View Full Version : Paintball pants rant

07-14-2002, 07:21 PM
Before I begin, Let me say that I am 40, 50lbs overweight and addicted to paintball. I say this so you can see the humor (or not) in what I am about to complain about.
Finding proper paintball clothing is interesting.
I started pb two years ago. Not wanting to go crazy with the look (I like being low key), I pcked up a pair of cargo pants at old navy for about $20. The pants had 8 pockets and worked great until the crotch ripped. (42" waist). Just squat down once and instant ventliation in the worst (best?) spot.
I liked the Raven ad campaigns and their design. So I found a pair of Raven cargo pants. Crotch is elastic -- great idea. The pants worked great unles you like to slide. I played on astro turf and burned up my knees. I still wore them until yesterday.
Playing in the woods I forgot that sliding doesn't work. Running into a bunker, I hit the dirt about 5 feet out. I slid. Weight, momentum and some physics will explain that I slid 5 feet when It should not be possible.
But I disagree, It is possible if you sacrfice heat, skin and bone. That's it! I'm getting those new Raven shin guards this afternoon. I think they work. This morning I played and all I felt were yesterdays bruises.
Kewl -- On the way home I'm at a pb store and I consider these new fangled PB pants. Those flashy nylon things with padding, extra cloth on the knee, cd player, microwave oven and beer cooler...They have one in my size so what the hey. I've got the 32 Degrees pb pants the logos on the pockets are small so low key is the rule of the day. And hey...they have it in my size. 42 is not stocked. I am now ready for next weekend.
I get home, put them on..feel different padded not too bad. I wonder how how they'll feel on a hot day.....what's that annoying feeling on my butt. I turn to the mirror...32 degree logo plastered all the way across my butt.
Now you 28-32 size people might not notice the logo but on a 42 inch waist...This thing is huge!!! I'm a walking billboard. No! target.
The Search continues....

This logo stuff may be great if you get paid to advertise (sponsorship). But I'm expected to pay 65 bucks for the privilege of showing off your company and possibly hindering my game. I hinder my own game pretty good thank you. Don't make it easier!! Now back to the net and search for some normal PB pants.

Sorry for the rant. This was the ending of two days of perfect paintball. The first time in my life I ever had a perfect day.

07-14-2002, 07:26 PM

best pants in the entire world, big and roomy for us big folks (42 also) they have small logo's on the cargo pockets, and you can get them in all black, i am serious, these are by FAR the best pants in the biz and they come in sizes up to 50 i think, also their jerzes go to 4x

not that we need em that big but its nice to see some people have a grip on reality and that fat people like me actually DO run around and rip the crotches out of pants

anyways, buy some, they are around 50 bucks shipped and the higest quality ive ever seen, heres the link, look at all the great features they have.

best damn pants ever


07-14-2002, 07:40 PM
pants with kevlar knees and knee pads underneath the pants are perfect for sliding, less "burn".

Load SM5
07-14-2002, 07:41 PM
Wait, go back, you found pants with a beer cooler? That's brilliant!!!!:D

I, too, am on the perfect pants search. I currently wear some JT Pro pants and after I hemmed up about 3 yards of extra fabric they work pretty good. I also tried a pair pf PJ destroyer pants and they were so comfy I could wear them around the house. Unfortunately they're made for midgets and fell about 2 inches shorter than the pants I wear day to day. I called PJ and they make no other lengths only different waist sizes. If you are above 5'9", don't bother.
My store is getting some RASE pants in for me and they are also bringing in some new Redz pants. I'll let you know how they work next week, because I'm walking out with one or the other.

07-14-2002, 07:44 PM
i know a team with the new rase pants, they seem to like them

but animalpaintball.com pants come in lengths:)

i know i know, its lame, but seriously, i got some, and i will never ever buy another pair of hyped up jt or hyped up dye or whatever pants, these animal ones have all kinds of kick-butt features and work very well

anyways, im just ranting on about these pants because i happen to love mine, and they arent that well known, so i thought i would share my exp.


Load SM5
07-14-2002, 07:56 PM
I actually did look at those but the pics I saw on the site did'nt look very good. The skid panels looked too shiny and a little strange. Can you take a pic of the pants?

07-14-2002, 07:59 PM
i cant at the moment:(

but i sure will asap, once you play in them once they lose the sheen of the knees

Load SM5
07-14-2002, 08:06 PM
Thanks, I appreciate it. I just did'nt want my knees to reflect the sun and blind people, although that could be an advantage.;)

07-14-2002, 08:17 PM
Cliffio --
You are absofrigginlutely right on!
I just checked the site. Their pants have all the features and at 44.95. While the colors on black hit me funny. I just ordered 2 black/black. I guess a little rant once in awhile is a good thing.
Maybe I should publish my issues about A/C's. err maybe not.
Suffice to say that I've been an exclusive mag user since day one two years ago. Recent events during the last three weeks have got me at least considering a high end cocker.

I'm impressed with the resources here. Perhaps a gathering of what people consider features that make a pair of pants ready for PB use would be enlightening. Or at least an article for APG

07-14-2002, 08:18 PM
i did hesitate for a sec, when i saw the knees, but like i said as soon as they get a little dust on em, and after the first slide, they wont be shiney again, its just the way i guess mondo too the pic,

but i just like the fact they have larger sizes as well as nice loose fit, hopefully i can get some pics to show you folks, like ive already said i love em


07-14-2002, 08:21 PM
your welcome, i know you'll like em, i do, they are nice and roomy

once you get em, you better post a thread about em, let me know how they are for you, i mean i am kinda surprised by animalpaintball, last time i was there they didnt have much, and all the sudden they have millions of styles of tank covers, barrel condoms, and such, and their pants rock


edit- it seems to me the guy that had the black pants on had the wrong lenth, they look weird on him


07-14-2002, 08:27 PM
The lengths are on the long side but that is not as important in pb. the drawstring will help and the shin guards are not part of my regular routine (gawd do my legs hurt).
I will post a report next week after another double weekend paintball. I have to send my wife and kids away on vacation more often. This is a rare treat.

