View Full Version : The adventures of FatMan and Uncle Phil

07-15-2002, 09:35 AM
The Adventures of FatMan and Uncle Phil North of the Mason-Dixon Line:

Old Farts Visit the Yankees and are greeted with considerable

We headed out at 5:30am on Friday morning with a truckload of gear and
two sleepy kids. Uncle Phil was at the wheel and we had NPR on the
radio. Outside of Charlotte we stopped and had breakfast at Hardee's.
We headed North over the mountains. The morning ride waa uneventful, I
read, the boys slept, and Phil drove.

Stopped in VA for lunch at Mickey-D's then I took over driving. We
spwnt the better part of the day in VA. Lots of caves in VA. Luray
Caverns, Endless Caverns, Shenandoah Caverns, Lost River Caverns, Indian
Echo Caverns, Crystal Cave, Skyline Caverns, ... Finally we took a shot
jaunt across West VA then a short trip across MD and we were into PA.

PA Dutch country is beautiful, at least until Allentown where it gets
urban again. There the roads got tricky as we made our way north and
prepared to cross the Delaware. I don't know why GW had such a time
with the Delaware, there's a perfectly nice bridge. We noticed that you
can get into NJ for free, but it costs three dollars to leave! Still,
traffic was lined up for a mile trying to get out.

NJ was nothing like we expected. Rolling hills, long ridges, trees, and
lots and lots of farms dominated the scenery. We turned off I-80 and
headed north through Andover, Newton, and then finally into Sussex.
This area was quite beautiful with nice houses, well kept farms, old
tunnels, and quaint town squares.

Once into Sussex we had to call the hotel to find out how to get there.
A nice sounding young guy answered and one I told him where we were he
told me to go 100 feet, turn right and proceeded to name every building
on the road. After about 12 I broke in and asked if the hotel was ON
that road or if there were more turns. That was it so I asked which
side and how far down and got off the phone.

Minutes later we met this genious. He had red hair sticking out in all
directions, a long but sparse red beard, and a smashed in face all pasty
with freckles. His teeth indicated he' been on the losing end of too
manybar fights. I guess they have rednecks everywhere. We saw
confederate battle flags in VA, NRA stickers and Charleton Heston for
president decals and one truck with the sign "attack Iraq Iran
Afghanistan." Makes me tired of taking crap about South Carolina.

We were told the hotel was "not a three star hotel and looks like a
dump." The Sussex Motel was NOT three star and it WAS a dump! But it
was clean, there were no fleas, and we didn't see any roaches as long as
we kept the lights on.

We had an hour of daylight left so we went to find the field.
Apparently we weren't invited to the planning dinner with Jon, Mel, the
Mills, and Capo. No matter, we headed off. Good thing since our
directions were all messed up and trievto take us the wrong way up a one
way street. Not sure why Sussex needs a one way street anyway. Anyway
we eventually found a little country road that dead-ended in a farm with
a "private drive - beware of dog" sign. I assured Phil this was it so
we headed in until comming around a bend in the drive we spied a farmer
in his garden giving us glare that might have killed a lesser man!

I quickly suggested that Phil get the hell out of there when we spotted
a parking sign. So we ducked in there. We found a trailer with some
paintball signs and not much else. So we decided to head out, but
before we could get out the old farner was at the road wanting to stop.
"Who are you?" was all he asked. The guy was in his sixties, but by the
look of him he could have taken Phil and I appart ant not break a sweat.
We told him we had just drove 800 miles from SC to play paintball. Then
he told us his life story and told us his son - a former body builder -
was the field owner and was down at the barn getting the air system
going. He sent us down there - nice guy!
Steve, the field owner/operator was the "most built teenager in America"
when he was 19. He looks like a young Arnold Schwartzhisnager, and he's
the nicest guy you'll meet. Phil's first impression was "that's guy's
wife must be gorgeous!" and she was (she pictures). The fields were
newly completed that day - a hyperball field, airball field, and woods
field. We got the private tour, including the opportunity to pic out
some sweet spots to later play (heh heh).

Back to the hotel for a beer, then out for dinner. Only one place to
eat in Sussex - the Sussex Queen Diner. Highly recommended. No,
really! We ate all our meals there and the waitresses got to know us
pretty well (me maybe a little more than they wanted). Finally back tot
he hotel to crash. For some reason they don't do wake-up calls there.
Go figure!

Next morning after a breakfast of eggs, scrapple, bacon, and toast at
the diner, we arrived at the field about 7:20 - ahead of most of the
field staff - and got our tent set up. Zach the dog (Big dog! Big
brown hunry dog!) loved hangin' with us! We took care of the important
stuff first - shade, chairs, cooler, grill, tables, paintball cocktails
(blue Gatorade), and candy for the little girls. Eventually we got out
the markers and masks and pads and jerseys and stuff too.

People started arriving - first on the scene was Kaiser_Bob (who looks
NOTHING like a "Kaiser_Bob" - a Bob maybe, but I don't get the "Kaiser."
Oh well!), soon followed by Tunaman and TunamanJr (who set up next to
us) and Jon from AGD, and RPM07. After a bit I had to head back up to
the parking lot to visit the little paintball player's room and ran into
Thordic and Riotz (who presented me with my very own official NJ AO club
member card - honorary of course). After joking with tha ladies camped
out by the port-o-johns about the fact that they had one "resevered" for
ladies only (which means that's where the guys go when the need to sit
down - cause the ladies never use those things anyway) and getting
"refreshed" we started talking with all the folks who were arriving. We
talked to Capo and SprayingMango and I met Steve's wife, and Mel, and
Mel's wife, and I made a point of meeting any other ladies in the area
(as is my special calling). SpacemanSpiff and Gunga and other were
around. It was getting interesting.

