View Full Version : Official Great Stories About LVL10 Thread

07-14-2002, 11:36 PM
LVL10 Users,

Please post your stories about showing off the LVL10 to your friends and store owners so we can all enjoy them.



07-14-2002, 11:47 PM
...when I let the valve fill with liquid Co2, and it erupted in a white geyser. After thawing, I asked if anyone wanted to put their finger in the breech. The only one who would step up, out of around 15-20 tough guys, team members, the store owner and his wife, and a couple of wide-eyed patrons wondering what the heck this crazy guy was up to, was an little 10yr old kid.

Stuck his finger in there, said it was really cold, listened to all the tough guys and team members crying out to not do it, and waited for me to pull the trigger.

psst psst psst psst

There was not a closed mouth in the house! The kid just giggled about it (I already showed him secretly what would happen!).

I could have sold 10 LX's right then to the 'Mag owners and the shop.

07-14-2002, 11:52 PM
Just remarkable! I had Kaiser Bob install it for me. Took him 5 minutes. That gun now rocks like no other I have seen yet. I lent it to Thordic, who was ripping up the field with it. He got called for full auto. They all thought it was illegal, but Jon took it and put an end to that. You have done well Tom, and may the gods stay with you throughout all your endeavors. You are a genius.:D
Long live AGD!:D :cool: :D :cool:

Kaiser Bob
07-15-2002, 12:08 AM
Well I did the usual rounds at the pro shop, the store owner is cool and lets me take the gun out to the back to test it, so he has seen me chop it up under different conditions. So anyway, i stroll in with my level 10 and i ask him to put his finger in, hes like 'uh.... no!' So i proceed to tape up a ball and stick it in the breech and psst psst psst :) then i took some old paint and ripped it at 20bps no breaks, and he grabs it and proceeds to rip on it trying to get it to break. Needless to say he is a believer now.

Also, at AO day I was given a bag of mystery balls for whatever reason and decided to take it to the chrono and shoot it sideways f/a, no breaks no chops.

But the best part of all is playing in tourney conditions, in 85-90 degree weather with the paint sitting out and not having to worry about a squeegie. Now THATS priceless! :D

07-15-2002, 09:51 AM

My first outing with the LVL10 was simply perfect. We pulled into the field and there were about 15-20 people already there. As soon as I got out of the truck, I over heard 3 people next to where we parked talking about the LVL10.. They were saying stuff like

"Yeah man this is gonna revolutionize paintball as you know it"

"I've heard about it..I wanna SEE it.."
Right then I was like

"hey fellas...I heard you talking about the almighty LVL10."
They kinda giggled and were like "yeah why?

I replied.. "Cuz I sipped from the holy grale... and I have returned with a magnificent item.." The hole time I was frantically assembling my setup... once finished I asked them to gather around. Once near I gassed up the lvl10 "Grim" and proceeded to stick my finger in the breech. One shouted "NO!" right as I squeezed the trigger..I was like "what?!I wouldn't do this on just ANY mag" I told him. He was like "man..I thought you were gonna lose a finger."

I said "if it where a LVL7 or retro or emag non LVL10 equppied yes I would have lost my finger, but this is sooo soft it won't hurt your pinky or your paint."

They were like that "unbelievable...can I shoot it?"

I was like "sure....have at."

A cocker owner tried it first..and he was like "That trigger is awesome...it doesn't even feel like a mag trigger anymore."

I said "yep..its like a whole new gun."

