View Full Version : OFFICIAL AO Day II "Day After" Thread

07-14-2002, 11:17 AM
Note this thread was merged into the Official thread which starts a few posts down below with Thordics post. But when you merge then they get placed in order of time of post - cphilip

Ok so I am tired of waiting for someone to post an "Official" Thread, so I want to post the few pictures that I have. I was mostly taking video of the games all day so I dident have time to get many pics. But these are all of the pics I have. Enjoy!!!

Who dat? :)

Cphilip and Fatmans tent. Thats Fatman on the left and you can see Cphilip bent over on the right....hmmm.... :p sorry i forget everyone elses name.

Theres Tunaman, not even 2 hours after arriving and he's already working on a Mag for someone. This man should be on AGD's payroll.

The Mills!! We had the celebrity VIP tent. :)

This dog was so cool. It was huge and hung out all day eating hotdogs, staying out of the sun and chewing on AGD poster tubes (right Jon? haha)

A quick shot of the hyperball field. Thats like 3/4 of the field.

And thats like half of the ultimate air field.

Well, I had an amazing time. I know all of us did. I wish I had gotten more pictures with people, but aww well. There will be a 3rd!!!!!! Just you wait and see.

Thanks to everyone for makeing the hike out to the field. It was rough on all of us but I hope we made it worth the trip.

I personally want to thank Capoeira for makeing the trip out, Cphilip and his posse, JonAGD and JJ, The Mills, the PBX crew and Mel and everyone for coming out to make it a great day.

****I almost forgot to thank Graycie for the cookies!!! YUM!
AND Patron God of Pirates for those Level 10 Stickers!!!! THANKS DUDE YOU ROCK!!


07-14-2002, 11:22 AM
Looks fun. Any plans to do another one in the next year or two? I'll be living within 4 hours or so of there. :)

07-14-2002, 11:37 AM
yeah i've been waitin all day for an "official" thread. had a lot of fun at AO day. got to play with capoeira, and cphillip, and opposite jonagd. very cool meeting everybody in person. now if riotz or thordic would just start an official thread...

07-14-2002, 12:11 PM
Yeah we definately have to have another one, yesterday was so fun.

07-14-2002, 12:14 PM
I got like 15 mins of game tape...anyone know how to download 8mm to a pc? I really wanna post this...got some good shots!

07-14-2002, 01:18 PM
I think there is a special cable to hook your pc to tv. My teacher had it for his iBook.

Try hardforum.com my comp is being finicky and wont load the site all the way.

07-14-2002, 01:51 PM
Looks like you guys had alot of fun. I wish I could of made it, but I moved down here to FL last year. If I still lived in NY I would have come out and play.

07-14-2002, 02:09 PM
oldsoldier: TV capture card with RCA inputs & editing software. An ATi internal one with software should run you about $60. Mini-DV camera's are so much easier to use.

07-14-2002, 04:15 PM
I have 30 minutes of video BUT the quality is not that good. It's plain ol VHS-C so who knows what the resolution is. I need to get a miniDV camera or something.

But whats on the tape is great. I got a good number of games, walked around and talked to people and I have KB's famous "Chair Bunker"!!!! And all the Sydarm action. If someone cared enough to transfer it to digital they could, but who knows what it would look like after the transfer. :( aww well.

07-14-2002, 05:23 PM
That was a great day, I even got to shoot capoeria in a 3 man game :) (i think it was her anyway) then got flag, ran the wrong way and still had time to run to the right side of the field. It was intensional... ya know.. just kidding.. jokin an stuff... heh..

That Sydarm thing was great, I hope you can get some pics or something from that too. There were some great moments.

If the next one's within 3 hours of me I'm there.

07-14-2002, 05:27 PM
Bob: I have your entire Sydarm shootout on tape. It's hilarious. My buddies and I were cracking up! :D

07-14-2002, 07:29 PM
It was a great day I had a blast. the best had to be our last game in the 3 man we had Kaiser Bob in a folding chair.
What a blast

07-14-2002, 08:10 PM
This is the first post of the Official thread - cphilip

AO Day II is over, and I declare it a success!

Riotz, SprayingMango, spacemanspiff, CaPoEiRa, and I got to the field around 8:15 or so, and there were already a bunch of cars in the parking lot. Cphilip and Fatman were already there, RPM07, Kaiser_Bob, Jon from AGD, Tunaman, Tunaman Jr., and others were there too.

It didn't take long for the parking lot to start filling up, soon cars were overflowing out of the main parking area.

It took a little while to get started, because the power company blew a transformer so there was no power near the field, but Mel worked his magic and got bulk tanks on site to fill with. Those got set up ASAP, and then the day was ready to begin.

The morning started with pickup speedball (Two fields, hyperball and 'sup air) and woodsball games, until around 12:30. At 12:30, the 3-man mini-tourney started on the speedball field. It was almost all pickup teams of random guys and girls who decided to jump in and play together. I'm not going to remember all the teams, but one I want to mention was Team Pickup, composed of Patron God of Pirates, 1stDeadeye, and BigZamboni. These three guys had NEVER met before, and played a minimal amount of speedball. They only lost one game, and maxed almost every time. Patron God of Pirates pulled off a move that must have finished the quickest game ever. He bolted straight down the tape at the break, straight to the other teams rear tape, and proceeded to shoot all three opposing members in the side/back, it was the best move I saw all day (besides maybe Kaiser Bob's chair move, I'll get to that…). Team Pickup ended up coming in second place, losing the final game, but overall they blew the other teams away on points.

Now, Kaiser Bobs chair move deserves its own paragraph. Team Kaiser Bob's Newbies, consisting of Kaiser Bob, rpm07, and me, just decided to play on a whim. After a dominating first game, our game went downhill fast, and by time the last game rolled around, we were tired, and at least one of us was bleeding (that would be me, compliments of an awesome bunker move by SHAG earlier in the tournament.). We were playing Team Pickup in the final game, and knew it would be a tough match, and we were looking forward to getting a little relaxing in. So we formed our game plan, Kaiser Bob carried an extra piece of equipment onto the field, a metal folding chair. On the break, rpm07 and myself didn't move, we just shot from the start point, but Kaiser Bob ran up to a dorito, put the chair down behind the bunker and went wild with his Emag, it was by far the funniest thing I have seen on a speedball field. He actually got Patron God of Pirates out before we all got eliminated :)

After the 3-man tournament was concluded, there was the Sydarm QuickDraw contest. Players had a holstered Sydarm, and had to turn and shoot from 10 paces. I'm not sure who the winner was, but AO member FreshmanBob came in second place, with Kaiser Bob coming in third. I didn't get to watch that contest much, so I invite anyone who did watch it to fill in my gaps.

Another highlight of the day was Jon going into a speedball game with 2 Sydarms. He managed to hold off CaPoEiRa and MantisMag for almost 2 minutes before they finally tagged him, it was hilarious, Jon was going at it Lara Croft style.

Woods games went on all day, and pickup speedball games went on before and after the tournament.

The best part of the meet wasn't the paintball, though. Hanging out with all the other AOers, swapping stories, and just everyone being there was great. I can't even explain how amazingly cool the day was, and how much fun everyone was having. I know I had a blast, and I'd do it again in a second.

The day winded down with another BBQ sponsored by Team Black Cell. There was burgers, hot dogs, and soda for anyone who was hungry, the grills were going all afternoon long.

Now for some credits. I know I'll miss some people, so I'd just like to give out a big thank you to EVERYONE who came out and supported AO.

Specifically, I'd like to thank:

Mel Maravilla and the Paintballistix staff for all their hard work, and for opening their field early for us. We literally could NOT have pulled this off without these guys!

All our sponsors: Kickin' Paintballs, Richochet Development LLC, PowerLyte Paintball Game Products, JT USA Paintball, and Planet Eclipse.

Jon Comprado and Airgun Designs for putting in a lot of work getting this thing set up, and for driving all the way out here to be at the meet.

CaPoEiRa for flying out here from Texas to hang out with some paintball dorks from Jersey, thanks for putting up with us! And I apologize for my driving ;)

Bill and Dawn Mills, for making the trip out here. With all the stuff going on in the paintball world, they came to our meet, and we were extremely happy to have them! Here's to the paparazzi!

My teammates, spacemanspiff, SprayingMango, and especially Riotz. These guys put in a lot of hard work prepping the field while I was driving CaPoEiRa around NJ, not to mention all the planning beforehand, and the stuff they did at the field, such as reffing, videotaping, cooking, etc.