They kept calling everyone up to the parking area for orientation, but
then they never had orientation. I guess they didn't realize us old
guys have a hard time walking up and down that hill! The thing must
have been 10 feet high! Seems they had trouble with air for a bit, but
got that worked out. The paint arrived (which looked a little funny,
but shot just fine) we got air, we got oriented and the next thing you
know, there's pick-up games going on the speedball fields! We jumped in
for a few games to get the lay of the fields. I found both fields to be
a LOT of fun. There were just the right size for 3 to 7 players per
team, they were sparse enough that they weren't a maze, but there was
plenty of opportunity for movement. No huge lanes, but lots of good
angles. All the day the play was very exciting and I think they were
very good speedball fields.

Woods ball got started - I didn't do this until later, so I'll tell you
about it then. There was a "mini 3-man" tourney scheduled. There were
8 teams. Unfortunately it was not "mini." The tourney took up both the
speedball fields for most of the day. I would suggest next time playing
two division of 4 and then let the division winners play for the whole
thing - and do it on one field so others can play pickup on the second
field. Anyway, the tourney WAS fun to watch. After a bit I headed to
the woods. It was a very interesting field, maybe 300 yards long, maybe
75 yards across at the 50 and tapered to a point at each end. There was
a ridge running lengthwise down the middle, with a road to either side
of it. All bunkers were of natural construction (logs, rock, etc.).
Lots of nooks and crannies to hid it. Lots of poison ivy EVERYWHERE!
After two games I am convinced the narrower side of the ridge is the key
to the field. Whoever owned that could move back and forth along the
ridge and then pop up to shoot. A very fun field, and there were usually
15 or more players per team.

Last game I played in the woods, after a nasty firefight between three
of us and three of them, that resulted me standing along, I moved into
some thick stuff to cross the ridge and run up on some kid with a
Tippman. Never even saw him - he stitched me with about 6 rounds from
about 10 feet. Left a welt on my left shoulder that is destined to
become the most memorable paintball wound I have ever taken. This was
the first time I have taken a hit where ten minutes later I was whining
about how much it hurt - so I had to take some Motrin and put ice on it.
The bruise it left looks like I'm growing a third eye or a teet or
something! The thing STILL hurts now two days later! See the pictures!

Finally, as the tourney wound down, Kaiser_Bob did his chair thing
(where he played the game sitting in a chair behing a cone - and earned
himself an honorary "Old Fart"d title) they played the top-gun contest
and then there was more pickup ball on the courts. By now there were
lots of pent-up players wanting to play speedball and they got into some
10-on-10's on a 5-man court - which meant there were sheets of paint
flying all over the place. I had to jump in on a couple of those - it
was just so much mayhem - how could I not?

Finally, I was out of paint, out of energy, out of just about
everything. Called it quits. Spent the rest of the day talking and
taking pictures. Had a couple of good conversations with Bill and Dawn
Mills - did you know Dawn has a REALLY nice butt? She does! She showed
it to me even, and I told her I was quite impressed! We talked about
the future of paintball, paintball clubs in college, putting on events
like this one, and other stuff! Phil and I told her stories of South
Carolina. Also talked to Patron God of Pirates, FreshmanBob,
OldSoldier, Will, and of course Capo!

Finally it was over, everyone was packing up. There were hugs all
around and promises to road-trip to South Carolina when we get our AO
meet going (soon - any southeast AO's who want to have an AO meet down
here?). We didn't want to leave, but hunger was calling, so we headed
back to the hotel and showered, then back to the Diner for another great

The next morning it was one last breakfast of eggs and scrapple at the
diner, then we started heading south! The ride back wasn't as much fun
as the ride, up, maybe because we were all dead tired and sore and
wishing we were playing more paintball - but there were lots of great
memories and stories to tell. The trip was uneventful and 14 hours
later, we were back in Clemson, tired, but happy.

This was a wonderful event! The fields were great, the games were a LOT
of fun, but most of all it was great to meet everyone and talk and hang
out and play together. I highly recommend AO meets - if you get a
chance to go to one, you should, and if you don't have one in your area,
you should try to find other AO'ers around and get one going. The folks
on the boards will be happy to help you set one up, and the folks at AGD
will be supportive. Thanks to Thordic and Riotz and those guys for
putting this on and inviting us up (we better see you when we throw
ours)!. Thanks to Capo for being such a good sport when the fan club
was doing "gimme a C ... C ... gimme a A ... A ..." and so on. Thanks
to Jon for being Jon! Thanks to Steve and Mel and Steve's dad, and Zach
for being the hosts. Thanks to all the ladies to had some candy or a
paintball cocktail! Thanks to ALL the ladies, just for being you!
Thanks to Bill and Dawn for their support! Thanks to Dawn for letting
me check and out her butt (and Bill for not getting mad about it).
Thanks to Uncle Phil for driving my sorry butt up there.