They proceeded to comment on the no recoil, smoother "springier" trigger. Next thing I know a few others came over to check it out.. On to the gaming... we played like 3 games then it started to rain. This game I eliminated all 6 players from the opposition single handedly. I probably would not have been able to do this with the LVL10. I heard my gun misfire about 8 times during the game and I'm sure it was from a wetball that got hung in the feed tube from the warp. Anyway...after the game we were all huddled under the field Store (kinda out in the woods... old tin barn) roof. When someone walked up and said
"Hey rumor has it you eliminated all 6 people that last game."
I then told them my secret.. I showed off the system to about 6 more people this time as the other people were talking about the eliminations I got lol. This time the field owner asked most of the questions. I informed them on how you can now tune the softness for different velocities.. you get 3 springs several carriers and the retail price will be around 85$ last I heard. The wanted to see the bolt not chop paint. I took a slightly damp paintball out of the feedtube. I put it halfway in the breech and twisted the barrel enough to hold it in place..I then proceeded to fire away as fast as I could (With barrel condom on of course) and it didn't break or chop the softer paintball shell. Everyone that was watching was like I can't believe that I'm seeing this. All in all good day for showing off the upgrade. Job well done AGD. I'll be showing this off at two different fields in the next two weeks. I may not play much but I'll show it off!

Chaotic Pattern
07-15-2002, 10:36 AM
Where can i buy?. . . . . i checked the agd store and i didnt find it. . . .

Will Wood
07-15-2002, 12:12 PM
Here is a quote from one of the many Angel users I practice with.

"You still using that peice of crap Wilbur?? So what my gun doesn't chop anyways."

No overall big impression..I have made 2 bucks so far thought, shooting my finger.

I hope to get a big impression on the 28th at the next MAC.

07-15-2002, 07:12 PM
One thing that I always find interesting are those who overlook the fact that not only does the Mag no longer chop, but it does it at several-hundred less than the competitors (not the only factor, but something I find funny).

Most of the people in my area aren't keen enough to know about chopping anyways, so it really isn't a big deal to them. Hopefully this weekend I can do the tour and show some shop owners.

07-15-2002, 08:31 PM
I walk out to my field and my conversation goes like this

"Ross, remember that level 10 thing I was talking to you about last week... the thing that makes mags really easy on paint?

Yeah I remember that.

Well here it is (I lay my zgrip RT on the bench)

Doesnt look any different, but its AGD I take it its all inside that counts right?

Yep :-)

Well, its all good and dandy they made it easier on paint, but It doesnt matter much till you can get it to stop on your finger, then I'll be impressed

(thinking he didnt remember much of what we talked about the week before I put my pinky in the breach all the way down and pull the trigger)

(as I pull the trigger) OH GOD!!! (and spins away covering his face expecting for blood to fly. looks at me in amazement) now, thats having faith in a mag, I NEVER would have done that. that thing has my respect"

that was my favorite story, i had several others but when he spun away to avoid seeing blood fly that was just great :-)

07-15-2002, 08:54 PM
Ok, Since i'm the only mag in my ENTIRE TOWN (yes it's true, so i have to make a good name for my self, used to be a cocker, but defected)people poke fun at me. I stoped playing with my mag for about 3 weeks, and played with my Ras. Then i got my LVL10 and my ELCD, had the body powder coated black, it was a new mag. I walked on to the target range, beside one of my friends with his angels, and newbies gawking, he wailed off about 12 bps, they were so impressed, he turned to me and said "Now lets see if one makes it out the barrel" they noticed my powder coating, made a comment about how the color won't help me not smash balls. I turned my ELCD to turbo and ripped out 15 bps not one chop, not one barrel brake. when i stoped the load, all the newbies were now gawking around my mag. Thats right, I put an Angel in it's place with a 68 classic!

Here she is.

07-16-2002, 01:14 AM
I've been telling everyone i know about this upgrade, tell them where to download "the buck stops here" video, they were all against mags cause chopping. Now i think as soon as my preordered extreme comes in they will all sell there current gun and buy a mag. Angels are going down, people will realize they ain't that special. Anymore any gun can shoot like another, till LVL10.

07-16-2002, 09:01 AM
I just got a bad thought...anyone else worried that some impressionable kid is going to stick his pinky in a L7 or RT mag "like that guy over there did" and chop it off?

07-16-2002, 09:21 AM
Would it actually chop it off? Probably just hurt like heck and get a cut, unless he's real young.

I'm betting that might also have to do with why there isn't an official video of Mr Kaye sticking his finger in a gun.

07-16-2002, 11:24 AM
Well, all but one of my n2 tanks timed out this weekend. So i was stuck with running my mag on co2.... thankfully it washot enough that it just didn't matter.