Cphilip (aka The Southern Smurf) and Fatman, for driving all the way up from South Carolina to play paintball with some damn yankees.

BigZamboni for bringing two huge water coolers that kept us from passing out all day, and for bringing some PIE!

Rpm07 for loaning us a nice big canopy for the BBQ.

Sorry for the quality of this post, I've gotten about 6 hours of sleep this weekend, and I'm still running on empty.

To all AO members who attended, I have two favors to ask of you:

1) When you read this thread, try to post one story or one memory that stands out about Saturday. Let people know how much fun you had, and why.

2) If you have pictures, post them! I took pictures, but not on digital, I'll get them developed and scanned ASAP, but I KNOW there are lots of pictures floating around, lets see some!

ADDED ON EDIT: If you have VIDEO of this event, PLEASE PM me ASAP. We are going to get a tape compiled from the event, and the more we have to work with, the better. It doesn't matter if its digital or VHS or VHS-C, just let me know and we'll figure something out.

07-14-2002, 08:11 PM
KB's Famous "Chair Bunker!!!"

These were taken from my tape so please bear with the poor quality. I told you the tape quality stunk. But here goes!!

yah man!!!!

Whoo there's no stoppin him now!!

moments before he got tagged from the left.

Good show KB!!!!
:) :)

07-14-2002, 08:37 PM
Well...to start off, I would like to thank Team Blackcell for there efforts in providing my Son and I with one of the most memorable paintball experiences we have ever had. Also, I would like to thank Mel and the fine crew of PBX Battlegrounds for having us. And Tom...If you read this post, you should be mighty proud of Jon for representing AGD in a manner unmatched by any other company I have ever seen. He is one of the finest, most wholesome dudes ever to grace the paintball industry. I feel somewhat proud myself, knowing that in some small way I am affiliated with such a great company. You are a genius, and it shows in your choice of employees. I also got to meet Gunga. What can I say. Great Dude. It was my pleasure. Capo...so sweet...Thanks so much for coming. Graycie...your cookies were Tops!

I decided to wait till this event to install my Level 10 in my Emag. Mad props to KaiserBob for installing it in less than 5 minutes and man did it rock. No so much as a burp or anything remotely resembling a choppped ball all day, and I dont expect anthing in the future either. I lent Thordic this amazing piece of AGD engineering, and he was challenged by the refs for using full auto! Man what a fast trigger finger you have boy! I would also like to thanks Cphillip and Fatman, along with their kids for coming all that way to be with us for this great event. You will never know what a pleasure it was to meet these guys, and we WILL meet again, of this I am sure.

To all that were there, and all that I met. Thank you for making this one of the finest experiences I have ever had. Cant wait till the next one...

07-14-2002, 08:41 PM
Some pictures can be found here. KB's famous chair move can also be found here.

PICTURE THREAD (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=382209#post382209)

07-14-2002, 08:41 PM
First off, I'd like to apologize for my younger brother's behavior towards the end of the day. He recieved a flogging**. :D

One thing I noticed about the event, is that AO members are very trustworthy. You can leave something on a table while you go to the Port-a-John, get a drink, get a tank filled, etc. and you can count on it still being there when you get back. That is better than at some big events that I have been to, where you have to use a vault to keep your paint safe when you go to the field.

As for a memory/story, I think maxing Capo's team (Team Hello Kitty) In about 20-30 seconds(estimated time.. someone got a video, that can be watched to find an 'official' time)thanks to the slick moves of Patron God of Pirates is something worth remembering.

I'll edit or make another post as I remember other things.

**Disclaimer: No floggings were actually issued. :p

One last thing.. Anyone get more than 4 blisters on their feet, or did I win? :D

Kaiser Bob
07-14-2002, 08:46 PM
Hehe I looked pretty comfy in the cone, next time ill try dragging a lazy boy recliner onto the field! :D

07-14-2002, 08:46 PM
:D Yesterday rocked:D
It was definitely worth the 2+ hour drive. I haven't played much speedball, so I didn't plan on entering the 3 man tourney. When I get there (late) most everyone was on the field already. I had brought my buddy's E-mag with me to have Jon check it over. While I was talking with him, he busted my chops about not being in the tourney. Turns out Big Zamboni wanted to play, but had no team. Jon told me that if we could find another player to make up the 8th team, I could use his Mag. The next person walking in was Patron God of Pirates. We asked, he agreed and we decided on Team Pick-Up. The tourney was fun, but exhausting. An old guy like me runs out of steam a lot earlier than I used to. As well as we did, I think I had almost as much fun off the field hanging out with everyone. Thordic, you are a trip!
The best moment of the day was definitely Kaiser Bob's chair strategy. I think he is the one that got Patron God of Pirates off the break. We knew he wasn't taking this game seriously, but when I came around the snake to see him sitting there shooting at Big Z, I almost fell down laughing. He definitely had the best time of the day!! Mel should have given him more then 50 style points!!

P.S. If I catch anyone badmouthing AGDJon on a thread, I am going to come to your home and bunker you!!!

07-14-2002, 08:49 PM

I have that match on tape, and it took 25 seconds, adding the 10 second count down.

I have 13 bug bites of all shapes and sizes on my legs/feet. Does that count? hahah.

07-14-2002, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Kaiser Bob
Hehe I looked pretty comfy in the cone, next time ill try dragging a lazy boy recliner onto the field! :D

Kaiser Bob rules. That is one game that I will never forget. You almost took all three of us from your chair.

BTW...The Kaiser was robbed in the Top Gun.

07-14-2002, 08:54 PM
i don't know where i was during that game, and missed the whole thing. at least now i can see actuall footage of it.

KB, next time maybe you should try bringing the chair and a little table with a drink on it to match.

07-14-2002, 08:55 PM
Big Zamboni-

Your brother was annoying, but funny. We were just kidding about it, I was ready to die laughin when he started singing. I thought Will was gonna eat him when your brother started throwing water on him, don't worry about it :) And thank your dad for hanging out all day too!

07-14-2002, 08:56 PM
thanks SprayingMango and Tunaman for the cookie praise, i guess i should make it a regular thing to bring to AO events now.

07-14-2002, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
Big Zamboni-

Your brother was annoying, but funny. We were just kidding about it, I was ready to die laughin when he started singing. I thought Will was gonna eat him when your brother started throwing water on him, don't worry about it :) And thank your dad for hanging out all day too!

I was ready to bunker the little guy myself!!
He was kind of funny though wasn't he?

07-14-2002, 09:04 PM
I would first like to thank CPhilip and the Fatman for saving my rear end. If it wasn't for their tent and a lot of gatorade I would be a bleached pile of bones in the NJ sun. Ccaled and walt we'll get em' next time. Patron God of Pirates, thank you so very much for the Lvl 10 stickes, I got them on my toolboxes today. AGDJon, thank you for the hat and the poster, it was great to make your aquantiance. I have been looking for AO members everwhere I go. Everytime I see a guy playing with a 'Mag I ask, if they aren't AO members I try to turn them onto it. I decided to cheat and attend an AO meet so I could actually meet members. One thing I would like to mention is the amount of big names that came out for this event. Aside from the ones already mention I saw Amy Low. Now damn, I saw pics of her in PB2X and she show to an AO meet, cool.

My Lvl 10 Retromini ran flawless all day. Shot a case of paint through it and didn't even think about breaks, hell after the first couple games I dumped my squeegies!!!!! Getting to meet alot of AOers was great, getting to shoot most of them was even better. :D My most memorable moment was winning my first team speedball game I ever played. Getting the pull and the hang was an awesome feeling and now I am hooked. Letting it all hang out and going for broke was a feeling like almost no other. Shooting out our opponents made me want to shout with joy. You have to understand that we lost our first 2 games by a laughable margin and still placed about 3rd or 4th. Everyone was great. Thank you to team Black Cell for the food, I was broke after the 2 cases of paint I bought. In closing I would like to appologize to Tunaman and Tunaman Jr.. In one of the speedball games Tunaman Jr.'s team tried to load up my side of the field. I shoot out the front player and made it to the snake. I proceeded to get Tunaman Jr. out, but not before I super-bonusballed him like 5 times. (Damn retrovalve shoots too fast). The 13th will stand as one of the best days of ball I have every played. Thank you all.

Wc Keep
07-14-2002, 09:06 PM
wait was his brother travis???

07-14-2002, 09:10 PM
Yeah, the short little blond hyper kid :)

Wc Keep
07-14-2002, 09:12 PM
hey got offended when we said he liked star trek even though hes seen every other space movie in exsistance.