That's all for now,


07-15-2002, 09:52 AM
The NJ AO meet sounds like it was lots of fun! Where are the pictures?! ;) ;) ;)

Originally posted by FatMan
This was a wonderful event! The fields were great, the games were a LOT
of fun, but most of all it was great to meet everyone and talk and hang
out and play together. I highly recommend AO meets - if you get a
chance to go to one, you should, and if you don't have one in your area,
you should try to find other AO'ers around and get one going. The folks
on the boards will be happy to help you set one up, and the folks at AGD
will be supportive.We definitely need a Southeast AO meet to go on. There's more than a few of us out here in Alabama (4 or 5? Prob. more) and I know there are lots of AOers int he other SE states. Maybe we can arrange another AO meet for us Southeasterners :);) ;)

The Frymarker
07-15-2002, 09:54 AM
Hey Great story....very discriptive:D

Wish I could have gone, but too much to do here, maybe next time.

I lived in NJ most of my life and yes there are rednecks everywhere.

NJ is a great place to live.

07-15-2002, 09:55 AM
hey fatman you finally met a guy who was a builder that does paintball and can fit in a XL jersey(like the quote in the sig)

o yeah and you should come up to rhode island sometime and you can play with me and frymarker!

07-15-2002, 10:01 AM
great story, and yes i think we do need a southeastern AO meet, becasuse i live in georgia :) ! so yeah if we did have one i would come along with a few of my other friends

07-15-2002, 10:04 AM
Almost to the Mason-Dixon

07-15-2002, 10:04 AM
LittleBoy and ccaleb

07-15-2002, 10:06 AM
TunamanJr and Tunaman

07-15-2002, 10:06 AM
The fields.

07-15-2002, 10:08 AM

07-15-2002, 10:08 AM
cphilip (in Albina Skunk shirt)

07-15-2002, 10:10 AM
FreshmanBob, Liz, wifeHawk (Iron Maidens), and SHAG

07-15-2002, 10:10 AM
When there is a meet down in the Carolina's, count me IN!! :) Fatman and the crew were like family members, and I only just met them!!!! It was like we knew eachother for years. If you guys are ever passing through NJ (like maybe going to Atlantic City) you have a free place to stay!! My house is 100yards from the AC expressway.

07-15-2002, 10:11 AM
Steve's (field owner) wife - thought I had a picture of Steve too, but I must not have gotten it!

07-15-2002, 10:12 AM
wifeHawk (Iron Maidens) and Liz

07-15-2002, 10:14 AM
I think this is the only "little girl" who didn't get any candy. I tried, she just wouldn't take it! It turns out this is Graycie!

07-15-2002, 10:19 AM
Thats Amy Low (aka graycie). come on you had to know that!! :D

07-15-2002, 10:21 AM
the staging area

07-15-2002, 10:21 AM
AO meet in the South East sounds great. I'm from NC and would try to make it to one as long as it isn't a 4+ hour drive (have to get my parents to drive seeing as how I can't yet.) Hope to have one put on sometime in the near future.

07-15-2002, 10:25 AM
rare photo of cphilip actually PLAYING paintball. On the break! (ccaleb is the one is the foreground. cphilip's kid)

07-15-2002, 10:25 AM
We could do one in Birmingham:D

07-15-2002, 10:26 AM
cphilip in action - and Capo's rear end (haha! I got one!)

07-15-2002, 10:27 AM
cphilip and Capo in action. Thats ccaleb (cphilips kid) in the foreground.

07-15-2002, 10:29 AM
Cool pics...got any of me? (Flames JErsey) :D

07-15-2002, 10:32 AM
SpacemanSpiff - can't see it in this pic, but that's an SFL he's holding!

07-15-2002, 10:33 AM

07-15-2002, 10:34 AM
Me, Capo, Gunga, Phil, and Riotz
This photo was hard to get as the gravity around me normally sucks in all the light!

07-15-2002, 10:36 AM
This photo was VERY hard to get. As you can see, Phil and I have her blocked from both sides, and Gugna has her blocked from behind. Her only escape was toward the camera and it took her just a moment to figure out which way to bolt (which she did a fraction of a second after this photo was taken).

07-15-2002, 10:38 AM

07-15-2002, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by epterry
We could do one in Birmingham:D

Plans are in the works to do one here in Clemson, SC - its central to Atlanta, Charlotte, most of NC, some of TN, GA, SC, even North Florida.

Its about 4 hours from B'ham.


07-15-2002, 10:40 AM

07-15-2002, 10:41 AM
Jon and others enjoying the party!

07-15-2002, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by FatMan

Plans are in the works to do one here in Clemson, SC - its central to Atlanta, Charlotte, most of NC, some of TN, GA, SC, even North Florida.

Its about 4 hours from B'ham.

after seeing how much fun you guys had, I might be tempted to make the 10+ hour drive for that.
on a side note are you and uncle phil comming to shatnerball?

07-15-2002, 10:42 AM
??? of Black Cell cooking burgers and dogs!

07-15-2002, 10:43 AM
Perfect Tommy. This guy hasn't been on the boards yet, but is going to be!

07-15-2002, 10:44 AM
RPM07 and I'm not sure in the background.

07-15-2002, 10:45 AM
Gunga - maybe too much ganga?

07-15-2002, 10:46 AM
Dawn Mills right after I asked her to let me check out her butt. She wouldn't net me take a picture of it - but trust me, it was VERY nice!

