View Full Version : The "I hate the King" Syndrome.

07-14-2002, 04:25 PM
Its intresting to see the historical sucess of a marker throughout the years.

I have come to notice now while alot of other markers are coming out in competition with the angel the angel has come somewhat "dethroned".

As a result the angel has attracted a group of "haters" spouting largely false or exaggerated report of the "ill-performance" of the former monarch.

I belive the mag suffered the same "I hate the king" syndrome. The automag was at one time the most popular marker. Relative inactivity in marketing and asthetics throughout the year has caused competing factions to pry power from the king.

It is intresting to not what markers that were never the king either fell out of existence and labeled as "quaint" or retained good levels of sucess without much criticism.

I attribute this to the human factor of jealousy and vindication. Those who are jealous are vindicated when they can say why Dictator B. is better than King A.

Thus the reason for the "I hated the king" syndrome.

07-14-2002, 04:47 PM
Exactly. Very well said!:D

07-14-2002, 04:53 PM
very niceley said... almost perfect.

07-14-2002, 05:17 PM
I could care less who is king, dethroned, was king, etc... Give me a gun that works more often than not and can put paint on people and it's what I'll bow down to.

07-14-2002, 06:22 PM
Some things never change.
Consider the schoolyard taunt "my dad can beat up your dad." Assume "dad" to be the definition of a variable, that can be substituted with any other object, and consider "beat up" another variable, and you have the attitude of many people. What you plug into the variables changes with time, and person. With paintball, it is just the same.
My marker can shoot further/faster/straighter/more reliably than your marker.
People purchase something new or different, and rather than simply letting it be that it is their personal preference, they feel a need to boost esteem by pointing out every little flaw of what is tried and true. Sometimes they make up flaws that don't really exist. In certain cases, there are reasonable complaints, as no marker is perfect, but often people need to feel superior. This is where the bashing comes in.
It happens everywhere and with everything. Cars, guitars, video games, etc.
Some things never change.

07-14-2002, 07:09 PM
but then there is the oh my god my gun wont be king for long syndrome which angel owners are starting to have because a new batter just steped up to the plate
angels are nice and were the first but now the e age has begun and the angel has some competition. I think the i hate the king syndrome is really funny and those who support the old king were snobs protected by the king and now fear the revolution of the people go agd kill another angel for me.

07-14-2002, 08:21 PM
Of course, you are right in that things can work both ways. There are many who hold on with all of their might, trying to find ways to maintain an aura of superiority by pointing out all of the flaws of new technology and ideas. That happens a lot in the music world, where the holy grail for many is a 1959 LP through some old Twin with Jesnsens. Even though that will not get you the right sound for every application, "purists" scoff at anything other hat has come out since. They would prefer that technology stopped at that point. Same with digital recording instead of analog. They won't touch digital with a stick, pointing out all osrts of often intangible flaws.

07-14-2002, 10:47 PM
I hate the king? WOAH!!
What did I do?:D :D :D :D

07-15-2002, 12:37 AM
ok, if only i understood all that i just read. all i know is that its about people defending angels or something but now the angel has some competition which is AGD. well i dont know what the heck is going on but LONG LIVE AGD and HARSH DEATH TO WDP!!!!!!

07-15-2002, 08:40 AM
anyway i will sum up paintball history in a nut shell.
the king was is and always will be agd
you cant argue the fact of time being agd came agd saw agd has and will always conquor all in its path.
we the knights of agd, the true mag users who never strayed the path, never folded when another steped up to take our crown,we the few, the faithful are always rewarded for our loyalty to the real king long live agd.
in tom we trust.
dont argue the fact your marker was never the real king only a poser that the real king let have its 15 min of fame.

Toxic Dave
07-15-2002, 08:43 AM

I think the real reason for people "hating on" angels right now is the fact that for 5-700$ less you can get a marker that performs as well if not better than the LCD or IR3's. I know/ feel that WDP makes a great gun, the machining and design are top notch,and they shoot great... But for I know for a fact that I can get an Impulse, Timmy, etc that tend to be more accurate at distance for alot less.

Better guns+less money=less people dropping 1300.00 on the brit-guns.


07-15-2002, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by lunchbox
anyway i will sum up paintball history in a nut shell.
the king was is and always will be agd
you cant argue the fact of time being agd came agd saw agd has and will always conquor all in its path.
we the knights of agd, the true mag users who never strayed the path, never folded when another steped up to take our crown,we the few, the faithful are always rewarded for our loyalty to the real king long live agd.
in tom we trust.
dont argue the fact your marker was never the real king only a poser that the real king let have its 15 min of fame. Please. You took a simple statement and made it into a religion about AGD. :rolleyes:. Anyway, I don't think butters was actually implying that one company was better than another in his "I hate the king" speech, rather pointing out the way people defend their markers and/or ditch them. Where did this WDP vs. AGD come from?

