View Full Version : The Piston for the trigger won't power up ....

07-14-2002, 10:57 PM
Alright guys, I gotts me a prollem here...

I was out playin with the boys Today, and my air ran out, and I was FORCED to go to co2. The gun had been goin great all day long till the co2 fiasco. Now the piston that is behind the trigger to make the ball go is messed up.
Usually when i power it up, it will push that little guy nice and firm up against my trigger so when I pull it my friends go a-runnin, but now when I air it up, the piston goes nowhere. I have taken this apart and cleaned it and it still refuses to budge. I have tried using compressed air and co2, but to no avail. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

07-14-2002, 11:40 PM
Try turning up the velocity.

07-15-2002, 02:48 PM
already done did it...it seems to be catching on something, and when its powered up i try to pull it down so its coming out straight, but that still doesnt work. It also may be a problem with the power to the trigger bolt, but i was just wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this before and if so, please relay any info reguarding this matter to me. I love my mag, and I dont wanna see it broke :(

07-15-2002, 03:26 PM
Take out the valve and push down on the back of the sear through the hole in the mainbody with an allen wrench. If you can push it down and see the trigger rod come out and close to the back of the trigger, then it shouldn't be catching on anything.

If you feel resistance, then check to make sure the screws you're using for your grips aren't too long that they're holding the sear back so it doesn't move.