07-15-2002, 10:46 AM
you got me Fatman, purple jersey with camera. ahh thats a bad picture :) tee hee

the guy in the red PB junkies jersey is Spacemanspiff of Black Cell

The guy on the BBQ--I have NO idea who he was. he just started cookin I guess. haha

07-15-2002, 10:48 AM
billmi (Bill Mills) - is it me or does this guy look like Paul McCartney? Never could get him to sing!

07-15-2002, 10:50 AM
HAHAHA paul mcCartney!! hahahahaa!!! The mills and I had an interesting conversation about....wait....Dawn said she would hurt me the "not so nice way" if I told anyone. So better keep that one under wraps! :) Dawn is very intimidating when she wants to be! :eek:

07-15-2002, 10:50 AM
Patron God of Pirates

07-15-2002, 10:52 AM
I think this is 1stDeadeye

07-15-2002, 10:53 AM
yup spacemanspiff was the only SFL there (and usually is where ever he goes). Oh the guy with the Blue jersey in the chair, leaning back, is RPM07 i believe.

07-15-2002, 10:53 AM
And this is BigZamboni

07-15-2002, 10:54 AM
And here's all three - Team Pickup 2nd place, but first in points!

07-15-2002, 10:55 AM

07-15-2002, 10:56 AM
Gunga and Capo - what's with everyone picking up Capo and carrying her around that day? And how come I never got a chance?

07-15-2002, 10:57 AM
Again SHAG. Apparently LittleBoy (my son) did this to him!

07-15-2002, 10:58 AM
Last shot of Liz, laughing at the the last guy (I think her BF, hubby, or SO).

And that's all I've got!

The Frymarker
07-15-2002, 11:10 AM
great pics!!!!

07-15-2002, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by FatMan
Again I don't recall this guy's name (any help?) but apparently LittleBoy (my son) did this to him!

OMG, that's Shag! AAAAGH!

:) He and I and a couple of other Palmer shooters bunked together at Splat-1 a few years back. I sadly remember that pasty physique. :D

07-15-2002, 12:00 PM
Yeah, the pasty dude is SHAG. My head is still sore from the bunkerin' he gave me. Double tapped in the head from close range, I should be ashamed :)

He got me good, though. Waited till my backguy was reloading, and then ran past me and *whap whap* nailed me on the run. At least it was a 1 for 1 as I think rpm07 nailed him for me.

And for clarification, the guy at the grill cooking wasn't from our team, he's BigZamboni's dad. Hes a really nice guy, I don't know his first name, but I'd like to thank him. At the end of the day, Riotz and Spacemanspiff hadn't been able to play all day so they jumped onto the field and the grill was left unmanned for a while. BigZamboni's dad got in there and kept the food suppy going. We appreciate it :)

Load SM5
07-15-2002, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by FatMan

Plans are in the works to do one here in Clemson, SC - its central to Atlanta, Charlotte, most of NC, some of TN, GA, SC, even North Florida.

Its about 4 hours from B'ham.


Ok, you twisted my arm, I'll be there. That makes it five hours for me. I can do that. Just give me some time to recover financially from Shatnerball. And maybe, let me stay in the camper.:D

07-15-2002, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5

Ok, you twisted my arm, I'll be there. That makes it five hours for me. I can do that. Just give me some time to recover financially from Shatnerball. And maybe, let me stay in the camper.:D

Load, we'll be looking January at the earliest. And we'll even find a place to put you up!


07-15-2002, 12:47 PM
Load: I drove over 4 hours for this one, and will have to drive 13+ for the one they set up. So quit yer whinein'!! :p :D

I too will need a place to stay. Hotel/motel I dont mind.

Load SM5
07-15-2002, 12:54 PM
Spraying Mango- I was'nt whining so bite me;)

Fatman- You guys may want to think a little later like mid Feb. Late January is Mardi Gras Open and I can't miss that. It was too much fun last year. As a matter of fact, Phil is supposed to go, too. Not saying you have to schedule it around me but some others may want to do Mardi Gras, too.

07-15-2002, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by FatMan

There were hugs all around and promises to road-trip to South Carolina when we get our AO meet going (soon - any southeast AO's who want to have an AO meet down

I'm not in the south east any more, but my wife wants to visit. You'll give us lots of advanced notice, right? I might actually be able to attend. :D

07-15-2002, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
You guys may want to think a little later like mid Feb. Late January is Mardi Gras Open and I can't miss that. It was too much fun last year. As a matter of fact, Phil is supposed to go, too. Not saying you have to schedule it around me but some others may want to do Mardi Gras, too. [/B]

I too would LOVE to attend a SouthEast AO Gathering, but I too have plans to hit the MGO.

Later ~ Dave

07-15-2002, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by FatMan

Load, we'll be looking January at the earliest. And we'll even find a place to put you up!


Christmas break cause I would have to skip school to go otherwise. Not that i would have a problem with that but my parents would :)

Kaiser Bob
07-15-2002, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
Load: I drove over 4 hours for this one, and will have to drive 13+ for the one they set up. So quit yer whinein'!! :p :D

I too will need a place to stay. Hotel/motel I dont mind.

Shatnerball, now AO meets across the country, sounds like Black Cell is going mobile! Count me in for the road trip as well :D

07-15-2002, 01:54 PM
Do not worry about any major events conflicts. Fatman was just throwing out a figure not anything specific. We will be researching the dates of things that might conflict before setting a date. Not to worry. We would not set it to conflict with anything already going on.