07-15-2002, 01:58 PM

oh sorry... wrong rant!


07-15-2002, 03:19 PM
It all goes back to what makes the world go round.... Competition. If they wasn't any competition...none of the advancements made in paintball would be around. Also...its kinda caveman'ish. One neanderthal sees another neanderthal with a chick... she looks good..what does he do? Goes out and finds a better looking one and says MINES BETTER! from there..it all snowballs. Now everyone has something better than someone else. Better cars, better tv's, better this better that. All I can say, the only thing that makes any equipment of anykind (ie car, stereo, PAINTBALL GUN) better than any other....is yes...the operator of such equipment. A gun can't shoot itself. A Car can't drive itself.. you get the idea. Its all about the mentality of being the "Winner"

07-15-2002, 05:35 PM
Ive always disliked angels, for the same reasons i disliked emags. They break paint, they would fire so fast that they would break paint. I feel both are WAY overpriced. ANgels have wide bodies which are hard to site. THey have triggers that are at a poorly designed angle. I dont like the trigger on either angel or emag. I dont like the angel rotation breach. I dont like the fat grips on the angel lcd. I dont like the poor quality of the metal they used. I have manny reasons for not liking them, i dislike them as a marker, not cus they are popular. The only thing that that caused me was anoyence when kids would say angels are teh best, blah blah blah. I always disliked the mags cus they broke paint for me, regaurdless of other people not breaking much, they broke for me, just like angels. People have no basis to get into the psycholgy of my dislike for angels and mags, i just dont like them as guns. I do own a mag tho, as a project gun. Im going to do quite a bit of custom work to it, and the booyah frame on it. I made the mistake of buying an angel to give to my friend once. It never worked, not once. It always leaked out of the body, and we could never get anyone to take responsibility or ge tit fixed. I dislike WDP as a whole company, and all of their products. So no, i dont have i hate the king syndrome, i just dislike angels and most mags.

07-15-2002, 08:31 PM
A very intelligent analysis...I feel honored to review such a forum. I would like to add that I do notice strong regionalism regarding markers.
On Saturday, I played a Sherwood forest in Vallejo, CA. The number of Autococker was astounding.
On Sunday, I drove out past Sacramento and saw a few very happy timmy owners, angela and mags. A discussion of A/C's got a lot of rolled eyes.
When I played in Long Island Defiants and Angels were the marker du jour.
I have not played at a lot of fields (maybe a half dozen) so this is probably not a well founded thought. But at each field, players seem to match the mantra of what the supporting store owner provides.
I recently heard that timmies were all the rage on the east coast (can someone support that).
Personally, I find the cost of the angel high but not prohibitive. I find more intimidating the level of expectation from players if I were to walk on the field carrying one.

07-15-2002, 09:31 PM
Tox, Lil

I didnt say it applied to everybody :)

07-15-2002, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by frgood
I recently heard that timmies were all the rage on the east coast (can someone support that).

Well I'm in TN, not really the coast, but it's east. I have been to WPF tournaments, and they attract a lot of people from all over. There is more Angels, and Cockers than anything. You will see the occasional impulse, timmy, and shocker.

The break down on my team for example is 2 warped E-Mags, one wapred mag, and 4 cockers of varying types, mini black magic, stock blue, polished stock, and a dark cocker.

The thing I have noticed most (and agree with the most) is that you need to have a hinge on a cocker, some people still don't like them, but I think they were the best upgrade for a cocker since the autococking system.

Warp feeds are also very popular. I saw a few angels with warps at the Sevierville WPF.

07-16-2002, 12:19 AM

Regarding the guy who thinks his Illustrator was the best gun...

I know what he's talking about. It's not so much feelings for the gun itself, but I find that a lot of people, including myself, simply have less fun with their spiffy new SuperUltraAutoMegaBlaster than they did with the rusty ol' clunker.

I'm not exactly sure why that is, although I know when I haul out the fancy markers, I feel like I have to play a better game. When I play with the rustbuckets, I'm just out there to have fun and play around. Less pressure = more fun. (Yes, I'm obviously not a tourney player. You hyper-competitive types definitely won't understand what I'm getting at here...) ;)

Incidentally, the most fun single game I've ever played was on a freezing cold day in the snow, on a speedball field, with a rusty Nel-spot. Just goes to show, I guess...

I suppose I don't really have a point, and this certainly doesn't fit the topic of the thread, but thanks for letting me ramble anyway. :)

07-16-2002, 06:57 AM
heh heh

"It's good to be the king!"

(History of the world, part one)