As usual my mag was the loaner gun. We slapped a 20oz tank on it, and a barrel that matched the JT paint we were shooting. And then I handed the gun to a first time paintball player.

usually when I loan out the gun, it get's goo in it's first game. Sunday the gun went through another 700 rounds, goo free. And this time on co2.

And in the process, I think we hooked another girl on paintball ;-)

07-17-2002, 12:50 PM
I'll tell you right now. I did not know waht a mag would do to ur finger before lvl10. my friend got it and i said hell lemme stick it in the breach(my finger u sickos). So i do he shoots no biggy. Then he told me what wouild have happened. I wouldnt have done it first if he told me that before:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

07-19-2002, 09:45 AM
This story may or may not be relevant, but here it goes. I have been playing in a 3 man series with a guy that has an E-mag, but then bought an IR3. The first leg of the series his team was in first place (when he used his E-mag). At that time I was getting an E-mag so I talked to him about it. He said he liked it but was going to get an IR3 because his Mag chopped too much. I told him about level 10. He was interested but had his mind made up on the IR3. Jump forward a month. He now was using his IR3 and I had my E-mag with level 10 beta. I showed him my E-mag and demonstrated the level 10. He even stuck his finger in with out hesitation. He was thoroughly impressed but said he really liked his new IR3. Fast forward again to the end of the day. His team went from first place to ninth place, (out of 11). Our team went from 2nd to 1st :D I asked what happened, why the turn around? He said that he just played better with the E-mag. Now he will be keeping the E-mag and getting level 10!

I know this story is not really about level 10, but it tells a story about how the feel of a gun can matter more then the performance. If your comfortable with your marker is the true question. I know that when I have my Mini in hand I feel like an army of cocker shooters don't stand a chance. It's that confidence in my marker that I have only felt with AGD equipment. My Level 10 E-mag just makes it even better.

Doc Nickel
07-20-2002, 03:30 PM
Well, I can't say I went and impressed anyone at the field yet, and for that matter, I haven't even given the thing a good anti-chop test, but I did write up an interesting article about dragging my 'Mag out of the parts-box for the first time in at least two-years-plus.

I'd been meaning to anyway- like all my other personal projects that get set aside indefinitely for shopwork- and getting an L10 kit was reason enough.

"Dude, where's my 'Mag? (http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=9013&messageid=1027165151)"


07-20-2002, 11:17 PM
Doc you know you can just turn that hex nut in on the reg piston and it could have saved you a little work. Providing that you didnt turn it in too much you would also have a functional reg piston with pressure relief.

Doc Nickel
07-21-2002, 12:41 AM
Except that it's quite thoroughly loctited in there.

I suppose with a judicious application of heat and some soft blocks in a vise, I could have gotten it to turn... Although doing so risks damaging the piston body.

Heck, it took less than five minutes, start to finish, to part off a bit of .500" brass rod, and had I adjusted the original, I would have had no idea at what pressure I'd have set the poppet- without a lot of experimentation, anyway- so the end result was basically a wash.


07-21-2002, 02:15 AM
wow I wish I had a lathe I would be making stuff all day.

07-21-2002, 08:14 AM
ok here goes
my lvl 10 kits came in two days ago
(one for me and one for a teamate) unfortunatly my emag was off with gecko at a tournament so we installed the kits into my micro and jareds clasic
here are the specs on the markers

gen 2 micro mag with retrovalve and a benchy frame running a preset screw in 48 3k pmi tank

jareds clasic
running my extra emag body retro valve benchy 2x frame and a 68 3k flatline

we had both kits installed and running in 35 mins so we decided to take them to exutive indoor in the hadley mall (a very cocker biased store but a bunch of good guys)

we have known the owner and workers for many years and we have always taken flak for owning mags

I took jareds gun on the field with a vl 200 and stale field paint (as I was walking onto the field I got three anti mag comments 2 from the staff and one from a cocker toting player)