Kaiser Bob
07-14-2002, 09:29 PM
Great times, got to meet more cool AO'ers and add more good memories to the pile :). First and foremost, Id like to thank the guys that made this event happen so sucessfully, namely Mel and the PBX guys, Jon, Capo and the rest of AGD, The Mills for coming all the way from Florida, The Black Cell guys, Thordic, spacemanspiff, SprayingMango, and Riotz, who devoted so much time into planning this thing and trying to get it to run smoothly (between administrative stuff, reffing and cooking, Riotz and spacemanspiff barely got to play, big thanks to them). Also big thanks to the guys that took the time to come play, obviously without you we wouldent have the great community of players that we do. Cphillip, FatMan and kids, thank you for driving the 15+ hours from the big SC to show us your southern hospitality :), we were honored to have you. Tunaman, as always youve shown how helpful paintball players can be, even loaning out your baby for others to use, thanks brotha. Also like to thank the guys we played against for the good games and my teammates for the 3-man Thordic and rpm07 for remembering to have fun above all else, good times guys!

Its awesome how the AO community is able to come together like this to make and event where the players are honest, respectful of the field and other players, and are ready to have fun with their fellow maggers. Its definitely something to be treasured and I look forward to many more AO meets to come! :)

P.S. - The level 10 most certainly proved its worth on the field that day, Go AGD w00t! :D

07-14-2002, 09:36 PM
Well, simply put... this was the most amazing day of paintball I have ever had the pleasure of participating in. But that wouldn't have been possible without all the great AOers and the staff that worked the field on Saturday (GREAT JOB MEL).

First to Jon... Thanks for making the AO meet happen. It was a definite pleasure to meet you and almost an equal one to play with you in your famous sidearms game (sorry about your pod).

Oldsoldier, don't forget to run while you sweetspot. lol It was also fantastic meeting you and spending the day with you. I would have to say, of all the fond memories of the day. Standing behind a stand-up, laughing our heads off together was one of the best. Stay in touch...

Third, to BlazinGrace... I enjoyed talking to you and playing with you all day. And thanks for playing with Walter and I in the three man, although we didn't take first, we had fun!

Next, Tunaman and TunamanJr... You guys were fantastic. I really enjoyed meeting you both and spending the day set up right next to each other. I agree, we must meet again sometime.

Anyways, I am tired and this post is going to continue to get longer and longer if I don't force myself to go to bed (especially since I just rode fourteen hours back). It was a fantastic day and I really enjoyed meeting all the AOers. You all are a great bunch of people, it was almost like a big family out there.


07-14-2002, 09:45 PM
My favorite game was the first 3-man speedball that I played and I got the guy out 1 on 1 and got to hang the flag.

Oh and thanks again Phil for letting me use the Emag.

My friend Cal and my Dad had a lot of fun meeting you guys.


07-14-2002, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
hey got offended when we said he liked star trek even though hes seen every other space movie in exsistance.

I think he dislikes Star Trek because there are no super-mega-blast'em lazer death rays. Only Vaporizer things or whatever. Kids these days.:rolleyes: :p

07-14-2002, 10:15 PM
What happened to the band?:confused:

07-14-2002, 10:24 PM
Thordic.. Did you ever get any word as to if you could get a list of the people who actually came, and do the raffle on the forums?

07-14-2002, 10:25 PM
Ahh, the band, I knew I forgot about something.

The band showed up around 12:30, but as I mentioned before, because the power company blew up a transformer, there was no power on site. Therefore, no way for them to plug in thier instruments or anything.

We tried to get them a generator, but it was an hour away, and when they got thier and found out there was no power, they got kinda pissed off and left. At least, that was my understanding of the situation, Riotz was the one dealing with them, he can explain it better if I'm wrong.

Kaiser Bob
07-14-2002, 10:29 PM
Im curious about the raffle myself... All the AO members that showed up were checked off a list by Mel and myself so that shouldent be a problem. Personally I wouldent mind one of them proteus' myself, as my mask looks permanently fogged :mad: ... Only thing is i cant wear my hat then hmm...

07-14-2002, 10:36 PM
I'm BACK!!!! Just got in.

WOW what a great time! I mean this was so much fun! realy it was! I had a blast. Some of the nicest people you can ever spend a day with and worth every minute of the 14 hours driving. Mel, Steve, Thordic, Riotz all some of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet and associate with. And Thordic is a God on the trigger. Even showed me the secret.

Tuna and Tuna Jr our friends and neigbors what great people these guys are.

OldSoldier and Blazingrace also my good friends now we are like family.

I realy love all these guys even more now so than you will know. And there are so many others I am going to have to add as I can remember them.

KB, Gunga, Jon, Mel, Capo (wowza!) gosh I will think of the rest of you but its so late an I drove all day....Jon summed this whole thing up well when he pointed out that AO people are the kind of people you can consider friends and count on if you ever need them. You can just feel it.

OK now for Will... I give him the emag to play with...never see him almost all day with out looking out on the field. He refuses to leave the field except to sneak around to get a fill. This little racal is one heck of a player. And in fact I think he is the first person to ever make the emag chop (no lvl 10 in it..YET). but we got that fixed. He just would not bring it back! :) Great kid nice family too. I think we will soon have another emag owner.

I got to kiss Capo on the cheek and got picts to prove it! Got several hugs from her too! Man can this girl play tight too. She is near impossible to hit. Had the pleasure of being on her team in an early game. She lasted a lot longer than I did.

On thing pisses me of...Graycie was there and NO ONE introduced me! I know she wants me ;) ...perhaps she was too shy? ;) This realy chaps my behind. :(

Oh and there was two young people there posing as Bill and Dawn Mills. I was not fooled. ;) everyone knows they are old farts right? (no realy! I was surprised how young they look and how nice these two realy are) It was a pleasure to meet both of them.

Now lets get behind these AO meets. I mean if I can you can too! Austin is next. Thats Capo's stomping grounds. Lets get down there and support the whole idea. You are not ever going to have a better chance to play with some of the nicest people on this earth than at one of these things. In fact Fatman and I are going to put one togehter for the SE.

Again I wll add to this as its real late but I did want to get on and thank my hosts for the wonderfull time I and my kid had with some of the nicest people in this darn planet.

Love you guys! That was just flat out FUN! Thanks!

more later

07-14-2002, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
On thing pisses me of...Graycie was there and NO ONE introduced me! I know she wants me ;) ...perhaps she was too shy? ;) This realy chaps my behind. :(

i think scared is the more appropriate word

07-14-2002, 10:43 PM
Ok wheres the pics phil?? LETS SEE SOME PICS!!

07-14-2002, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by graycie

i think scared is the more appropriate word

Smart Cookie! :D

I realy am sad about this...it took the luster off the whole thing when I got back and read that. Next time Babe next time!

07-14-2002, 10:52 PM
I had the greatest weekend..it all started with Thordic picking me up at the airport and driving aimlessly for hours trying to meet up with the rest of the guys. We didn't meet up until right before dinner in which we went to NYC and ate in China town (which included Spacemanspiff, Spraying Mango, Riotz, Thordic, Gunga, Jon, and the Mills). I must be the only person in existance who only orders ice cream at a chinese restaurant :p. Afterwards I went with Riotz, Spraying Mango, and a couple of Riotz's friends to Times Square and to some more places. :D Had a lot of fun!

As for the actual AO day...I got to meet some great people. I was pretty much out of it and might have looked like a zombie to some people (I hadn't gotten much rest in a few days). To name a few of the people that I had the pleasure of meeting: Jon (exactly the way I pictured him in person), Tunaman (helpful to everyone as usual), Cphilip (shorter than I thought but a great person, teehee), Fatman (he's nuts! hehe kidding! ), Kaiser Bob (still can't believe he dragged a chair with him onto the field!), MantisMag (he's cool) and Gunga (I knew you would come!). I'm really happy that I got the opportunity to be able to travel to meet some great people. I especially want to thank Riotz for giving me a place to stay and making sure I was comfortable. Thanks to everyone who made the AO day possible , as well. (I know that I'm probably leaving out some people to thank but I'm still quite out of it so please don't take it personally.) :)

As for our 3 man team (Team Hello Kitty)..consisted of Bill Mills, Gunga, and myself. We ended up in 3rd place. :)

As for a memory/story, I think maxing Capo's team (Team Hello Kitty) In about 20-30 seconds(estimated time.. someone got a video
I blame that on my warp jam..sorry Bill!! :P you'll probably see me shaking my gun on that video and waiting to get shot at once patron reached Bill's bunker. :D

btw, thanks to patron god of pirates for the ninja/lvl 10 stickers, I couldnt believe how many stickers he had made.

