View Full Version : electric frame

07-15-2002, 12:49 AM
I have been hearing that if i got a electric frame that it wouldn't short stroke anymore. is this true? if so what frame would you recommend for 250 or under.

Chaotic Pattern
07-15-2002, 10:29 AM
yep, it's true. But dont confuse short stroking with chopping. I had a pf mag w/ a centerflag hyper frame (200) and short stroking is a thing of the past. However, even with a 12v Revy, a long fast string (about 20 and up) is hard to sustain without a chop. I found the hyper frame to be most usefull in snap shots and 3-5 (and occasionaly 10) shot strings. The light trigger is very helpful in achieving higher rates of fire. One problem i had with the hyper frame was with the mechanical safty, it got stuck and i wasnt able to play with it. I called centerflag and they offered to fix it free of charge (except for shipping and handling) but i decided to talk to one of their techs and ultimately just removed the safty (it took a wrench and a lot of muscle). It worked fine after that and i just turned the frame off when i wanted to put it in "safe". I dont recomend this if you dont have problems though, it was just a decision of mine, i could have sent it to centerflag but i didnt want to wait a month for my gun to be fixed. Other than that, make sure you have a tank with high flow and a good reg, your gonna need it with your increased rof.

07-16-2002, 10:34 AM
get a hyperframe. Install it, if it doesn't work perfectly call up centerflag, and ask them to set it up right. It cost my friend about $6 shipping and it came back working perfectly. Otherwise you will eat up a lot of bolts.

And short stroking is a thing of the past with it. Awesome for snap shooting.

07-16-2002, 10:46 AM
I loved my hyperframe mag. SUPER fast, no short strokes, and with my warpfeed, never chopped! Hyperframe is KEY.

www.skunk.com - it's key

Chaotic Pattern
07-16-2002, 07:46 PM
Dub Star, U know who DOWN is? One of Phil Anselmo's bands? I caught their concert in las vegas about a month and a half ago. Neways, i was wondering if you knew any websites that sold concert tee's infinity1.com doesnt have the one i'm looking for, any others that you know of?

07-17-2002, 12:59 AM
yeah my friend has a hyperframe, but you could get a level 10 you could still shortstroke but it will not chop, plus you can retrovalve for 200 and it will greatly up your ROF (electros are no fun!)

07-17-2002, 03:44 PM
i agree get a hyperframe

07-24-2002, 12:56 AM
Could anyone tell me where I can get a hyperframe and how much does it cost? Thanks

07-24-2002, 08:35 AM
you can get then almost anywhere.... i dunno where is the cheapest but 888paintball has then for like $230... lol... buy a used one for like $150 i got mine for $125 :) and how come dub got cooler grips than me.. mine are checkered... his are like mountains