#1 oh a mag hope you brought a squeegie
#2 when are you going to give up on those and buy a real gun
#3 and from the owner ... I still have one of those I use it as a paperweight

I got to the field chronod and walked on before a game was going to play with the gun a bit
I rolled the gun from left to right to try to make it chop pst pst pst no chop then I started hacking on the trigger to make it short stroke pst pst pst no chops
a couple pepople started paying attention and asking questions so I let people try to chop with it ..... nobody could get it to and they were most certanly not being nice to it.

jared took the feed port off my micro and was continuasly pulling the trigger on a half fed ball and it would not brake it
we shut alot of people up

thank you AGD
I have proudly used your products for many years (not that they were anything but great before)but all I can say is wow
I really think that this will blow the mags are hard on paint sterotype right out of the water and put your products right where they should be .... in the hands of winning teams

gliney the mag monkey

07-21-2002, 06:20 PM
This is the 2nd weekend that I've been able to use my LVL1o in my SFL. Well I went to a tourney today and got to show her off. Firt off we had to shot diablo blaze and I didn't have one problem all day. I love it no more squegee for me. Anyway I was sitting inbetween the 2 fields waiting for some one to coment on my SFL and someone did and I told them that it had LVL10 and they were like:confused: I proceeded to show them what it was. After taking my barrel and breech off which guy were amazed that it took cocker barrels and angel ball dents:) I showed them what happend when I put my finger in there. One guy whas like dude what are you doing with your finger that will hurt, I gust kinda laughed to myself. Psst, psst and there jaws were on the ground they were like no way how does that do that. They kept asking what pressure i had it set at to do that. I showed them that it was a regular old screw in tank and they couldn't believe it, wheres the reg you have to be dropping that down. Nope sorry just the one and thats built in:p It was so much fun to show it off and do all the crazy tests. I turned off my revy to show a ref that no matter what it wouldn't break, shot it on its side, put my finger in the breech, etc. I just love this gun and LVL10.

07-21-2002, 09:31 PM
My R/T was in the shop having the on/off valve replaced prior to AO Day II. I also had an Intelliframe installed on it. After making the 2+ hour drive to AO Day II, I was quite dismayed to learn that AGDJon had left my gun at his hotel. I was not happy at the thought of using my back-up Tippman. Ever the salesman, Jon lent me his Mini-Mag with the R/T Valve, Level 10 and warp feed. I shot the cheap paint all day in the heat as fast as I could without a single ball break. The gun absolutely ripped.

Needless to say, I just ordered my level 10 Thursday and picked up a warp feed yesterday. All I have left to do is wire my warp to my Intelliframe. Thanks Jon for the incredible product demo!!!!!!

All I can say is that it works, it really, really works!

Patron God of Pirates
07-22-2002, 11:01 AM
Install: I spent three hours trying to get it running right only to discover two things-

1) I am an idiot
2) The kit was missing the backing washer

I call up one of the office gals and two days later I've got my washer. In the middle of fine tuning the LV.10 in my RTP, my tank blows an O-Ring, and I'm fresh out.

Lv.10 VS. They guys at X-Fire Nashua:

So I drive three mins. up the street to X-Fire Paintball in Nashua. Grab a new O-Ring and while I'm at it I ask the Clerk

PGoP: "have you seen the Level Ten work yet?"
X-Fire Clerk 1: "No, what's that? A new Valve?"
PGoP: "Uh.. sort of. It is a new low impact front end."
XFC1: "What does it do?"
PGoP: "You got an Alan wrench and a pen?"
XFC1: "Sure, here you go"

He hands me the wrench and pen and I screw in the tank. I adjust the velocity and use the pen to be sure the bolt is hitting nice and soft. At this point the guy is staring at me wondering what I'm doing to his poor pen. I can see visions running through his mind of me blasting pen ink all over his shop.

I squeeze off six or seven rounds with the barrel off just to be sure the bolt is resetting etc.

Then I stick my finger in the breach through the opening in the powerfeed. At this the guy throws his arms up and moves towards me with a terrified look on his face. Like I'm a newb who's about to blow his finger off in his shop.