I'm going to post some of my pics up for you all to see :D

here's one of us in China Town...I know that Riotz got some better pics but this is pretty much the only one I have of us in the restaurant. :)

07-14-2002, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

Smart Cookie! :D

I realy am sad about this...it took the luster off the whole thing when I got back and read that. Next time Babe next time!

if you go to iao, we'll sit around the agd booth and eat cookies or something. but no mushy stuff, or i'll stick my superfan on you.

07-14-2002, 11:09 PM
Gunga and Fatman (sporting a gift from me..teehee)

07-14-2002, 11:13 PM
Fatman, me, and cphilip (Riotz and Gunga on back)

07-14-2002, 11:13 PM
i don't know whats scarier, fatman without a shirt on or that really nasty blood welt.:eek:

Mild 7
07-14-2002, 11:17 PM
It was a rather interesting event for my friends and me. I had the pleasure of meeting Riotz, Bill Mills, cphilip, members of the 3 men team Pick-up and the mad tech in person, Jon from AGD. It was a very "family" like atmosphere and everyone was friendly and helpful for the most part.

The interesting part of my day came when Bigragu4paintball came and asked if I wanted to sign up for the 3-men tourney. I hesitated 'cause I don't have any tourney experience and quite a newbie at speedball. In addition, we needed a 3rd player. I ask the 12 friends I've brought with me and only one-stepped up. He only played paintball 3 times in his life. So I slapped $20 on the table to sign up for some "semi-official" speedball experience. Our team, which was...."Who Cares", just want in for the fun and experience, turned out to be the one who walked away with the final prize of level 10. None of us expected to make it that far or expected to take anything home from this party. On our trip back home, which was a 2-hour drive back to Queens, I had to deal with the repetitive chant of, "I can't believe we won". I personally feel that I was more excited about how well we did rather than the prize we received. I don't really need the level 10 since I hardily chop with my RT since '98 when I first bought it, but I'll certainly keep it around for the memory of this event.... or perhaps when I begin to chop balls.

Unfortunately, for my 9 other friends who did not participate in any of the special event, their experience did not turn out quite so well. One of my friend's Shocker broke down, so he ended up with a nice tan sitting around most of the day. The rest of my friends who had no problems with their gears played the same woods ball field for 6 hours straight. Even though I told them ahead of time that there was only one woods ball field, it got boring pretty fast since it is pretty small in size and not quite developed. And when they decided to play speedball, both speedball fields were fully occupied by the 3-men event. Since the 3-men tourney required all players to shoot a mag, my friends were out of luck 'cause they didn't have one. I felt bad 'cause I was so committed with the tourney I didn't have time to hear them out and take care of them. Therefore, most of them left early and mentioned to me that they were not impressed with the event. I feel that I should be responsible for their disappointment, since this event is geared toward AO members and Automag owners for the most part. There were only 2 AO members among my friends, which is Ragu and I. The rest of my friends just couldn't relate and didn't have much option once they got there. That's probably the worst part of my day.

Overall, I think this event is a success for all the AO members and Mag owners who attended. I had the pleasure of meeting a few AO members and it is interesting to see someone you talk to online and then actually meet them in person. Riotz, AGD, and the crew of paintballstix had done a lot work under the brutal sun to make this event ranned smoothly as possible. Your effort is appreciated and thanks again.

PS: When are we getting that AO member card so I can settle it next to my trophy? :)

07-14-2002, 11:20 PM
let me just start by saying that agd knows how to throw a party! cheap paint, cheap entry, and free food (thanx black cell....although my cheese burger was practilly mooing it was so rare....jk) i had a great time meeting and playing against all types of people especailly the three man tournament (for 20 bux a team... could you go wrong??)
big thanx to : jon at agd (watching you put your tounge into a emag with a level 10 and pulling the trigger made me a believer! also you capping me in the chest with your double side arms as i was rushing down the field was quite funny) Big props to hello kiddy (met a couple of you especially the girl with the crazy accuracy you all were mad cool) and thanx to whoevers field was used because that looks like the begining of something sick!
THANKS AGAIN TO ALL!!!! this was my first tournament like setting and my debut performance for TEAM DEADCELL (thanx for the faith and advice guys) I HAD ONE HELL OF A TIME!!

HEADKASE- deadcells blue helmet bum rusher!

07-14-2002, 11:40 PM
SprayingMango will be the only one to appreciate this pic :p

Kaiser Bob
07-14-2002, 11:45 PM
Hehe which bridge were you trying to take a pic of? GW?

07-14-2002, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Kaiser Bob
Hehe which bridge were you trying to take a pic of? GW?

my guess is manhattan or brooklyn bridge, since GW is pretty far north from the city.

07-15-2002, 03:49 AM
Just got home after a icky 13 hour drive home! Bleh! I'll fly next time!!!

Anyway, I'm done complainin! Here's a few pics of the NJ AO bash, but first I'd like to thank Mel & his wife Suanne for putting me, Jon, & FiTiRPiLiT (aka Mark)up at their house for the weekend and for hosting the whole bash! And extra thanks to Suanne for being a tour guide for us and the Mills. :)

Team Hello Kitty, consisting of Bill Mills from Warpig.com, myself, & Capo did surprisingly well (took 3rd place) considering it was the first tourney that some of us had ever participated in. :) Cap carried Team Hello Kitty to many a victory and had her E-Kitty (aka the Hello Kitty E-Mag) purring quite nicely!

Here's a few pics of our first game in the tourney, which we maxed out. :) This pic shows Bill in the foreground, then Cap, then me in the back, cursing at Mark's Impulse which stopped working (ended up his Halo jammed). Oh...if you're wondering, I'm using an Impy because my Warp (and Bill's too) was having problems feeding the paint.

Oh...thanks to Fred & Mark for being Team Hello Kitty's 'Official Battlefield Photographers'! Though the ungrateful weasels did abandon us when we didn't do so well...of course, when they left, we maxed out one game and came 10 points shy of maxing another! So maybe they were bad luck anyway!

07-15-2002, 03:51 AM
As the Impy I was using was inoperative, I ditched it and my pack and sneaked my way up to the two center doritos...

07-15-2002, 03:53 AM
Here's a pic of Cap covering me...the other team's last player was at the beercan behind the dorito I'm standing behind...and then...

07-15-2002, 03:55 AM
Here comes Bill working the snake! Oh...and there's Jon showing off his gut! Bill ends up shooting the last guy out and I take the flag in for the hang.

Not too bad for Team Hello Kitty's first tourney game, huh? Maybe we should hit up Sanrio for a sponsorship! :D

07-15-2002, 03:57 AM
Someone actually had the audacity to shoot at me and hit me!!! Geez! :p

Anyway...I don't know if Jon's trying to signal that I'm out, or if he's recreating a scene from 'Saturday Night Fever'. :D

07-15-2002, 03:58 AM
Hey boys...like the new harness I picked up at the NJ AO meet? ;)

07-15-2002, 04:03 AM
On a more somber note, the Mills, Mark, Suanne, and I visited the site of the World Trade Center on Sunday. There were over a thousand people there paying their respects. It was dead quiet and there were many many tears shed by the people there. The whole experience was very moving.

07-15-2002, 04:05 AM
Some of the crowd...

07-15-2002, 04:06 AM
Some flowers that people left...

07-15-2002, 04:08 AM
The wooded area in the back is where the Memorial Wall is. The Memorial wall is a fence surrounding an old church & graveyard...there are thousands of notes, pictures, and momentos of the people who died that day.

07-15-2002, 04:09 AM

07-15-2002, 04:13 AM

07-15-2002, 04:14 AM

Load SM5
07-15-2002, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
You are not ever going to have a better chance to play with some of the nicest people on this earth than at one of these things. In fact Fatman and I are going to put one togehter for the SE.

Excellent Phil! Get on that and let me know when! Let me know if you need help setting it up.

07-15-2002, 07:30 AM
Mild 7 - Sorry to hear about your friends, the 3-man mini tourney wasn't planned to last quite that long, it ended up taking much longer than we had thought it would. Otherwise, speedball would have been open to everyone a lot longer. Even so, there were speedball fields open for at least 4 hours on saturday, both in the morning and in the evening.

As for the membership cards, I gave almost everyone their cards who I had made cards for. There were a few people I missed, you and Ragu were some of them. Kaiser_Bob was taking down names and handing out cards in the morning. If you PM me your address I'll get the card out to you.