07-15-2002, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by FatMan
I think this is 1stDeadeye

:D That's me alright!:D

When is your Southern AO day?!?
Hey Big Z and Patron God of Pirates, you up for a road trip? If we all get a good night sleep the night before, maybe we can win it this time? Besides, I don't think "Who Cares" will be going. :D

07-15-2002, 05:25 PM
Aw man that's a bad pic of me. I gotta say though, all the guys from south carolina were probably some of the nicest people I'll ever met (an not just because I live in Jersey). I definately partook on those paintball cocktails :D

About the surprising Jersey scenery, that's north west jersey which is pretty much still penn. as I'm concerned. Everywhere else is either some kind of suburb, a soon to be suburb or city.

Oh yeah an just to brag
Woo i shot capo! :D

07-15-2002, 05:28 PM
telling you next april come up to rhode island and we can have a birthday bash(my birthday :D) ill be 16 by then :eek: and maybe ill convince my dad to let me drive his mustang gt up there:D

Perfect Tommy
07-15-2002, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by FatMan
This guy hasn't been on the boards yet, but is going to be!

That'd be me.

I've lurked in the forums off and on, but AO Day convinced me to join. I'll be dropping my $0.02 here and there.

The event was great! I was really impressed with how friendly everybody is. Well worth the short drive from NYC. Many thanks to all who put it together.

07-15-2002, 11:02 PM
Ok guys, time for one in Tennessee! I know just the place! Indoor plumbing, tourney quality speedball fields(and woods fields), AND an amusement park(gocarts, waterslides, bumper boats, putt putt, batting cages, and arcade!)! Whata ya say!? I ref there and can maybe work it out with the field owner for free field fee...:D! Come on, you know you are just dying to play with the Major!


07-15-2002, 11:10 PM
Great pics. OK lets see to get to Clemson SC its 11 hours 45 min. HMMMM thats a pain in the butt. BUT O WELL! Ill try and be their. Hopefully my mom will drive me.

Total Distance- 687.55 Miles.

07-15-2002, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by SlipknotX556
Great pics. OK lets see to get to Clemson SC its 11 hours 45 min. HMMMM thats a pain in the butt. BUT O WELL! Ill try and be their. Hopefully my mom will drive me.

Total Distance- 687.55 Miles.
401 miles for me, I doubt I'm going :(.


Load SM5
07-16-2002, 07:06 AM
Hey Major, if you can make it the 1.5 hours south to my house I'll drive us the rest of the way.

07-16-2002, 07:17 AM
I've no idea how many miles it will be for me :rolleyes: :D


Load SM5
07-16-2002, 07:22 AM
Ah, not far. Just rope some sealed-up 55 gallon drums to your car and step on it. You should be there in time.

I'd start now, though.

07-16-2002, 09:47 AM
so thats only about 10hours for me....if slipknot goes ill probably go...not sure.

07-16-2002, 10:36 AM
I'm definitely heading down for the SC meet!

Phil, the place I could stay is right outside Sanford, which Mapquest says is 5 hours from you guys. So it looks like I'd need a place to stay anyway, driving 5 hours after playing paintball all day and being all dirty doesn't seem like the best idea to me :)

07-16-2002, 11:21 AM
Got you the first spot Thordic. No problem my friend.

07-16-2002, 12:08 PM
How far is Clemson from Summerville?

07-16-2002, 12:22 PM
About 3.5 to 4 hours drive. Take I26 then I385 then down I85 a few miles and your there.

07-16-2002, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by MajorDamage

401 miles for me, I doubt I'm going :(.


Since everyone seems to be complaining about how far away they are :D I am only.....2,716 miles away... maybe I will go :p

And hey, why don't we have a west coast get together for all of the left out AO'ers?

07-16-2002, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Hey Major, if you can make it the 1.5 hours south to my house I'll drive us the rest of the way.
Groovy, thanx :). Where do you usually play? If you are just an hour and a half away we should play sometime, I drove about an hour and a half for a tourney not to long ago(that was CANCELED after we got there...), so I can prolly make it up by where ya play and we can have a mini AO Meet :).


07-16-2002, 01:10 PM
A couple more pics ... here is a pic of Steve, the field owner, and a tricked out CAR look-alike Mag.

07-16-2002, 01:10 PM
Zach the dog.

07-16-2002, 01:11 PM
The nasty blood-welt on my arm! :eek:

07-16-2002, 01:18 PM
ouch...thats gonna leave a bruise for a while....

i still got mine on my stomach from old RPS paint 2 weeks ago:(

07-16-2002, 01:45 PM
Looked like a lot of fun!! Thanks for sharing FatMan!! :)

07-16-2002, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Got you the first spot Thordic. No problem my friend.

Being at a university, there are lots of opportunities to find a spare room, couch, or spot on the floor for a sleeping bad if you are economy minded. When we get closer to an actual event we'll be sure to make sure these things are available to those who want them. Plus we can help get folks together to share hotel rooms.

I should think this should be the least worry - focusing on getting here first.


07-16-2002, 02:18 PM
One last pic - here is the "wound" two days later!


07-16-2002, 02:22 PM
woah!! :eek:

that looks painful!

07-16-2002, 02:24 PM
Holy! :eek:

I've never had anything even near that size before... maybe drinking lots of water every day helps or something...?

07-16-2002, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
woah!! :eek:

that looks painful!

Yeah, actually it STILL hurts! I've had big PB bruises before, but though they might LOOK bad, they usually don't hurt. This one HURTS!