07-14-2002, 09:04 PM
The RASE pants rock. I just picked up a pair. a Large will easily fit a 42 (Bit big on me at 39), and a 34" inseam on the larges. Only downside I see is they don't have back pockets, so only 2 front pockets & a squeegee pocket on each leg.

07-14-2002, 09:07 PM
a local team uses PBJunkies pants...dunno which ones..i think they are the "antron" ones...they have lots of pockets,padded knees,elastic where there should be elastic,and a place for ur squeegie.....i like them,and they look GREAT

07-14-2002, 10:01 PM
if ur really sore u might anna look into dye core slide shorts, they looked comfy and had lots of padding fron what i saw when i went to my firends house he showed them to me

07-14-2002, 10:07 PM
I just wear black BDU cargo pants. Cheap, tough, and come in "big boy" sizes.

07-14-2002, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06
a local team uses PBJunkies pants...dunno which ones..i think they are the "antron" ones...they have lots of pockets,padded knees,elastic where there should be elastic,and a place for ur squeegie.....i like them,and they look GREAT

my team uses antron pants too and they are really great. Im not a big guy so i dont know about big guy sizes but i know for me and my team they are really durable, light weight and perfect for any conditions also they dont have ne huge adds on them.. heck, i dont think they even have logos on them. Only thing i dont like is that they do get a little "toasty" in hot weather :D

07-15-2002, 08:31 AM
most all paintbqall wear stops at 44 waist pants and 3x shirts.
this is not big dude sizes and once in a while you see a 4x shirt from raven and 32 degrees but there wicked tight on 4x body no way are they 4x i wear 3x shirt and 4x jersy is like batman suit on me oh well guess noone wants there logos on real big dudes forget those 44 waist ppl crying i got no options try getting 5x pants see ya cry then i wear 4x pants but for paintball always get a size bigger. so stick to what you can find and forget the paintball market it isnt meant for real big dudes we dont get into magazines or adds so we dont matter much to pb companies.

07-15-2002, 09:24 AM

animalpaintball is not doing themselves any favors with those crappy pictures. I'm not one to care too much about style, but those pants look fugly! As a matter of fact, there was a guy next to my building this morning, passed out in a puddle of his own pee, and I think he had them on. I found a picture of another guy who would like these pants...


07-15-2002, 09:25 AM
www.Toxicperformance.com has some nice pants from what I could tell from holding them in the store. I am going to get a pair and try them out when some money comes my way.

07-15-2002, 11:37 AM
Lunchbox: SP jersey's come in sizes that fit my Buddy Dave, and he's a 54.

07-15-2002, 12:47 PM
I wear a pair of RASE slider pants. Every tie I rip them I take them to the cleaners and get them patched up for a couple bucks. I'll wear these things until all thats left are patches, I love them.

07-15-2002, 01:21 PM
I just ordered a pair of the animal pants. But listen to this. I decided to grab a pair of dye slider shorts too (getting sick of my shrunken ravens) and when I added the pants to the cart the dye shorts became free. I'm not sure if it will stay that way, but that's what the cart displayed.

07-15-2002, 01:28 PM
I've got the Dye core's myself..and i'm 6'3" and pushing close to 250lbs...so they seems to fit me fine...(got a size XxL...they're a little big..but they have velcro straps on the side to tighten them)

07-15-2002, 08:10 PM
As an update,
I just spent the last 20 minutes with a sharp pair of scissors carefully removing the bumper sticker 32 degrees logo of the rear.
While wearing forms of BDU's and regular cotton cargo pants. I find that they are pierced far too easily. When sliding on a non astro turf surface (general outdoors They just cannot hold up. I've got pockets ripping off and these 12,000 day old knees and shins are taking more abuse then they should. I just saw an article in APG about the 'Antron' pants while interesting 80 or 90 dollars gives me reason to pause.
Regarding earlier comments about shiny knee pads, I wouldn't worry about that at all. After the first game there will be no 'shine' left. Curiosity is getting to me about nylon instead of cotton, extra lining and paddings. So I'm willing to give it a try and see how they hold up. Especially in this Sacramento heat.
The 32 degrees are on the tight size, now I have an incentive to loose some weight. I'll let everyone know how the animal pants hold up next weekend. The toxic site looks like a good design.
It's good to see that vendors are working their own designs and not just the 'big' companies. This is where the best innovations will come from. :cool:

07-15-2002, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
I just ordered a pair of the animal pants. But listen to this. I decided to grab a pair of dye slider shorts too (getting sick of my shrunken ravens) and when I added the pants to the cart the dye shorts became free. I'm not sure if it will stay that way, but that's what the cart displayed.

i just called mondo and he said that they are NOT free

just a problem with the html format or something

so thats the word


07-15-2002, 09:30 PM
well cliffio you sold me a pair im gonna get a set tommorow morn also a big guy here 44 6'2

Top Secret
07-15-2002, 09:34 PM
Animal Paintball Pants rule. You have to make sure that you tie the belt tight if you are skinny like me because they can slide down if you aren't careful. :D

07-15-2002, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by dansim
well cliffio you sold me a pair im gonna get a set tommorow morn also a big guy here 44 6'2

that makes 2 people and 3 pairs of pants, man i should work for animal