07-15-2002, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
SprayingMango will be the only one to appreciate this pic :p

HAHAH YES!!!!! :) :) :)

Graycie, you nailed it, its what the brooklyn bridge would look like if it were moveing 65mph with its lights on. hahahaa

07-15-2002, 09:05 AM
All I gotta say is, WHEN'S THE NEXT ONE!??! :)

Patron God of Pirates
07-15-2002, 09:08 AM
What a terrific event. I don't even know where to start.

Thanks to everyone who put this event together and made it such a success. Thordic, Riotz, Jon from AGD, Mel, the list goes on. I couldn't believe what a great atmosphere it was. Getting that many people together and having them stay friendly (while shooting high speed projectiles at each other) is not an easy task. Chalk it up to drawing from a great group like AO.

Thanks to my teammates on Pick-Up, 1stDeadeye and BigZamboni. You took a gamble on a guy with no speedball experience whatsoever, I hope I didn't let you down ;). You guys, and all the teams we played against changed my opinion about speedball forever. I've never had that much fun playing paintball.

Thanks to Blazingace for letting me have his spare feed elbow. I consider that the turning point of the day. It would have been humorous trying to play with the stock elbow.

I found super funny that the 2 teams in the finals where "Pick-Up" and "Who Cares". Props to the Who Cares guys. They beat us in the prelims and maxed us in the finals, they really had our number. Props to all the other teams as well, it was a very friendly competition, and I got allot of good advice.

"The Chair Move" was literally one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I knew he was going to do it and I still almost fell over. I retrospect, maybe I should have fallen over since I got gogged a split second later. I walked off the field laughing.

I have about ten billion other things to say but I'll stop for now. Just a piece of advice:


this one was so much fun I'm considering flying out to Austin for the next one.

07-15-2002, 09:19 AM
Anytime Patron. I hate stock elbows. You are a little to modest though. While I didn't see it, the talk of the day aside from the chair move was patrons teleportation to the opposite end of the field to shoot out the entire other team. First you see him on the break, the next he is shooting you in the back in your bunker. He pulled these moves all day. We finally got his number and he was a little more careful. I had a magnifecent day. If we played a little better earlier on we would have been in the hunt. Getting spanked in our first 2 games sucked. I hope to see you all again. Thanks for the stickers again and thanks to Philip and Fatman for the tent.

07-15-2002, 09:30 AM
Glad to see everyone had a great time.

Me? I had a weekend of HELL... work/computer problems/work/still having computer problems/etc. etc. etc.

Got a whole day of Computer Tech stuff lined up today as well... oh well, at least some of you had a good time. LOL

07-15-2002, 09:39 AM
Absolutely the best! Read my account of the trip, complete with photos here:


We really enjoyed ourselves. The fields were fun, the paint shot good, the weather was nice, the PEOPLE were THE BEST!

We didn't know yankees could be so hospitable! :D

Great event guys!


07-15-2002, 09:53 AM
An AO party is like heaven. Mags every where I look. I had a blast. That was DeadCell's first 3 man. The rest of our 5 man isnt't smart enough to own Mags. Thanks to BlackCell for the dogs. Agd John, you rule. Thanks for the fast on the field service. You're down to earth, and fun to BS with. Thanks to the guy who Gogged me from 2 feet away. I'm not sure who we were playing, but we were on opposite sides of the Hyper ball flag station. Definetly a rush to suddenly see a barrel two feet from your face. Thanks for not shooting me in the neck.
Capoeira it was nice meeting you as well. Other than our introduction, our only interaction was the hail of paint you sent my way from your back can. Sorry for the paint in the face, I dont discriminate against girls. You are certainly a deadly oponent.
Over all, I had a blast! Dead Cell baby!

07-15-2002, 10:30 AM
You know, I wanted to get a Black Cell vs. Dead Cell match in for kicks, but it never happened. Oh well.

By the way, JEDI, in the first game of the tourney, I played you guys with the team I jumped in on (Kaiser Bob's Newbies) and I nailed one of your guys in the spider. I got him kinda harsh, and I didn't know where I hit him or anything, I just came around the corner real fast then went back down. I meant to say somethin to him afterwards, but by the time the refs were satisfied that my gun wasn't full auto, you guys were off the field.

Tell them sorry for the shot, hope I didn't hit anything vital, and if it makes em feel better, I got absolutely bunker-raped by SHAG. I gotta give him credit for a great move, but he gave me a nice free-flowing bloody welt on my head :)

And everyone follow that link FatMan posted for his story and pictures!!

07-15-2002, 10:58 AM
just a bump up, maybe a mod could make Fatmans picture thread and my thread a sticky for a couple days??? pretty please with a cherry on top?? :D

07-15-2002, 11:08 AM
you guys are crazy, well is there anychance of AGD having an IAO over in the western states? i REALLY really really would think thats hella cool, TK could show off all his cool new stuff, and hey then i wouldnt go insane with jealosy of you guys in the east.


07-15-2002, 11:16 AM
Thordic, you gotta love the "full auto" accusation. How many times have you heard that one? It was good meeting you guys. Dont sweat the gun hit. He didnt mention it. Thanks for the Dogs and Burgers.

07-15-2002, 11:26 AM
i was the last one of dead cell left in the first game throdic and all could think of was when i was behind that bunker was....."HOW MUCH PAINT DOES THIS GUY HAVE LEFT..... HES THROWN AT LEAST 300 SHOTS in the past 15 sec.. hes has got to have no paint left!!! i would later jump out and guess wrong..! LOL... good time.... better welt though!

07-15-2002, 11:31 AM
Here's a group shot in the tent. There's Cap doing her 'Dye Grrl' thing in the blue jersey, me next to her, SprayingMango towards the right with his back to the camera, and Fred to the left in the yellow jersey. Melissa's the cutie on the right (though you can't really tell from the pic...guess you'll just have to trust me on that!)...she played her first paintball ever that day. :) Dunno who the other guys are.

07-15-2002, 11:34 AM
Oh you didn't notice the full case he had stashed at the Fifty?

Unreal that Tunaman marker in Thordics hands. I woulda swore it was full auto too. Nintendo practice is his secret.

07-15-2002, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by headkase
i was the last one of dead cell left in the first game throdic and all could think of was when i was behind that bunker was....."HOW MUCH PAINT DOES THIS GUY HAVE LEFT..... HES THROWN AT LEAST 300 SHOTS in the past 15 sec.. hes has got to have no paint left!!! i would later jump out and guess wrong..! LOL... good time.... better welt though!

Hehe, I'm usually a back player, I carry 1040 rounds onto the field. I think I went through around 500 in that game against you guys. :)

Kaiser Bob
07-15-2002, 12:00 PM
Hehe Thordic was really in it to win it against deadcell, shooting paint like it was free. :D

07-15-2002, 12:11 PM
i may have got beat but it took $25 bux(worth of paint) for you to do it! (i still got beat though)LOL... so any way deadcells from jersey.. black cells from jersey were all from the same area we should throw some scrimmagges......interested?

07-15-2002, 12:33 PM
"This is your last breath" good song

07-15-2002, 12:37 PM
That paint was damn near free. Those paint prices were much appreciated. It shot very well too.

07-15-2002, 01:37 PM
Actually, since mods can combine threads, maybe one of them can move this thread and Fatmans into the official thread so nothing gets lost?

07-15-2002, 02:18 PM
Ok well I merged Sprays into here but it kind of messes with the order of them when you do that... Hope its ok.

07-15-2002, 02:27 PM
Great bif bags of kodos to AGD and AO for a great day. Even though I didn't get to play all that much due to an injury which I came with and which had be hobbling around all day long I still had a great time.

Jon thanks for the quick fix on my RT. Didn't have any problem with it after you spent the requisite 5 minutes working your magic.

KaiserBob, the chair move was inspired should go down in the annals of paintball history as one of the funniest things ever done on a field.

Originally posted by Thordic

After the 3-man tournament was concluded, there was the Sydarm QuickDraw contest. Players had a holstered Sydarm, and had to turn and shoot from 10 paces. I'm not sure who the winner was, but AO member FreshmanBob came in second place, with Kaiser Bob coming in third. I didn't get to watch that contest much, so I invite anyone who did watch it to fill in my gaps.

I have to give credit where it is due. The winner was Danny "Danz" Rivera, a teamate of mine and, unfortunately, not a 'Mag owner.

Again, a great time. Lets start planning the next one.