I'm in pain!!!! :(

What I endure for my sport!

Needing sympathy and kisses (from the girls),


07-16-2002, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
About 3.5 to 4 hours drive. Take I26 then I385 then down I85 a few miles and your there.

Not too bad. Maybe when you guys get it planned I'll see if my wife wants to visit her family. :D

07-16-2002, 04:33 PM
AO meet VA or the Carolina's, I will be there,oh man I may have to buy another mag for it, I miss my mag, but my cocker is fun, are cockers allowed?


awesome pics Fatman

Load SM5
07-16-2002, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by MajorDamage

Groovy, thanx :). Where do you usually play? If you are just an hour and a half away we should play sometime, I drove about an hour and a half for a tourney not to long ago(that was CANCELED after we got there...), so I can prolly make it up by where ya play and we can have a mini AO Meet :).


I play at a field call North Alabama Paintball in Tuscumbia about 45 minutes away from my house. Let me know if you're ever in the mood for a drive and I'll see about meeting you there.

07-16-2002, 05:35 PM
Any AO event in Va or the Carolinas count me in

07-16-2002, 06:55 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Thordic
[B]I'm definitely heading down for the SC meet!

Hey Thordic,
Can we get together a group of NJ AOers and convoy down there?

By the way, how far is Clemson from Hilton Head, my aunt says a bunch of us could stay there.

07-16-2002, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Thordic
[B]I'm definitely heading down for the SC meet!

Hey Thordic,
Can we get together a group of NJ AOers and convoy down there?

By the way, how far is Clemson from Hilton Head, my aunt says a bunch of us could stay there.

About five hours drive. all the way across the state but Hilton Head is a wonderfull place to stay a bit pricey but nice beaches. Sure we can work something out though.

07-16-2002, 07:19 PM
The blonde with Liz (SHAGs girlfriend) is my wife (wifeHawk) from the Iron Maidens... Graycie is the asian girl... amazingly, there are no pics of me whoo hoo ;-)

Since I was using her old mag in the 3 man, she got to use her Bushy all day.


07-16-2002, 07:27 PM
im telling you even though we are the smallest state we dont ahve the smallest population plus the mayor of are capitol is corrupt! you guys will love it down here have some drinks play some paintball take some kickbacks :D

07-16-2002, 07:57 PM
1stdeadeye: Where abouts in South Jersey are you? I'm in Sicklerville, between Williamstown and Turnersville. We could car pool for the SC Meet if you want. :D

07-16-2002, 08:17 PM
OMG that is awesome! I missed the last Missouri meet :( but man we are going to have to have one around here like that.. damn.....!

07-16-2002, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5

I play at a field call North Alabama Paintball in Tuscumbia about 45 minutes away from my house. Let me know if you're ever in the mood for a drive and I'll see about meeting you there.
Cool, after I'm done with this tourney series(thats eating all my money, havnt played a full day of recball since like Feburary...) I'll get in touch.


07-17-2002, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
1stdeadeye: Where abouts in South Jersey are you? I'm in Sicklerville, between Williamstown and Turnersville. We could car pool for the SC Meet if you want. :D

I am 15 minutes from you! I live on the Pitman/Glassboro border. Road trip it is then!!!!
By the way since you are so close, you are welcome to join a group of my buddies this Sunday. We are playing at On Target. It is bring your own paint day.
Let me know.

07-17-2002, 08:37 AM
LOL I FINALLY got some free time to look at the pictures and read the thread (well, scanned the text)! Great job folks!

I wish I had been able to make it. You HAVE to let me know further in advance next time.. LOL I will put the saddle on the horse and ride on down!

The pictures really help put a face to the names here on AO. I knew most of them anyway but some of the newer members I didn’t. :D A great feature for AO would be if you could add a picture to your profile (I know you probably can using code, but I am talking about an easy way so every user can just upload it). Also, what would be great is if AO had a Photo Archive with great AO Days pictures like the ones posted here. It really shows paintball at its best.

Again… great job everyone, and I really enjoyed reading/viewing this thread. :D

07-17-2002, 08:46 AM
1stdeadeye: haha thats great, I go to Rowan. I would love to come sunday but I'll be at Fireball Mountain Old Bridge for the tournament. Thanks anyway though. We will definetly have to get toghether when my team and I will be practiceing. :D

Shartley: Those are some great ideas! I wonder what the mods think about them?

07-17-2002, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by niteHawk337
The blonde with Liz (SHAGs girlfriend) is my wife (wifeHawk) from the Iron Maidens... Graycie is the asian girl... amazingly, there are no pics of me whoo hoo ;-)

Since I was using her old mag in the 3 man, she got to use her Bushy all day.


Wow - OK! Thanks for the correction - I'll go back and change the captions! It appears Mango TOLD me that and I got confused AGAIN.

Graycie - why didn't you come and get some candy???


07-17-2002, 09:09 AM

Patron God of Pirates
07-17-2002, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by shartley
LThe pictures really help put a face to the names here on AO.

That is a good, and a bad thing. Can you imagine my disappointment when I discovered SprayingMango was a guy and not the half naked, wing bearing, blonde vixen I had anticipated ;)

07-17-2002, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
Shartley: Those are some great ideas! I wonder what the mods think about them?