RTP: "pft pft pft pft pft pft pft"

He stops in his tracks

XFC1: "Whoa!"
PGoP: "Yep, you want to try?"

He starts to put his pinkie in the breach and the turns it around so the bolt will hit the soft side.

RTP: "pft pft pft pft pft pft pft"

XFC1: "Whoa!"
PGoP: "Yep."
XFC1: " [X-Fire Clerk 2] get out here!!!"

The other guy in the shop makes his way out from the back. Having listened to the repetitive "pfting".

XFC2: "That sounds healthy"
XFC1: "Have you seen this? It changes everything for Mags"

We do the demonstration again. XFC2 seems more upset than impressed. Oh well, I think he's a Shocker guy. Level Ten can be very upsetting to Shocker guys.

I leave.

Lv.10 VS 1 week old AO Day II paint

I get home and immediately grab my remaining tube of Kick'n paint from the Jersey party. I had spent the week in my trunk, and bounce tested at 3. I use the barrel twist lock to hold a ball 1/2 way into the breach and proceed to shoot it, allot. How much? I had 2500 PSI left in my 88/4500 Crossfire. I emptied it (well, shot it until the RT wouldn't recharge).

Over 400 shots! The thing would not break! I'm betting I could empty a scuba into a marb!

Those are my stories for now.

07-23-2002, 05:48 PM
I told the big guy there at X-fire that Level 10 was coming 3 months ago. I guess he wasn't listening. You try to inform these people....

07-28-2002, 08:34 PM
I just took my Level 10 Emag out, chrono'd 275 three times in a row and then proceeded out to the field. I shot twelve pods and didn't chop or break any paint at all. I got accused of shooting full auto, made two Angel owners want to trade me, one's board was fried, the other just liked the fact that in Hybrid mode it outshot his crumby Dark Angel LCD. I am thinking of now selling my newest Timmy as the Emag outperformed it handily. Tom -Level 10 is the greatest!!!!!

07-28-2002, 09:54 PM
For weeks now, since returning to the forum and learning about the lvl 10, I've been sharing as much about the lvl 10 as I can. From the local shops to the field I visit. The refs and the local stores knew almost nothing about it. They did have misconceptions, such as how the lvl 10 makes the Mag into a low pressure gun as to be gentle on paint.

One of the store had a high speed internet connection, so I decided to bring them to AO and show him what the lvl 10 is capable of. They were in disbelief and as everyone has heard so often now, "Mags might make a come back." I'll be taking my Rt Pro to the shop sometime in the next 2 weeks, as I made a promise to give a demo for them.


AS for the field I visited yesterday, the refs immediately asked upon seeing my Mag if I was going to install the lvl 10 kit in my marker. I told them I already did. The whole day, they asked if I had chopped yet. Finally they couldn't resist and asked if they could try my marker out. Two of them proceeded to fire it, and one immediately pointed out how smooth the trigger was. All he could say was, "sweet...." At the end of the day, they dared me to rip the rest of my paint by the Chrono. I emptied a full revvy as fast as I could. The ref shouted out, "chop chop chop." I turned around and shouted back, "Not one chop!"

They were impressed. One of the refs has a Mag lying around somewhere in his home and he'll be ordering the lvl 10 kit in. Even better news, I saw two mag owners on the field. The most I've ever seen at one time in southern California. One's had his Mag for 8-10 years now and he's more than happy with it. I told him about the lvl 10 kit and told him to visit the forum. He asked me several times for the address, which to me means he was definately interested.

I rarely chopped before installing the lvl 10. Only on 4 occasions have I chopped. I can recall all of them to you if you'd like. I bought the kit so that it adds another lvl of protection where it insures I will not be sitting on the side cleaning my gun when I could be playing instead.

In short I'm a happy guy.


At the field I've somehow become to be known as the Mag guy. With my recent Warp Feed addition, I get more attention than ever. I recieve comments such as

"That's a killer gun... what the hell is that... That thing looks awesome."

The best is from Timmy and Angel owners who ask:

"That's an RT right? Is it fast? How accurate is it?... Can I shoot it?"