07-15-2002, 02:29 PM
Awsome day thanks to Mel and the rest of the guys(Bear, Steve, others I can't remember:rolleyes: ) Oh and thanks Jon for getting me the LVL10 you the man. I had a great time although I was reffing in the woods for most of the day. Kewlest time though cause I got to talk with Dawn Mills when she came out to take pics. Shes was really kewl talk to and fearless with that camera too. I wish that I could have shown off the SFL/wLVL10 alot more but oh well. I finally got it set up after lunch and got to watch Jon do all the kewl tests. Hold 2 balls in the breech, put his finger in there and he also did the tounge test too:p The guys that where there to see it couldn't believe it. You've out done yourself again Tom. I was able to set it to 16bps and rip on it only one break down the barrel all day. Put about a cast through it. I can't wait till the next one and I hope to see some of ya at the IAO in August not to mention shattner ball:D

07-15-2002, 05:42 PM
Let me start by saying I had a blast, that had to be 1 of best paintball days I had.
Thanks to Mel great prices and great fields.
Thanks to AGD and Jon with out AGD this would not happen.
Thanks to Black Cell same for you guys and great bbq.
Thanks to all the support from the paint ball companies that help out.
Thanks to the Mill's from Warpig.com 2 of the nices people
Thanks to anyone i forgot
Now the had part getting the next AO meeting to top this 1
:) :)

07-15-2002, 07:36 PM
Has Warpig put up anything about this event on their site yet?

07-15-2002, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Has Warpig put up anything about this event on their site yet?

Not yet.

Wc Keep
07-15-2002, 09:12 PM
i would like to thank mel and the whole pbx group for making us feel right at home. thanks to agd for making such great products for us to party about. and thanks to everyone who went for being so nice.

oh my friend who came with me was using a spyder so he couldnt participate in the 3 man tourney. he said he had a blast playing in the woods fields and also said he couldnt have had a better day.

07-15-2002, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Has Warpig put up anything about this event on their site yet?

It is coming.... I've got writing to do and Dawn has photo galleries to put together...

We just got home a little while ago - Sunday was spent in Manhattan seeing the sights, and today we were in New Jersey, and we're only in the office part of the day tomorrow (taking our church youth group to the climbing gym).

I do want to take a moment early on to say what a great day it was. A big thanks to Mel and Steve (partners in the Paintballistix field) for hosting the event. Also to Jon for talking us into coming up there. Gunga and Capo made excellent teammates - Gunga makes a great back player - you'd never know it was his first tournament though as he's been playing paintball as long as I have, and Capo is invisible to paint, hardly anyone could hit her. And of course thanks to Patron God of Pirates for putting those two shots in my back up close and personal when I was looking the wrong way :-) It was great to get to meet everyone (cphilip was easy to recognize - he really is the cutest moderator), and I can only echo the sentiments of it being a "safe" place, where you could leave out your gear and not worry that someone was going to walk off with it. Thanks also to Suann Maravilla, who was an excellent host and tour guide for the weekend.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

Kaiser Bob
07-16-2002, 12:38 AM
It was really great that you could come up to join us Bill, you guys earned some respect on the field. Dawn certainly shows no fear armed with her camera amidst the barrage of paint flying back and forth. :) I hope next time I can work up the courage to sit in on one of your chats, they certainly seem educational, I was just starstruck at the time. :D

07-16-2002, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by billmi

...cphilip was easy to recognize - he really is the cutest moderator - Bill Mills

You know now that this has been confirmed. Even Jon says so. Thing that has me a little stumped is all of the ones who think so are guys! Perhaps it's the long hair? I would feel a little more...ummmm...er..."Comfortable" if some of the ladies would chime in... :D

07-16-2002, 08:33 AM

I certainly had a great time and hope to do it again soon. and if we chant long and hard, maybe Tom can come out with us :D

My thanks goto to Mel, Steve, and the PBX crew (way too many to name) for getting the field up and going in the last month. They really put a lot of hard work just to get the field ready considering Riotz and Myself only gave Mel one month's time to prepare. GREAT JOB GUYS

More thanks goto the AO members that sacrificed game time to help get everything on the ball.

Thanks to Cap for taking time out to come and visit.

Thanks to Graycie for making awesome cookies as well as taking time out to come and visit us from PA.

Thanks to Gunga, Mark, and Fred just for being there from Chicago, showing that yes, we do come from everywhere just to make AO meets.

Thanks to Cphilip (really strange little fellow but yes, he is the cutest moderator, and fatman for making the long haul from SC.

Thanks to the Mills for coming out. It was great seeing you guys again :)

And Special thanks to Riotz and black cell, as well as Kaiser Bob, for helping get the field organized the day before as well as for the many long hours of planning that we all spend conversing through email and phones just to get the big day going.

I must say, which takes more balls, going out to a speedball tourney with a chair, or playing speedball with 2 sydarms...

Either way, This was better than last. Can't wait for AO Party in NJ 3 :-)


07-16-2002, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by agdjon
...Cphilip...really strange little fellow but yes he is the cutest moderator - Jon

See! Now for those of you that know Jon to be calling me a strange little dude...all I gotta say is...TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE!!!! :D

I am much taller online though and so is he.

Love ya Bro.

07-16-2002, 09:41 AM
I'm taller offline :)

a lanky git in fact ;)


6'5" ish...

07-16-2002, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

You know now that this has been confirmed. Even Jon says so. Thing that has me a little stumped is all of the ones who think so are guys! Perhaps it's the long hair? I would feel a little more...ummmm...er..."Comfortable" if some of the ladies would chime in... :D

bad man with candy!

07-16-2002, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by graycie

bad man with candy!

Not exactly what I was looking for....:rolleyes:

07-16-2002, 02:53 PM
I would feel a little more...ummmm...er..."Comfortable" if some of the ladies would chime in...

you know you're GQ, cphil! :p

07-16-2002, 03:00 PM

(checks in the mail Capo...) :D

Patron God of Pirates
07-16-2002, 03:19 PM
cphilip, for what it's worth, I showed your pick to one of my ex-girlfriends. She said with no uncertainty that you are far cuter than me.

07-16-2002, 03:55 PM
Some of the pics I took. Note, they are cropped and heavily compressed to load fast. We'll start with JJ, ugh...

07-16-2002, 04:00 PM
Mark and Cap chillin' under our tent

07-16-2002, 04:02 PM
Bill, JJ, and Cap getting ready for the next match

07-16-2002, 04:13 PM
Team Hello Kitty about to break

07-16-2002, 04:14 PM
JJ looking down field

07-16-2002, 04:16 PM
Capoeira moving up

07-16-2002, 04:17 PM
Mark listening to the sounds of space

07-16-2002, 04:18 PM
Cap spacing out

07-16-2002, 04:18 PM
... and JJ just plain taking up space

07-16-2002, 04:20 PM
Cap in the foreground, me in back

07-16-2002, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by zerokid
... and JJ just plain taking up space

You're just askin for a bunkering, boy! :D

07-16-2002, 04:29 PM
Bill, JJ, and Cap getting ready for the next match

it looks like Gunga is planning on having me killed or something.. :p

07-16-2002, 05:00 PM

i wanna go to the next one...where is it?

07-16-2002, 05:08 PM
Next one? Well Northern Cal and then Austin TX and I think then South Carolina!

Patron, you should have hung onto that blind girl! Surely she was gettin a Gobment check!!! :D

07-17-2002, 02:14 AM
I'm just going to add a few things that might have been missed before.

Firstly, I would like to personally thank Mel again for ALL of his hard work. Over the last few months, him and his PBX crew have been working their butts off preparing the field so AO Day II could take place. They are not suppose to open the field to the public until September. By then, they will have more fields. Thanks again, Mel, Steve, Bear, Will and the rest of the PBX crew. We hope to hold future AO events at your field.

The PBX staff did an excellent job in ref'ing and running the field. This was the FIRST TIME the field was open to the public.

Next, I would like to thank everyone who came to the event. Without all of you there, it would not have been a success.

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. I know there were a few small issues here and there. Such as the speedball fields being used most of the day with the tourney.. We will try not to let it happen next time.

I wish we could have taken a group picture. It would have been one for the AGD record books.

As for the band. They showed up, but we were unable to power them. The Sussex power company blew the field's generator the day before. Which left us with no way to power their equipment without renting a generator. I'm sorry for those who were expecting this. Even though there was no power, which means the compressor could not work. Mel pulled some strings and called in some favors and got compressed air tanks at the field.

I just have to say thank you to Bill and Dawn Mills for coming out to our event. You are the nicest people I have ever met. =]

If anyone was wondering why we had an inflatable pig on top of our tent. It was a WARPIG. :D

Thanks Jon. It was GREAT working with you. I can't wait for AO Day III!