The Mods have no control over that. That's the Webmasters job! :D

07-17-2002, 09:45 AM
If it is from Sept on I can make it, by that time my new truck will be delivered. Why is this important? Once it is here I an use it to pull my camper and wala! Instant lodging for 6 or so.

07-17-2002, 09:52 AM
Great Pics!

We should have a AO meet at the World Cup in october.

07-17-2002, 05:47 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by SprayingMango
1stdeadeye: haha thats great, I go to Rowan. I would love to come sunday but I'll be at Fireball Mountain Old Bridge for the tournament. Thanks anyway though. We will definetly have to get toghether when my team and I will be practiceing. :D

We should definitely get together. We usually play a couple times a month. We also play backyard woods rec ball in the fall off of Fish Pond Road (Over by Kennedy Hospital). Let me know when & where your next practice is, I'll try and scrape a crew to scrimmage you.:D

Wc Keep
07-17-2002, 09:40 PM
if this gets planned late enough ill be able to go and fly down.(i cant sit in a car or plane for over 7 hours)

07-17-2002, 11:06 PM
well i'd love to go, but well, i'd be 16 by then (b-day Jan. 15th *lets throw me a birthday party!:D* and not have a license, or willing parents to drive me to SC for a day of paintballing with "strangers":rolleyes: ....

so i'd love to go if i could get a ride from someone in the triangle area of NC or even some1 that's passing through raleigh or anywhere around it on their way to Clemson!

07-19-2002, 11:42 AM
Fatman (Walt) makes the cover picture! Little Walt and Caleb make the gallery! Me no make the cut! No jersey hmmmmmm....

Anyway Looks like Mel is gonna give us a hand down here with ours!!!! Look for news soon on the Clemson AO meet!!!!

Wc Keep
07-19-2002, 11:43 AM
i hope you dont have plans on making this happen anytime soon cause i have to save up $$$ to make the trip.

07-19-2002, 11:45 AM
Me no make the cut! No jersey hmmmmmm....

I guess SOMEONE didn't see the GQ pic!

07-19-2002, 11:55 AM
LOL Capo well I apreciate that!!!! I did see it.

Tenative date is Oct 26th...not official yet still got some nailing down to do.

07-19-2002, 12:04 PM
a chance to meet uncle phil and fatman in person (and tip back a couple of cold ones). I'm thinking a long weekend is in order.

07-19-2002, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
a chance to meet uncle phil and fatman in person (and tip back a couple of cold ones). I'm thinking a long weekend is in order.

You better!!!!! And you probably will have a chance to gog me too!

07-19-2002, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

You better!!!!! And you probably will have a chance to gog me too!
probably not, I'm all gear, no game

Patron God of Pirates
07-19-2002, 02:30 PM
Oct. 26, you can absolutly count me in.

Wc Keep
07-19-2002, 02:39 PM
im still ify on weither or not ill be able to make this but if hello kitty is going you can be expecting to hear what my plane flight is to pick me up.

07-19-2002, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Tenative date is Oct 26th...not official yet still got some nailing down to do.

you do realize that world cup is happening that same weekend(?)

07-20-2002, 07:09 AM
Hey Patron,
I'm there too! I am going to try and drive down with Spraying Mango. Are you going to drive or fly? Let me know. You can crash here and ride the rest of the way with us.

07-20-2002, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by graycie

you do realize that world cup is happening that same weekend(?)

NO! Amy thanks! in fact I asked someone to check and they said the week before. And I may need to be at WC myself!

lesson learned...NEVER rely on someone else! Changing to Nov 2nd or 9th... will announce soon! Anyone know it those are taken up by anything? They fit our Football away schedule nicely

Wc Keep
07-20-2002, 01:17 PM
november 7 is my birthday and its the day i become legal:D :D :D . not legal enough to drink though:( :( :( .

07-20-2002, 01:32 PM
telling you april rhode island is the place to be!

Patron God of Pirates
07-22-2002, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Hey Patron,
I'm there too! I am going to try and drive down with Spraying Mango. Are you going to drive or fly? Let me know. You can crash here and ride the rest of the way with us.

I'll be flying. Way to far to drive for me. Thanks for the offer though.

07-22-2002, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by Patron God of Pirates

I'll be flying. Way to far to drive for me.

WUSS!!!!! :)

07-22-2002, 08:57 AM
Woo i shot capo! :D

Everyone just wants to inflict pain on me :(

Fatman, how's the humongo welt doing?

07-22-2002, 09:03 AM
Fatmans in Scotland for few days. Conference.

I never wanted to shoot you! And my kid was moving up on you early in the pick ups and saw it was you and hesitated to bunker you and YOU LIT HIM up! Don't play the innocent with us! But we still love ya babe! :D

07-22-2002, 09:07 AM
Don't play the innocent with us!


Im just joking!
For some reason, people don't hesitate to bunker me in Texas then I get to New Jersey and I've got people hesitating, what gives!

07-22-2002, 09:13 AM
South Eastern Politeness and Raisin gets in the way of Paintball here.. will not make that mistake again!!!! :D

(I know you was kiddin...so right back acha!)

07-22-2002, 04:02 PM
note to self: be prepared to be lit up at the next AO meet


Wc Keep
07-22-2002, 09:20 PM
hey capo anyone who bunkers you or lights you up should be kicked out of your fan club.

07-23-2002, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
then I get to New Jersey and I've got people hesitating, what gives!