With the accuracy question, I promptly respond accuracy has mostly to do with your paint to barrel match. (Yes, it's more complicated than that, especially since most people mistake accuracy with consistency. However, I see it's best left with the first statement. Either they'll take it or leave it.)

The best is when my friends point out people just staring at my marker through their mask with wide open eyes. This has to be the funniest though... While in the middle of the game, a kid doesn't realize I have a warp feed and shouts to me, "Hey your hopper fell off!!"

NOTE: I think cockers are great markers. Same with the angel and infact, I wouldn't mind having a timmy. What I am is a very happy guy with a Mag, and would like to make sure at the field that whatever 'myth' players have about Mags be corrected. If it means having them impressed with the 'look' of my Mag, then so be it. From there I can correctly answer their questions.

Sorry for the long post and going off topic a bit.


07-29-2002, 02:22 PM
well what can i say
a bril job on the level 10
i had it installed @ a tornie in minutes by mr sosta esq
and then went out 2 play our second game
now i play as a back/mid player so therefore shoot quite an ammount out
we were using a rather brittle paint on the day
and talk about like having a new marker
not one of our teams broke any paint 9apart from accidently firing into our gun socks)
just to make more of this point
the other teams we were playing against were getting breaks

also our shots were flying straight as well
a good day was had by all
so therefore
thanks agd and to john sosta and agd europe
a good gun now even better

aka bagpipe hedz

07-31-2002, 09:39 PM
I got my lvl 10 up and it works great! The bolt will not chop balls(0 bounce Diablo) but the opposite side will cit the shell after 5 to 15 hits from the bolt. I love it, usually it would have creamed the ball. (that did not sound good)

08-04-2002, 11:35 PM
Got to play at Skirmish USA today. I had to have the tech help me out (blew the feed nipple o-ring on my tank) and he asked if it was one of the NEW RT-mags (new RT?) Anyway, I mentioned it was an original except for the LX mod. He asked what it was and I was more than happy to show him the finger trick. He thought it was so cool, that he took it and showed all the Tech's. :D Also got to show it to the people I played with. (Granted I got accused of full auto use today) Wanted to see how I was able to not chop anything as fast as I was shooting. I was MORE than willing to show them. And to tell them about the "Infamous Tongue Video"


08-07-2002, 10:40 AM
This was a suprise again! I found some very, very old paint(I am not lying when I say I pulled this stuff out from the closet...I can't remember the last time I used PMI Premiums). Guessing that it is about 5 months old, my test reveal its a 0-2 bounce test. I load up the hopper with the stuff, expecting a few breaks. Pulling the trigger as fast as I could, the lvl 10 in my retro valve allowed every single ball to pass unharmed. Some balls broke after they left the barrel, but none in the breech or barrel! Amazing!

This test convinced a long time friend to buy an RT Pro. He was as amazed as I was!

08-11-2002, 06:40 PM
It was a typical day at Crossfire, us refs were gettin ready for the long day, knowing we werent going to be able to play until practice after we close down the field.

So like usual, we loan our guns to newbs in the morning and let them test out whatever new upgrades we have on our markers for us and therfore prove its withstood the *newbie torture test*

So todays line up was: A 2001 right feed cocker with a list of upgrades to long for me to put here... (he just put a bomb 3-way on it and with the swing frame it made for a VERY short trigger so he was lookin to test it out), a BRAND NEW vision impulse, and my good ole level 10 minimag.

The autocockers timing was slightly off so shortstroking became an issue and it chopped.

The Impulse chopped on the first shot for somereason... and the paint from the broken ball covered the eye so it wouldnt shoot.

The mag shot great all day! Not one problem. Actually i did have one newb at the chrono who couldnt figure out why it wasnt shooting. He comes up to me and goes "hey, your gun isnt working" ... he pulls the trigger and i hear the distinctive sound "pffft pfft pffft" :) i removed the swollen ball from the breech and he was off.

So over all, all the newbs who shot my mag were not one bit dissapointed :D