I'm sorry I didn't get to spend more time with all the AO'ers there. I was all over the field that day. You may have saw me. Either selling/checking paint, handing out cards, ref'ing, cooking, video taping, etc. =] Some of the food may have been "rare", (such as the ice dogs: sorry tuna! :p ), hehe. I did my best though, with 50 people waiting for burgers. I hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks for the donations.

Special thanks to those who kicked Dead Cell's butts for me, hehe j/k :p

"I haven't seen this many mags at a field in a long time" -Bill Mills

07-17-2002, 02:19 AM

Left to right:
SprayingMango(John), Mel, CaPoEiRa(Clare), Gunga(JJ) (missing a hand :D ), Jon, Bill, Dawn, Mark, spacemanspiff(Scott), Thordic(Brian), Riotz(Jeff)

mmmmmm, sexy. He must work out. :D

Tourist... hehe

07-17-2002, 02:21 AM

07-17-2002, 02:22 AM

07-17-2002, 02:22 AM

07-17-2002, 02:24 AM

07-17-2002, 02:25 AM
http://jeff.acky.net/myphotos/pball/aoday2/field/images/aoday%20009.jpg http://jeff.acky.net/myphotos/pball/aoday2/field/images/aoday%20013.jpg

07-17-2002, 02:27 AM
http://jeff.acky.net/myphotos/pball/aoday2/field/images/aoday%20018.jpg http://jeff.acky.net/myphotos/pball/aoday2/field/images/aoday%20020.jpg http://jeff.acky.net/myphotos/pball/aoday2/field/images/aoday%20024.jpg

07-17-2002, 07:05 AM
Hey the guy in the second third and fifth pictures,the one in the green JT Jersey shooting the RT Pro is my Kid!!!!! Caleb or known here as ccaleb

Thanks Riotz!! He was wanting to be a star!!!

Wc Keep
07-17-2002, 09:57 AM
hey the guy next to your kid shooting the 68 classic is me.

07-17-2002, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Gunga

You're just askin for a bunkering, boy! :D

Ha! Okay, I see how it is now. This weekend and don't forget to bring your bus pass, I'm taking you to school.

07-17-2002, 06:01 PM
Okay, I see how it is now. This weekend and don't forget to bring your bus pass, I'm taking you to school
lol, ouch!

here's an authentic "action" pic of SprayingMango :D (me on back)

07-17-2002, 06:10 PM
everyone staring at SprayingMango's minimag, no one could resist looking at its beauty (except for Spacemanspiff)

07-17-2002, 06:21 PM
Riotz thinking he's too cool to face the other way :p

07-17-2002, 06:22 PM
no one could resist looking at its beauty (except for Spacemanspiff)
LOL.... it was so hard to resist it to:D Even with that cute little bumble bee tank:p

07-17-2002, 06:24 PM

07-17-2002, 06:34 PM
spacemanspiff striking a pose with his SFL emag

07-17-2002, 06:48 PM
Hmm, why is Scott humping that dorito? :)

07-17-2002, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
Hmm, why is Scott humping that dorito? :) He does that all the time...Because thats all he can get!:D :D

07-17-2002, 07:21 PM
AH can't ya just feel the love:D :D

Load SM5
07-17-2002, 07:33 PM
It's ok to love Dorito's just dont LOVE Doritos.

How's that SFL shoot with level 10 and the horrer no-rised like that? I have mine setup like that now waiting for my kit. Our guns have to match perfectly, you know. Got your Tick Grips yet?;)

07-17-2002, 07:37 PM
Missing Camera - NJ AO Day II (Please read if you were there)

Tunaman is missing his camera after the NJ AO Day II.

We are checking with the field to see if anyone there has found it, but if everyone who was at the meet, especially people who were sitting near Tunaman, could check through their stuff to make sure they don't have it, it would be appreciated. With so much stuff getting piled on top of other stuff, the camera case could have easily fallen somewhere without anyone noticing it.

The camera is an Olympus D400 Zoom in a black camera case. The case contains 2 8MB memory cards and rechargeable batteries.

If you find this camera with your gear, or you know someone who picked it up by accident, whatever, PLEASE PM me as soon as possible so we can reunite Tunaman with his camera. Thank you.

07-17-2002, 08:23 PM
Hey Load the SFL rips and I just love running it no-rise. I set it on 16bps and not one chop only one break down the barrel but thats it. Even turned the resy off at the chrono no prob. I can hold the gun on its side and shoot. Either I get a shot or it goes pssst and the bolt resets:D Your going to love the LVL 10 when you get it. I should get grips with the Ticks sidekick on them, that guy that was dressed in the moth outfit:D :p

Load SM5
07-17-2002, 08:32 PM
Arthur, the Moth. Go for it.:D Can't wait until my level 10 comes in. I'll be hopping all over Hybrid Mode.

07-18-2002, 02:47 AM
What was that? Next one in northern cali? Beautiful!!! Thats definately close enough for me to get to. Now just got to make sure that my work schedule is compatible. . . :D As usual, it won't be. Oh well. Just keep monitoring and see, guess.

07-18-2002, 06:33 PM
If anyone is interested, the story and pics are up on warpig http://www.warpig.com/paintball/articles/news/lvl10launch/index.shtml

07-18-2002, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
If anyone is interested, the story and pics are up on warpig http://www.warpig.com/paintball/articles/news/lvl10launch/index.shtml

:D Thanks Capo! :D

07-18-2002, 06:41 PM
Nice article.... simple, but nice.

07-18-2002, 06:44 PM
http://www.warpig.com/paintball/articles/news/lvl10launch/gallery/MVC010S.jpg:D :eek: :D

Wc Keep
07-18-2002, 07:09 PM
hey will they got a great pic of me with my mag tucked in real tight as i was shooting down field but i dare not post it cause right smack in the middle of it is the fruity green watch of yours you gave me to wear.

07-18-2002, 07:14 PM
Dang it Will! Thats about the only time you didn't have my emag too! good pict though.

ccaleb made the gallery too! He will be thrilled.

I guess cphilip's stuff must be saved for an entire expose'. Didn't make the cut at all! :( I guess I shoulda posed nude for Dawn when she asked me in the woods! :D (just kidding you guys. Nice article)

07-18-2002, 07:18 PM
That was in the beginning when we were playing pick up.

That green watch is very manly I dont know what your are talking about :D

07-18-2002, 07:20 PM
Does life get any better? :)

07-18-2002, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
Does life get any better? :)

that Saturday was so great I dont think life could have

Frui..eerrr Manly Green Watch=

07-18-2002, 08:38 PM
Total head count for this weekend: 116

Give or take a few.


There are still lots of prizes to be raffled off. Time didn't permit us to do so the day of the event. So we are getting the list together of AOers who attended and will be choosing from that list.

Prizes to be raffled. JT Gloves, Ricochet Loaders, JT Shirts, Proteus Masks, Powerlite double trigger frame, Jackel Pack, 2 AO signature images by Shartley and more!

Wc Keep
07-18-2002, 10:02 PM
oh gee thanks will. now everyone on this board knows how "manly" i felt that entire day.

07-19-2002, 09:47 AM
In case anyone is curious, here is the report from NJ AO Day I. Some of you may have missed that the first time around :)


07-19-2002, 09:57 AM

And to think, this all started with Black Cell hosting a BBQ and Jon coming in from Chicago. :)

Patron God of Pirates
07-19-2002, 10:16 AM
In case anybody hasn't seen it, WARPIG has the article up now.

Level 10 Launch Party (http://www.warpig.com/paintball/articles/news/lvl10launch/index.shtml)

07-19-2002, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Riotz
Total head count for this weekend: 116

Spoke to Mel today and he is now saying about 128 as there were some from his field he let come free so they didn't sign the registration sheet. So thats a few more now.

AND...drum roll... Mel has offered to come down to help us out at Clemson when we return the favor and host all the NJ, Northeast and, of course, the South Atlantic Coast AO guys down here in the coming Fall!!!! "anything we need at all" he says! Official Sponsor and all it apears!!!! Pretty cool is it not? Nice guy that Mel. A big AO and AGD guy for sure and a real class act.

Big family reunion we are gonna have.

For now lets get behind our Austin AO People and make that region meet a success. I wish I could be out there but no money left after the NJ one for this quick a turn around. I will be there in spirit. Next time you guys.

07-19-2002, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
lets get behind our Austin AO People and make that region meet a success. I wish I could be out there but no money left after the NJ one for this quick a turn around. I will be there in spirit. Next time you guys.

