 AM
What if we call it L.I.P.S. = Light (or Low) Impact Paintball System?

Imagine the situation..Dude..my Automag has LIPS..Why haven't you gotten LIPS for your mag?..No way..Automags come with LIPS now?

07-28-2002, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
Just a Thought....
since it doesn't really stop chops as an A.C.E does I think the whole anti chop thing in innaccurate anyway.It still chops paint just not hard enough to break it.

If it doesn't break the ball it isn't a 'chop' it's a 'pinch'.

Chopping refers to having the bolt catch a ball when feeding and chop it open spilling out the paint into the gun. (big mess)

Pinching is where the bolt catches a ball when feeding but doesn't break it open. (no mess)


07-28-2002, 01:24 PM
What about MAC 10?
heh heh heh

07-28-2002, 07:42 PM
I like LX its nice shrot an to the point. Soon I will be saying " I have an LX Emag C&C Xtreme, Bring it on!!"

07-28-2002, 09:01 PM
I like LX too (I wonder why?? hhmmm...lemme think..?)...i was just trying to funny about the LIPS kit for Automags...(if you have no idea what i'm talking about with LIPS on Mags read up a few posts)