View Full Version : Need a Favor from AO!

07-14-2002, 12:42 AM
After recieving my RT Pro on Friday, I want to step up my efforts to sell my now unneeded M98. This isn't a for sale post, but more of an advice thread. My marker is listed at Link (http://www.pbreview.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=66714&perpage=20&pagenumber=1). I've got someone who wants to buy that for $300, but I'm kinda iffy, do you think I can get a better deal out of Ebay or something? Because I need the money for my air tank. Thanks for the help AO.

07-14-2002, 01:06 AM
hey there! now this is coming from someone who had to sell his good ol' tippy a while back. i learned a few things then about selling more newbish guns: 1) they devalue QUICKLY 2) if you get a decent offer, TAKE IT!!! because there are so many tippys and spyders around and very little demand, you will not get alot of your investment back out of your tippy. however, 300 does seem a tad low for what you have on there. so my advice is as follows: you can take the sure thing for 300, OR try parting out the marker. basically sell all the upgrades seperately and make the marker as stock as you can, so you can sell someone just the marker who is starting out in the sport. although selling the upgrades seperately can be more time consuming, there is a big potential to make ALOT more money versus selling it as a whole package. i hope i made some sense, and good luck selling!

07-14-2002, 11:45 AM
part it out. you have to understand that it doesnt matter if you have 1000 dollars put into it. very few people will be willing to pay 300 - 400 for a tippmann with no electro if they can get a used impulse for that price. You might get lucky on ebay or locally. but dont count on it. all the parts mean nothing. that is why I say part it out. that stabilizer will sell fast in any forum. and take all the after market stuff to a place where tippmann shooters post.
For instance I might be interested in the spare powertube, stabilizer and vert air adapter

07-14-2002, 01:35 PM
I know you're not intending to sell here, but if you part it I want the stabilizer. :)

I agree with Greg98. At resale you never get what you put into it, and rarely even get what you think it's worth.

The important question should be: If I sell this for $300 can I get the tank I want with that money?

If you answer yes then go ahead and sell it and get what you want. If not then you should part it and try for more money. IMO

07-14-2002, 05:51 PM
um.. i think 350 pops in my mind.. looks really nice even though ive never liked Tippmenns.. but if u can sell it u might just wanna go for it... im not a big fan at sellin stuff i keep everything.. so i dont know see if u can get a lil more then 300