10 steps ahead of you cphilip


07-19-2002, 03:21 PM
Just found it and posted on it. good deal Riotz. See my post. Surprise!

07-19-2002, 03:21 PM
hah, you saw it before I posted. :D :)

You're pretty quick for an old guy. :p hehe

07-19-2002, 04:19 PM
Sweet another AO meet on the way. Woot......Woot:D :p

07-19-2002, 04:25 PM
I really do wish you all could come to the TX ao meet! :( It won't be as big as the NJ meet but it should still be fun :D

07-19-2002, 08:01 PM
I had everything else to do today, so I decided not to do it. And to do this instead :D

If you were at the AO Day II in NJ, you may use this in your sig. OR, you could use it on your website! =]

07-19-2002, 10:19 PM
So its two days? SC sounds good.. is it every year or month or week or century or what?
Oh, and make it South South carolina :D

07-20-2002, 07:15 AM
The warpig piece is great check it out! They got two great shots of me shooting and one of me bunkering Tunaman, Jr(Gallary 2). There must be pictures of almost everyone there.

07-20-2002, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
There must be pictures of almost everyone there.
Except me :(

07-20-2002, 11:53 AM
There are also two other variations... (I just had to Clare) =|

07-20-2002, 11:54 AM

07-20-2002, 11:59 AM
Me neither! :(

Personman, Clemson is as close to Atlanta as you can get! barely 30 miles after you go across the GA/SC line on I85. You can be here in 2 hours or even less. Takes me an hour and a half to get to downtown Atlanta and thats with the traffic. You practicaly turn off the highway immediately after leaving Ga.

Wc Keep
07-20-2002, 01:19 PM
i just wanted to state that its a good thing this was done last saturday because i just got home from a soccer tourney in which i suffered from heat exhaustion.

07-20-2002, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
i just wanted to state that its a good thing this was done last saturday because i just got home from a soccer tourney in which i suffered from heat exhaustion.

Yea, we had to pay big bucks to get them to make the weather nice for AO Day II. :D

07-20-2002, 02:22 PM
How do i attach that img to my sig? THanks.

07-20-2002, 02:35 PM
Click on USER CP at the top, then EDIT PROFILE, go down to where it says SIGNATURE and put something like:




07-20-2002, 03:59 PM
Sig betta work.

07-20-2002, 04:00 PM
THanks Riotz

07-20-2002, 04:44 PM
Ignore my PM. You already answered my question.

07-20-2002, 08:42 PM
Looks like everyone had a great time. I'm really disappointed I couldn't make it. Can't wait for AO Day III, though.

07-20-2002, 10:51 PM
No problem guys. Thank you. :)

07-21-2002, 08:53 PM
awsome day...i got to l;isten to jon's music blastin out his car for 2 hours...i was the short little fat kid with red hair lol. i remember when kaiser bobs team was planning there chair move lol i was right next to them thinking to myself...WTF are they talking about? lol. great day. we were playing speedball and a kid was like oh I helped make this field and i know where a cool littlke trial up the side is..well we go up that trail and the whole other team sees us and starts a shootin. must of got shot ten times...i was bleedin.

07-21-2002, 08:54 PM
ooooooops didnt meen speedball i meant woods ball

07-22-2002, 01:58 PM
I never got to check out the wood feild. How was it?

Wc Keep
07-22-2002, 02:46 PM
i heard that the woods field was pretty speedball looking.

hey i was wondering if any ao'ers from central jersey were up to play next friday (august 2) at fireball mountain old bridge?

07-22-2002, 08:30 PM
it was kool...there was this old van parked there and some kid jump in it for the flag and shot out the windows lol

brian terry
07-23-2002, 01:22 PM
happy you all had a good time.im going to try to make the next agd ao meet......

07-25-2002, 01:06 PM
Someone should tell Tom to help organize as many of these as possible. Talk about a sales tool. I am just one of the many people who went and because of what I saw and experienced, I've already bought a Warp and a Level X. The more of these that happen, the more AGD's sales will grow.

07-29-2002, 01:49 PM
Ok, we have gone through all the waivers and sheets, below is the list of AO'ers who attended and pre-registered. If your name is not there, please let me know BEFORE Wednesday. The contest is open to AO'ers only. Sorry.

Tuna Jr
Jameson Liegner
Wc Keep
Patron God of Pirates
Mild 7
Elizabeth Dunham
Travis Walker
Yellow Hood
Perfect Tommy

08-05-2002, 03:17 PM
Winners will be chosen today, they will be notified by PM or EMAIL on how they can claim their prizes.

08-05-2002, 08:37 PM
Congrats to all the winners below!

Tunaman - Shartley Signature Image
ogre55 - Shartley Signature Image
straightshot - JT Pro Series Gloves - Blue
rpm07 - JT Pro Series Gloves - Blue
MantisMag - JT T-Shirt XL (Grey Blue)
XPK - JT T-Shirt XL (Grey Blue)
TheBigRaguPB4L - JT T-Shirt XL (Grey Blue)
845 - JT T-Shirt XL (Grey Blue)
Patron God of Pirates - JT T-Shirt XL (Grey Blue)
SSJ4_Goku - Ricochet Loader
Farlow - Jacko Pack w/ Pods
Mild7 - JT Proteus Mask - Clear
MagDog68 - Powerlyte Dbl Trigger Grip Styx Frame
1stdeadeye - Powerlyte A/M Barrel

08-05-2002, 09:25 PM
Riotz You da Man!!!:D

08-05-2002, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Riotz You da Man!!!:D

Mel and Paintballistix are the man! :D They were able to get us all of these prizes!! :)

08-05-2002, 09:34 PM
Mel is da man!!!!!!!

Wc Keep
08-05-2002, 10:10 PM
hey riotz id like the 20 bucks back that i gave you to assure me a prize...

08-05-2002, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
hey riotz id like the 20 bucks back that i gave you to assure me a prize...

haha, you must have gave it to the guy there posing as riotz. :p

Wc Keep
08-05-2002, 10:19 PM
tall dude with a long pony tail shoots an emag crazy fast? thats riotz right?

08-05-2002, 10:24 PM
Ohhhhhh, I figured it was him. That would be Thordic. No wonder he cut off his ponytail, trying to disguise himself after taking people's money... :eek:

Wc Keep
08-05-2002, 10:26 PM
thordic huh...... (becomes filled with rage breaks mouse has to use tab space bar to submit reply)

08-06-2002, 09:37 PM
hot diggity dam I won! well, i suppose i needed it most considering i was the only one there playing with a VL200 lol...im broke what do you want from mne:( ne way thats awsome...but i live like 3 hours away...ne way you could fed ex it to me if i pay shipping?

08-06-2002, 10:21 PM
yay i won a shirt that's too big for me! that's cool though. i've never won anything before. you guys rock. :cool: :D

08-06-2002, 10:33 PM
Hey Mantis! I'll trade you the shirt for my Shartly sig image. Waddayousay?

08-07-2002, 07:55 AM
Forgot to post these before, might as well put the link here for posterity.


More pictures, nothing too dramatic or anything though. Some shots of Jon with his double-sydarm action, though :)


Oh, and yeah, the pony tail is gone, I have short hair now, you'll never find me, muah ha ha ha!!!

Disclaimer - At no time did anyone give me money for prizes. The $20 Wc Keep gave me was for sexual favors.

08-07-2002, 08:23 PM
good deal tunaman. that works for me.

08-08-2002, 12:19 PM
Well, here it is ogre55… your new Signature Image. Hope you like it.

08-08-2002, 03:03 PM
Awesome Sam...:D

08-08-2002, 05:38 PM
Thanks Tuna. :) I threw it together from his request earlier today during a little break. I like Shrek… LOL

MantisMag- Shoot me off a PM so we can get yours underway. :D

08-09-2002, 10:46 AM
MantisMag- Here is your Signature Image. Hope you like it. :D

08-09-2002, 10:57 AM
lol! that's awesome. thanks shartley. :D

08-09-2002, 11:03 AM
No problem, glad you like it…. :)

08-09-2002, 02:38 PM
What can I say...The man is GOOD! Nice one Sam!:D :D

08-15-2002, 12:32 PM
Awesome, Somone actually got a pic of me doing the sydarm deal :-) That was a lot of fun

08-15-2002, 03:26 PM
John Woo would have been proud.

10-07-2002, 02:08 PM
I was looking at the different AO days, this one looked like ALOT of fun!

10-07-2002, 02:16 PM
It was ridiculous fun :)

Although if you want to count Shatnerball as an AO Meet, it was damn fun too :)