View Full Version : electrin frame questions?!?!?!please help

07-14-2002, 10:21 PM
ok i was just gonna get the opinion of AO before i go for this...just a quick question on electro frames.

ive heard bad things about one of the brands and i cant remember which one it was. im looking at a mako e-lcd frame on paintball gear for 159 which seems pretty cheap. is this a decent frame? what are the advantages and disadvantages if there are any. or is it really worth it to save more for the hyper frame.

could sumone who knows a little about electros help me out.

and 1 more thing while i have your attention. would a gun with and electric frame benefit from an rt valve


07-15-2002, 08:11 PM
honestly man i am not going to flame you or anything but there are tons of similar questions to this one. Their are 2 types of electronic frames available for the mag. One is the booyah/mako. The booyah was owned by the owner of tribal and other small companies who is said to be a crook. The booyahs were slitely changed and are manufactured by a different company under the name MAKO. Both of those i have heard many problems with. Some of those problems are bolt wear, sear wear, and some times not even working! The other frame is the frame i have which is the hyperframe. It is a made by centerflag a very respectable company that produces nice tanks. The cheapest i have seen these are 250 on predator-paintball.com. These frames do not have any problems if installed correctly. Honestly it is worth it to put out the extra cash for the hyperframe. Regarding the rt, the standard valve gets shotdown around 13-14 bps, but the rt is in the 20 bps range. I have a classic valve and have no had any problems or noticed any severe shotdown. If you have any more ?s hit me up on aim- soccaplayanum12

07-15-2002, 08:41 PM
i also have a hyperframe and agree with pbrlz 100%, one thing i will add is this;from what i have gathered, and i may be wrong,the guy who runs centerflag used to work for agd.i have gotten the same level of cust. service from centerflag that i have come to count on from tom and his crew at agd!in conclusion,hyperframe all the way!its a little more expensive but its worth every penny.oh and as far as the rt,the hyperframe maxs at 13bps and since the electric trigger nagates the reactive trigger affect spend the money on a warp feed instead!:D