View Full Version : What to do with extra guns when your playing?

07-14-2002, 06:01 PM
Well as some of you know I am going to buy a BKO next month and after paying $300+ for the setup, I want to keep it safe, I have been hearing alot of people getting their stuff stolen from feilds... well the BKO is going to be a backup to my cocker so I plan on taking it with me to the feild along with my cocker, what should I do to stop people from steeling my gun when im not using either one?

Sir Chopsalot
07-14-2002, 06:06 PM
i saw a kid once that locked up the zippers on his bag then chained the bag to a table that was bolted down once. that probably isnt helpful but meh

07-14-2002, 06:07 PM
Leave it locked in the trunk of your car, thats what I do.

07-14-2002, 06:17 PM
Well, me and my team usualy get dropped off. So now car...
I usualy always just cary anything valuable to me with me everywhere... But I can't carry 2 guns...

07-14-2002, 06:22 PM
If the field has a shop, ask the owner if you can leave it behind the counter or in a back room. I havent done it but it wouldnt hurt to ask.

07-14-2002, 06:24 PM
Get a rubbermaid container, one of the giant toolbox types. And a padlock. Too big to steal.

Personally, at the indoor fields, i just put my stuff on a table near the staff, they all know me and watch out for my stuff, also as I only play team practices there, there are rarely enough folks around to make walking off with my stuff possible. When I play wasaga, I either lock up my gear in a locker, or leave it on the table by the ultimate field (I can see the table from the field, usually a couple of the folks with me sit out each game and watch my stuff) and I leave as much stuff as possible in the car.

07-14-2002, 06:26 PM
maybe get a footlocker and a chain. Or ask one of the "paintball moms" who sit and wait for their kids to watch it for you.

07-14-2002, 06:49 PM
Get down good with the workers and put your extra gun where they keep theirs.. :)

07-14-2002, 08:41 PM
Find somebody you trust who is not playing, and leave it with them.

07-14-2002, 08:48 PM
bring a safe :D

07-14-2002, 08:56 PM
I just leavr it in my gear bag and zip up my gear bag.

07-14-2002, 09:01 PM
just let them take the cocker:p......lol

um....i ref,and know just about everyone at my field.....but i usually ask a "paintball mom" to watch it just in case........

07-14-2002, 09:03 PM
I'm not sure I'd like to go to a field where I have to worry about people stealing my equipment... :(

07-14-2002, 09:27 PM
You can look into buying a gun case. Cabelas sells them, you can buy a 6 pistol alumium case thats about 16x19 and might fit it, or depending on how many accessories you are going to carry with it, a break down shotgun case. they will run from about 60-150.

Go to www.cabelas.com then click the hinting/optics on the left. then find Hunting Accessories, then find Gun Cases and Racks. Then click Plano Aluminum gun cases. They have a lock on them and you can chain them to your table haha

07-14-2002, 09:54 PM
here's what you do, tie a string to your zipper once u put ur stuff in ur bag, then tie the other tend of the string to a hidden paintmine/greande so when they open the bag, WHAMO! paint in the eye! lol:D :p :D

07-14-2002, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by CenterFire
I'm not sure I'd like to go to a field where I have to worry about people stealing my equipment... :(

Thats exactly what I was thinking. What is the point of playing at a field if you cannot trust the people that play there. That is one of the things I like to look at when I play a field. Are there people there that you can trust or a bunch of people with sitcky fingers running around all over the place.

07-14-2002, 10:43 PM
stolen from feilds...
note the plural on fields, i think they mean that there just hearing about theft in general, not theifs at their field. and ask to have your gun kept in the proshop, there should be no reason why the owner wouldnt let you

07-15-2002, 06:27 AM
Put it in your car, or know everybody playing paintball in the country, like we do in Belgium :)

I've never heard of a gun stolen since 2 years, even if we don't really pay attention to them.


Creative Mayhem
07-15-2002, 12:27 PM
I recently went to SMT indoor field, I really didn't know anyone, but I befriended the owner and staff. If you do this, it will help greatly, once the staff knows you they will be more likley to help you out by watching your stuff. I own a big bag of gear, so if somone were to walk out with it, they would be noticed. Another thing that can help in the unlikely event something does get stolen, is to be unique. My backup is a minimag, purple and chrome color scheme. This combo, while may sound common around here on AO, isn't common at all out in the real world. A few of the guys at SMT know my gun from pics I have posted here, if it were stolen, it would be easily noticed and retreived for return to me. Hope this helps

07-15-2002, 01:34 PM
get a gun case or large tool box and pad lock it... and chain it to some thing... i ref at my field so i put my stuff in our little shack that we do fills and sell paint out of. but no one round here will take stuff...

07-18-2002, 01:10 AM
get to know a ref, or leave it with the office or something... but maybe its tellin u something.. if u need a gun 2 back up a cocker then just ditch the cocker!:p lol j-k there good guns..

07-18-2002, 01:37 AM
hmmm, uselly i can just leave my bag behind in the staging area and noone even knows there is a backup in there.
I've NEVER had to use my backup, which is a pro carbine, the only use its got used are scenario games, rock play and in other peoples hands when there gun breaks.

im sure you can just ask the people that run the field to hold it though.