They must have been stunned by your exquisite beauty :D :p

07-23-2002, 02:13 PM
i dont think there is a part on Capos butt that Riotz hasnt just kissed...:p


07-23-2002, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Riotz

They must have been stunned by your exquisite beauty :D :p

Or maybe it was that I said I would bite the face of anyone that bunkered her....hmm... :p

Patron God of Pirates
07-23-2002, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
hey capo anyone who bunkers you or lights you up should be kicked out of your fan club.

I disagree emphatically with that statement! ;)

07-23-2002, 02:30 PM
lol too funny

by the way, I owe you one, PGOP!
Next time, my warp won't be jamming...I was just a sitting duck in that game! :p

07-23-2002, 03:52 PM
mm only 124.25 miles from here to clemson.. thats liek 2 hours.. mmmm
so um..
put me down for a maby, my moms not too parinoid, but she might need some convincing to drive me 124.25 miles to a paintball meet with people I dont even know.. :D

07-23-2002, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
lol too funny

by the way, I owe you one, PGOP!
Next time, my warp won't be jamming...I was just a sitting duck in that game! :p

I don't think your warp feed would help you when you where shooting at us and The Patron God of Pirates shot you from BEHIND!!!

Remember, there is no substitute for blinding speed. He was up the line and behind you guys so fast, that we didn't even know it.

07-23-2002, 03:57 PM
I don't think your warp feed would help you when you where shooting at us and The Patron God of Pirates shot you from BEHIND!!!

interesting, I was able to only shoot about two paintballs on the break..what exactly was I shooting at you all? The rest of the time I was shaking my gun. Besides..I saw PGOP running over and couldn't do anything about it since my gun and warp were basically down. Though, I do know that Gunga could have done something. He bunkered Bill and all I could do is wait for him to pop out and shoot me.

07-23-2002, 04:02 PM
If you only fired two shots, Gunga must really have sprayed some paint!!

We will give you a rematch at NJ AOIII.

07-23-2002, 04:08 PM
yup..well I wasn't part of that..all I did was dry fire. I have no reason to lie about it, just stating what happened. :) Rematch! :D

07-23-2002, 04:11 PM

Yea right, hehe. Probally won't even get time to play.

07-23-2002, 04:17 PM
just read that that was awful nice of you to let the guy play with you capo and gunga

07-23-2002, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
yup..well I wasn't part of that..all I did was dry fire. I have no reason to lie about it, just stating what happened. :) Rematch! :D

I believe you.

By the way, how can a warp feed jam? I just bought one because of how much I liked using Jon's. I thought it was foolproof. What should you keep an eye out for to ensure it works right?

07-23-2002, 04:38 PM
Well, gunga and bill were having problems with their warps too..might have been a bad batch of paint or something..I'm not really sure. Anyway,just make sure you have fresh batteries in it and keep the discs lubed.

Wc Keep
07-23-2002, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

interesting, I was able to only shoot about two paintballs on the break..what exactly was I shooting at you all? The rest of the time I was shaking my gun. Besides..I saw PGOP running over and couldn't do anything about it since my gun and warp were basically down. Though, I do know that Gunga could have done something. He bunkered Bill and all I could do is wait for him to pop out and shoot me.

in times of desperation begin throwing paint by hand. geez everyone wants to rematch hello kitty huh? well fyi spankdaddys fate gets them first.

07-30-2002, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

Everyone just wants to inflict pain on me :(

Fatman, how's the humongo welt doing?

Oh fine, fine. All of the purple and black and red is gone - there just a little white ring ... on top of lump the size of clam shell permanently positioned on my upper arm.

You know, the Spank Daddies threw that game because we wanted Cap to look good, but we didn't know she'd come on here shooting off her mouth! You be at the Clemson meet, and we'll show you a little southern hospitality!



07-30-2002, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Well, gunga and bill were having problems with their warps too..might have been a bad batch of paint or something..I'm not really sure. Anyway,just make sure you have fresh batteries in it and keep the discs lubed.

Funny mine jammed one time too. And I noticed that the paint became kind of sticky in the heat of the day. I managed to get mine unstuck and it preformed the rest of the day well but tried to keep the paint cool and left the bags open a bit as it was sweating some. Seemed if the marker got into the sun for long it was getting sticky in the hoppers and warps. Not as big a problem on the Hopper. But if the dwell was long on the warp it kind of compressed and stuck togther.

07-30-2002, 11:10 AM
If the paint is all goober-ish, then any feed system can jam up.

Paintballs = good.

Goobers = bad.

Except the chocolate covered ones, those are good :)

07-30-2002, 09:42 PM
Changing to Nov 2nd or 9th...

That will probably be a No-go for me. :(

Being as school will be in session, and too far for my parent's to drive me, I doubt I can make it. Of course, if anyone want's to supply plane tickets... :p

07-30-2002, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

Funny mine jammed one time too. And I noticed that the paint became kind of sticky in the heat of the day. I managed to get mine unstuck and it preformed the rest of the day well but tried to keep the paint cool and left the bags open a bit as it was sweating some. Seemed if the marker got into the sun for long it was getting sticky in the hoppers and warps. Not as big a problem on the Hopper. But if the dwell was long on the warp it kind of compressed and stuck togther.

yeah, i was at a scenario couple weekends ago, Weeken Warriors and every paint in my hopper was stuck together. i couldn't get it out. i ended up having to break some to get it out, then i had a huge paint grenade :D, when i threw it was kinda neat.